Voices From S-21: Terror and History in Pol Pot's Secret Prison (41 page)

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Authors: David P. Chandler

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Political, #Political Science, #Human Rights

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  1. See also Lane Gerber, “We Must Hear Each Other’s Cry: Lessons from Pol Pot Survivors,” in Strozier and Flynn, eds.,
    Genocide, War, and Human Survival,
    1. Milgram,
      Obedience to Authority,
      134, cited in Darley, “Social Organization,” 207. Darley argues here and in “Constructive and Destructive Obedience” that what Milgram assumed was a sudden shift or acquiescence more frequently takes the form of a slow acculturation or toughening of the sort described by Sereny, Browning, and Hinton. We are quite far here from Elias Canetti’s romantic notion of the “sting of command” as an instigation for dis-obedience and (commendable) rebellion. Darley notes that “within organizations that members perceive as legitimate, the forces leading to obedience are multiple, mutually enforcing, and very strong” (“Social Organization,” 208). Darley suggests that people like those in Lt. Calley’s platoon at My Lai in the Vietnam war are socialized into committing evil deeds, a finding echoed in Solis,
      Son Thang,
      which deals with a smaller-scale massacre of civilians by U.S. Marines in north-central Vietnam in 1969.
    2. Staub, “The Psychology of Perpetrators and Bystanders,” 66 n. Goldfield, Mollica et al., “The Physical and Psychological Sequelae of Torture.”
    3. Todorov,
      Facing the Extreme,




The book has been based largely on the archive of S-21 in Phnom Penh, microfilmed by Cornell University and the Cambodian Ministry of Culture in 1992 and1993. Materials from S-21 that have come to light since the microfilming was completed have also been consulted, as have materials that originated in S-21 but were held elsewhere and were not available for microfilming. The newly collected materials and a set of the fi are now held in the Documentation Center–Cambodia (DC–Cam) in Phnom Penh, a facility affiliated with the Cambodia Genocide Program administered by Yale University.




François Bizot, Pierre Brocheux, Chey Saphon (2), Chey Sophea, Chey Sopheara, Chim Heng, David Hawk, Him Huy, Ith Sarin, Keuky Lim, Kham Kuon, Khieu Samon, Kok Sros, Kun Khea, Lach Vorleak Kaliyan, Leang Kon, Henri Locard, Mouth Sophea, Neak-ek Bunan (3), Nhem En (2), Nou Beng, Pen An, Rath Leng, Rithi Phan, Seng Kan, Seng Korn, Sieng Hay Nang, Sieu Chheng Y, Sok Pirun, Sua Samorn, Suong Soriya, Vann Nath.




Richard Arant’s interviews with Lay Samon, Mao Phouk, and Yi Yaun David Ashley’s interview with Vann Nath
Youk Chhang’s interviews with Him Huy, Ke Kep, and Ngem Sokhan Sara Colm’s interviews with B.G., Mai Lam, and Vann Nath
David Hawk’s interviews with Ung Pech, Steve Heder, and Vann Nath Steve Heder’s interviews with Ieng Sary, Mey Mann, and Ung Pech Alexander Hinton’s interviews with Khieu Lohr and Vann Nath
Ben Kiernan’s interviews with Hum Huy, Uch Ben, and Vann Nath Peter Maguire’s interviews with Him Huy and Gerhard Schuemann
Peter Maguire and Doug Niven’s interviews with Nhem En and Vann Nath Peter Maguire and Chris Riley’s interviews with Chey Sopheara, Vann Nath,
Mai Lam, and Ten Chan
Douglas Niven’s interviews with Ho van Tay, Kok Sros, and Nhem En Nate Thayer’s interviews with Pol Pot and Kang Kech Ieu (Duch) Lionel Vairon’s interview with Pha Thachan


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