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Authors: Ira Tabankin

WAR (41 page)

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“Now for the bad news. We’re still fighting riots and race battles in our cities. I’ve asked for volunteers from Police and Sheriff Departments across the country to help their brothers and sisters in the rioting cities. These volunteers will be spread out into each major city. They will be reinforcements to the existing overtaxed first responders. If you open fire against a first responder, if you set traps for them, if you attack them, I have authorized our first responders to use deadly force. I have instructed the first responders to restore order. One of the tasks I’ve asked the first responders to perform is to help the hungry and ill in our cities who haven’t been able to leave their homes to get medical aid and food.

“I have a message to President Booker; I know you are financing the unrest in our cities. I know you are stirring up the unrest between races so that you can gain an advantage over us. Let me tell you that we consider your actions an act of war. As such, there is now a technical state of war between our two countries. You have supported the invasion of the USA, you have tried to turn brother and sister against each other. You have tried to destroy the USA. We accept that you think the only way you can win this battle, is for you to fight us in a covert manner or through your allies. Let me tell you the Russian Federation and the USA have signed a cease-fire and a friendship treaty, they are no longer your allies. We have defeated your ally in Quebec. We have defeated your allies in Cuba and Venezuela. President Booker, you are now alone, you no longer have any allies. You have no internet access. Your people are suffering, we can increase the pressure on you if that is what you desire. You have backed and funded attacks on our people and you struck and killed President Cruise. You attacked and missed harming President Brownstone. If you want all out war with the USA, I’m here tonight to tell you, you can have it. I can release nuclear weapons against your cities turning the LSA into a radioactive wasteland for centuries. I can call down our KEW weapons and destroy every government building in the LSA. I can destroy your farms and food distribution centers. I can starve you into surrender. These are all the weapons I have at my disposal. I’m asking Congress to issue a formal declaration of war between the LSA and the USA. Once the declaration is passed, there will be no restrictions on our movements or weapons used. You can surrender now and save the LSA or you can ignore this chance to save your country and people from total destruction.  I promise you, this time there will be no half measures. There won’t be any ‘games’. You have attacked the USA, you will surrender or suffer the consequences of our wrath. President Booker, we, the people of the USA, are tired of playing with you. We, the people of the USA, are tired of trying to make you feel good. You crossed the line when you authorized an invasion of us. This time, when the dust settles there, won’t be an LSA.”

“To the people of the LSA I say to you, you have one week to tell your government to surrender, one week to overthrow your government or to say you want to rejoin your brothers and sisters in the USA, we will take you back with open arms and total forgiveness. Both of us can learn from each other to form a more perfect union. We can set aside petty politics and create the most powerful country the world has ever seen. A country that can lead the world into a new age of plenty for all. If we merge the best of the both of us, there will be no limits to what we can accomplish. However, if you decide not to join us, then you will suffer our wrath for supporting the invasion. The United States of America was born 251 years ago. When we broke away from England some of them wanted to remain loyal to the Crown, some wanted to form a new country. When the LSA split from the USA, some wanted to stay and some wanted to form a new country; a country founded on progressive programs. President Brownstone allowed you to try to form your worker's paradise. How did you repay him? You tried to kill him.

“Your country is trillions of dollars in debt, while we have paid down more than 90% of our debt, your children’s futures have been mortgaged to allow you all to be semi equal. I say semi equal because you’re not equal. The LSA has a political class and the rest of you. Your own government spies on you 24/7. You have no secrets from your government. You have no privacy, you only think you have freedom. Most of you claim you live in the LSA because you have total freedom. Most people want to be free, what they really want is the freedom to feel secure. Total freedom, which is anarchy, isn’t freedom, its chaos. You aren’t free when you’re being watched and listened by your own government.

“I’m giving you one week to decide. I suggest President Booker hold a national vote to allow his people decide their own fate. To the people in the USA, let us hope and pray our brothers and sisters decide to come home. I can promise you if President Booker doesn’t allow the election, we will wage a very short and violent war against the LSA crushing it for their attacks against us. Thank you and may God bless the United States of America. Good night.”

