Voyage To Submission (16 page)

BOOK: Voyage To Submission
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Andy was sure he almost said something more
graphic. She wanted to feel her cunt sucking and squeezing his cock dry. But
she didn’t think she’d be able to tell him that. Sure, she’d written it plenty
of times and said it in her mind. She flexed her hips and tightened her
muscles. Jack’s moan told her she’d been successful. A moment later, she didn’t

Her hips jerked hard once, and before it
happened again, Jack was thrusting in and out of her quickly, speeding up his
motions as her contractions increased. Gasping, she closed her eyes, focusing
on the fireworks going off inside. The wildfire rushed through her even as she
felt Jack’s cock filling her completely. Unbidden came the thought that she
wondered what it would be like if he came inside her, without a condom.

God! She was turned on by the thought and
acted instinctively. Lifting her thighs she wrapped them around Jack’s and
tilted her hips to meet his thrusts inside of her. Recalling some of her writing
research, she tightened those Kegal muscles, which she’d assiduously tightened
for years. Holding the constriction, she felt him pulling against the friction.
A moment later, she heard a noise. It was something between a groan and a sigh,
almost painful. Suddenly, he changed his movements, stiffening and pushing as
deeply inside her as possible.

* * * * *

Jack shuddered as he lost control and
climaxed within Andy’s body. His hips jerked forward a few more times, and then
he pulled free of her body and rolled to the side. He wanted to pull off the
used rubber, but he was sure Andy was pretty much as inexperienced as when he’d
last seen her. Turning his head, he saw her eyes were closed, so he murmured
quietly as he moved off the bed. “I’ll be right back, honey.”

In the bathroom, he closed the door
slightly and discarded the condom. Turning on the water in the sink, he peed
standing at the toilet. Looking around, he noticed the marble room was beyond
impressive. His family had always had money, so he was used to nice things. But
this suite went beyond a nice stateroom for a cruise. In fact, he’d almost
booked a stateroom for himself, but had decided against it, not sure how the
other guys might take it. Or what he’d do when they asked if they could bring a
woman back there for some privacy. The five of them would be a little crowded
in the adjoining staterooms, but the travel agent had kept saying once on a
cruise most people are rarely in their rooms.

Flushing the toilet, Jack moved over to the
sink. He took a moment to wash up and then used a little of Andy’s toothpaste
on his finger. When he’d been buried inside the sweet inferno of her body, he’d
realized he had not yet kissed her, not a really deep, soul-searching kiss. His
one and only goal for the first night on board, other than talking and setting
everything right between them. Well, he was a little behind schedule in some
ways, and ahead in others.

Turning from the sink, he ran his fingers
through his hair, smoothing it back. Her lips had been something he’d often
thought about. She had a kissable mouth. Opening the door slowly, he
anticipated stepping out of the light flowing from the bathroom, and looking at
Andy’s naked body, sprawled the way he’d left her. As he’d gotten out of the
bed, he had looked back. Despite the dim light, he had seen the way her thighs
were parted and her pussy lips were still puffy and slightly reddened. Her
breasts, two truly magnificent mountains in his opinion, were definitely going
to require infinite study and perusal.

Abruptly, he stopped. Stepping completely
out of the light, he verified the bed was empty. Damn! Where had Andy gone?
Glancing around, at first he didn’t see anything until his eyes adjusted to the
darkness. Then he noticed the sheer curtains covering the long bank of windows
were now blowing gently. Moving quickly, he crossed the room. The sliding door
was only open a few inches. Carefully, he slid it open all the way. At first he
didn’t see her, and then he realized her deck was a lot bigger than the one in
the cabins he shared with the guys. Turning, he walked around the curve and saw
Andy stood at the deck rail, naked.

Against the starry sky, she could have been
a mermaid who’d just come ashore during high tide. There was a slight breeze
and while it wasn’t cold, he doubted few people would be walking on the
observation decks without a light jacket or sweater.

“Did you never wonder why I stopped you
that night, after letting things go so far? Or did you figure I was just being
a tease?”

