Voyage To Submission (17 page)

BOOK: Voyage To Submission
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“Well, yes. I assumed you didn’t want to.”

“I said I was coming right back. I know I
wasn’t gone more than three minutes, tops.”

“Perhaps, but you still left.”

Jack moved so fast, Andy gasped. He pulled
her upright and held her tight against him. “I had to get rid of the damned
condom.” He shoved one hand into her hair, holding her face so she couldn’t
look away. “If I had come inside you, Andy, we’d still be in that bed. I would
not have pulled out, but kept my cock buried in your hot, sweet pussy. I’d keep
all my seed plugged up in your cunt for as long as possible. Only once it was
too soft to stay there, would I pull away from you. Then I would lie at your
side, sliding my hand down over your gorgeous bald mound, dipping my fingers
into your honey pot. As our juices leaked out, I’d take a little and smear it
over your sensitive little clit and slightly swollen pussy lips.”

He slid one thigh between hers. “Just when
your breathing finally slowed down, I’d play with your clit and pussy until you
came again. When I was sure you were ready, I’d put my cock back inside you,
and pump you full once more with my baby-making seed.”

Andy gasped. She couldn’t help it. His words
were raising primal feelings deep inside her. She felt her womb contract almost
as if it were accepting his seed, ready to nurture a child. Her knees were
close to buckling.

“Now, should I go, or do you want to go
back upstairs?”

Andy lifted her hand and pointed upwards
with her index finger. She saw Jack grin as he turned her and they walked back

Chapter Eight


Upstairs, Andy slipped off the robe and
slid into bed wearing the negligee. Behind her, she heard Jack moving around,
and scooted to the far side of the bed. She saw him walk to the bathroom, his
naked backside highlighted for a few seconds until he turned out the light. She
could tell he was doing something, but she wasn’t sure what. Then the bed
shifted as he eased in next to her. Since it was a queen-size bed, lying next
to her still allowed some space between them. Jack reached over and scooped
Andy towards him. He eased her into his arms, her head resting against his
upper chest. His hand lightly caressed the upper part of her arm.

Neither spoke as they lay together. Andy
listened to Jack’s beating heart beneath her ear, calmed by it and the rhythmic
movement of his chest. She hadn’t really wanted him to leave and when he had
spoken those sweetly erotic words downstairs—

She couldn’t stop the restless movement of
her legs, one of which bumped into his. Instead of stopping, she ran her foot
up and down his shinbone, feeling the slight rasp of hair. Part of her wanted
to spill her guts, and the other part told her to hold back and wait. What she
did know was the need growing inside her had everything to do with the man
beside her. Slowly, she twisted a little further over him and began lightly
running her fingers across his left nipple. When he sighed, she pushed down so
she could kiss the closest one.


Jack had figured some cuddle time was just
what Andy needed to feel more comfortable with him and the change in their
relationship. She might not realize it yet, but this was no “one-night stand”
or a cruise fling. This wasn’t going to be a memento for her to store away. She
had crossed the line tonight.

Then he felt her moving around and next
thing he knew, she tweaked his nipple! Didn’t she know where this would lead?
He guessed he would have to stop her and tell her a few facts of life. Pausing,
he recalled that Andy wasn’t the same woman he’d known in college. There was a
good chance she’d had numerous sexual encounters since then. The way she looked
there was a good chance she’d had more than he!

What the hell?

Andy kissed his other nipple now!
slowly licked it with her tongue.
Oh God!
She circled around and around,
and then she sucked him into her mouth. She didn’t bite, or just lightly move
her lips…
hell no!
Her mouth pulled him inside, deeply, and then her
tongue worked his nipple even as he felt the sucking coming from her cheeks.
All thought of stopping her ended, and he slid his hand up to cup the back of
her head.

Jack groaned at the feel of her foot moving
up and down his leg, as she continued to suck his nipple.

“Holy shit, Andy!”

Her hand curled around his cock. No sooner
had he stopped speaking and Andy was stroking and pulling, arousing him once
again. His pre-cum was already easing her movements.

I’m going to stop her
, he thought.
It’s too soon

Andy released his nipple and slid down in
the bed, shoving the covers out of the way.

Jack barely had time to lift his head off
the pillow when he felt hot, wet heat surrounding his cock. Looking down, he
saw Andy had taken his shaft in her hand, lifting it as she bent her head. As
he watched, he felt the soft caress of her lips sliding up…down…
could drive him crazy.