The reaction to President Rand’s speech was immediate on both sides of the divide. The LSA government announced that they would hold a press conference in one hour. In the USA, people were hopeful another war could be avoided. Many were upset President Rand offered the LSA an unconditional offer to rejoin the broken union. News programs are split over the offer, some felt the LSA should pay some of the costs they caused the USA to absorb when they broke away, others felt President Rand made a brilliant offer to the LSA, the USA could afford to absorb the costs and would be a much stronger country once its wayward states rejoined. Some in Congress weren’t so happy about potentially losing their positions of power. By the end of the first hour, most in the USA liked President Rand’s offer, they looked forward to an end of the divide and the end of the war.

One hour after President’s Rand’s speech, President Booker walked to the podium, “My fellow citizens of the Liberal States of America, need I remind you why we split from the USA? Need I remind you what the USA stands for since we left? Many of you watched the television program that compared our two nations, do you want your children to grow up where they play contact sports in schools, where almost everyone owns a firearm, where there are only two recognized sexes? Do you want your children to grow up equal or where you need to work harder than your neighbor to get ahead? Do you remember always wanting the newest style, the newest car, the largest TV, the latest electronic toy? Was it worth it? Was working extra hours and losing precious time with your families worth the bling? I can say we have built a much better country in the LSA than the USA could ever be, a few examples of our improvement are, there are almost no obese people in the LSA, we are all more healthy than those who live in the USA, we have free choice, just a little less of it than the USA has. Do you really miss 500 channels, which you never watched anyway? Do you really care that your government keeps an eye on your for your safety and security? Be honest, don’t you like knowing your packages, your mail, your utilities are provided by the government? I have to ask our minority citizens if they want to return to the way it was when the color of their skin of the location of their birth mattered in their job or school selection. Since becoming President, I’ve spoken out and signed into law many new rules to help our minority brothers and sisters who been held down and held back for hundreds of years. Is this really what you want to return to?”

“I know many of you are afraid of going to war against the USA, the all powerful USA, the single most technological advanced country in the world. Think about one point for a minute, everyone heard President Rand ask us to vote to rejoin the USA. They want us back, they’re not going to destroy the LSA because, in President Rand’s eyes, we’re still his brothers and sisters. He wouldn’t harm his family and that’s what you are to him, part of his family. We have nothing to fear from the USA. Of course, they might turn off our electrical power again, we’ve lived through that once, we can live through it again. What else can they do to us? We’re equal, if we remain strong, there’s nothing they can do to us. We can easily survive anything they do while we grow stronger in the eyes of the world by standing up to the world’s largest bully. I say we tell President Rand where to stick his offer. We’re telling the USA we don’t need them. We tell the USA we’re better off than they are. I want to hear your voices in support of our cause. Thank you and may all of our children grow up healthy and equal.”

The reaction to President Booker’s remarks is mixed on both sides of the divide, many wonder how he could tell his people to ignore a declaration of war with the planet’s only superpower. Many didn’t understand how the LSA could survive when the country was in debt more than $5 trillion, with the amount increasing every day.  The Chairmen of the Bank of the LSA and the Bank of Equals both issue press announcements stating they strongly advise the people of the LSA to rejoin the USA because the government of the LSA is broke. The bankers say they are not only not going to loan the LSA government any additional funds, they want the current loans repaid. They have decided to demand interest payments be made within thirty days. Payments they know the LSA can’t make.

While both Presidents spoke, a small US government plane carried the Smith family from the LSA to Washington D.C. From potential discrimination or worse to freedom. They are on the way to visit a family of friends they’ve only met online and on a television program. Scott and Sissy are sad over the loss of their friends and happy to be able to try new things and meet their counterparts who live across the country in North Carolina.

Sissy asks, “Mom is flying safe? I’ve never been on an airplane before, have you or daddy?”

Sharon strokes Sissy’s hair saying, “Honey flying is very safe, don’t worry. It’s like taking the train only we’re in the air. It’s also much faster than the train or a car. I think we’re going 500 mph.”

Scott looks out the window asking, “If we’re going 500 mph, why doesn’t everything flash by, why doesn’t it feel like we’re moving at 500 mph? I feel it when we drive fast in the car or the train goes around a curve quickly, here I don’t feel it.”

