Vulnerable: (McIntyre Security Bodyguard Series - Book 1) (46 page)

BOOK: Vulnerable: (McIntyre Security Bodyguard Series - Book 1)
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Shane glanced at Gabrielle, who looked very ill at ease. “Hello, Gabrielle,” he said. “I’m glad you came. Beth will be happy to see you.”

Gabrielle glanced at Ingrid Jamison, then back at Shane. “Shane, I’m sorry for telling Beth like I did.”

Shane shook his head, dismissing her apology. “There’s no need to apologize, Gabrielle. I understand why you did it. It’s okay.”


* * *


Cooper was standing guard outside Beth’s room when Shane and the two women approached.

Shane nodded at Cooper, then ushered Mrs. Jamison and Gabrielle inside the room. The center of the room – where Beth’s bed would be when she returned from Orthopedics – was conspicuously empty. Lia got up from the guest chair she’d been sitting in and hopped up on the window sill.

“Mrs. Jamison, this is my sister, Lia McIntyre,” Shane said. “She’ll be helping me look after Beth. Lia, this is Beth’s mother and Beth’s roommate, Gabrielle Hunter.”

“Hello,” Lia said.

“Call me Ingrid, please,” the woman said. “Do you mind if I sit?” Ingrid sank gratefully into one of the two chairs in the room. Gabrielle took the other.

Ingrid’s gaze went to the doorway. Shane glanced behind him to see what she was looking at. It was Cooper standing in the open doorway.

“I beg your pardon,” Shane said, smiling apologetically. “Mrs. Jamison, this is Daniel Cooper. Cooper, this is Beth’s mother, Ingrid Jamison.”

“Ma’am,” Cooper said, tipping his head at Ingrid.

“Hello,” Ingrid said.

“Can I get either of you anything?” Shane said to Ingrid and Gabrielle. “Coffee? A soft drink? Water?”

“I would love some coffee,” Ingrid said, looking at Shane with a hopeful expression on her face.

“I’ll get it,” Cooper said. “How do you take your coffee, ma’am?”

Ingrid smiled at Cooper. “Thank you, that’s very kind. And please, call me Ingrid. Sugar and cream, if it’s not too much trouble.”

“Not at all... Ingrid,” Cooper said. Then he looked at Gabrielle. “Anything for you, miss?”

“Water, please,” Gabrielle said.

After Cooper left, Ingrid looked imploringly at Shane. “Please tell me what happened to my baby. Tyler was very vague when he called me.”

Shane frowned. “Beth was attacked earlier today in her office. It was a pretty brutal beating, and she’s in a lot of pain, but none of her injuries are serious.”

“Do they know who did this to her?”

“Yes,” Shane said. “He’s a student at the medical school. He’s been arrested and is in the County jail now, awaiting arraignment. My attorney is investigating what charges we can bring against him. For starters, he’s charged with assault and battery. I expect there will be more charges coming.”

attorney?” Ingrid said, taken aback. “Why yours? Why not Tyler’s?” She eyed Shane suspiciously. “Pardon me, I don’t mean to be rude, but what business do you have with my daughter?”

Shane hesitated, painfully aware that this wasn’t the best time or place to tell Ingrid he was involved with her daughter.

“I’m Beth’s boyfriend,” Shane said. There was that god-awful word again. It didn’t do their relationship justice.

“Her boyfriend?” Ingrid eyed Shane skeptically. “Beth didn’t even tell me she was dating anyone, let alone that she had a

Ingrid looked at Gabrielle for corroboration of Shane’s claim.

Gabrielle nodded. “Beth’s been seeing Shane for a couple of weeks.”

Ingrid looked back at Shane. “No offense, but aren’t you a little too old for my daughter?”

“No, ma’am, I’m not,” Shane said.

She frowned at him. “Where did you meet Beth?”

“I met your daughter through Tyler,” Shane said. “Your son hired my firm to provide bodyguards for Beth.”

“Bodyguards!” Ingrid said, sitting up in her chair, completely astounded. “Whatever for?”

Just then, Cooper walked through the door carrying two cups. He handed a Styrofoam cup of ice water to Gabrielle.

“Here you go, Ingrid.” Cooper smiled at her as she took the coffee cup from his hand. “Sugar and cream.”

“Thank you,” she said, smiling back.

Cooper looked at Shane. “I just passed Beth and Tyler coming out of the elevator. They’ll be here any second.”

Ingrid Jamison jumped to her feet as the orderly wheeled Beth’s bed into her room. “Oh, my God, Beth!” she cried, horrified by the cuts and bruises on her daughter’s face.

