Vulnerable: (McIntyre Security Bodyguard Series - Book 1) (44 page)

BOOK: Vulnerable: (McIntyre Security Bodyguard Series - Book 1)
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“Beth, it’s all right,” Shane said, looming over her. “It’s me, sweetheart. It’s Shane. Can you hear me?”

She squinted at him, blinking several times to bring him into focus. “Shane?” Just trying to speak hurt. Her lips stung.

“Yes, sweetheart,” he said, laying his palm on the crown of her head. “I’m here. Try not to talk. I know it hurts.”

“Everything hurts.” Her voice sounded odd to her own ears, her words slurred.

“I know, baby. You’re in the hospital, but you’re going to be okay.”

“What happened?”

“Do you remember Andrew Morton coming into your office? He hurt you.”

She shook her head, and then cried out in pain.

“Try not to move, baby,” he said, his hands going gently to her shoulders. “Lie still.”

Images flickered rapidly through her mind, as if her memories were just now coming back online.
. He pushed her. He hit her. And he kicked her, over and over. Why would he do that? And then Mary came, and there was screaming and yelling. And then everything went dark.

“Mary,” she said, frowning as she tried to make sense out of the cascading images. “Mary made him stop.”

“Yes, she did.”

Beth glanced up at Shane, shocked by how wrecked he looked. “What’s wrong?”

“Andrew hurt you, in your office at the library. But you’re going to be all right.”

But that wasn’t what Beth had meant. She wondered what had happened to Shane, to make him look so devastated. But she didn’t have the energy to explain herself. Her eyelids were too heavy, and the darkness pulled her under once more.



When Beth opened her eyes again, the bright overhead lights blinded her. She blinked, trying to clear her vision. She heard movement at her side, and turned her head just a bit and saw Shane seated in a chair beside her bed. He was watching her closely, his expression wary.

“Shane,” she said, and she found that it hurt even to speak.

“I’m here, Beth.”

She felt his fingers lightly stroking her hair and she closed her eyes in an attempt to block out the pain. Even her hair hurt. But she didn’t say anything to him, because she didn’t want him to stop. She didn’t
want him to stop.



Shane watched Beth close her eyes, shutting him out, and he felt her rejection like a swift kick to his gut.

“Beth, listen to me,” he said, leaning close, his voice low. He knew this wasn’t the time or the place for this, but he couldn’t wait. The possibility that he might actually lose her seemed all too real.

“When Tyler came to me, asking us to protect you, you were just a name on a piece of paper. When I accepted the job, I had no idea what you would come to mean to me. And then, after I met you and we talked, I couldn’t stay away.” He stroked the tip of his index finger across her brow.

“Beth, please. Don’t punish me for what happened before we met. Yes, it started off as a job, but it quickly became more than that for me. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I was afraid of scaring you away. I wanted you to get to know me – learn to
me – before you I told you the truth about how we met. I know I fucked up, sweetheart. But I
meant to deceive you; I swear. Please believe that.”

Beth began weeping.

Shane’s stomach dropped as he watched the tears streak down the side of her battered face. He swallowed hard, trying to tamp down his own panic. He wasn’t going to let her give up on them so easily. He knew he should leave her alone and let her rest, but he felt an overwhelming fear that if he lost her now, he’d never get her back.

Shane leaned closer, and Beth felt his warm breath on her cheek.

“Shh, baby,” he said. “Please don’t cry.”

“I’m sorry I ran,” she said, her words barely intelligible through her sobs. “I was hurt.”

Shane stood and leaned over her, his lips hovering over her brow. “Hush, baby. Don’t cry. You’ll hurt yourself.”

Beth made a faint chuckling sound, but she quickly choked it off, groaning. “I already hurt,” she whispered. “I don’t think this will make it any worse. I need to say this: I’m sorry I walked out, Shane. I was just so hurt, I didn’t know what else to do. I regretted it later, but I was afraid it was too late.”

“Jesus, Beth, it’s never too late,” he said.

She felt his lips in her hair, soft and gentle. His tenderness made the ache in her heart even sharper.

“I’m the one who’s sorry,” he said, his voice tight. “I should have told you everything sooner. I was waiting for the right time, but I guess there never is a right time.”

“It doesn’t matter now, Shane. None of it matters. I love you.”

He had to clear his throat, his fingers trembling as they touched her brow. “I love you, too.”

Beth reached out with her right hand and searched blindly for his hand. When she found it, she latched onto it. “I’m cold.”

