Authors: Lacey Wolfe
“Do you think Braden will like my picture?” Anna asked from
the backseat of Courtney’s small sedan.
“He’ll love it.” She turned down the road that led to Carver
Ranch for Anna’s lesson.
She was nervous as hell. Braden hadn’t come into the bar
last night. She’d spent all night hoping he’d show up. Disappointment flooded
her when closing time came and he wasn’t there.
“I see Rosie,” Anna said.
And Courtney saw Braden brushing the beautiful white horse.
She turned the car off, and before she even removed the keys, Anna was fleeing
from the car and running toward Braden with the picture flouncing in the air.
He grinned at her daughter as he took the picture.
Courtney shut the car door and walked their way.
“He liked it, Mommy.” Anna stood tall and proud.
“I’m going to hang it on my fridge.” He glanced at her. “How
are you?”
“Tired.” She shoved her hands in her pocket. “Last night was
“I thought about seeing if you could get out of work, but
figured since it was a Saturday night you were likely needed.”
“Oh, what was going on?”
He pet the horse’s side. “We had a movie night. Played a
movie with a projector on the side of one of the barns.”
Her daughter would’ve loved that. “That sounds fun.”
“It was. You and Anna would’ve enjoyed it.”
“What is a projector?” Anna asked.
Braden knelt down. “The best way to explain it is a little
box shines a movie up really big like at a theatre anywhere we want it.”
“You want to finish brushing Rosie? I need to ask your mom
“Sure.” Anna took the brush from him.
He stood and led Courtney away a few feet. “I hate not being
able to kiss you.”
She grinned. “I hadn’t even thought about talking to Anna
about us.”
“I hadn’t expected you too.” He cleared his throat. “I need
to know if you’re freaked out by what I told you the other night.”
Yes, no, maybe. “This isn’t the time to talk about it.”
He nodded. “When can we? I feel like I shouldn’t have told
you yet.”
She rubbed his arm. “How about I come over tomorrow morning
after Anna goes to school?”
“My morning is kinda busy. Perhaps after I finish things up
around here and get cleaned up I can come to your place. I’ll bring lunch.”
“Sounds good.”
He leaned close. “I won’t be able to hold back tomorrow. I
plan to kiss you again, sweetheart.”
Her stomach twisted in knots and the words, “And more,” slipped
from her lips.
* * * *
Braden entered his parents’ house for the usual Sunday lunch
together. The place was bustling with movement since Angie and Nathan were there.
In the kitchen, his mom and Lauren stood at the stove cooking, Angie sitting in
a chair.
“Hey!” Lauren set a wooden spoon down. “Where’s Courtney?”
“Uh. I wasn’t aware she was supposed to be here.”
His mom raised an eyebrow toward Lauren. “Yes, why would
Lauren turned quickly, grabbing the spoon. “No reason.”
His mother crossed her arms. “Did I miss something?”
Braden groaned, wishing that people in this family could
keep their mouths shut. “We’re seeing each other.”
“Who?” his mom asked.
“Courtney and me.”
She shook her head as she grabbed potholders. “I don’t like
“Why?” Angie asked with a worried expression.
“She’s not right for him.” His mom’s tone was cold.
“Do you not like her?” Angie pried more.
Braden couldn’t believe his mom wasn’t happy for him. She’d
been so pleased with both Nathan and Tucker’s girlfriends—now wives—why not
“I don’t know her, so I can’t say I don’t like her. I just
think he could do better.”
He crossed his arms. “What’s wrong with her, Mom? She’s a
nice girl. Do you have an issue with her having a child?”
“What? No.” She pulled a roasted chicken from the oven.
“She’s older than you. And it’s not her having a child that I have an issue
with, but she’s busy. Owning a bar and being a single mom won’t leave her much
time. You deserve someone who has plenty of time for you.”
“Age is just a number.” He leaned against the doorframe.
“Maybe you should get to know her.”
“Maybe.” She didn’t make eye contact with him, instead
focused on preparing dinner.
“I’m gonna go find Tucker and Nathan.” He left the kitchen
in search of his brothers.
What he really wanted to do was punch something…anything, he
didn’t care. It pissed him off that he’d found someone he really liked and his
own mother wasn’t willing to give her a shot. Just another reason to make him feel
alienated from this family.
Hopefully, he could get this meal over with without anyone
bringing up his relationship. He wasn’t sure he could bite his tongue if his
mother had anything else negative to say.
* * * *
Courtney opened the front door and grinned at Braden. A
clean, soapy smell met her senses. “Hey. Come on in.”
