Virgin Cowboy (3 page)

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Authors: Lacey Wolfe

BOOK: Virgin Cowboy
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Chapter 5


“What’s the matter?” Candy asked Courtney Wednesday evening.
“You don’t seem yourself.”

“I’m fine.” She wiped the bar counter down while doing her
best to pretend nothing was bothering her.

The truth was Braden hadn’t come into Long Necks at all this
week. She hadn’t seen him since Sunday night when she tried to tell him she
liked him, but failed miserably at it. Now he thought she wanted to go out with
him because she pitied him.

“Are you sure? You’ve been watching the door like a hawk
lately.” Candy leaned against the bar. “Who is he?”

“He? He who?”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m not stupid. You’re looking for
someone and they obviously aren’t coming in. Is it that sweet cowboy that
always stares at you like you’re the only woman in the room?”

“He doesn’t stare at me like that.”

“Ha!” Candy pointed at her. “Gotcha.”

Courtney sighed. “He doesn’t look at me like that.”

“He so does. It’s a shame you’ve never noticed.” Candy
grinned and turned to a man who approached the bar, requesting a beer.

She had noticed, many times. She’d always admired him, but
there was something about Braden that kept her from ever giving in to her
feelings. Almost an innocence about him.

The night was slow, but Wednesdays usually were. She’d
debated closing on this day, but hadn’t brought herself to do it yet.

“Do you have his number?” Candy asked.

“You’re not gonna drop this, are you?”


“Yes, I do.”

“Text him.”

“And say what?”

“Hi for starters.”

Like it was that easy. “If he wanted to see me, he’d be

“Give me your phone.” Candy held her hand out.


“Yes, chicken.”

Courtney groaned and pulled it from her back pocket, handing
Candy the device. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

“You’ll thank me later.” Candy typed away.

Why had she handed the phone to Candy? That was stupid.
“Don’t send anything. I changed my mind.”

Candy grinned and handed it back. “Too late.”

She glanced down at the screen to see what her co-worker had

Hey! Where have you been this week? Miss seeing you here.

“Why did you put
miss seeing you

“Because you do. You’ll thank me. I promise.”

She grunted. “You’re crazy.”

“That’s why you hired me. Jeff is in the back cooking. Go
home. He and I can close up. Go be with Anna and tuck her in tonight.”

She didn’t get many nights to tuck her daughter in, and the
idea sounded wonderful. “I’m taking you up on that offer.” She grabbed her
purse from under the bar.

“Or maybe you’d rather hang out with that sexy man,” Candy

Courtney looked up at her friend then followed her gaze.
Braden had come into Long Necks. He pulled his phone from his pocket.

Fuck. The text had to just show up.

* * * *

Braden read the text on his phone from Courtney before
glancing up and catching her gaze. Her purse was flung over her shoulder and
car keys dangled from her hand. His breath caught when she smiled then headed
his way.

Her long red hair flowed in delicate curls over her tight,
white top that firmly showed her large breasts.

He met her halfway. “Leaving?”

“It’s slow, so I was going to head out and be home to tuck
Anna in for once.”

He glanced at his watch, seeing it was only seven. “Want to
grab a bite to eat before you do that?”

Her tongue darted out, moistening her pink lips. “Uh.”

He held a hand up. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked that. Of
course you don’t.”

“I want to,” she blurted out.

His eyes widened. “You do?”

“Yes. I could go for a huge plate of nachos smothered in
cheese and ground beef.”

He grinned. “That sounds delicious.”

“Then let’s go.” She brushed past him.

Tight, dark blue jeans hugged her ass as she led him out the
door. He followed her ass all the way to the diner next door to the bar. He
scooted past her to open the door for her; his mama would smack him in the back
of the head if he wasn’t a gentleman—even though his thoughts were far from
that. He’d already undressed her several times, and at the moment, she was
sitting in front of him in a red, lace panty set with a see-through bra, her
rosy nipples hard and erect.

He slid into the booth across from her—still dressed in her

“How are you?” she asked.

“Worn out. I’m glad Nathan’s going to be here later in the
week. He and Angie will be staying here for a while to get some things settled
on the ranch. Having Dad out of commission and a brother in Georgia brought on
a lot more work for Tucker and me.”

“I bet. I’m sure your mom is going to love having Nathan in
town for a bit. It’s weird not seeing him around Long Necks.”

“Sometimes I like it.”

She raised an eyebrow. “How so?”

He shrugged as the waitress appeared to take their drink
order. They each ordered a Coke and the nachos supreme to share.

“Tell me, why do you like him gone?”

