War Stories III (48 page)

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Authors: Oliver L. North

BOOK: War Stories III
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—Office of Strategic Services, U.S. military intelligence service created in WWII, the forerunner of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
—Abbreviation for Pipeline Under the Ocean, the cross-Channel fuel line installed between England and the continent after Normandy
—Prime Minister
—Prisoner of War
—Royal Air Force (Great Britain)
—Royal Australian Air Force
—Royal Canadian Air Force
—Regimental Combat Team, a task force formed around an infantry regiment that usually included armor, artillery, and transportation units
—Reserve Officer Training Corps, an officer training program at civilian colleges and universities
—Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force, Eisenhower's headquarters for the Allied invasion of Europe
—Special Operations Executive. British military intelligence organization created to support partisan activities and espionage in occupied territories
—Standard Operating Procedure
—In military air and naval operations, pertains to an operational flight by an aircraft or the dispatch of a vessel or vessels from a port
—Schutzstaffel, elite Nazi Party military personnel and units operating within the German army and organized as Waffen SS battalions, regiments and divisions
—Staff of the Soviet Supreme High Command. Under Stalin the Stavka coordinated all military and political activities in the USSR during WWII
—Tank Destroyer; a mobile armored vehicle mounting a heavy caliber gun
—Task Force
—Code name for the decryption of German radio communications by MI-6, the British secret intelligence service
—United States Army Air Force
—United States Ship, the prefix to identify a U.S. naval vessel
—Women's Airforce Service Pilot
—The German Armed Forces from 1935 to 1945
—Works Projects Administration, a “New Deal” program created by President Roosevelt to alleviate unemployment by creating public works projects during the Great Depression of the 1930s
—Executive Officer
his book and accompanying DVD, a collaborative effort of FOX News Channel and Regnery Publishing, is a tribute to heroes—those who fought and won the war against Hitler. Thanks to the vision of Roger Ailes at FOX News and Marji Ross at Regnery, this multimedia chronicle of courage serves as a reminder to future generations of the sacrifices necessary to preserve this nation as the land of the free and home of the brave.
Like the two FOX-Regnery books that preceded this one, we again draw heavily on the accounts of eyewitness-participants—those who make
War Stories
an award-winning television series. Though I am blessed to host these documentaries, the real “stars” are the men and women who serve—and have served—on battlefields all over the world. The words of the soldiers, sailors, airmen, Guardsmen, Marines, merchant seamen, and civilians who fought World War II in Europe are the heart and soul of this book. Their self-effacing, matter-of-fact descriptions of battles, wounds, injuries, and privation reflect the brutal reality of war—and inspired all of us who worked on the television series and this book. Our liberty is their legacy.
Writing this book about the heroes who won World War II in Europe has been, in various ways, similar to preparing for a combat operation. To be done well, military planning requires the work of many to assimilate vast amounts of information to determine what is accurate and relevant. Time is rarely sufficient to easily carry out the task. Unforeseen events often disrupt the original plan. And as in warfare, there is always the enemy—in this case a deadline! Even the word—“deadline”—sounds ominous.
In completing this work, all of these factors applied. The volume of information about World War II in Europe is extraordinary and challenges authors far more gifted than I. Complicating an already ambitious schedule for this book about the heroes who beat Hitler were my protracted absences to document a new generation of warriors in Iraq and Afghanistan for FOX News. Thankfully, there were others—just like in the military operations we chronicle in our
War Stories
television series—willing to step into the breach to help accomplish the mission.
Much of the burden fell on the shoulders of Joe Musser, my friend, collaborator, and research partner of many years. With the help of Freedom Alliance Fellow Tom Crowe and
War Stories
executive producer Pamela Browne at FOX News, Joe pored through mountains of transcripts, tapes, and interviews from our now extensive
War Stories
archives to prepare a workable draft manuscript.
David Deis, the gifted cartographer who lent his considerable talent to the first of our World War II books—
Heroism in the Pacific
—has done so again for the European theater. His maps—and the remarkable photos selected by Andrew Stenner—illuminate the events described in these pages.
Thanks to the active engagement of Roger Ailes, Bill Shine, and Dianne Brandi, the preservation of eyewitness accounts and an accurate, documentary record of battles past and present has become a passion for the
War Stories
unit at FOX News Channel. Executive producer Pamela Browne, who has headed the unit since its inception, personally supervised the production of the DVD included in this book and exercises oversight over every episode. Producers Martin Hinton, Greg Johnson, Steve Tierney, Cyd
Upson, and Ayse Wieting spend countless hours with every hero who appears on the air and in this work. Associate producers Kelly Guernica, Jason Kopp, Michael Weiss, and Bevin Mahoney and production assistants Christina Diaz and Andrew Stenner have devoted themselves to finding material worthy of being preserved for posterity.
Peter Bregmen provided invaluable assistance with the archives at FOX Movietone News. Rich O'Brien's graphics department helps us every day—and none of this would have been possible without the help of business manager Rey Erney.