“Mom!” Beth cried, seeing her mother.

Cooper intercepted Ingrid and took the cup of hot coffee from her hand. She smiled gratefully at him.

“Oh, my sweet baby,” Ingrid said, as she moved to Beth’s side and reached for her daughter.

“Careful!” Shane barked, and Ingrid froze, a stricken look on her face. “I’m sorry,” Shane said. “Just be careful where you touch her.”

Ingrid looked from Beth to Shane to Tyler, her hands hovering uncertainly over Beth. “Where can I touch her?” she said. Her gaze went automatically to Tyler, who stood looking grim beside Beth’s bed. “Tyler?” Her voice cracked.

“She’ll be okay, Mom,” Tyler said, putting his arm around his mother.

“The top of her head’s okay,” Shane said. “Avoid her chest and face. They’re the worst.”

Ingrid laid gentle hands on her daughter’s legs, sliding them up carefully to her waist. “My poor baby,” she said, crooning in a way only a mother could.

“I’m okay, Mom,” Beth said. “Please, don’t worry.”

Ingrid moved up to the head of the bed and leaned over and stroked the top of Beth’s head gently, then leaned down and kissed her daughter there. “It’s okay, baby,” Ingrid said. “We’ll take very good care of you.”

Cooper pushed a chair toward Ingrid, and she sat down beside Beth’s bed.

Gabrielle sat in the other visitor chair. “Wow, you look awful, Beth,” she said.

Beth chuckled, then whimpered in pain. “Hurts... to... laugh,” she said, gasping each word.

“Then don’t laugh,” Gabrielle said, unable to refrain from smiling.

“I can’t... help it. Everyone... keeps... telling me... how terrible... I look.”

“You always look beautiful, honey,” Ingrid said, brushing Beth’s hair back. “Even now.”

A young woman arrived with Beth’s dinner tray.

Ingrid surveyed the dinner plate. “Chicken broth, mashed potatoes, and Jello. Looks like you’re on a soft food diet.”

Ingrid jumped to her feet and arranged the tray for Beth. “Here, honey, let me help you,” Ingrid said to her daughter. “Let’s raise up your bed a bit so you don’t choke. I’ll feed you.”



Shane watched Ingrid Jamison go into full mother mode with Beth, and he smiled. Having Ingrid here was just what Beth needed.

As Ingrid offered Beth a spoonful of broth, Shane glanced at his sister who was sitting on the window sill with her knees drawn up. “Why don’t you go grab some dinner? I’ll be here.”

Lia hopped down from the window sill. “Text me when they’re gone,” she mouthed to Shane. “I can only take so much family time.”

Tyler glanced at his mother and Gabrielle, who were busy helping Beth manage her dinner. Then he caught Shane’s gaze and cocked his head toward the hallway, motioning for Shane to join him.

“I’ll be right outside in the hallway, sweetheart,” Shane said to Beth. Then he followed Tyler into the hall.

“Does Beth know you want to move her into your house in Kenilworth?” Tyler said.

“No,” Shane said. “I haven’t had a chance to tell her. I will once things quiet down a bit.”

Tyler shook his head. “No. I want her to come live with me for the time being,” Tyler said. “At least until the issue of Kline has been resolved. The last place she needs to be is under your roof. She needs to be with her family.”

Shane stood with his arms crossed. He’d been expecting this. “She’s not a child, Tyler. She can make up her own mind.”

“Not under these circumstances, she can’t,” Tyler said. “She’s been traumatized, and she’s overwhelmed. Her mother and I will make this decision. She’ll be fine in my condo. I live in a secured building. She’ll be safe there.”

“Like I said, Tyler, she can make up her own mind.”

“We’ll see about that. But what about tonight?” Tyler said. “How late are you staying?”

“I’m staying here all night,” Shane said. “I’m not leaving her. I’ll spend the night with her, here in her room. A few of my people will be staying overnight, too. We’ve got it covered.”

Tyler frowned. “Jake told me Kline bought a gun.”

“He did,” Shane said. “And this morning he bought ammo at a local gun shop. We’re monitoring his PC and phone 24/7. There’s not much Kline can do that we don’t know about. Don’t worry. We won’t let him get anywhere near her.”



Ingrid and Gabrielle left at 8 pm, when the nurse popped in to remind everyone that visiting hours had officially ended. Tyler hung around for a little while longer, reluctant to leave Beth. There’d been such a stream of people in and out all afternoon and evening that he hadn’t had a chance to be alone with her.

“I’d like to be alone with my sister for a while,” Tyler said to Shane.

Shane nodded. “We’ll go get some coffee,” he said, referring to himself and Lia, who was back up on her window sill perch.