“I don’t actually like him gone.” He ran a hand through his
hair. “It’s just...I feel like a person in a way.”

She giggled. “Okay, please explain a little more.”

That must have sounded awfully odd to her. “I mean, I’m
kinda the no one in the family. My older brothers are twins then I have a
little sister.”

“Trust me, you aren’t a no one. You’re probably the sweetest
one out of the bunch.”

Sweet? No wonder he was in friend territory. “I don’t know
if that’s a good thing.”

“It is. Trust me.”

He nodded as the waitress set their drinks on the table. He
opened the straw and chugged half the soda down. “If you say so.”

He couldn’t believe he was sitting there with Courtney,
about to share a plate of nachos. Somehow he had to make himself understand
that this was nothing more than a friendship—more of one than in the past. They
had never really spoken outside of the bar. He wasn’t sure this was even a good

“Anna has been talking about you nonstop.” Courtney leaned
back as the waitress slid the nachos across the table.

“Can I get you two anything else?” she asked.

“We’re good.” Courtney grinned then turned her focus back to

“She’s a sweet little girl. I’m glad she liked the horses.”

“Liked. More like she wants one now. I have nowhere to put a

“She’s welcome anytime.”

“Don’t tell her that. She might move in.”

He grabbed a chip, trying not to let his mind go there. Too
late. He pictured Anna getting off the bus at the ranch, running to see him.
He’d get her a horse of her own and he’d teach her everything he could about
ranch life.

“I really liked her too. I don’t mind watching her

Courtney shook her head. “Oh no, you don’t have to do that.”

“I don’t mind.”

“Thanks.” She stuffed a chip in her mouth. “This is so damn
good. It was just what I needed.” She ate another chip then licked her fingers.
“You can see now why I suck at dates. I don’t have the ability to act girly and
pretend I don’t like food. I love to eat.”

He wiped his mouth with a napkin. “I like to eat too.”

“We should do this again.” Her eyes lit up when she said it.

Braden wasn’t going to think too much about what she said.
“We should.”

She ate another chip then took a deep breath. “I don’t pity
you, Braden. I would like to try this date thing with you, if you’re still

Had he heard her right? “So…you do want to go on a date?”


“With me?”

She chuckled. “Yes. Why is that so hard to believe?”

Because he’d never really dated, and she was his fantasy
girl. Crap, he really had no idea how to take a girl out.

“What do you say? Want to take me out sometime on a proper

“Uh, yeah. Dinner and a movie?”

“Sure, I guess.” She wiped her hand on a napkin. “I don’t
know much about dates.”

“Me either.”

“As handsome as you are I find that hard to believe.”

His heart raced, unable to believe she found him handsome.
“Don’t get me mixed up with my brothers.”

“Oh, please. I’m sure you had girls lining up to date you in
high school.”

He wished, but he’d never had the confidence or the
experience. “When is good for you?”

“Friday and Saturdays are out of the question. Tuesdays and
Wednesdays are the best days, but I don’t want to wait that long. I want to get
to know you better.”

Seriously, was this a dream? What a cruel dream. He would
wake up any moment and be in his bed alone, not sitting across from his dream
girl, telling him she wanted to date him. “Tomorrow?”

“Perfect.” She glanced at her watch. “I need to go so I can
surprise Anna.”

“How about I pick you up early tomorrow and make sure you’re
home in time to tuck Anna in again?”

“I like your thinking.” She pulled her wallet out and set
money on the table. “I’ll get our meal tonight. No arguing.”

“My mama would never allow me to let you pay.”

She placed a hand on her hip. “Well, your mama is gonna have
to get over it.” She leaned down and placed a kiss on his cheek, causing him to
freeze in place. “See you tomorrow.”

He didn’t know how long he sat there, not moving. Her lips
had been on his face, only inches from his mouth. Courtney had kissed him.
There was no way he could stand up, because if he did, he just might make a
fool of himself and faint. Men didn’t faint.

Tonight had not gone the way he’d planned at all. Surely
this was a dream.

Chapter 6


Braden would be pulling up at any moment, and Courtney
couldn’t get her palms to quit sweating. Anna stared out the window, waiting
for him too.

“Can I come?” she asked for the millionth time since getting
home from school.

“No, honey. You’re going to stay here with Dana.”

The babysitter set her magazine down. “Yup. I brought a
movie for us.”

“What did you bring?”

“The one about a princess and a garden.”

Anna’s eyes lit up. “You found it.”

Dana, the miracle worker babysitter, giggled. “I did.”

“I think I might be jealous.” Courtney leaned against the
side of the couch.

