Vow of Silence (21 page)

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Authors: Roxy Harte

BOOK: Vow of Silence
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Chapter Nineteen



George leads me to a small room with many monitors, which
proves just how unprivate his home really is. It seems every square inch is
viewable from the console. Why am I not surprised?

“Sit, make yourself comfortable.”

His request seems ridiculous considering what is planned,
but I sit and am immediately drawn to watching the screen that is focused on
Gigi’s bedroom. She is sitting cross-legged in the middle of the bed reading a
magazine. George moves to stand behind me and starts rubbing my shoulders. Does
he really think a massage is going to help me relax? My muscles are drawn as
tightly as one of my sculptures.

He leans down to whisper in my ear, “Are you certain about
this, Lin?”

“Quite certain.”

“I won’t force her.”

I turn my face to look at him, putting us nose to nose. “Do
you really think Gigi is going to refuse?” I don’t mean to sound angry or
bitchy, but I do.

Standing, he looks down at his feet, appearing embarrassed
when he admits, “Probably not.”

He leaves me alone, closing the door softly behind him, and suddenly
I’m not certain. I expected a kiss before he left, even if it was just a peck
on the cheek, and I’m disappointed he didn’t. As tears well up, I fight the
urge to leave. I didn’t sign on
for this

It hardly matters that I asked for him to orchestrate a
scene between him and Gigi so I could watch.

A knock on a door startles me and I realize the sound is
coming from the speakers not the hallway. My gaze quickly goes to the monitor,
and I see Gigi rise and go to the door.


I am not very familiar with the lifestyle, but I am not
stupid. She sounds sarcastic, contemptuous even, every time she addresses
George so. She makes me mad. More so than disrespecting George could. Still, I
am shocked when he slaps her across the face so hard that she drops to her

I hide my gasp behind my hands, torn about what I should do
as George yells at her.

“Is this what you want, Gigi? My anger? Pain?”

“Yes, Master!”

She is still on her knees, her hand against her cheek, but
the look she gives him isn’t one of fear. It’s filled with hope. I don’t
understand, but I know that expression. It is the only thing that keeps me in
my chair, staring at the monitor, instead of leaving immediately.

“Bad behavior isn’t going to gain you anything, Gigi.”

She crawls toward him, the hope reflected in her eyes
quickly turning to desperation. A tear slides down her cheek. “Tell me what to
do then!”

George crosses his arms. He looks angry, irritated. Is this
an act? Or is he really as frustrated as he appears?

Gigi fawns at his legs. “Master! I’ve waited so long to call
you that.”

“Disrespect fills your voice every time you address me.”

Gigi drops her cheek to rest on top of his shoe. “How else
am I to get your attention? I’ve daydreamed about being yours, but you ignore

“You can only be
by obeying me completely.”

George looks directly into the camera and I feel as though
he is commanding me, not her.

“You have yet to earn the right to be mine.”

I swallow hard. He is still looking at the camera.

“Are you ready to call me Master?”

Can I?

I am glad when he finally shifts his focus back to Gigi. He
pulls her to her feet by her hair and crushes his mouth to hers but she jerks
away, beseeching, “No kissing, Master. Please. I need your punishment. I
deserve your punishment. You know it’s true.”

“I’m not going to beat you, Gigi. No whips or chains or
birch. Not until you learn to service your Master properly.”

“Anything, Master.”

Oh God. Here it comes. This is what I wanted, right?

What if I can’t watch?

They stare at each other a long moment, and for a second I
don’t think George will tell her to give him a blowjob as we discussed, but
then he pushes her back to her knees. He unbuckles his belt and opens his slacks.

He wouldn’t have to give the command. It’s obvious what he

When he exposes his cock it is only half hard, and that
surprises me. I’ve seen other men who needed encouragement to become fully
erect, but I’ve never seen George with less than a fully raging hard-on. “Suck
me, bitch.”

Gigi opens her mouth and leads his cock between her lips.

I’m not as offended as I thought I’d be, perhaps because
George isn’t acting the way I thought he would. He isn’t looking at her. He
looks straight into the camera.