“It’s because we’re so high up. In the car and train you feel the friction with the ground or tracks, here the wings hold us up.”

Both Sissy and Scott lean over to look at the wings, Sissy says, “Do you mean if the wings fell off we’ll crash?”

“Well to be honest, yes we would. But don’t worry the wings aren’t going to come off. Airplanes fly around the world.”

Scott asks, “Why haven’t we flown someplace before?”

Jason smiles saying, “Because we didn’t have someplace to go that was far away. Plus airplane flight is very expensive.”

“Scott looks worried, “How are we going to pay for this? Both of you left your jobs back home, I didn’t bring my money, how do we pay?”

Sissy smiles saying, “I have $6.50 maybe that will be enough.”

Both of their parents laugh from pride and love of their children, tears form in their eyes, Jason says, “Kids, don’t worry about the cost. The USA government is paying for our flight. They are giving us a special award by flying us to the Capital of the USA.”

“Really?” asks Scott.

“Really, we don’t have to pay for it. Just relax and enjoy the flight. It’s going to take us 5 and half hours to fly to Washington.”

Scott says, “Wow we’re going to cross the entire country in half a day that is fast. It took us that long to drive to Vancouver.”

“We left in the evening east coast time, so we’re going to arrive there very late. We’ll be going to a hotel tonight. Why don’t the two of you look out of the window or watch a movie on the nice tablets they gave us when we boarded.”

Scott says, “Mom, do we get to keep these tablets?”

“I think so, if you turn them over, they have your names on them. They are loaded with movies, history books and news stories from the USA.”

While the kids look out the window, Jason and Sharon read the speeches given by each President on their tablets. Jason whispers, “I’m glad we left when we did. Things aren’t looking good back home.”

“Honey, do you think Booker will allow a vote?”

“I’m not sure. If he does and he wins, he’ll have the largest vote of confidence anyone’s had since the LSA was founded. On the other hand, if he allows the vote and it goes against him, he’ll be shattered. The LSA will fold. He’ll be the first African-American and also the last President of the LSA. Many people will blame him for the collapse.”

“If he doesn’t allow the vote it means war. A war that the LSA can’t win.”

“Sharon, honey, my gut says he won’t allow the vote, in which case he’s going to have a war he can’t win which will yield the destruction of the LSA. I worry about the hundreds of thousands or even millions who may die in a war. If the USA uses nuclear weapons, entire cities will disappear.”

“You’re right, I’m glad we got out when we did.”


Chapter 30

President Brownstone arrives at the Pentagon asking to see General Watson. The guards at the entrance to the Pentagon snap to attention. “Sir, is… is… he expecting you, you’re not on his visitor list.”

“I think he’ll agree to see me.”

“Yes sir.”

“General, sir, this is Corporal Troy Backfin at the main gate. Sir, President Brownstone is at the entrance asking to see you.”

“Corporal, did you say the President is at the main entrance and you’re holding him up? Escort him to my office right away, I’ll get the VIP escorts to meet you in the E ring.”

“Yes sir.”

Looking at President Brownstone, the guard says, “Sir if you would please follow me.”

“Corporal, I still have my ID card if that helps going through security.”

“Sir, yes sir. When we reach the security desk, please slide your card through the slot at the gate.”

“I still remember how to do it. Corporal Backfin, please slow down, I’m an old man with a cane.”

The President’s secret service detail watches the facial expressions on everyone who sees the President with amusement, one turns to the other saying, “I think he just woke up everyone in the puzzle palace.”

“That’s a fact, I bet the General and the SecDoD are trying to figure out what they did to cause the Prez to show up unannounced. I love it when he does things like this, sure makes for an interesting day.”

“By the way, how did he know the CJCS would be here?”

“He asked me to check.” Laughing the lead agent says, “I seemed to have forgotten to call ahead.”

“I hope the CJCS or SecDoD don’t figure that out. If they do, your next assignment may be in Greenland.”

President Brownstone stands in the security line to enter the Pentagon with the other visitors who turn around recognizing him, most try to stand aside, the President tells them he’ll wait in line. When he clears security the VIP escort slides to a stop on the tile floor of the Pentagon lobby. “Sir, welcome to the Pentagon, had you called ahead we would have been ready for you.”

