Voyeur Extraordinaire (14 page)

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Authors: Cora Reilly

BOOK: Voyeur Extraordinaire
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“I hope to welcome you to our restaurant again soon,”
Giovanne said at last. I peered at Adrian, whose face wasn’t giving anything away. He definitely wasn’t going to say anything. Because he knew he wouldn’t go out with me again?

I pushed the thought aside. After all,
Giovanne had asked me and not Adrian. “Thanks,” I said simply. Adrian held out his hand for me. I rose from my chair and for a moment I wasn’t sure if my legs would carry me. I’d definitely had too much wine. I hoped the espresso I’d had with the cake would kick in soon. My skin felt hot and my brain was clouded. Adrian had drunk just as much as me, but he looked fine, or maybe he was better at hiding how drunk he was.

He led me out of the restaurant, one hand resting on my hip possessively. I leaned against him as we walked, relishing in the feeling of his strong body against my arm. And I was glad for his arm around me because I wasn’t sure if I could walk in a straight line otherwise. Maybe I should have had more than one Espresso. His car was already parked at the curb. A trickle of unease filled me. Would he actually drive after having shared two bottles of wine with me?

“I need a cab,” he said to the man holding out his keys. “Tell Giovanne, I’ll have someone pick up my car early in the morning.”

A few minutes later, a black limousine pulled up and we got into the back. I pressed myself against Adrian and his arm around me tightened. My eyes traveled over his handsome face as he told the driver where to take us. I still hardly knew anything about him, except that he’d traveled through Italy, that he was a lawyer and that he’d had sex with a lot of women. Somehow I was disappointed that I'd learned almost nothing about Adrian. I’d wanted to look behind his mask but except for the brief glimpses as he talked about the
Tuscany, he’d kept his guard up.  I don't think he'd showed me who he truly was. Maybe the restaurant hadn't been the right place for that.

I could feel the espresso kicking in, banishing the fogginess from my mind. Adrian smiled down at me, his lips so close that his breath fanned over me. Without thinking I tilted my face up and kissed him. His lips felt cool against my heated skin. He tangled his fingers in my hair, pulling me close. Electricity shot through my entire body at the feel of his fingertips against my scalp. If it felt already this good when he touched my head, how would it feel when he really got down to business. His tongue darted into my
mouth, insistent and demanding. My eyes fluttered closed as our kiss became even more heated. A moan escaped from deep in my throat and Adrian let out a growl in response. There wasn’t a sexier sound in the world.

The driver cleared his throat and I quickly pulled back, feeling my cheeks heat with embarrassment. I swallowed a laugh and pressed my forehead against Adrian’s shoulder. He chuckled, his fingers stroking my arm. It was incredibly distracting and made me want to kiss him again. What did it matter if the driver was watching? It wasn’t as if Adrian cared. If he didn’t mind me watching him having sex, then he certainly wouldn’t mind if someone watched us kiss.

He leaned down until his lips brushed my ear, his voice low and raspy. “I can’t wait to be alone with you. I want to taste every inch of you.”

I sucked in a breath. Heat pooled between my legs. I forced my voice to be steady. “What makes you think I’ll let you do that?” I hoped my expression was sexy and challenging at the same time, but I wasn’t sure if I was succeeding.

“Don’t tell me you don’t want me as much as I want you. I’ve wanted you from the moment I saw you watching me with your binoculars and then when you gave me that shocked innocent look after you realized I’d caught you, it was all I could do not to come right then. I want you, Nora. I’ve never wanted anything more in my life.”

My eyes had fluttered shut as I listened to his husky voice. I couldn’t tell him that I’d wanted him from the moment I’d seen him bang the redhead, way before he knew I even existed. I couldn’t tell him that
every night I’d taken out my binoculars, pointed them at his window and watched him banging a new girl, and every night I’d wished the girl was me. And now my wish could finally come true, so why was I hesitating?