Tyler had been taking care of Beth one way or another for her entire life. That wasn’t about to change just because Shane was in the picture now. He knew it had to be hard for Tyler to adjust to having another man claiming rights where Beth was concerned. Besides, Shane wanted his own private time with Beth, and he knew that wouldn’t happen until Tyler finally left for the evening. And Tyler wouldn’t leave until he’d tried his best to talk her into staying with him.



Lia followed Shane out of the room.

“I’ll stay here,” Cooper said, outside Beth’s door. “You two, go get some coffee.”

“Forget coffee,” Lia said, as she and Shane headed to the elevator. “Is there a bar nearby?”

“I could sure use a drink,” Shane said, punching the button to summon the elevator. “It’s been one hell of a day.”

They took the elevator down to the basement, where the cafeteria was located. But the cafeteria was closed for the night, so they each grabbed a cup of coffee, and Shane got a sandwich from a self-serve vending machine. They found a table and sat.

Shane watched Lia dump half a cup of sugar into her coffee and shook his head in dismay.

“Beth broke up with me yesterday morning,” Shane told Lia.

Her eyes shot up at him. “What? Why?”

“Gabrielle told her that Tyler had hired us. She was... hurt,” he said. “She felt betrayed. I was trying to give her some space, waiting for an opportunity to talk to her – to work things out with her – when the attack happened this morning.”

“Oh, God. Poor Beth.”

Shane grimaced. “Yeah, she’s had one hell of a week, and it’s only Tuesday.”

“What are you going to do now? About Beth, I mean.”

“I’m going to talk to her as soon as Tyler leaves,” Shane said. “We did talk a little bit earlier today, but she was in no shape to discuss our relationship. Honestly, she still isn’t, but I can’t put it off any longer.”

“So, you hadn’t told her you were the hired help?” Lia surmised, smirking at her brother.

“Gabrielle beat me to it. Beth was devastated, to say the least.”

“Well, you can’t blame her, can you?” Lia said.

“No,” Shane said. “I can’t. I admitted to her that I’d fucked up, but she was hurt. Really hurt. She has trust issues to begin with, and this didn’t help. But I’m not giving up on her. I love Beth. I’m not going to lose her.”

“Well, if this evening was any indication, I don’t think you have anything to worry about. She couldn’t keep her eyes off you. She doesn’t want to lose you any more than you want to lose her. It’ll work out.”

“I certainly hope you’re right,” Shane said.

“Let’s just hope her brother doesn’t fuck things up for you.”


Chapter 41


Tyler closed the door to Beth’s room and dropped into one of the empty visitor chairs. Like everyone else had done that day, he took hold of her good hand, taking care not to touch her battered knuckles. He brought the back of her hand to his lips and kissed it.

“I love you, Beth,” Tyler said, his eyes pained as he studied her face. He reached out with his index finger, just barely skimming the surface of her face, taking care not to put any pressure on the multitude of bruises. “When I got the call that you’d been hurt, I swear my heart stopped in my chest.”

Beth’s eyes started watering. “I love you, too, ” she said, attempting a small smile. It hurt.

She was exhausted. Every bone in her body ached, her face was a minefield of pain, and every muscle in her body had turned to mush. More than anything, she just wanted to sleep, but she knew she and Tyler needed to talk. Surely he knew about her relationship with Shane by now.

She tried to sit up. “Tyler, I – ”

“No, lie down,” he said, reaching out to gently ease her back down. “It’s okay. I know about you and Shane.” A muscle flexed in his jaw as he clenched his teeth. He swallowed hard, his eyes glittering like diamonds.

She knew he was upset, but he was holding it in. For her sake.

“He told me he loves you,” Tyler said, watching Beth’s face for her reaction.

A small smile made the corners of her mouth curve up. Shane said that to Tyler? Well, that made it official. “I love him, too,” she said, heaving a deep sigh. It felt good to say that aloud.

“You don’t sound very excited about it,” Tyler said.

“I am excited. But it’s just so new,” she said, her fingers nervously playing with her blanket. “And so unexpected. I never thought I could feel like this with someone. I never thought that someone could feel this way about
.” Her eyes teared up. “Tyler, he knows
about me. He knows how I am, and he still wants me. He’s so patient, and he’s so considerate. He’s never made me feel that I’m less than what I should be.”

Tyler chuckled, his voice harsh. “Shane McIntyre is a lot of things – arrogant, controlling – but he isn’t stupid. He knows a good thing when he sees one and you, kiddo, are a good thing.” Tyler squeezed her hand. “How did you meet him?”

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