War In Heaven (12 page)

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Authors: C. L. Turnage

BOOK: War In Heaven
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was the Chief of the Systems Layout Branch at NASA, a holder of many patents,

the recipient
of the NASA Exceptional Services Medal. He also wrote numerous technical
articles, and

his participation in the building of the Saturn V rocket endowed
him with the expertise required to make

the determination that Ezekiel did actually see a spaceship in 592
B. C.

John Sees a Similar Craft in Revelation

similar craft was described in New Testament times by the apostle John who wrote

(see Rev. 4:1-8). John described how “from the throne proceed
flashes of lightning and sounds and

peals of thunder.” Observe the similarity between the two

“... before the throne there was, as it were, a sea of glass like
crystal; ...in the center and around

the throne, four living creatures, full of eyes in front and
behind. . .the first creature was like a lion ,... the

second like a calf ,...
third creature had a face like that of a man ,... the fourth creature was like that
of a

flying eagle... the four living creatures, each one of them having
six wings, are full of eyes around and

within; ...day and night they do not cease...” (Revelation 4:6-8).

Prophets Subjected to Ray by UFO

Ezekiel and John were “prophets” of God. Such men were ordinary people
appointed by

God, whose sole function was to relay specific messages given to
them by the Deity; which explains

why they were chosen to witness the landing of God’s spacecraft.
They acted simply as messengers,

and repeated the exact words God “put into their mouths.” Usually
a prophet would preface his

statement with “Thus saith the Lord.” This phrase gives the
impression that the message that followed

was an exact word for word repetition of the original message
received directly from God.

It seems to have been God who initiated the conversation and
dictated the words he wanted the

prophets to pronounce to the people. Once the conversation had
commenced, the prophet was then able

to ask a question of God, request a clarification, or express a
thought. It was as if the two-way

conversation between God and his prophet had to be “switched on”
by God, who was sitting nearby in

his “cloud.”

Theoretically, any man could state that he was a prophet, and
proceed to make pronouncements

to his heart’s content. How then, did the average person
distinguish between the real thing and an

imposter? An examination of the Bible gives one the clear
impression that the people of those days

knew exactly who was an authentic prophet. Throughout the Bible,
the phrase, “the spirit entered into

him,” is repeatedly used in connection with the prophets, and in
the New Testament, “and the Holy

Spirit descended upon Him,” in regards to Christ.

The word spirit is among the more difficult biblical words to
define since the concept is vague,

or subject to many different interpretations. lt would appear that
it has come to mean different things

depending upon the application and understanding of the person
using it. Yet, we observe the

recurrence of a particular phrase that seems to have had a very
specific meaning to the Hebrews. The

phrase, “the spirit came upon him,” seems to have denoted a very
specific occurrence or experience. If we analyze carefully the ensuing action
or result, in such instances, we can understand the meaning of

this word with a greater
degree of certainty.

Each time the spirit came
over someone, that person was able to prophesy, or to repeat the words

given to him by God.
Without this occurrence, the person was unable to prophesy, or repeat the

words. This situation was repeated over and over again throughout
the Bible, in episodes separated in

time from one another by many hundred of years.
of these experiences occurred while the

Deity YHWH was in contact with the Hebrews. Let us analyze some
verses from the book of Numbers.

“... I (God) will come down and speak with you (Moses) there, and
I will take of the spirit who is upon

you, and will put him upon
; and
they shall bear the burden of the people with you, so that you shall

not bear it all alone.”
Numbers 11:17.

"...the Lord came down in the cloud and spoke to him; and He
took of the Spirit who was upon

him and placed Him upon the seventy elders. And it came about that
when the Spirit rested upon them,

they prophesied. But they did not do it again.”
Numbers 11:25.

“But two men had remained in the camp; the name of one was Eldad
and the name of the other

And the Spirit rested upon them
(now they were among
those who had been registered, but had

not gone out to the tent),
and they prophesied in the
(Numbers 11:26).

“But Moses said to him, “Are you jealous for my sake? Would that
all the Lord’s people were

that the Lord would put His Spirit upon them!”

we get the idea that when God came down in his “cloud” he put the “Spirit” onto

seventy elders, who all of
a sudden, commenced to prophesy without stopping. Even the two men who

remained in the camp
started to prophesy because the “spirit rested upon them.” Moses wished that

spirit would
rest on all the Hebrews so they would all become prophets, or so that they
could all receive

and speak out the messages of God.