I didn’t get a chance to say anything because the driver pulled up in front of Adrian’s apartment building and stopped the car. Adrian paid him and we got out into the cool night air. I shivered. Adrian pulled me against him, giving me no choice but to tilt my head back to look into his face. He took my hand and brought it up to his lips, kissing my knuckles. His smile warmed my insides and I couldn’t help but smile back. My skin tingled from his touch, his kiss,
his expression. The way he looked at me made me feel special, like there could never be anyone but me. Never had someone kissed my hand, or devoured me with their gaze. What did it matter that Adrian had banged many women before me? The past could stay where it belonged: in the past.

Chris certainly had never made me wet my panties just from looking at me. He'd been too busy staring at and groping my chest, or trying to stick his tongue down my throat. I wanted Adrian. I shivered again. A breeze had picked up. Adrian moved even closer until my body was pressed against his firm chest.

“You are cold,” he said in a low voice. How long had he practiced to make it sound like that? It was smoother than the molten chocolate core of our dessert, and just as sweet. “Come up with me. You won’t regret it.” His palm stroked my back, sending sparks of lust through my body.

I raised my head to look into his eyes. In the darkness they looked almost black. The shadow of stubble dusted his jaw. I trailed my fingertips over it, relishing in the quiver of excitement the prickle gave me. His smile widened; he felt so wonderfully warm, and his arms around me made me feel so safe. It was difficult to think straight, to think at all
with his scent surrounding me, all man and muskiness. A part of me knew that I should pull away, that I needed to keep my distance and be careful because Adrian was a heart-breaker. Amy would kick my ass if she found out that I’d fallen so quickly for Adrian’s charm. Her voice was the voice of reason in my head, but I ignored this part. I wasn’t a child who needed to be told what to do. I was an adult. I’d taken care of myself for almost three years. I could make my own decisions. And I wanted Adrian. I was sick of waiting for the perfect prince to sweep me off my feet and relieve me of my virginity. Hell, most of the girls from high school who’d gone to purity balls with their daddies had already lost their v-card, most of them years ago, and not all of them in the marriage bed.

“So what do you say? Do you want to leave me hanging like a randy virg
in teenage boy?”

I let out a laugh. He was as far from being a virgin teenage boy as the moon was from Earth. Randy
, well that was another matter.

I shook my head. “You’re impossible.” In that moment with his arms around me, and that look of almost boyish amusement on his face, I felt as if I knew him. Really knew him. I doubted he’d showed that side to any of the women before me. “How could I leave you hanging?” I said in what I hoped was a seductive whisper, standing on my tiptoes to brush his lips with mine. He deepened the kiss immediately, his hands coming up around my ribcage, his thumbs brushing the sides of my breasts. My nipples hardened and I had to bite back an embarrassing moan. Of course, he
. A hint of smugness crossed his face as he pulled back and took my hand, leading me toward the door to his apartment building. There was a desk with a concierge in the lobby, but we were past it before the man could say more than ‘Good Evening.’

I felt like I was in a trance. We stepped into the elevator and this time there was no hesitation. I kissed him with so much force that we fell back against the elevator walls. Now that the effects of the wine had mostly dissipated, I needed to pluck up my courage through kissing. And fuck, did Adrian know how
to kiss.

Every nerve ending in my body was on high alert, ultra aware of Adrian’s body pressed against mine. He grabbed my butt and squeezed, his fingers closer to my core than anyone had ever been. Waves of pleasure shot into my clit. I nipped at his lip,
then licked it. The elevator doors glided open and we stumbled out. He led me toward his apartment and I was desperate to get closer to him again, to kiss him, to lose myself in him. Adrian opened the door to his apartment and I stepped in, suddenly feeling shy again. The courage I’d felt in the elevator had evaporated. I cast a quick glance around the huge hall that could have fit my entire apartment inside. Everything was clean, white or beige, and high-polished.

The door fell shut, tearing me from my thoughts, and before my doubts could make me rethink my decision to go up with Adrian, he pulled me against him and I wrapped my arms around his waist, feeling his warmth, his muscled body. My hands clutched his butt. It was so firm, and I couldn’t help but remember how his butt had flexed with every thrust as he fucked the other women. Bad thought…

He smirked at my boldness and lowered his head, our lips meeting again. I could have kissed him for the rest of my life. The taste and feel of him was intoxicating. The least bit of rationality left my mind when he cupped my breast through the thin fabric of my dress and my bra. He drew circles with his thumb, eliciting a moan from my lips.

