Authors: Edwin Black
Planned Parenthood Foundation New York |
Records of the Montgomery County Courthouse Christiansburg, VA |
Richmond Times-Dispatch Newspaper Morgue Richmond |
Rockefeller Foundation Archives (RF) S leepy Hollow, NY RG 1.1 Projects RG 1.2 Projects RG 3.1 Administration, Program and Policy RG 6.1 Field Officers RG 10 Fellowship Recorder Cards Smith College North Hampton, MA Sophia Smith Collection Tamiment-Wagner Labor Archives Archive New York University of California at Berkeley Archive Berkeley, CA 71/3C William E. Ritter Papers 72/227C Berkeley PD C-B 403 August Vollmer Papers C-B 927 Robert H. Lowie Papers CU-23 UCB Department of Anthropology University of California at Davis Davis, CA Vermont Public Records (VT-PRA) Middlesex, VT Virginia State Archive Richmond UNITED KINGDOM |
House of Lords Records Office | London |
Public Records Office (PRO) | London |
Colonial Office | |
Department of Education | |
Department of Technical Co-Operation, Ministry of | |
Overseas Development | |
Dominions Office | |
Foreign Office | |
General Register Office | |
Home Office | |
Medical Research Council | |
Ministry of Health | |
University College of London (UCL) | London |
Galton Papers | |
Pearson Papers | |
Penrose Papers | |
Wellcome Library | London |
SA-EUG Eugenics Society PP-MCS Marie Stopes Papers GC-088 Rockefeller Papers |
Buchenwald Archiv | Weimar |
Bundesarchiv Berlin (BAB) | Berlin |
NS 2 Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt | |
NS 5 Deutsche Arbeitsfront | |
R 2 Reichsfinanzministerium | |
R 3 Reichsministerium für Rüstung und Kriegsproduction | |
R 7 Reichswirtschaftsministerium | |
R 36 Deutscher Gemeindetag | |
R 86 Reichsgesundheitsamt | |
R 1501 Reichsministerium des Inneren | |
R 1509 Reichssippenamt | |
R 4901 Reichsministerium für Wissenschaft, | |
Erziehung und Volksbildung |
Bundesarchiv Koblenz (BAK) | Koblenz |
R 73 Notgemeinschaft der deutschen Wissenschaft | |
Max Planck Archiv | Berlin |
I. Abt., Rep. IA, Nr. 762-781 Presse | |
I. Abt., Rep. IA, Nr. 1050-1065 Auslands- und internationale Angelegenheitne | |
I. Abt., Rep. IA, Nr. 1076-1086 Besuche durch ausländische Gelehrte | |
I. Abt., Rep. IA, Nr. 1094 Rockefeller Foundation | |
I. Abt., Rep. IA, Nr. 2443-2451 Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Psychiatrie | |
I. Abt., Rep. 3, Nr. 4 Jahtesberichte des Kaiser-Wilhelm- Instituts für Anthropologie, menschiliche, Erblehre und Eugenik | |
I. Abt., Rep. 3, Nr. 23 International Federation of Eugenic Organisations | |
I. Abt., Rep. 3, Nr. 26 Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für | |
Anthtopologie, menschlich Erblehre und Eugenik | |
V. a Abt., Rep. 16 Verschuer | |
Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie, München (Deutsche Munich Forschungsanstalt für Psychiatry) Historisches Archiv der Klinik | |
GDA (ehemalige Genealogisch-Demographische Abteilung) | |
Universitatsarchiv Heidelberg | Heidelberg |
B-1523/3-7 Ehrepromotionen | |
H-III-869/2 Akten der medizinischen Fakult ä t | |
Universitatsarchiv Münster | Münster |
Nachlass Verschuer, Nr. 4 |
Libraries are crucial to research on eugenics because so much information resides in period secondary sources. In addition, each library maintains its own unique and often precious collection of obscure literature and local materials. Sometimes the most valuable materials are found in small community libraries. I estimate there are hundreds of libraries in the United States, and just as many overseas, containing important secondary materials. Most of the libraries we accessed are listed below, but space precludes a complete roster.