Jack was surprised because he thought that
Andy hadn’t heard him come out onto the deck. Of course he didn’t have to ask
her what night, but before he could reply, she went on.

“I forgot fat girls never get to flirt, so
how could I possibly have learned to tease?”

Jack started towards her, speaking as he
moved across the deck. “I knew you weren’t teasing, sweetheart.” Standing
beside her at the railing, he hesitated touching her. “I figured I’d scared


The last thing he expected was to hear her


Turning her head, she saw the surprise on
his face. “Sorry, Jack.”

“Maybe we should go back inside,

Andy shook her head. If she was going to
say this, it had to be out here in the dark, where he wouldn’t be able to see
her face clearly. Taking a deep breath, she spoke again. “I heard you guys
talking the night before you asked me on our one and only date.”

Silence reigned between them for several
long moments. Immediately, Andy guessed Jack would not have remembered that
conversation because undoubtedly the guys had discussed the subject before. To
him it wasn’t anything special or life-altering, like it had been for her.
Clearing her throat, she went on.

“Spring break, remember? Our last year in
school and we stayed at your parents’ house. We were all so excited to have
eleven days away from school, campus and stress.” Andy paused, taking a deep
breath. “God! It was so beautiful there. Do you remember, Jack? The weather was
perfect, almost as if it knew how important it was to us.” Beside her, she felt
Jack shift his feet.

Then he answered, “Yeah, I remember that
vacation. We all had a hell of a time.”

Andy laughed for a moment. “You guys were
all sitting on the deck. I woke up and stumbled downstairs in the dark. I was
just ready to call out or put on the light when I realized what you were
talking about. I heard you volunteer to take the ‘duffer’ out.” Andy looked
towards Jack as she spoke the word “duffer”. It took a few seconds and then she
saw as he remembered. He might not remember the exact conversation that night,
but he damn well recalled the meaning of that word.

“Andy,” Jack started to speak.

She shook her head. “You don’t have to say
anything. I went out with you knowing why you’d asked me. I was ready to have
sex with you, too, in spite of what I’d heard you all saying the previous
night. Part of me was desperate to take whatever little crumbs you were willing
to give me. Even though I knew I was the booby prize, or the ‘duffer’. I was so
confused and I had no one to talk to. My best friend was in on the con game, so
I couldn’t ask him for help.”

A short sharp laugh escaped from her tight
throat. “I often wondered what advice you would have given me, if I’d used a
hypothetical situation. Would you have told me to have higher ideals or take
what I could get? Translation—I’d be lucky to get anyone to fuck me. But then I
realized I deserved better. That’s why I stopped you.”

“You mean better than me?”

Andy turned to face Jack, the hoarseness in
his voice telling her that he quite possibly had not understood. “Not better
than you, Jack, just better than being a duffer getting pity sex. I’m just
sorry I let it get that far.”

“Andy, I never thought of you like that.”

She didn’t want to hear him pretend he had
cared for her back then. Nothing could change the past, and she had come to
bury the past completely. Stirring up old emotions, or discovering something
new which could open old wounds would only make it difficult to finally leave
it all behind her. She reminded herself once more that finding happily ever
after on a cruise only happened in romance novels or on
The Love Boat
This was neither. It was just her sad, lonely life.

Damn it all! She rubbed her hands across
her cheeks, trying to dry away the tears. As long as she knew he had used her
for his own needs, or to help his friends, that night, she knew she could get
through this. “We should probably go back inside. Perhaps I could find that
brandy and offer you another drink.”

Andy turned and walked back into the
bedroom, leaving Jack to close the door behind them. Going into the bathroom,
she splashed some water on her face and then looked at her reflection. Her eyes
were the same, despite running mascara, but few people recognized her from the
past. Inside, the fat girl still surfaced sometimes, but she’d worked very hard
to expose and face her inner turmoil.

Quickly, she decided to take a shower.
Walking to the bathroom door, she saw Henderson had hung one of the lovely
negligee outfits she’d splurged on for the cruise. Smiling, she shouted out the
door. “You can dress and go downstairs, Jack. I’ll be down in a few minutes.”