His kiss wasn't at all like the kiss I'd shared with Chris and the two other guys at parties. Adrian knew what to do, how to kiss. His lips against mine, his tongue in my mouth, his hands on my back and waist and breast, they made thinking so very difficult. I lifted my arms and ran my hands through his hair, pulling him closer, always closer. I wanted to become one with him. I'd never thought that kissing could feel so good, could make me so wet; my entire body tingled. Heat gathered between my legs. Any moment I would combust. I pressed my thighs together to relieve some of the tension that was building. I pulled at Adrian’s hair roughly, biting his lip and smiling against his lips when he let out a growl. His hand traveled over my back until he found the zipper; he pulled it down and slowly slid the dress off my shoulders so it pooled in a heap at my high-heeled feet. His eyes glided over my body from head to toe, lingering on my lace panties. Was I imagining it or were his irises actually darkening? I resisted the urge to cover myself. Adrian stepped close to me, his hands coming to rest on my hips before slowly sliding to my butt. He massaged my cheeks gently. “You’re so hot.” He dipped me back until my shoulders rested against the cold wall. A shiver slithered down my back at the feel of it against my too hot skin. Adrian bent over me, licking and sucking at my neck, then softly biting down on my collarbone. I tipped my head to the side to give him better access. His lips traveled lower, his tongue tracing lazy circles on my skin. The tip of his tongue traced the edge of my bra,
then darted beneath it, so close to my nipple that I made a sound of annoyance.

He chuckled. “So impatient,” he whispered,
then pushed down my bra. He closed his lips around my nipple and I threw my head back with a low moan. “God, I want you so fucking much. I’m bursting through my pants if I don’t fuck you now,” he growled.

A hint of unease filled the pit of my stomach, but I pushed it aside. I pressed against Adrian, feeling how hard he was. His cock pressed against my naked stomach. I could feel the heat radiating off of it even through Adrian’s pants. Fuck, he felt huge. I’d seen him naked before, but through binoculars it was difficult to estimate the size of something. The unease increased. But I was too
far gone to stop now. I’d wanted Adrian for weeks, had pined over him like a puppy. Deep down I knew this was wrong and too fast and that I needed to stop it before it was too late. I knew I should ask Adrian if this meant more to him than just sex.

A gasp got caught in my throat when Adrian lifted me and pressed my back against the cold wall, trapping me between the wall and his body. My legs wrapped around his hip automatically. I remembered Amy’s advice to tell Adrian the truth.
I've never done this, Adrian. Make love to me. Hold me, kiss me, love me.
I felt the words on my tongue but they were stuck. I couldn’t say them.

But I didn't stop kissing him, though I knew it was the right thing to do. My body didn't react to my commands. I ground my heated core against him without even realizing what I was doing. The friction sent a jolt of pleasure through me, numbing some of my worries. Adrian began sucking on my neck again. One hand supported my butt, while his other hand moved lower, caressing my stomach,
then tracing the outer line of my lace panties.

My eyes widened in surprise when I felt a finger brush over my panties, touching my clit through the fabric. Why did this have to feel so fucking good? His touch felt too
fucking good, and yet it was so wrong. So very, very wrong. He rubbed his finger over my clit again and I jerked.

“Fuck,” he groaned against my throat,
then slowly moved upward to capture my mouth in another kiss.

He pushed my panties aside, his finger brushing my folds. Something that sounded like Amy’s chiding voice reminded me that it shouldn't happen like this. I didn't want it to happen like this, but I was still clinging to him as if I was
drowning and he was a lifeboat.

Adrian dipped a finger between my folds. “So wet,” he purred. He drew circles over my clit, gently coating it with my juices. I let out another moan. I could feel an orgasm building. His finger against my clit drove me higher and higher, and then before I could react, before I could even think about it, he replaced his finger with his cock. I felt his erection brush against my center. He didn’t even bother to remove my panties. And then he pulled me down on his erection, my back
still leaning against the wall.

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