Prophets Were Charged Up by Ray

this spirit was something that could be given and taken away, and that could be

placed upon people; with
the result that immediately thereafter, they were able to prophesy, or repeat

words of the
Deity. Moses and the Hebrews seemed to be aware that once the spirit had rested

someone, they
would be able to transmit the word of God.

“...the Lord said unto Moses,
take thee Joshua the son of Nun,
a man in whom is the spirit,...lay

thine hand upon him;
set him before Eleazar the priest, and before all the
and give him a

charge in their sight.”
(Numbers 27: 1 8-19, Gideon’s Bible).

"...he laid his hands upon him, and gave him a charge,
as the Lord commanded by
the hand of

Moses. Numbers 27:23, Gideon’s Bible).

passages seem to imply that though God had already put the Spirit upon Joshua,
it became

necessary for Moses to lay his hands upon him and “give him a
charge.” Moses had been charged up

himself while he was on Sinai with God (Exodus 24:29-30 see also
Numbers 11:17) as we shall soon

see. Could it be that if one person were charged by spirit, and
then touched another, he could transmit

the spirit? Apparently, this spirit “ray” could be seen by others:
"then in the midst of the assembly the

Spirit of the Lord came
upon Jahaziel the son of Zecharia
, the son of Benaiah, the son of Jeiel, the son

of Mattaniah, the Levite
of the sons of Asaph; and he said, “Listen all Judah and the inhabitants of

Jerusalem and King
Jehosaphat; thus says the Lord to you, Do not fear or be dismayed because of

multitude, for the battle is not yours but God’s.” (2 Chronicles 20:14-15).

“...when the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in
one place... suddenly there

came from heaven a noise like a violent, rushing wind, ...it
filled the whole house where they were

there appeared to them tongues of fire distributing
themselves, and they rested on each one of them. ...they were all filled with
the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit

was giving them
Acts 1:1-4.

Hybrids More Susceptible to Charge of Ray

if a person possessed Elohim blood, saturation by the spirit ray left a visible

of its presence. It is possible that like Noah, Moses was also a
hybrid with divine blood. Let us

examine the circumstances of his birth. There may have been
something about Moses that was out of

the ordinary in a physical sense, for his mother made a puzzling
observation regarding him: “the woman

conceived and bore a son; and when she saw that he was good, she
hid him for three months. " Exodus


good mother would hide her child that was under a sentence of death; however,
this verse

implies that she had to look her child over before making the
decision to save him. What mother does

not think her child is “good” enough to save? Why after looking at
him, did she then decide to take the

enormous risk of trying to save him? If he did indeed possess
Elohim blood, she may have ascertained

this visually. If he had white hair, fair skin and radiant eyes,
she may have realized that he was a “son

of a god,” and been prompted to try and save him.

such queer births were not as unusual as they would be today; for there were

groups of the Nephilim (giant descendants of the Nibirians) in the
Near East during that time (see

Numbers 13:33). If he was a hybrid, this may be what prompted
Pharoah’s daughter to rescue him and

raise him as her own son: “In that particular time Moses was born,
and he was divinely beautiful. ...he

was nursed three months in his father’s home. But when he was
exposed, the daughter of Pharoah

picked him up and brought him up as her own son. Consequently
Moses was in all the wisdom of the

Egyptians. In fact he was mighty in his words and deeds.” Acts
7:20-22 (NWT).

The Face of Moses Glowed

use of the word “divine” seems to indicate that Moses did indeed possess Elohim

This could explain why the Egyptian princess took such unusual
interest in a lowly Hebrew child.

Elohim parentage would also explain why Moses was chosen for the
job of leading the Hebrews from

Egypt. And, why the following peculiar reactions occurred after he
visited God on Mount Sinai:
"So he

was there with the Lord
forty days and forty nights; He did not eat bread nor drink water."
...He wrote

on the tablets the words
of the covenant (agreement), the Ten Commandments. ...it came about when

Moses was coming down from
Mount Sinai,
that Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone

because of his speaking
with him.
when Aaron and all the sons of Israel saw Moses, behold the

of his face shone, and
they were a/maid to come near him."
Exodus 34:29-30

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