“Hold on,” he said. He released her hand and poked his head outside the curtained doorway, where Cooper was standing guard. “We need a warm blanket in here,” Shane said.

When Shane returned to her bedside, he took her right hand gingerly in his, cradling it. “I wanted to hold your hand earlier,” he told her, “but they look pretty badly battered. I didn’t want to hurt you.”

Beth shook her head, grimacing at the pain. “I don’t care if it hurts. I want to hold your hand.”

Shane linked their fingers together, careful not to put any pressure on her torn knuckles.

Every little touch and movement hurt, but Beth tried not to show it. Her ribs were on fire, and her head felt like someone had split it open with a tire iron. She was sure he wouldn’t touch her at all if he knew how much it hurt. And right now she wanted him touching her more than she wanted the pain to stop. If things were right between them again, she knew she could get through this.

A moment later, Kelly entered her unit, holding a utilitarian white blanket. “Here we go, sweetie,” the woman said. “A warm blanket.” Kelly unfolded the blanket and laid it gently over Beth.

Beth sighed as the warmth from the blanket seeped through the sheet into her body. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, honey,” the nurse said. Kelly looked at Shane. “After we take her for x-rays and a CT scan, we’ll move her into her own room.”

“Thanks,” Shane said.



Beth finally drifted off to sleep, to Shane’s utter relief. The knowledge that she was in so much pain was killing him, because there was nothing he could do about it. Every gasp and whimper had felt like a serrated knife twisting in his gut. He would have gladly taken her pain for her if he could have.

Kelly returned every so often to check on Beth, but no one else came in. Cooper hovered outside the curtained ER unit on guard duty, peering in at them every so often. A steady stream of people came to Beth’s unit – Jake, Liam, Mary Reynolds, Lia – but Cooper intercepted everyone, murmuring quietly to them outside the curtain before sending them away. No one came into the little cubicle except for the nurse and Beth’s doctor.

Shane leaned close to Beth, his face hovering near hers, near enough to feel her body heat radiating outward, but not near enough to touch her. She hurt enough already; he didn’t want to risk adding to her pain.

Her breathing had stabilized, and he was glad for that. Right now she appeared to be sleeping deeply, a little more comfortable thanks to the pain medication. Sleep was the best thing for her right now.



Shane’s attention was diverted when he heard Cooper speak sharply outside the curtain. There was a brief scuffle, and then the curtain was pushed aside as Tyler Jamison strode in. His hard gaze went right to the bed as he took in his sister’s still form.

Shane watched the blood drain from Tyler’s face, and the man’s eyes filled with tears. Cooper followed Tyler into the room, standing right behind the man, looking to Shane for a signal.

“It’s okay, Cooper,” Shane said, nodding.

Cooper stepped back from Tyler, but remained inside the curtained area.

“Dear God, what happened?” Tyler said, coming to the foot of the bed. He looked at Shane. “Who did this to her? Kline? All I was told was that she’d been assaulted.”

“It wasn’t Kline,” Shane said. “It was a student at the medical school. Someone she knew. He attacked her in her office.”

“What the hell are you doing in here with her?” Tyler hissed, glaring at Shane. “What if she wakes up and sees you here?”

If looks could kill, Shane figured he’d be a dead man.

Tyler stared down at his sister, his expression grim as he catalogued her many visible injuries. His entire demeanor radiated burning anger, but whether it was directed at Shane or at Andrew Morton, Shane wasn’t sure. Probably both.

Tyler swallowed hard. “Was she raped?”

“No,” Shane said quickly, coming to his feet.

“How bad are her injuries?”

“She has a concussion. One of the bones in her right arm is broken. She may have cracked or broken ribs. She’s been in and out of consciousness. Right now, she’s sleeping. She’s going for x-rays and a CT scan soon. Then they’ll admit her and put her in a room.”

Tyler glared at Shane. “What the hell are you doing in here, Shane?” he said, his voice low. “You shouldn’t be in here. What if she wakes up?”

Shane heaved a sigh, knowing that it was time to face the music. He noticed Cooper take a step closer to Tyler.

“I’m here, Tyler, because she needs me here,” Shane said.

“What the fuck does that mean?” Tyler grated.

Beth made a pained sound in her sleep, and Shane reached down and gently stroked her hair.

Her eyelids fluttered open, and she blinked under the bright lights. “Shane?”

“It’s all right, baby, I’m here,” Shane murmured, his eyes on her.

