Voyage of the Moonstone (6 page)

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Authors: Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Lone Wolf, #Magnamund

BOOK: Voyage of the Moonstone
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With the help of your Kai skills and the failing light, you slip away from the
Desert Jewel
and return to the Tradewind Tavern. Here you are fortunate to discover the three marines who, despite their best efforts this day, have been unable to sell your horse and raise enough money to leave. They are surprised to see you come walking through the door, but very glad that you have returned. Oswin tells you that a curfew has been declared and that all foreigners have been forbidden to use the streets after dark. The tavern-keeper, who openly hates the Funtal, offers to hide you in the stables tonight in case the City Guard should pay another visit. Gratefully you accept his offer and spend the night hiding in his hay-loft.

Turn to 275


With a rousing cheer, the second wave of enemy raiders follow their leader and leap aboard
The Pride of Sommerlund
. The ship's crew and the marines have suffered many casualties and they are now too weak and exhausted to be able to repel this renewed assault. You know that you must act swiftly if you are to avert a disaster.

Steeling yourself for what must be done, you shoulder your Bow and unsheathe a weapon. Then you leap from the rigging as the enemy leader passes below the mainmast. You hit the armoured warrior feet-first and slam him to the deck, but he quickly recovers from your surprise attack and, in the ensuing struggle, he manages to kick the weapon from your hand.

‘Leave him to me!’ he screams, warning off his henchmen who are poised to rush forward and cut you down. Slowly he unsheathes his scimitar and, with a sneer fixed to his cruel lips, he raises the blade in readiness to strike a mighty blow to your head.

Illustration I
—Slowly he unsheathes his scimitar and, with a sneer fixed to his cruel lips, he raises the blade.


You must fight the first round of this combat empty-handed. If you possess a close-combat weapon, you may use it from the beginning of the second round.

If you win this fight,
turn to 340


The village consists of a circle of conical huts thatched with toa leaves. As you ride towards them, a giggling swarm of young children comes rushing from the open doorways and quickly surrounds your horse. They hold open their grubby palms and beg you for money.

If you wish to give these children some Gold Crowns,
turn to 166

If you do not,
turn to 12


You tour the market and one stall in particular holds your attention. It is run by a small and timid-looking man and he offers you herbs and potions which he has gathered from all over Magnamund. As you examine the hundreds of phials, philtres, and flasks that are laid out upon his stall, you notice there are many types of herbs that you have encountered before, and some you have not. Of all his selection, the following four interest you the most:

  • Potion of Laumspur: restores 4
    points when swallowed after combat.
  • Potion of Alether: increases
    by 2 when swallowed before combat (one use only).
  • Potion of Mustow: creates a foul choking gas when released into the air.
  • Potion of Sebaris: purifies contaminated water (one use only).

Each of these potions costs 3 Gold Crowns.

If you wish to make a purchase,
turn to 221

If you do not wish to buy anything from this stall,
turn to 79


Despite the frugality of the innkeeper and the drabness of your room, you manage to sleep well and rise at dawn feeling alert and refreshed (you may restore 3
points). You meet with the marines and, foregoing breakfast, you walk to the adjoining stables to collect your horses. The innkeeper's daughter has already fed and watered them and they are ready to be collected. However, before she will let them go she demands you pay her a stabling fee of 1 Gold Crown each.

If you have some money and you wish to pay her 1 Gold Crown,
turn to 346

If you have no money, or if you do not wish to pay,
turn to 208


You slide across the decking and slam into the gunwale with a jolt that leaves you bruised but otherwise unharmed: lose 1
point. Quickly you regain your balance and leap back onto your feet.

Turn to 139


You grab your Bow and take hasty aim at the snarling creature. You fire as she lopes towards you and she shrieks as the sharp tip of your shaft grazes her forehead. For a few moments she falters, but she does not abandon her attack. Quickly you drop your Bow and raise your weapon in readiness to defend yourself as she presses home her assault.

Turn to 300


When the dust settles you see that the Koneshi Pass is now blocked and completely impassable. You shout to the marines on the other side to let them know that you are safe, and you hear them calling back, but even with your acute Kai sense of hearing you are unable to make out clearly what they are shouting.

However, by drawing upon your Magnakai skill of Divination you are able to make telepathic contact with Sligh. By way of mental commands and suggestions you tell him to lead his comrades back to Bir Rabalou where they are to sell their horses to raise the money they will need to buy passage home aboard a trading ship. Sligh is unable to answer you telepathically, but you sense that he will comply with your suggestions. Wary of the risk of further landslides, you turn your horse around and ride off along the open mountain trail towards the south.

Turn to 110


When you refuse to give them any money they begin shouting at you and throwing stones. One jagged stone hits your forehead and draws blood, and another bruises your jaw: lose 2

The screaming of the children attracts the attention of their indolent parents who emerge from their huts brandishing clubs and knives. They rush at you and you are forced to turn your horse about and gallop away. Upon reaching the road, you use your Kai curing skills to ease the stinging pain of your head wound before continuing your ride east towards Hikas.