He stepped inside, removed the white Stetson, and placed it
on her foyer table. She liked the hat there; it fit.
“Smells good in here,” he said.
“Thanks, I think. I’ve been doing laundry and a bit of
cleaning all morning.” She turned and led him into her living room. “Can I get
you something?”
“Just you.” He stepped close behind her, bringing her back
around to face him. “I plan to do exactly what I said.”
“What was that?”
“Let me jog your memory.”
His lips met hers, but she didn’t need her memory jogged.
She remembered what he’d said. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled
herself into him. Her knees weakened, but he gripped her waist tightly as his
tongue darted into her mouth, deepening the kiss.
Fuck, she wanted him bad. The idea of him naked and sweaty
caused her panties to get wet. She’d explore every inch of his body. Follow
each line from top to bottom, taking extra time below the belt.
She pulled back, breaking the kiss. She needed to slow this
down before she offered herself up to him on a platter.
“Let’s sit.” Taking his hand, she brought him down to the
couch with her.
“You’re beautiful.”
Her cheeks warmed. “You’re a smooth talker.”
“Not me.” He snickered. “I speak the truth.”
She took a deep breath. “I have to ask, how the hell are you
still a virgin? Just your kiss makes me want to lose my panties.”
“I don’t know, honestly. It was one of those things, I
didn’t want to dick around like my brothers. Then as I got older, I realized
how special sex was, and that I wanted my first time to be with someone who
meant something to me.”
She licked her lips. “Am I the one?”
He chuckled and rubbed her cheek. “Sweetheart, I’m not
putting that kinda pressure on you. But if I had to be honest, I’d love to have
sex with you.”
She shivered, starting to like the idea. She’d be the one to
show him what it felt like to sink into a woman’s warm entrance. She’d get to
see his face the first time he climaxed inside a woman. God, she was so horny.
“I’d like to have sex with you too. Maybe we should start with other stuff
first though.” She cleared her throat. “You have done other stuff, right?”
“I’m not a prude.” He placed a hand around her neck and
pulled her to him. “But let’s go slow.”
A lump formed in her throat as nerves took over. It felt
like the earth stopped turning as Braden’s lips sought hers out. All sounds
disappeared except for the sound of her nervous beating heart.
She caressed his chest as his tongue met hers. She could do
just this for hours—well, maybe not just kiss. Her lower region was already
heated with the desire for much more of this. Perhaps a little over-the-clothes
grinding was in order.
She felt so wanton around Braden, knowing she had more
experience than him. She needed to stop thinking about that, because that
didn’t change who he was. An amazing man who was interested in her and
genuinely cared about her daughter.
Her breath caught when his hand moved under her shirt.
Slowly, he caressed his way up until he cupped her breasts. She sucked on his
bottom lip and opened her eyes to stare into his. He gazed back at her with
dark eyes as his calloused finger twirled around her erect nipple.
She sighed and kissed him again. After a few moments of
basking in the pleasure, she pulled him until they lay back on the couch, him
on top of her. She ground into his erection, and he grunted in response. She
yanked his shirt up and wasted no time searching out his hard cock through his
Holy fuck! Braden had a package. He was long, hard, and
thick…and that was only through his jeans. She couldn’t wait to see his dick
free for her taking.
His lips trailed down her neck, leaving little nibbles as he
climbed down her body. She expected him to stop at her breasts, but he kept going
south until he undid her pants and removed them with her panties.
“Beautiful, sweetheart.” He pushed her thighs open wide. As
he pressed his finger into her opening, he stared at her. “Is that good?”
“Do you want me to replace it with my tongue?”
Her cheeks warmed. Who would’ve thought quiet Braden had the
ability to talk during intimacy?
Oh God, she had to speak. She’d never talked dirty in her
life with a man during sex. “Lick me.”
He leaned down and ran his tongue along her upper thigh and
whispered, “There?”
He licked her stomach with a smirk on his sexy face.
“Lick my…” She trailed off, trying to find the courage.
Finally, she took a deep breath. If he could admit he was a virgin, surely she
could say a few dirty words. “My pussy.”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
He rewarded her with his warm mouth covering her pussy and
sucking. Braden wasn’t as shy. He licked and swirled his tongue around her clit
while fingering her. Arching her back, she tried to hold off the impending
orgasm. But fuck, her nerves were on edge as he toyed with her. Cool air met
her center before he curled his finger, finding the spot that many believed
didn’t exist.
