Viper's Defiant Mate (20 page)

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Authors: S. E. Smith

BOOK: Viper's Defiant Mate
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This was now his last chance at finding out where the
Heart of the Cat
might be hidden. Viper had interrupted his and his men’s search. Fortunately, one of the males with him had seen Viper pull the scroll from the cleric’s body. They needed to find it so he could give it to his contact, otherwise they were all dead.

Bragnar turned in surprise when he heard the soft voice of a woman. His eyes took in the unusual pale coloring and fragile air. This close, he could smell the scent of Viper d’Rojah on the female.

“It would appear that we now have help in getting the information that we need,” Bragnar observed with a crooked grin. “You surprise me, Prince Viper. I would have thought you would have learned from your brother’s mistake.” Bragnar nodded to the man standing beside him. “Bring her here. Let us see if we can persuade the Warrior Prince to talk.”

“No!” Viper growled, rocking in the chair he was restrained in. “Run, Tina. Hide!”

“No,” she said, looking at the man walking toward her. “I will not hide ever again.”

Bragnar’s eyes jerked back to the calm expression on the female’s face. She wasn’t watching him, but something told him that she was very aware of what he was doing. His cat, tortured by him and those he worked for, hissed and paced back and forth. His eyes widened when he saw her turn on her heel and duck under the arm of his man. When she came up, her hand was sliding across his companion’s throat.

Fear and disbelief shook him and he yelled for the third man with him to attack. Bragnar swayed when he saw the man’s blank eyes as he stood staring back at him. Vox d’Rojah stood holding the man by his throat, a laser sword piercing the man’s body.

“I can assure you they will hear you scream,” Viper said in a grim voice. “I will make sure that they do.”

Bragnar raised his clawed fist to strike a death blow to Viper, but a burst of light struck him in the chest, throwing him backwards where he fell unconscious.

Viper glanced at where his brother, Walkyr, stood shaking his head and pointing to the woman standing next to him. A low groan escaped him when he saw the leather clad figure. What was even scarier was the grin on her face.

“Hot damn,” Pearl chuckled. “This thing is a hell of a lot more fun than my shotgun!”

“Grandma!” Tina cried out in shock before turning to Vox. “Viper needs medical attention, now!”

Vox glanced back and forth between Tina as she knelt in front of his brother, Pearl, who was gushing about the portable laser cannon, and his mate, who was peeking around the wall of the kitchen grinning at him for making him bring her. Snapping a command for Tandor to beam down, Vox sliced through the restraints on Viper’s arms and legs. He glanced back at Pearl and grinned.

“You might make a good warrior yet,” he commented. “Now, get Riley back home where she belongs,” he ordered. “Viper, what the hell is this all about?”


Viper rolled over and stretched. He had returned late last night from a meeting with his father, brothers, Titan, and Banu. They had all decided that it was imperative to find the
Heart of the Cat
. Titan, Banu, and his brother, Walkyr, would take over the search for it.

“Hey, I thought you would still be sleeping,” Tina said as she stepped into the room holding a tray.

“I smelled food,” Viper commented. “I’m hungry.”

He chuckled when he saw the rosy blush that filled her cheeks. He had been hungry last night, too, and it hadn’t been for food. The last three weeks had been filled with meetings. They had gone over and over the  scroll trying to decipher what all the numbers meant. It wasn’t until Tina and Riley had come in to bring them some refreshments that they had their first break.

“It looks like account numbers,” Tina observed. “You know, like to a bank or depository. The first numbers are usually the routing number. It will tell you which bank, which location, etc. The second is the actual account number. Maybe it was placed with a company that does that. I’ve heard of things like that being passed down for generations.”

“You know, you are a genius,” Viper commented, scooting back on the bed and adjusting the pillows.

“I know,” Tina laughed as she set the tray on his lap. “I chose you.”

Viper reached out and grabbed her hand as she started to step away. With a light tug, he pulled her down next to him. His hand rose to touch her cheek.