“I’m jealous of you. Braden Carver is a hottie.” Dana

“I’d have to agree.”

Dana was probably closer to Braden’s age then Courtney was.
She’d never really stopped to think about that fact she was roughly ten years
older than him. Did that make her a cougar?

“Did you go to school with him?”

Dana nodded. “Yup. Quiet guy, but all the girls crushed on
him with those dimples. He never dated though.”

“I wonder why.”

“He was always shy, I guess. My friend Taylor did kiss him.”

Courtney held a hand up. “I don’t need the details.”

“Sorry. I get carried away sometimes.”

“I should be home to tuck the little princess in.”


A car door shut out front. He was there. Courtney took a
deep breath, and when he knocked on the door, she let the air out. Swinging the
door open, she almost bit her tongue. Wowzers, he really cleaned up nice in a
white button-down with dark jeans. He held a black Stetson to his side.

“You look beautiful, Courtney,” he said as his gaze traveled
over her.

“Braden!” Anna bounded up, wrapping her arms around his leg.

“Hey there.” He rubbed the top of her head. “How are you?”

She released his leg. “Good. We’re going to watch a movie
about a princess and a garden.”

“Cool,” he said.

He glanced up and Courtney could see he recognized her
daughter’s babysitter. He nodded at her then looked back at Courtney. “Are you
ready to go? I made a promise to get you back here before someone’s bedtime.
Speaking of, what time is that?”

“Eight,” Anna spoke up.

“I’ll have your mama back by then. I promise.”

Courtney smiled. “Don’t make a promise you can’t keep.”

“Oh, I intend to keep it.” He winked.

She hugged Anna bye and waved to Dana then followed him out
of the small house. Dinner and a movie, she could do this, even though her
chest warmed like she was having a panic attack.
Why am I so nervous?
wasn’t like she’d never been on a date before.

Braden opened the truck door, and she climbed in. “Thanks.”

He was quiet as he closed her door then went around to his
side. He ran his hands along his thighs, and she suspected his palms were as
moist as hers. Thinking back to what Dana had said about him not dating much, she
thought this was probably harder for him than her. Together they would do this.

“What’s the plan for tonight?” she asked as he backed out of
the driveway.

“Well, I hope you don’t find it corny, but I knew we’d have
limited time. So, I...uh, packed a picnic and loaded a movie on my tablet. I
figured we’d park someone on the ranch, eat, and watch a movie in the truck

She chuckled, and regretted it when he blushed. “I think
it’s a cute idea.”

“You do?” He glanced at her.

“I do. Much better than sitting in a theater. At least we
can talk and get to know each other better.”

A grin crossed his sexy face, but he was still quiet on the
short ride to Carver Ranch. He turned down a private dirt road that was wooded
with tall pine trees. A few minutes later, he parked his truck in a clearing
where little lights of sun shone through.

“It’s pretty here.” She opened her door and climbed out.

“There are a few special places on the property.”

“How many girls have you brought here?” She cocked her head
as he pulled a comforter from the truck and placed it on the bed of the

“None, to be honest.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

He rolled the blanket out. “I haven’t dated much.”

She sauntered up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
There was something so innocent about him that excited her, but also raised a
red flag. She had no idea what to do with a sensitive man who wore his feelings
on his sleeve. Now that she was alone with Braden, something stirred inside
her. A need to find out more about him and why he was the way he was.

Maybe a sweet boy was what she needed. The complete opposite
of her father, who never let any emotion show on his face.

He froze as she moved her hand up his neck and pulled him to
her. The effect she had on him flattered her. Licking her lips, she lifted up
on her toes and placed her mouth just inches from his as she stared into his

“Courtney,” he whispered.


“What are you doing?”

“I’m going to kiss you.”

With their gazes locked on each others, he asked, “Are you
sure about this?”

“I am.”

She brought her mouth to his, needing to see if the charge
that seemed to pull between them would ignite the way she thought it would when
they kissed. It did. Something rushed through her, giving her a primal need for

She thrust herself against him, holding both sides of his
face. Braden groaned and wrapped his arms around her waist, snuggling her into

Holy fuck, if she’d know kissing him was going to be like
this—so earth-shattering, world-stopping good—she wouldn’t have resisted for so
long. She had no idea the quiet cowboy would have this much effect on her.

She pulled back, breaking the connection. Braden’s blue eyes
were dark with need.

Clearing her throat, she said, “Sorry, I just wanted to get
that out of the way. I’m sure we were both thinking about it.”

He didn’t speak, but stood as though he was frozen.