Because of my protracted absences, Ben Domenech, my patient editor at Regnery, was compelled to edit this book a chapter at a time—sent to him electronically—often from thousands of miles away. Art director Amanda Larsen, managing editor Paula Decker, and publicity director Angela Phelps all had to wait for a belatedly delivered manuscript—and still ensure that this book would make it into the hands of readers. Without their diligence—and perseverance—this book would not have been completed.
My friends Bob Barnett and Deneen Howell at Williams & Connolly helped put this great collaboration between FOX News Channel and Regnery Publishing together so that these War Stories could be told in book and DVD format. Marsha Fishbaugh, my executive assistant, and Damon Goude, my faithful travel companion, have borne the brunt of my frenetic schedule.
Betsy, my wife of thirty-seven years and best friend, gave the most to see this work finished—tolerating my lengthy travels to faraway battlefields and frequent trips to interview those who fought there. Without her support and encouragement—and that of our children and their spouses: daughters Tait and husband Tom; Sarah and husband Martin; our son Stuart and his wife, Ellen; and daughter Dornin—this book would have been impossible.
Also deserving of special recognition and praise are the authors, historians, curators, and museum directors who have participated in our European
War Stories
documentaries. The breadth and depth of their knowledge and experience has made this a better book:
• Rick Atkinson, historian and author of
Army at Dawn
• Walter Boyne, author of over thirty books on the history of aviation
• Dr. Robert Browning, Jr., chief historian, U.S. Coast Guard
• Burl Burlingame, historian and author of
Advance Force Pearl Harbor
• Prof. Thomas Childers, World War II expert and author of
Wings of Morning
• Chad Daniels, director, Armed Forces Museum, Camp Shelby, Mississippi
• Carlo D'Este, author, historian, and expert on the Normandy invasion
• Dr. Eckhart Dietzfelbinger, Nazi Party Documentation Centre, Nürem-burg, Germany
• Susan Eisenhower, author and granddaughter of Dwight D. Eisenhower
• Joachim Fest, authority on the Third Reich and author of
Inside Hitler's Bunker
• John Hanson, senior vice president, United Service Organizations (U.S.O.)
• Sir Max Hastings, historian and author of
Armageddon: The Battle for Germany
• Don Holt, director, Eisenhower Presidential Library
• Keith Gill, curator, U-505 exhibit, Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago
• Col. David Glantz, author of numerous books on the European Eastern Front
• Kristian Marks, U.S. Army historian, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, New York
• Marvin Miller, expert on U.S.-German history and author of
Wunderlich's Salute
• Terry Miller, executive director, Tin Can Sailors, Natl. Assn. of Destroyer Veterans
• Patrick O'Donnell, author and military historian
• Robert Patton, author and grandson of General George S. Patton
• Richard Powers, professor, City University, New York City, author of
Secrecy and Power
• Lt. Col. Mark J. Reardon, senior military historian, U.S. Army
• Thomas Reilly & Lynn Homan, co-authors,
Black Knights: The Tuskegee Airmen
• Gary Robinson, historian and author of
By Order of the President
• Henri Rogister, authority on the “Malmedy Massacre” of WWII
• Ed Ruggero, military expert and author of
Combat Jump
• Dr. Helmut Trotnow, director of Allied Museum in Berlin
• Ernest Volkman, authority on the OSS and author of
Spies and Espionage
• Dr. John Votaw, executive director, Cantigny 1st Division Foundation
• Flint Whitlock, president, Colorado Military History Museum, author of
Soldiers on Skis
• Hans Wijers, Dutch historian and author
John Keegan, ed.,
Atlas of the Second World War
(New York: HarperCollins, 2003)
Dwight D. Eisenhower,
Crusade in Europe
(New York: Doubleday & Co., 1948)
E. B. Potter, ed.,
Sea Power: A Naval History
(Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1984)
James Dunnigan & Albert Nori,
Victory at Sea
(New York: Quill/William Morrow & Co., 1995)
Ken Polsson,
Chronology of World War II
, 2005)
North Africa
Afrika Korps
Alexander, Sir Harold
Alison, John
All American Girls Baseball League
Allen, Terry
Britain; United States
ALSIB, Operation
America First
American Civil Air Patrol
American Leader
, MV
American Legation
Anderson Shelter
Anti-Comintern Pact
Antwerp, Belgium
Anzio, Italy
Arcadia Conference (1941)
Archer, Lee
Argentia, Newfoundland
, SS
Argonaut Conference
, battleship
Ark Royal
Arnold, “Hap”
, MV
Atlantic Charter
Auchinleck, Claude
Auschwitz, Poland
Germany; Italy; Japan
Axman, Arthur
Badaglio, Pietro
Barfoot, Van T.
Barter, Douglas
Bate, David
Battle of Britain; Brothers, Peter and; casualties of; Dick, Ron and; Drake, Billy and; Leah, Charles and; London Blitz and; Operation Eagle and; Operation Sea Lion and; Quinn, Christina and; Raal, Gunther and; terror bombing and
Battle of the Atlantic; Duffy, George and; Nash, Edgar “Ed” and; Petersen, Peter and; U.S. Merchant Marines and
Battle of the Bulge; casualties of; Jamar, Emile and; Merriken, Bill and
Beer Hall
Belgium; Operation Market Garden and
Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Bell Aircraft
Biddle, Frances
Bigham Hill, Britain
, battleship
black Americans
Black Thursday
Blaise, Madame
(lightning war)
Boeing Corporation
Boitnott, Joe
Bolshevism, Bolsheviks
Bordeaux, France
Bormann, Martin
Bradley, Omar; France, liberation of, and; Normandy invasion and; Operation Market Garden and
Braun, Eva
Britain: appeasement of Hitler by; Battle of Britain and; Battle of the Atlantic and; Crete and; Normandy invasion and; Operation Husky and; Operation Torch and; Soviet Union, German invasion of, and; U.S. neutrality and

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