She clawed the couch and cried out. Her legs tightened
around his head as her body tensed from pleasure before her thighs fell back
open and she breathed heavily. Braden kissed his way back up her and brushed
her hair from her face.
“You taste of honey.”
“You’ve got a magic tongue. Is it my turn to show you what I
can do?”
“Nah, I can wait.” He pulled her up and cuddled her into his
side. “I just want to sit here and hold you for a little while.”
She reached across his chest and closed her eyes.
“I keep worrying I’m going to wake up and this is all a
“Why?” She ran her hand along his stomach.
“I just never expected it.”
Quietly, she said, “Me either.”
“How long until you have to be at work?”
She sighed. “Don’t remind me.”
He chuckled. “How about I help you close again tonight? I
hate the idea of you and the other two girls having to get to your cars in the
She sat straight and smiled at him. “Our knight in shining
“Anything but.”
“We’re fine, but I won’t object if you want to come up.”
He kissed her lips. “Good.”
She reached toward the floor and grabbed her pants. “How
about I make us something to eat? Do you have time?”
“Yup. Only plans I have today is dinner with my brothers.”
She stood and pulled her clothing on. “Must be great having
Nathan back for a few days.”
“I guess.”
She plopped back down. “You’re the least energetic Carver I
know. They are always so happy, Melissa included. Yet you aren’t. Were you
“I sometimes wonder, but I look so much like them.”
“You’re much hotter.”
“It’s only because I’m younger.”
She ran a hand through his hair. “Wait here. I’ll be back
with a sandwich and chips.”
As she entered the small kitchen, he said, “Don’t worry, I’m
not going anywhere.”
That she believed. Braden had always been there, only now
he’d swooped in and captured her heart.
Braden entered the small diner where he was meeting his
brothers for dinner. He was surprised they’d invited him to be a part of their
meal. Nathan and Tucker usually forgot about him when they went to do things.
He tried not to let it bother him, after all, they had some kind of special
twin bond.
Nathan raised his hand, and Braden went to the booth and
scooted in next to Tucker.
“What’s up?” Tucker asked.
“Not much.”
“Where’d you disappear off to today?” Nathan asked as he
opened the menu.
Sometimes it felt like his older brothers thought they were his
parents. “I went to Courtney’s for a little bit.”
Tucker patted his shoulder. “It’s still weird seeing you two
He shrugged. “Get used to it.”
“I’m happy for you.” Nathan closed the menu.
“Thanks.” Braden leaned back in his seat and glanced at
Tucker. “I meant to congratulate you. I was kinda grumpy when you and Lauren
announced your news.”
“Don’t worry about it. She told me later on about your
conversation with Mom.”
He didn’t want to be reminded of that. “Ticks me off. Why
would she not like Courtney? Has she said anything to either of you?”
Nathan shook his head. “Nah. Nothing.”
“She mentioned she thought you were getting in over your
head and she worried you’d be broken-hearted,” Tucker said.
“It’s my heart,” Braden grumbled.
The waitress appeared at the table. “Sorry it took me so
long to get over here, boys. It’s just me tonight. What can I get you?”
They each ordered their drinks and meals.
“You should bring Courtney around Mom. Let them meet,”
Nathan suggested.
He shrugged. It was worth a shot. If they got to know one
another, maybe his mom would see that she was a good woman. “I just don’t get
it. She accepted Lauren and Angie right away. Hell, we didn’t know if either of
them were gonna stick around Deer Crossing. Courtney isn’t going anywhere.”
The waitress returned, sliding their drinks on the table and
dropping the straws before rushing to her next table.
“You’re her baby boy. She wants what’s best for you.” Nathan
sipped his coke.
Baby boy…ha. He’d never felt bonded toward his mom enough
that she’d have a special interest in him. “Anyway—”
“I do want to say, as your oldest brother, that I don’t want
you to just hop in the sack with her. You know, take things slow,” Tucker said.
Braden spun in his seat and looked at his brother. Was he
serious? The man who dipped his stick all over town before finally settling
down. “Dude, don’t start. I wish no one knew I was a fucking virgin.”
“I think it’s cool,” Nathan added.
His family knew exactly how to put him in a foul mood. He should
be over the moon after his time with Courtney. Pride filled him, knowing he’d
made her come with his mouth. She’d quivered under his touch and yearned for
him. He’d almost let loose himself the way she moaned.
“Let’s just change the subject. How’s life in Georgia?”
Braden tore open the straw wrapper.
“It’s good, but man do I miss this place.” Nathan rubbed his
temple. “Living in Atlanta, it’s such a hustle and bustle kinda life. I miss
the ease we have here.”