Jack had been gathering his clothes when
Andy called out to him. Before he could answer, she closed the door. He only
had time for one step towards the bathroom when he heard the key turning in the
lock. His shoes fell from his hand as he dealt with the decisive way Andy
dismissed him. Walking to the bed, he sat on the bench at the foot of it.

He had sensed when she’d spoken about
offering him a drink she’d started to say something else. But now that she’d
him to dress and leave the bedroom, there was no doubt she wanted him to leave.
The sound of water caught his attention and he realized Andy was taking a
shower. He smiled as he remembered the quick look he’d given at the shower. It
had a built-in seat and easily Jack imagined walking into the bathroom and
joining Andy.

He got hard as he mentally ran his hands
over Andy’s wet skin. Her new sassy, shorter haircut left her nape free.
Closing his eyes, he could see his fingers rubbing up and down the super-short
hairs, and then he could press kisses to her nape as he caressed his way down
her back, gliding inwards at the curve of her waist before he cupped her ass
cheeks. The water allowed his body to slide against her as he pulled her
backwards. Andy would shift her thighs when he pressed his hard rod between her
rounded fleshy globes. Turning them, he’d tell her lift one foot onto the seat.
With one hand cupping her tit the other slipped down to cup her mound. Wiggling
his fingers, he eased inside to find her clit.

Jack heard the water turning off and it
ended his reverie. He could get in bed and demand she talk to him, or grab his
clothes and finish dressing downstairs. That way, he might retain a little
dignity. Quickly, he picked up the rest of his stuff and took the stairs two at
a time. He’d barely finished buttoning his shirt when a noise caused him to
turn his head. Since he’d turned on a few lights, he easily saw Andy as she
descended the curving stairs.

Wearing a long nightgown and matching
negligee in a golden chocolate color, he noticed how smoothly she moved. Her
hair was freshly combed, but he could see it was a little damp at the edges.
She hadn’t closed the negligee and it flowed backwards as she moved. The gown was
all silky fabric except for the golden lace covering her breasts.

“Did you look for the brandy yet?” Andy
asked with a smile as she reached the bottom step.

“Uh, no, not yet.”


Andy wasn’t sure if she was glad to find
Jack still here. Suddenly, she was assailed with doubts over what had just
happened. Maybe she should have just kept her mouth shut and never told him she
knew about the past? But suddenly the past and the present were getting tangled
and she found herself thinking about a future, one with Jack in it.

Sighing heavily, she walked over and sat on
the sofa. “I should order some ice cream,” she spoke quietly, half to herself.

Jack walked over. “What is the ice cream

Andy looked up at him and felt really awful
all of a sudden. Tears filled her eyes before she even realized she was going
to cry. It was too late to do anything else, so she let the sob escape. At
least, she’d washed off her makeup so it couldn’t run, she thought, sniffling
loudly. If anything would end this evening quickly, she had no doubt tears
would have Jack running for the door.

A couple more seconds passed, she rubbed
her eyes with her fingers. Sniffling real loud, she looked up, expecting to be

Instead, Jack was still there, only he was
now holding out a handful of tissues.

Gingerly, she accepted them. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, and I’m not leaving until
we talk,” he added.

She jerked her head back up to look at him.

Jack grinned. He ignored her sniffle and
went on. “Yup. I’m not budging, Andy, until we talk this all out.”

Andy tried to stand, but he was faster and
pushed her back down.


“You aren’t running away this time.”

Something in his words scared her. “Uhm,

“Yes?” he asked, not moving an inch.

“You don’t owe me anything.”

“I know I don’t.”

Andy folded her arms across her stomach.
“That means I don’t expect you to hang around. I thought guys liked to leave
after sex. Don’t you want to go to sleep?”

“And am I to assume you are planning on
staying up all night?”

“No, of course not. I just meant if you
hadn’t gotten up, I would have turned towards you to…you know, hug.”

“Cuddle, you mean?”

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