“Major, there’s no need for pomp, I used to work here. I know my way around.”

“Sir, it would be our honor to escort you to the General’s office.”

“I have two agents with me, they can escort me, why don’t you do some real work. I don’t need any buttering up. I’m a retired Marine.”

The Major replies, “Sir, you were the Commandant of the US Marines and the President. It’s our honor to walk with you.”

People walking down the E ring going about their business are shocked to see the President walking down the hall. Many stop trying to figure out if they can or should say anything to him. The ice is broken by a young Marine First Lieutenant, who walks up to the President asking, “Sir, would you take a picture with me?”

“LT, it would be my pleasure.”

The simple picture broke the ice as others ran over to have their pictures taken with President Brownstone, soon the official Pentagon photographer showed up to record his visit and take everyone’s picture with him. President Brownstone looked around, not seeing anyone else he said, “I think we’ve kept the good General waiting long enough.”

The escorts snapped to attention, “Sir, just four more offices on the right.”

Arriving at General Watson’s office, the President finds the SecDoD waiting for him with the General.”

The Secretary of Defense says, “Sir, this is a very unexpected pleasure, how may we help you?”

“Mr. Secretary, I would like to spend a few minutes with the General, I have no objection if you’d like to join us. General, I’m sorry I didn’t call ahead. I hope I’m not interfering with anything important. If I am, I can wait or come back.”

Knowing no one in the Pentagon is going to refuse him, he smiles at the General who responds, “Mr. President, welcome to the Pentagon, please come in and make yourself comfortable, I have some of your special coffee coming from the mess.”

“They still stock my coffee?”

“Sir, General Wilcox said it’s the official blend for the US Marines.”

“Good. General, I’d like to have a secure discussion concerning some ideas I have for our next move with respect to the LSA.”

“Sir, then I’d like to suggest we move this to the secure conference room. If it’s OK with you, I’d like to invite the other chiefs to join us.”

“Good idea.”

The three men and their staffs and the two secret service agents move to the Joint Chiefs secure conference room. Within minutes, the conference room door opens, the service chiefs enter with their strategic planning staffs. SecDoD opens the meeting saying, “I’m sorry for the no notice meeting, President Brownstone simply showed at our main entrance asking for a meeting, who was I to refuse him?”

Everyone in the room smiled, knowing no one in the building would refuse the President anything he asked for. “Mr. President, what do have in mind?”

“Mr. Secretary, Generals, staff, thank you for agreeing to see me without an appointment. I would like to discuss some ideas with respect to the LSA. My gut tells me President Booker isn’t going to allow a national vote which he might lose. In which case, in a week we’re going to be in a declared state of war. The one thing, we don't want to do, is harm the LSA citizens who were our brothers and sisters, they may be again. I think we should plan an attack to take out the leadership of the LSA, once we do, we can offer their people a chance to vote.”

General Watson smiles replying, “Sir, we agree with you. In fact, we’re working on a plan to do just as you’ve suggested. One of our problems is after the accidental gas explosion took out the Gray House we don’t have a detailed list where all of their leadership meets.”

“The old Federal Building in downtown LA.”

“Sir? All of them?”

“Yes, I have a private guardian angel who just happens to have recently been in LA, he brought back an interesting observation that the old federal building was now being used by the LSA congress or parliament and their executive branch. This information was confirmed by a DepLIES Commander, who played a large role in the action in Las Vegas.”

General Watson says, “Would that be Commander Jack Lewis?”

“The very same.”

“That makes it much easier to deal with. All we need is to know their meeting schedule.”

“I’m sure that between the NSA and your own cyber department, you ought to be able to find out their schedule. I want to discuss what to do if we miss getting everyone at one time.”

General Johnson, the CICNORAD replies, “Mr. President, that depends on if we want to take them alive or not. If not, a ‘Hammer’ solves the problem pretty quickly.”

“General, using a ‘Hammer’ would mean any visitors to the building would be killed with the LSA leadership.”

“Sir, sometimes it can’t be helped.”

“General, I agree, have you considered sending a couple of Seal or Delta teams?”