At the sound of his voice, she focused her gaze on him. “Don’t leave me,” she said.

“I won’t, sweetheart, I promise.”

And then her eyes drifted shut again.

Shane glanced at Tyler, prepared for anything. Tyler stood rigid and silent, his entire body radiating fury. Shane knew that if it weren’t for Beth’s presence, Tyler would have been at his throat already.

Tyler’s voice was as flat and hard as black ice when he spoke in a low voice. “I hired you to protect her, Shane, not seduce her.”

Shane admired the man’s restraint. He didn’t think he would have been quite so calm if he’d been in Tyler’s place. “We’re not doing this here, Tyler,” he said, his own voice tight with emotion. “Not in front of her. She’s been through enough.”

“Thanks to you!” Tyler hissed. Then his eyes narrowed. “You bastard! Are you fucking my sister?”

Shane knew Tyler was burning to tear him apart. “I said not here, Tyler,” Shane said, striving to keep his cool. “She doesn’t need to hear this.”

“Oh, she’ll hear it all right,” Tyler said, his voice rising. “Maybe not right now, but she’ll hear it.”

Beth stirred and her eyelids fluttered open. “Tyler?”

Tyler’s gaze shot to Beth’s face, and he smiled at her, his expression instantly softening. “Hey, kiddo,” he said, his voice gentle as he walked around to the far side of the bed, opposite Shane. “How are you? Not so good, huh?”

“Everything hurts, Tyler,” she said.

As Tyler got a closer look at her battered and bruised face, his jaw clenched tightly. Then he leaned down and gently kissed the top of her head. “I know it hurts, kiddo. I’m so sorry, Beth,” he said. “Mom’s on her way. Gabrielle’s coming, too.”

Beth tried to smile at her brother, but she grimaced instead.

“It’s okay,” Tyler said, reaching out to touch her, but hesitating, afraid of causing her more pain. “Don’t try to speak.”

Beth’s eyes drifted shut and she sighed.

Cooper’s phone buzzed with an incoming message, and he checked his phone. “It’s from Jake. Morton’s been booked at the County jail. The police are on their way here to take statements.”

Shane nodded. “Have them start with Mary Reynolds. She’s in the waiting room. She’s an eye witness. They’ll need to talk to Miguel, too. He didn’t see Andrew, but he saw Beth on the floor right after the attack. Tell them Beth won’t be able to make a statement right now.”

A young man dressed in scrubs entered the cubicle, a clipboard in his hand. “We’re ready for Ms. Jamison in Radiology,” he said.

The young man looked at Shane and then at Tyler, apparently unsure who he should be addressing. “Is there any chance Ms. Jamison could be pregnant?” he asked.

Shane looked at Tyler, whose expression had hardened. “Yes,” Shane said, meeting Tyler’s gaze directly. “There is.”

Tyler glared at Shane with barely restrained fury.

The young orderly made a notation on his clipboard, then he hung the clipboard from a hook at the foot of Beth’s bed. “Is someone going to come with her?” he said, looking from Shane to Tyler and back again.

“I’m coming,” Tyler said in a firm voice. “I’m her next of kin.” Tyler glared at Shane, daring Shane to challenge him.

Shane nodded. “Stay with her,” he said to Tyler. “I’ll go speak to the police.”

Tyler eyed Shane. “You and I are going to have a talk later.”

Shane nodded. “I’m sure we will.” Then he stood and gently kissed the top of Beth’s head. “I’ll see you soon, sweetheart,” he said. “I won’t go far.”



Cooper followed Shane to the ER waiting room, where they found a small crowd gathered, waiting for word. Jake, Liam, Miguel, and Lia were seated together in one corner of the room, along with Mary Reynolds. They jumped to their feet when Shane entered the room.

“How is she?” Mary said.

“She’s in a lot of pain, but she’s stable. Her brother is going with her to Radiology for x-rays and a CT scan. Then she’ll be admitted to the hospital and taken up to a regular ward.” Shane looked at Jake. “Have the police arrived?”

“Not yet, but they’re en route,” Jake said.

Shane nodded. “Mary, they’ll need a statement from you. And one from you, as well, Miguel. Beth won’t be making a statement anytime soon.”

Cooper looked up from a new message on his phone. “Morton’s been charged with assault and battery, for starters,” he said. “Troy’s down at the County jail, overseeing the charges. He’s going to push for a denial of bail. The kid’s father is also at the jail.”

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