“I know,” he murmured in a husky voice. “I love you, Tina St. Claire-d’Rojah.”

“I love you, too, Viper,” Tina whispered, turning her head so that she could press her lips against his palm.

“Does Pearl have a rule for making cubs?” Viper asked, picking up the tray and setting it on the side table.

Tina shook her head and thought for a moment. “The only one I can think of is Pearl’s Rule Number Ten. That one might work.”

“What was it again?” Viper murmured, pulling her toward him until she was kneeling in front of him on the bed.

“Are you ready for this? If the answer is ‘yes’, then go for it,” she murmured, pulling her shirt off.

Viper’s eyes darkened and a sexy, crooked smile curved his lips. “As Pearl would say, ‘Oh, hell, yes!” He growled, pulling her forward and covering her lips with his.


To Be continued: Heart of the Cat: Sarafin Warriors Book 3


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Additional Books by S. E. Smith

Paranormal and Science Fiction short stories and novellas

For the Love of Tia
(Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 4.1)

A Dragonlings’ Easter
(Dragonlings of Valdier Book 1.1)

A Dragonlings’ Haunted Halloween
(Dragonlings of Valdier Book 1.2)

A Warrior’s Heart
(Marastin Dow Warriors Book 1.1)

Rescuing Mattie
(Lords of Kassis: Book 3.1)

Science Fiction/Paranormal Novels

Cosmos’ Gateway Series

Tink’s Neverland
(Cosmo’s Gateway: Book 1)

Hannah’s Warrior
(Cosmos’ Gateway: Book 2)

Tansy’s Titan
(Cosmos’ Gateway: Book 3)

Cosmos’ Promise
(Cosmos’ Gateway: Book 4)

Curizan Warrior

Ha’ven’s Song
(Curizan Warrior: Book 1)

Dragon Lords of Valdier

Abducting Abby
(Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 1)

Capturing Cara
(Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 2)

Tracking Trisha
(Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 3)

Ambushing Ariel
(Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 4)

Cornering Carmen
(Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 5)

Paul’s Pursuit
(Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 6)

Twin Dragons (Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 7)

Lords of Kassis Series

River’s Run
(Lords of Kassis: Book 1)

Star’s Storm
(Lords of Kassis: Book 2)

Jo’s Journey
(Lords of Kassis: Book 3)

Magic, New Mexico Series

Touch of Frost
(Magic, New Mexico Book 1)

Sarafin Warriors

Choosing Riley
(Sarafin Warriors: Book 1)

Viper’s Defiant Mate
(Sarafin Warriors: Book 2)

The Alliance Series

Hunter’s Claim
(The Alliance: Book 1)

Razor’s Traitorous Heart
(The Alliance: Book 2)

Dagger’s Hope
(The Alliance: Book 3)

Zion Warriors Series

Gracie’s Touch
(Zion Warriors: Book 1)

Krac’s Firebrand
(Zion Warriors: Book 2)

Paranormal and Time Travel Novels

Spirit Pass Series

Indiana Wild
(Spirit Pass: Book 1)

Spirit Warrior
(Spirit Pass: Book 2)

Heaven Sent Series

Lily’s Cowboys
(Heaven Sent: Book 1)

Touching Rune
(Heaven Sent: Book 2)

Excerpts of S. E. Smith Books

If you would like to read more S. E. Smith stories, she recommends
Abducting Abby
, the first in her Dragon Lords of Valdier Series

Or if you prefer a Paranormal or Time Travel with a twist, you can check out
Lily’s Cowboys
Indiana Wild


About S.E. Smith

S.E. Smith is a
New York Times
#1 International Amazon
Bestselling author who has always been a romantic and a dreamer. A prolific writer, she has spent years writing, although it has usually been technical papers for college. Now, she spends her days and weekends writing and her nights dreaming up new stories. She enjoys camping and traveling when she is not out on a date with her favorite romantic guy.

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