Alderman Library, University of Virginia | Charlottesville, VA |
BaileylHowe Library, University of Vermont | Burlington, VT |
Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley | Berkeley, CA |
Bobst Library, New York University | New York |
Boston Public Library | Boston |
California Institute of Technology Library | Pasadena |
Carnegie Library, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Cold Spring Harbor |
Charles C. Sherrod Library, East Tennessee State University | Johnson City, TN |
Chicago Historical Society Research Center | Chicago |
Chicago Public Library | Chicago |
Clapp Library, Occidental College | Los Angeles |
Dag Hammarskjöld Library, United Nations | New York |
Dahlgren Memorial Library, Georgetown University | Washington, DC |
Enoch Pratt Free Library | Baltimore |
Fairfax County Public Library | Fairfax, VA |
Fenwick Library, George Mason University | Fairfax, VA |
Gelman Library, George Washington University | Washington, DC |
History Office and Library, Immigration and Naturalization | Washington, DC |
Hodges Library, University of Tennessee at Knoxville | Knoxville |
Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Tulane University | New Orleans |
llIinois State Historical Library | Springfield, IL |
Indiana State Library | Indianapolis |
John Crerar Library, University of Chicago | Chicago |
Kellogg-Hubbard Library | Montpelier, VT |
Kuhn Library, University of Maryland, Baltimore County | Baltimore |
Lane Medical Library, Stanford University Medical School | Stanford, CA |
Lauinger Memorial Library, Georgetown University | Washington, DC |
Lehman Social Sciences Library, Columbia University | New York |
Library of Congress | Washington, DC |
Library of the American Philosophical Society | Philadelphia |
Library of the American University | Washington, DC |
Library of the University of the District of Columbia | Washington, DC |
Library of Virginia | Richmond |
Library, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum | Washington, DC |
Library, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research | New York |
Macdonald DeWitt Library, Ulster County Community College | Stone Ridge, NY |
McCormick Library, Planned Parenthood Foundation | New York |
McKeldin Library, University of Maryland College Park | College Park, MD |
Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin-Madison | Madison, WI |
Merriam Library, California State University | Chico, CA |
Montgomery College Library | Rockville, MD |
Montgomery County Public Libraries | Rockville, MD |
Mullen Library, Catholic University of America | Washington, DC |
National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health | Bethesda, MD |
New York Academy of Medicine Library | New York |
New York Public Library | New York |
Newman Library, Virginia Polytechnic Institute | Blacksburg, VA |
Orange Public Library | Orange, NJ |
Pickler Memorial Library, Truman State University | Kirksville, MO |
Princeton University Library | Princeton, NJ |
Schlesinger Library, Harvard University | Cambridge, MA |
Science, Industry & Business Library, New York Public Library | New York |
Sheridan Libraries, Johns Hopkins University | Baltimore |
Smith Memorial Library, Indiana Historical Society | Indianapolis |
Washington College of Law Library, American University | Washington, DC |
Washington Research Library Consortium | Upper Marlboro, MD |
Osler History of Medicine Library, McGill University | Montreal, QC |
McLennan-Redpath Library, McGill University | Montreal, QC |
Bibliothèque Nationale de France | Paris |
Bibliothek des Archivs zur Geschichte der Max- Planck-Gesellschaft | Berlin |
Bibliothek für Geschichte der Medizin, Freie Universität Berlin | Berlin |
Bibliothek des Otto-Suhr-Institutes für Politikwissenschaft, | Berlin |
Freie Universität | |
Bibliothek des Zentrums für Antisemitismusforschung, | Berlin |
Technische Universität | |
Staatsbibliothek Berlin | Berlin |
Bodleian Library, Oxford University | London |
British Library | London |
Library of the Public Records Office | London |
Library of the University College of London | London |
Wellcome Library | London |
Scores of publications and media outlets were consulted, both as sources of period materials and for topical information. These covered a spectrum, from obscure professional and medical journals, to Nazi-era scientific and political media, to the eugenics media, to contemporary publications and news organizations. In some cases, every issue of a publication was surveyed for as many as forty years;
Eugenical News
is an example. In other instances, we studied select editions. Many of the publications and media outlets we surveyed are listed below, but space precludes a complete roster.
American Bar Association Journal
American Journal of Medical Genetics
American Journal of Pathology
American Journal of Public Health
American Journal of Sociology
Bio IT World
Birth Control Review
Brain Pathology
British Journal of Inebriety
The British Medical Journal
Canadian Medical Association Journal