“So, uh, what did you pack to eat?”


She giggled. “What kind?”

He still gazed at her, and her spine tingled. Before she
knew it, he was on her again, shoving her against the side of the truck as his
mouth claimed hers, his tongue swooping in. She moaned and ran her fingers
through his soft hair. He gripped her waist hard. He didn’t have to worry
though, she didn’t plan on going anywhere. Kissing Braden was the only thing
she wanted to do at this moment.

Something about this man made her see the world differently.
He was kind, sexy, an awesome kisser. When it came to getting between the
sheets, she had no doubt he’d know what he was doing. If things kept up at this
pace, maybe she’d find out tonight in the back of his pickup.

Or not. As she explored his body with light touches, it
dawned on her that his hands hadn’t moved. He still gripped her waist, when she
really wanted him to touch—to run his hand under her shirt and over her belly
softly as he teased his way to her breasts.

She squeezed her thighs together as wetness seeped into her

She broke the kiss. “You okay?”

He nodded. “Really good.”

“I wasn’t sure.”


“You’re being such a gentleman, but I’m fine if you ravish
me some while we kiss.”

He swallowed hard, and she found it cute. “Maybe we should
eat now and watch the movie.” Braden moved away from her, and she immediately missed
his warmth pressed against her.

“That sounds good.” But getting naked in the back of the
truck sounded a whole lot better.

* * * *

Braden placed the empty containers back in the basket.
They’d eaten quietly, which was his fault. He couldn’t stop thinking about
kissing Courtney again. She’d taken him by complete surprise. Then he’d gotten
embarrassed when she picked up on his lack of experience. Sure, when he was
tongue-tied with her, he wanted to touch. His palms had burned with the need to
explore, but he had no idea when the right time was.

Maybe he needed to talk to his brother about it; get some
pointers. It wasn’t like he had never touched a woman’s breasts or other areas,
he just lacked experience beyond a little foreplay. It wouldn’t take Courtney
long to figure out he had a big V on his forehead. How fucking embarrassing to
have to tell a woman he’d never had sex. Especially a goddess like Courtney.
She’d probably laugh at him and dump him. There was no way she wanted to teach
him about sex.

His cheeks burned. This was a mistake taking her out. He
needed to get a few one-night stands under his belt before he even attempted
seeing the girl of his dreams.

She nudged his shoulder with hers. “You okay?”


She placed a hand on his cheek, turning him to her. “I’m
sorry if I came on strong. Maybe that kiss was a mistake, but it just felt
right. It’s not like we don’t know each other. We’ve been talking for years.
These feelings are new and they scare me. Was I wrong to kiss you?”

She thought his quietness was her fault. Guilt took over.
“No, no. I’m glad you kissed me. It was a dream come true.”

She smiled. “You act like I’m some untouchable woman.”

“You are. You have been. I’ve admired you for a long time,
but I think you know that.”

She licked her lips and caressed his cheek. “I’m sorry it
took so long for us to get here.”

He gazed into her green eyes, feeling like this was some
fantasy. He still couldn’t believe he was sitting in the back of his truck with

“I really want to kiss you again,” she said.

He wanted that to, so he leaned forward, pressing his lips
to hers. The sweet taste of the Coke she’d drank met him. Soft and sensually,
he slid his tongue inside her warm mouth. This he could get used to. The way
she melted into him. It made him imagine she’d always wanted this the way he

She tightened her fingers in his collar and pulled herself
up until she straddled him. Her breasts rested against his chest. Holy fuck was
he hard as her center ground into him. Gripping her waist, he steadied her
before he came in his pants. That would be a tell-tale sign of his innocence.

Her kiss trailed down his neck and he groaned. Images of her
taking him in her mouth entered his mind. Her red hair in his lap, his fingers
twirling it as she pleasured him.

He held her shoulders and pushed her back. “I don’t want to
get too carried away.”

“You’re right. We should stop.” She playfully tapped the tip
of his nose. “It’s been a long time since a man’s kiss turned me on so much.
You do just that, cowboy.”

“Believe me, sweetheart, you’re not the only one turned on.”

She smiled. “I like when you call me that.”

Oh, crap. Had that word slipped out again?

She ran her fingers through his hair. “Don’t be embarrassed,
and feel free to use it again.”

He could sit there all night with her. “I better get you
home. I made you a promise.”

She climbed off his lap. “That you did. I had a great time.
This was definitely one of my best dates.” She hopped out of the pickup bed. “I
expect to see you at Long Necks this weekend. Don’t be shy.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be there.” There was nowhere else he wanted
to be.

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