Chapter Twenty



The next day, Lin serves freshly prepared spring rolls and a
traditional lunch of rice, noodles and both pork and chicken dishes with
vegetables. I expect she has spent many hours in the kitchen.

“This is a beautiful meal, sweetheart. Thank you for putting
so much care and love into your creations.”

Lin blushes at the praise.

Gigi surprises me by offering Lin gratitude as well.

We eat, then spend another hour in quite civilized
conversation poolside, enjoying each other and the dappled sunlight, the trees’
canopy above the perfect screen against the bright midday heat. Eventually, the
banter turns more intimate and reveals the true nature of why we have gathered.

“So, have I passed the test?” Gigi demands, her voice laced
with a very forced good humor.

“Test?” Lin asks cautiously.

“Master explained that you are his primary partner and that
you make the final decision regarding whether or not he entertains new lovers.”

Lin smiles sweetly. “George and I will discuss how we both
feel about when and how any future meetings will transpire. He will let you
know my decision in a few days time.” Lin stands, and it becomes very clear to
both Gigi and me that Gigi is expected to leave the garden now.

I don’t interfere.

Within an hour, Gigi announces her apartment has come
available early and departs. I can’t say that I’m not relieved. The worry that
Gigi would reveal we have had dungeon sessions while Lin was away has been a
constant strain on my mind. Of course if push came to shove, I would stand on
the truth as my defense. Lin left without even a goodbye. As far as I knew our
relationship had ended. But now I don’t have to worry about any of that.

* * * * *

Three days later we are all together again. This time in a
hotel, one of those suites that has both a living area and a bedroom area.

Lin and I arrived several hours ago. I wanted her to feel
safe and properly doted upon before Gigi’s arrival. We made love several times
and I was enjoying just holding her when Gigi arrived.

I feel almost unwilling to leave the bed.

“Let her in, George, please…before I change my mind. I am
going to shower.”

I let Gigi in. What else would I do? I’m the one who wanted
this, and I don’t understand my disinclination.

Gigi is the image of posh couture. I imagine she hoped to
intimidate Lin. “Make yourself comfortable. Lin is in the shower.”

She looks at me uneasily.


“Why do I feel like this is a mistake?”

“Maybe it goes back to the fact that we’ve had a long,
unusual relationship. Stay or go, the choice is yours.”

I leave Gigi to rejoin Lin in the bedroom, my own
desperation eating me alive. Lin is just exiting the bathroom and is wrapped in
a towel.

“You can say no if you want to. I guess I was thinking—” I
can’t finish the sentence. I lean closer, nuzzling her neck, smelling the
jasmine soap she bathed with and under it all the warm, feminine scent that is
hers alone.

“You want me to be the woman in the middle?” Lin guessed.

“Do you think you will be okay with that?”

She nods, but I look at her skeptically. “I’ve never been in
a threesome, George. I don’t know how I’m going to feel once things get
started, but right now I am mentally prepared to do this. I want to be a part
of your life. Even the parts that distress me a little. And I’d rather be the
girl in the middle than the girl excluded completely.”

I can accept that answer.

We leave the bedroom together and find Gigi sitting on the
sofa, naked and looking completely in charge of the situation. She swirls an
amber liquor in one of the hotel’s glasses. I’m glad she found the liquor
cabinet. I think we could all use a drink.

Gigi commands in a harsh rasp, “Drop the towel. Now is not
the time for modesty.”

Interesting. I never imagined Gigi might try to top Lin.
Before I can tell Lin she doesn’t have to obey Gigi, she drops the towel and
lifts her chin haughtily. She doesn’t seem nervous at all. I’m nervous and I’m
the professional in this room. What does that say about me?

think this through?” I ask.

What’s to think about?
Gigi signs.

“Don’t do that,” Lin says. “Don’t talk with your hands. I
don’t understand sign language, and I don’t like not understanding what you’re

“She feels like everything has already been discussed,” I

Gigi stands. She is still holding her glass and swirls the
liquid. She crosses the room to stand in front of Lin and me. “I don’t like to
use my voice. It’s gross and disgusting.”