Turn to 89


You evade your enemies by scaling the mainmast as swiftly as you can. As you climb higher, you notice chunks of wood are raining down from above. You glance up and see that the giant spider is now perched in the crow's nest, where it is busily tearing at the mast and topsail with its fanged maw. Fearful of what may happen if it should be allowed to direct its power upon your countrymen below, you decide that you must confront and slay this creature.

You approach the giant spider from below and, at first, it fails to notice your presence. But when you pause for a few moments to unsheathe your weapon, it dips its head and you find yourself staring into a pair of ghastly green eyes. It rubs its forelegs together and sparks appear, warning you that it is preparing to launch a bolt of energy. Quickly you cut free a trailing rope and swing away from the mainmast just in time to avoid being burnt to a cinder when it launches its burst of crackling blue fire. Your swift action saves you, but as the momentum of your swing carries you back towards the mast, so you see that the creature is preparing a new form of attack.

It waits until you come to rest in the rigging, and then it ejects a stream of grey fluid from a sac located below its gaping maw. This fluid hardens as it passes through the air, transforming into several long and sticky strands which threaten to engulf and imprison you in a soft, gluey web.

If you possess Magi-magic and wish to use this Discipline,
turn to 303

If you possess Elementalism and wish to use it,
turn to 210

If you possess neither of these Disciplines, or if you choose not to use either of them,
turn instead to 162


You rush back to the junction and continue along the right alley until you reach a tree-lined plaza which is bordered by expensive art emporia. The militia are examining their doors and windows for signs of a forced entry but all of them look secure. Then your eye is drawn to a grand temple on the far side of the plaza. Its great stone door is closed, but a smaller wooden door at the side has been torn off its hinges. You magnify your vision and see that beyond the door is a flight of stone steps which ascend to a bell-tower.

Cautiously you approach the shattered door. You unsheathe your weapon and scan the darkened stairs before silently you move up the steps. You have climbed twenty steps when suddenly you hear a hideous snickering growl and an icy chill runs the length of your spine. There is an ominous creak of stone on stone and a movement in the darkness above, and then a crashing fills your ears. Out of the darkness you see a great marble statue come smashing down the narrow stairway. It rapidly gathers speed as it tumbles end-over-end towards you.

If you possess Kai-alchemy,
turn to 85

If you do not possess this Discipline,
turn to 98


You dive to avoid the meteor and the speed of your reactions enables you to escape from being hit directly, yet you do not get away completely unscathed. The fireball glances your left leg and foot before it strikes the deck and bounces back into the sky: lose 6

To continue,
turn to 132


The marines fire three volleys at the cliff-top but their shots neither frighten nor deter the creature. In fact they serve to antagonize this hidden entity and immediately it increases the intensity of its evil spell.

Panic grips the crew and many abandon their posts and leap overboard. In desperation, you seize the helm and draw upon your Kai Mastery in an attempt to avert a total catastrophe, but it is too late. Despite your best efforts, the ship is caught in the grip of the whirlpool. With chilling speed it is sucked down to its final resting place upon the rocky bed of the Bukimi Channel, a thousand fathoms below the swirling surface.

Sadly, your life and your quest end here.


At the end of the street you discover a tavern which adjoins the town's east gatehouse. It has a stables and a small blacksmithy, and the first floor has been given over to a rooming hostel. It is a popular place and you see several people entering and leaving by its main door.

Beyond this door you discover a warm taproom with great padded chairs and tables of yellow Siyenese elm. You approach the tavern-keeper's wife who is serving ale to customers in tankards made of hardened leather. You enquire if she has a room for the night and she nods and smiles. ‘Three Gold Crowns,’ she says, ‘and for that you can have as much ale as you can stomach!’

You pay her 3 Gold Crowns (erase these from your
Action Chart
but you decline a tankard of her ale. It has a peculiar smell that makes you think of greasy animal hides.

Turn to 38

[8] It is possible that you have fewer than 3 Gold Crowns. If so, you give all of your remaining Crowns to the tavern-keeper's wife.


Suddenly a starburst of pain erupts in your head and the salty taste of blood fills your mouth. The archer's arrow has penetrated the front of your skull and death is instantaneous.

Tragically, your life and your quest end here in Kilij.


The landlady's frowning face softens as she slips the money into the pocket of her apron. From this same pocket she removes a key which is stamped with the number 4, and she hands it to you. Then she points to a corridor on the ground floor which leads to your room at the rear of the building.

As you are about to insert the key into the lock, you hear a suspicious noise coming from inside. Silently you unsheathe your weapon, unlock the door, and then fling it wide open.

Turn to 66


As you leave the tavern and march with the lieutenant at the head of his column of guardsmen, you ask him if you are being arrested. After all, you have not broken the curfew. He smiles and confides in you that he was hoping you would agree to help him to track down the creature.

‘The skills and special powers of the Kai are legendary,’ he says. ‘You may succeed where we have failed. Will you help us find this beast before it kills again?’

Before you can give your answer, a terrible shriek echoes through the empty streets. A woman standing on the balcony of a tall building nearby leans over the parapet and calls out to the lieutenant and his men. ‘Down by the river,’ she shouts, and she points over the rooftops to where the shriek was heard. ‘The fiend … it's struck!’

‘Quick, men!’ yells the lieutenant. ‘Follow me! If we are swift we may catch the beast tonight.’

Turn to 337

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