Jack fell back onto the bed. His brain
fogged as his body took over. His need was great…possibly even greater than
earlier. Dimly, he was aware of Andy moving a little, but she continued to
stroke and caress him while she kept him in her mouth. He could feel himself
getting closer…his balls tensed up, getting ready to shoot another load of

Suddenly, Andy was gone! Jerking up his
head, he saw her pulling the nightgown up and over her head. A moment later,
she straddled his thighs. He opened his mouth to say something, and then he
felt the wet, soft and amazingly hot flesh against the head of his manhood. Her
thighs relaxed and he entered her body as she pushed down.


He heard her soft grunt as he filled her
body. He wondered if she felt even fuller this way, than the other. It sure as
hell felt like heaven to him! His hands lifted to curve over her hips. His gaze
seemed to be glued to where his cock split her pussy lips. He forced himself to
look upwards to where her breasts jutted out proudly with their new adornments.
He imagined sucking her nipple, slowly, and when they healed, he would tug on
the small ring with his lips. Not enough to hurt, though—

His gaze lifted to her head. The short
wings of her hair fell forward, concealing most of her face. Now he saw how
sexy the pert bob was. The sexy sides curling in drew attention to her lips. He
remembered how her mouth had looked moments earlier, stretched around his cock.

“God, Andy! I don’t think I can last much

“You don’t have to.”

“I want you to come with me.” Jack lowered
one hand to stroke over her smooth mound. He delved between her lips and
quickly found her clit. Wiggling his finger brought her quick response.


Andy felt her control slipping as Jack’s
finger slid around her clit. She couldn’t stop the involuntary jerks and
shudders of her hips. The regular rhythm kept getting changed. Then before she
knew it, her body orgasmed. Muscles and nerves spasmed like crazy. She was
dimly aware of Jack’s hands again clutching her hips, holding her steady. A few
seconds later, she realized he’d thrust up, inside her. The fire filled her
from within as she felt his cock jerking deep within her contracting muscles.
Over and over, his cock shot semen into her body.

Andy knew what she doing, in spite of her
earlier doubts. She wanted this intimacy with Jack, even if nothing ever came
of them being together. Her body spent, she fell limply forward. Sighing, she
acknowledged that she trusted him more than any person she’d ever known,
despite years passing since they’d seen each other. Then she blocked out her
thoughts. Worries would come later. For now, she had no regrets.


Jack caught her easily, lowering her to
rest on his chest. He was still hung up in the after effects of his climax. His
cock quivered, nestled by the warm cocoon of Andy’s body. Deep within her hot
flesh, he could feel mini-muscular explosions taking place.

thought in amazement.
This had been better than he had ever come up with in
his dreams.

He didn’t move. He just savored the weight
of her body on his and especially the feel of being inside Andy.

Hot damn!
Eight long years had passed, but he was exactly where he had wanted to be that
night before graduation. When he had finally figured out he was attracted to
her it had been too late. But now, he had fucked Andy Bond! This was his
Kilimanjaro, in a weird way.

When he heard Andy’s deep, even breathing,
he realized she’d gone to sleep. Knowing that she felt comfortable enough to go
to sleep in this position filled him with warmth and a sense of…peace. As for
him, closing his eyes, he was intently aware of the warm, soft pillows of her
breasts on his chest. Of course, he was most aware of the way his cock slid
slowly from her tight pussy. Jack did consider perhaps she was tight enough
might not come out on its own. What he did feel was all the liquid
leaking out around the seal he formed.

He had brought the waste can in from the
bathroom and set out three condoms before he climbed into bed. His heart and
mind had been in the right place. He could have slowed Andy down. Well, he
probably could have slowed her down long enough to grab a condom. But he

Taking slow deep breaths, Jack acknowledged
a deep, dark desire. He wanted to bind Andy to him, ideally with love and
commitment. But only a few days remained, and if he…his thoughts stumbled over
the idea. Baby. Child. Andy. Saying the words gave him a warm feeling deep
inside. It felt right. He already had a fairly good idea of what she would look
like partway through her pregnancy. Unlike a lot of guys, that image didn’t
turn him off. In fact, he could recall the way she’d looked on that date—


It was the last night of spring break and
they would have to leave midday tomorrow, Sunday, in order to get back in time
for classes. And as agreed, Jack had asked Andy to go on a beach picnic. She
hadn’t looked at him, but she’d accepted. Of course, now he knew why. But that
evening, he had just planned a nice beach campfire, food, and for them to just
listen to the music of the ocean.