Lin touches the scar on Gigi’s neck. “I think your voice is

Gigi starts to deny but Lin silences her with two fingers
against her lips.

“I enjoyed watching you give George a blowjob.”

Gigi jerks, unaware Lin saw. Perhaps I should have told her
Lin was watching the whole thing. But if I had would she have gone through with
it? I never believed there would be an occasion for the truth to come out, and
I needed to know for certain Lin could deal with my poly behavior.

Lin titters, obviously enjoying Gigi’s surprised expression.
This is a side of Lin I never expected. “He
my boyfriend. We share

Do we? The thought makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I
smile, enjoying the proud, confusing moment for what it is. Lin and I are
beginning something here, a new level to our relationship.

“Did you think you were having a secret affair?” Lin asks

Gigi is obviously speechless. She looks the most vulnerable
she has since leaving the hospital. I almost feel sorry for her. Looking from
woman to woman, I realize Lin is topping both of us right now. Perhaps she has
been for some time and I didn’t see it. I’m not completely certain I like this
particular dynamic, but we can work with this.

I finally feel like I have a partner.

When Lin kisses Gigi full on the mouth, I’m not sure who is
more surprised, but after Gigi’s eyes widen momentarily they drift closed, and
seeing them kiss is more like the reuniting of two lovers long apart than the
strangers I know them to be. It is a slow, sensual kiss, mostly lips, some
tongue. Lin’s hand goes to Gigi’s breast and she circles the nipple with her

Gigi jerks away, catching Lin’s hand. “Don’t. I don’t like
anything soft. Don’t try to turn me on. Understand?”

Lin smiles sweetly and nods.

It seems reluctant when Gigi releases Lin’s wrist.

It is strange watching them in this environment, and I don’t
understand how just being in a hotel room can make me feel so alien, so
outsider-looking-in, when if we were at my house or at the club I would be
completely comfortable and in my element. I sit on the edge of the bed and wait
to see how this plays out.

Lin’s hand goes back to Gigi’s nipple but this time she
doesn’t circle it gently. She pinches it hard, hard enough for the tip to
change from pink to white and make Gigi gasp.


“Yes-s-s.” Her teeth are tightly gritted together.

Lin’s free hand moves to between Gigi’s legs and dips out of
sight. I imagine her sliding a finger deep. “You’re not very wet.”

“You haven’t given me anything to get excited about.”

Lin withdraws her hand, releases her nipple and drops a kiss
on her cheek. “Then you might as well watch me give George a blowjob. Maybe you
can learn a thing or two.” Lin leaves Gigi standing in the middle of the room.
She doesn’t kneel before me immediately. Instead she asks, “Would you like
that, Master?”

My lips twitch a little. I’ve daydreamed about
the moment she would willingly call me Master and now that she has, it was only
to antagonize Gigi.

I reach for her and grip her upper arms, squeezing a little
tighter than I probably need to—just to make the point that she needs to cool
it, because this was supposed to be an enjoyable experience for all of us. I
position her where I want her. “Kneel now.”

She drops to her knees and starts to unfasten my pants.
Meeting Gigi’s gaze, I command her too to kneel, realizing my error when she
does so. She can’t actually see any of the action now.

“Crawl closer, Gigi.”

Lin has opened my pants, pushed aside my boxers and
withdrawn my cock. I am hard and springy, wired tight. I like having two naked
girls in the room, and believe that having these two particular women in the
room seems especially sweet because of the high tension between them.

Gigi keeps crawling and I don’t stop her until she reaches
the edge of the bed and is directly beside Lin, her eyes even with my cock.

To Lin I say, “You may proceed.”

Leaning in between my spread legs, she opens her mouth and
takes my length completely in. I moan softly, I can’t help it. Her mouth feels
too good.

I wrap my hands in her hair, holding on to her, not to
control her, only to feel as much of her as I can. My other hand I put on top
of Gigi’s head and position her nearer to my cock and Lin’s mouth.

Yes, that feels right. I start to feel more myself, the
Dominant in the room.

“That’s nice. Exactly like that. You know how to make me
feel good, baby.”