“Sir, we have, however we still think we’re going to have collateral damage. It’s going to be hard to move a SpecOps team into the LSA and get them all into the building. Sir, the building, is 17 stories tall that’s a lot of offices to clear in a short time before hundreds of their DepLIES agents arrive, agents who are now carrying firearms.”

“Mail bombs?”

“Sir, no assurance the right people open the packages, we could be taking out innocent office workers.”

“How about package bombs sent via parcel package delivery service that have to be personally signed for?”

“Most in the government aren’t going to sign for anything. They’ll have their staff sign and open the packages.”

“At their homes?”

“Hundreds of locations.”

“General, I’m back to hit teams.”

One of the staff says, “We could call in a bomb scare, bring in some buses to transport the LSA leaders to another location, our teams will be on the buses. We take them to the desert.”

Another staffer says, “What about the DepLIES, won’t they know we’re not real agents?”

“We can and have reproduced their ID cards, we now have one of their Commanders to help us with their lingo.”

President Brownstone says, “I like it.”

SecDoD replies, “Sir, give us a day to put the pieces together.”

President Brownstone nods his agreement. “General, SecDoD, why don’t we meet tomorrow and then brief the President.”




The USA Vice President watches from a secure location as the National Guard enters the first city, Atlanta, Georgia with food in their arms in place of weapons or mace. They set bags of rice, flour and cans of food in a pile surrounded by cases of bottled water. They placed signs around the food saying, “More is available when the rioting and arson stop.” People poked their heads out of their doors to see what’s going on, they see the food and water, they see signs pointing to medical and dental help areas. When they realize these new police weren’t going to arrest or shoot anyone, people came out of their homes to take the food and water, some followed the signs for medical help. The next day the process is repeated, on the third day, community leaders were waiting for these new first responders. They agreed to sit around a makeshift table and talk about their issues. The Guard asked for the leaders of the local gangs to join the discussion. The community leaders looked surprised by the request. The Guard officer said, “In order to have peace for all, we need all of the community leaders to join us.”  

A leader said, “They are afraid you’ll arrest them.”

“I promise no arrests, just plain talk, and hot food.”

The promise of hot food sent everyone at the table to talking at the same time. A break was taken so the gang leaders could be contacted. Two hours later the group sat down around the table, this time four new men joined the others. The new attendees looked nervous, they didn’t trust these new officers. After promising no arrests, the officer reminded everyone to be civil with no name calling. The officer called the mess unit to bring in a portable kitchen, they cooked for the entire neighborhood. Everyone came out of their homes and hiding positions to join the community picnic; everyone was enjoying themselves. The discussions lasted well into the night. At 11:00 PM, the officer called a halt for the evening, he promised to return in the morning with a hot breakfast. At breakfast, the Guard returned to find the community had cleaned up the area they met in and hundreds of people are there waiting for them to arrive. Six hours later a community agreement is worked out. Everyone feels good when the officer said he had a surprise for them, he said the code word, “code blue” on his radio, fifteen minutes later the US Vice President drives into the city accompanied by a Regional Vice Presidents from Walmart and Target. The community leaders and others are surprised to see the Vice President standing in the middle of their community. The two corporate Vice Presidents announced a new local program. They both promised to build new stores and hire the local people to work in the stores, under the condition the community ensure the workers and shoppers are safe, not only in the stores, but going and coming to the stores. The corporate officers explained they were willing to invest in the cities if the community also invested. They offered free schooling and healthcare to those hired. The local gangs agreed to a truce; they agreed to share the policing of the new stores in exchange for a chance of a real job and a cessation to the police round up arrests.  Handshakes and smiles by everyone end the meeting. The Guard officer and the corporate Vice Presidents walk through the burnt shells of the inner city shaking their heads. Two of the community leaders watched the three men wondering what they’re discussing. Mistrust runs high in the community. When they return, the Vice Presidents offer, “If the community provides some of the manpower, my people will provide the instruction and most of the materials to rebuild your buildings and help you rebuild your homes. We will make sure every home is up to standard, BUT, you are going to have to do most of the work yourselves. We’ll teach you, we’ll provide the materials through corporate donations of wood, sheetrock, plumbing and electric supplies. We are not going to do it for you.”

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