Love of the ocean was something he and Andy
had in common. They both enjoyed listening to the waves. Everyone else always
wanted the radio playing or the stereo on. Down on the beach, he had already
set up a little campsite. He spread the blanket and invited her to sit while he
got things going. Andy was never one to let people wait on her and she had
started taking things out of the basket, setting up.

He easily got the fire started. All the
food was ready and didn’t require the fire. Soon they were eating the
sandwiches, fruit and wine. He filled Andy’s glass twice
, thinking it was only red wine. Later, once they were back on
campus, Tony and Danny confessed they spiked his wine with several different
liquors. Each paper cupful had been at least one shot of hard liquor.

He had been feeling pretty relaxed he
recalled as they stretched out on the blanket, looking up at the stars. For a
while, they had played a game called “Name that Constellation”, but Andy was
much better than he. Jack suggested a game of forfeits. They could each ask the
other a question, and if they got it wrong, then they had to pay.

It was fun at first, losing shoes, socks, and
then he lost his jeans, followed by his sweatshirt. At least the night air was
warm enough out so neither was chilled. Jack was in t-shirt and boxers when
Andy lost her sweatshirt. He should have guessed by her startled reaction,
first to losing, and then in her hesitation taking it off, but he hadn’t. She
didn’t have anything on underneath it. If he’d known, he would have asked for
her pants. Or at least, he argued he would have done the gentlemanly thing.

But Andy didn’t her thoughts or emotions.

Jack knew he stared at her round, plump
body, especially her lush, full breasts. Luckily, he answered his next one
correctly, but Andy did not. There was nothing more in the world Jack wanted at
that moment than to ask for her pants, instead he asked her to kiss him.

“Not a peck either. A real, up-close,
personal kiss. With tongue,” he added quickly, as an afterthought. He was sure
she’d refuse.

“Okay,” she whispered. “Uhm, how do you—?”

Jack didn’t wait for her to ask more
directions. He moved across the short distance and stretched out next to her.
As he waited, he watched her nervously lick her lips, and that made him want to
do the same. After what felt like an eternity, Andy moved closer and he felt
the heat from her body.

She paused. “Should we sit up?”

Jack shook his head. “You lie back and I’ll
lean over, all right?”

Andy nodded and settled back on the

Jack took a moment to look at her lush,
naked beauty and then he pressed against her. He didn’t wait for her to
initiate the kiss though. He found her mouth and delved right in. His tongue
went searching and found hers. It took a little while, but he coaxed her tongue
into his mouth.

God! How he had savored that moment.

Then he squirmed around a little and
quickly cupped her farthest breast in his hand. She overflowed him and he loved
it. Squeezing eagerly, he kissed her mouth once more and then headed south.
Andy’s squeal of surprise as he closed his mouth over her nipple told more than
he had thought to ask. Moving swiftly, he wiggled around so he could kiss one
breast while he squeezed and played with the other. He especially liked the way
her nipples were getting longer as he sucked and teased them.

He was in heaven!

Soft little sighs told him Andy liked what
he did and he made no effort to hide his raging hard-on. As he sucked one
nipple, his hands were at her hips, dragging her sweats and panties down. In
the moonlight, he saw her dark bush and smelled her arousal. It was mixed with
scents of the ocean, the breeze and the surrounding trees and sand. Together,
it was the most erotic thing he’d ever experienced.

Jack rarely lost control, until that night.
He wanted Andy. Her thighs fell apart for him and his hand discovered her
petal-soft, wet pussy. He nearly lost it. Quickly, he found her clit, and began
working it feverishly to bring her to climax. It would be easier for her if she
were relaxed as he entered her virgin—

“Hey! Jack! Are you guys down there?”

“We’re back early!”

“Come up and let’s play some poker!”

They both froze as they heard their
friends’ voices shouting out, carried on the wind. Jack moved away from Andy,
afraid the others might come stumbling down here. Andy immediately scrambled
for her clothes. She was dressed and standing before he could even move. He
felt a little silly in just his underwear all of a sudden. And he was angry and

“I’ll be there in a few minutes. Deal me
in!” Jack shouted back towards the house, and then turned to look at her. “Come
on, Andy. We have time for a quickie. They’ll never know.”

He had seen a cloud come over her face and
it was like a steel door shut.

She was already shaking her head. “No, you
go back up now and I’ll pack up and take care of the fire.”

“No, I’ll do that. After all, it was my

“It’s all right. This way maybe you can win
some money and the whole evening won’t have been a waste.”

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