I watch the expressions of the two women at my feet—Lin, a
look of absolute serenity on her face. She is masterful at the art of sucking
cock, and her pride in doing the job well is reflected in her eyes. Gigi is
focused on the action to the point of scowling. It is a bitter pill to swallow
when forced to watch someone doing something you’d prefer to be doing yourself
and knowing she’s doing a better job to boot.

Lin swallows me deeper, not gagging, just taking me, and it
feels like she is sucking the essence of me through my length. It draws on my
balls, almost painfully. I can feel my body responding too quickly. “Easy,

She half smiles around my base, knowing I am close.

I pull her hair, not jerking her off, just pressure enough
to give me some ease. “Don’t stop. Just push your ass in the air.”

She does and she makes what would be an awkward
repositioning look easy. If I didn’t know the truth, I would think she was a
well-trained slave.


She turns her head to meet my gaze.

“Position yourself behind Lin. Lick her pussy and make sure
she enjoys the attention.”

Lin’s eyes fly open, and the look she gives me tells me she
was unaware the fire she was playing with. I like the surprise on her face—the

Gigi looks no more pleased, but does as she is told and
kneels behind Lin.

Watching Lin’s face, I know the exact moment Gigi’s tongue
makes contact. She closes her eyes and catches the moan that surfaces in her

“That’s it, lick her slit.”

Gigi works hard for it and it is distracting enough to kick
Lin off her game. Lin struggles to maintain rhythm. Gigi adds her fingers,
licking and thrusting, and her body shows relief when Lin moans loudly around
my cock.

I rub Lin’s hair. “Do you like that, baby?”

Her face contorts. She doesn’t want to admit that she’s
enjoying it at all, but her body rebels.

“Tell Gigi that you like the way she licks your slit.”

Lin starts to pull away from my cock, but I hold her face in
place. “Tell Gigi with my cock still stuffed in your mouth.”

“I wike la way ee-ou wick my swit.” Her face contorts with
each word she tries so hard to be understandable and her ass bobs with the
rhythm of Gigi’s tongue and fingers. A slick sucking sound comes from her pussy
as Gigi uses her well.

“Very nice, Lin. Thank you for being so obedient. I want you
to make me come now, but make sure I don’t come before you do.” I know it will
be a hard command. She doesn’t want to come for Gigi—because of Gigi’s
efforts—but she won’t refuse me. “Suck her clit, Gigi.”

I can tell Gigi has obeyed me when Lin starts bucking and
crying out. She isn’t coming yet but she is close, and she puts extra effort
into bringing me. She really didn’t have to try so hard. “I’m there, Lin. Come

She comes. Hard. Opening her mouth with every gasp and
scream. My own ejaculate bursts forth, some filling her mouth but most hitting
her nose and lips.

Gigi bursts to her feet, glad, I think, to be done with the
business of sucking Lin off.

“I didn’t give you permission to move.”

Gigi drops to her knees and folds forward. “I’m sorry,

She is the picture of perfect submissive obeisance. Except I
don’t believe she offers true, heartfelt submission. Standing, I adjust my
clothing and tell both women, “Stay. Don’t say a word to each other.”

I leave them alone long enough to remove a suitcase from the
trunk I packed just for this venture. A Dominant should be prepared for any
occasion. Not to admit that I had my hopes up, but yeah, I wanted this to
happen. The three of us in a bed, me in perfect control. What could be a more
perfect outcome to tonight?

I bring the bag inside with me. They are both in their same
positions and silent. Their gazes follow me.

“Toys,” I explain as I lift the case up onto the dresser and
open it so that all of my toys will be in easy reach.

I adjust the lights to create mood lighting. As it was the
overhead was too bright but the only table lamp was too soft. A little
rearranging solved the problem, moving two larger lamps closer.

A quick look at Lin confirms that she is terrified of
whatever is about to happen. Sucking a little cock, submitting to a little
girl-on-girl action was as far a stretch from vanilla-land as she was ready
for, but I need to know if she is up to this, and playing with me is in a solar
system removed from vanilla.

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