“Is Angie’s family doing better?” Tucker asked.
“Her mom is clean, for now. News of the baby made her want
to shape up. And her sister Sheila is engaged, and she’s gone back to school
The server set their meals on the table. “Can I get you
anything else?”
They looked at their plates and shook their heads. “We’ll
let you know if we need anything,” Nathan said as he picked up a fry. “Anyway,
I don’t think Angie will be ready to come back here for a bit. She thinks
having the baby around them will be a good thing.”
“Probably will.” Braden squirted ketchup on his burger.
“Though we could use you around the ranch with Dad’s back out.”
“Don’t worry. I feel the pressure.”
“Don’t.” Tucker lifted his soda. “Braden and I got this. You
enjoy your new wife and baby. I know you’ll be back one day.”
Braden took a big bite of his juicy burger. It hit the spot.
As he wiped the juice from his lips, he began to feel better. Sometimes he got
too defensive and let things bother him too much. His mom was either going to
like Courtney or not, but that wasn’t going to affect his relationship with
her. Nathan had moved across the country for the woman he loved. Maybe that had
been easier since his mom liked her and supported it. He could only imagine
what she’d say if he moved away for Courtney.
* * * *
Courtney smiled as Braden wrapped his arms around her waist
and whispered in her ear, “We’re all alone.”
She spun to face him and laced her hands around his neck.
“That we are. It’s just us in this dirty bar.”
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”
She raked her fingers through his soft hair as she lifted on
her toes and kissed him. Sweet and sensual as his tongue slipped inside,
mingling with hers. Her insides twisted, and like usual, this kiss wasn’t
enough. She desired so much more from Braden. It was scary.
He cupped her ass, bringing her firmly against his erection.
That was for her. She couldn’t wait until they took this relationship to the
next level, but liked that they were waiting. She’d skipped this whole phase
with Anna’s father. If she’d gotten to know him, she might have known he’d
never be a father and wasn’t worth the sex.
She stepped back, but still held him. “We need to stop or I
won’t get my duties done tonight.”
“This mess isn’t going anywhere.”
“No, and you sent my help home just so you could have me
alone, which means you need to get sweeping.”
He chuckled. “All right. Let’s get this place spick-and-span
so we can get back to the good stuff.”
That definitely motivated her. They busied themselves
cleaning up Long Necks. She tackled behind the counter, and he cleaned the area
where everyone hung out. He mumbled several times about the mess. Peanuts were scattered
on the floor and beer bottles had been left all over. She had to agree, not
able to understand why folks just couldn’t place the bottles in the garbage
It took them about thirty minutes, but in that time, she caught
him staring at her several times, which gave her butterflies. The man had no
idea how sexy he was with his blue jeans and t-shirt. Tonight, he wore a ball
cap instead of his usual cowboy hat. The cap looked good on him; she’d have to
ask him to wear it once they were finally intimate.
“So.” Braden set the mop against the wall. “On your day off
this week, I’d like you and Anna to come over for dinner.”
“Sure.” Sounded like a good idea to her. It wouldn’t be long
before she’d tell Anna about her and Braden.
“There is a catch.”
She didn’t like the sound of his tone. “Okay...what is it?”
“I’m going to invite my parents.”
Parents? Were they even at that point yet? “Why?”
He rubbed his forehead. “My family is a big part of my life,
and I want my mom to see you’re good for me.”
“Does she not like me?” Gail Carver was friendly with
everyone. Courtney couldn’t believe there was a chance the woman disliked her.
“It’s not that…”
She crossed her arms. “Then what is it?”
He groaned. “I don’t know how to explain it. She just isn’t
sure you really like me.”
“I’m not sure I’m ready to be at the ‘meet the parents’
“Please.” His gaze pleaded. “I’m not trying to push things,
but if she can just see you’re wonderful and do like me, then she’ll get off my
It was hard for her to believe that Mrs. Carver had been
giving Braden a hard time about her.
What could she not like about me?
She looked at Braden. This was important to him, so it was for her too. “Okay.
But remember, I haven’t told Anna we’re seeing each other. I want to make sure
we’re serious first.”
“I understand.”
“So make sure your mom understands that.”
He took her in his arms. “She will be respectful. It’s just
dinner among friends.”
“So, can you cook?”
He smirked. “I’m excellent at ordering take-out.”
She laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. This
was already serious, even if she tried to pretend it wasn’t. Now that she’d
taken the steps to being with Braden, she couldn’t see herself with anyone