War (The True Reign Series) (22 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Anne Davis

BOOK: War (The True Reign Series)
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I understand, and that part makes sense,” Trell said. “But she needs to be here.”

Why?” Darmik asked. “She also needs to return and eliminate Barjon and Lennek. They are her greatest threats right now. A portion of the Emperion Army can accompany her to ensure her safety.”

You want me to send her to war?” Trell asked incredulously, his face turning red.

No,” Darmik said, twisting his body to face Rema. “I’m asking you, Rema, as empress, what do you command?”

Rema stood
with her hands on her hips, looking at every single person in the room. She knew her mind. “I am going to war.”



Darmik stood alongside Rema at the bow of the ship, watching Emperion fade away in the early morning sun. He grabbed her warm, sweaty hand, squeezing tight. They hadn’t had a single moment alone since her almost execution yesterday.

After Rema declared she was going back to Greenwood Island, Trell immediately began preparations. They were now accompanied by a platoon of two hundred and fifty men,
on a total of six warships.

Rema tried pulling her hand away
, and Darmik reluctantly let it go. He glanced down at her. “Are you well?”

She nodded, not looking at him.
It had only been a little over a fortnight since he’d last seen her, yet, she looked different. The lines of her face were a little sharper, her muscles toned.

Neco approached.
“I’m sorry to disturb you two.” He smiled at them. “But we need to go over a few things now that we’re alone.”

Darmik laughed—they weren
’t really
Granted, the other ships had approximately fifty soldiers each, and his boat only had a dozen, along with his friends. He suspected Neco meant now that they were away from the overprotective and watchful eyes of Trell and Nathenek.

Of course,” Rema said. “Let’s go below deck. It’s too hot out here for my liking.”

Neco led them inside to the galley.

“I thought we were going to the meeting room,” Rema stated.

No,” Neco replied, taking a seat. “We all need to eat breakfast, so I figure we might as well talk here.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I’ve already told everyone to meet us here.”

There were several small
, round tables, each able to seat six people. Rema sat down across from Neco, rubbing her face with her hands. Darmik sat next to her. Soon the rest of their friends joined them. Savenek grabbed an empty chair from another table and squeezed it in between Audek and Vesha. Ellie found a large, wicker basket filled with bread. She handed everyone a loaf before taking a seat next to Neco.

leaned over and hugged Rema. No one spoke, but Darmik suspected they were all thinking how lucky they were to be alive. He reached under the table and patted the top of Rema’s thigh. She looked exhausted. They only got a couple hours of sleep last night while Trell had the ships loaded with goods and supplies for the voyage.

Since Darmik was starving, he tore into his bread.

Neco spoke with a soft voice, “I know Trell said the soldiers accompanying us are all trustworthy and loyal to Rema, but I think we should be extra vigilant.”

Agreed,” Darmik said. “Since Rema appointed me as head of her royal guard, I’d like to officially recruit each and every one of you as members during our journey to Greenwood Island.”

Rema quietly
picked at her food. It was unlike her to be so silent and not offer an opinion.

Darmik continued,
“I want her guarded at all times.” Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, as they ate their bread.

Rema shoved away from the table.
“I’m going to my room,” she mumbled.

Darmik grabbed his food and stood, about to follow her.

“No,” she said placing her hand on his shoulder and pushing him back onto his chair. “Ellie and Vesha will accompany me.” Both girls glanced at him, so he nodded. They rose and followed her out of the galley.

Darmik wanted to have Audek accompany the girls;
though he knew Rema would take offense that he insisted a male escort her. He forced himself to keep his mouth shut.

What’s wrong with Rema?” Savenek asked.

She’s probably just tired,” Neco offered. “She’s been through a lot.”

Darmik began to think it was more than that, that there was something bothering her. He
’d have to speak to her in private regarding the matter.

I asked you all here for a reason,” Neco said, banging his fist upon the table.

I know,” Darmik mumbled, “but let’s wait a bit. We’ll start planning the takeover after we’ve all adjusted to being at sea.”

Neco laughed.
“No, that’s not why I asked you here.” He stood and went over to a cupboard where he pulled out four wooden cups and a bottle of ale. “We need to celebrate.” He brought everything to the table.

Here, here!” Audek cheered. “Lots to be thankful for! We got Rema back, and we’re not dead!”

Savenek chuckled
as Neco filled the cups to the rim and handed one to each of them.

To Rema!” Darmik said. The four friends cheered and took a drink.


Darmik made his way to Rema’s berth, concerned that he hadn’t seen her all morning. Outside her door, Ellie and Vesha sat, quietly talking to one another.

Rema’s in there alone?” he asked.

Ellie nodded.
“We’ve been out here the entire time.”

Do you know what’s bothering her?” he quietly asked.

She hasn’t said anything to us,” Vesha said. “But she has been through a lot. Maybe she just wants some time to herself?”

Or maybe she’s sleeping?” Ellie suggested.

Darmik squared his shoulders, suddenly nervous. He knocked on the door and waited for Rema to answer. Nothing. Perhaps she was just
tired and resting. Regardless, he wanted to stick his head in just to be sure. Turning the knob, he opened the door a couple of inches and peered inside. Rema lay on the bed, facing the wall, her back to him.

Darmik slipped inside, quietly closing the door behind him. She still had on an Emperion soldier uniform. He moved over to the bed, sitting down at the end, near her feet.

Rema’s eyes were open. Her face was red and swollen, as if she’d been crying.

Are you unwell?” Perhaps the motion of the ship bothered her, and she was seasick.

She didn
’t respond.

Rema, what’s wrong?” She closed her eyes, not answering. “You’re starting to scare me,” he gently said. “Do you need some water to drink? Should I get Ellie or Vesha?”

Rema shook her head. He scooted further up on the bed, near her back. Rubbing her shoulders, he said,
“Please talk to me.” Maybe something else had happened to her that he was unaware of. Nathenek hadn’t mentioned anything before they left, but Darmik still didn’t trust the guy—even if Rema did.

A thought suddenly occurred to him.
“Did something happen between you and Nathenek?” he asked. Was she upset they were parted? Did she have feelings for the man?

Rema sat up, staring at him. They were only inches apar
t, and Darmik felt her warm breath on his face. He wanted to reach out and caress her cheek, but he kept his hands to himself.

I’m sorry,” she finally said, her voice weak. Her eyes darted down to her clasped hands.

Please tell me what’s the matter?” he begged.

The corners of her lips pulled up.
“A lot has changed since we last saw one another.” Her cheeks turned a rosy shade of red.

Darmik smiled, thinking of their last encounter at the rebel fortress when they were kissing. He
’d been about to propose. “Yes,” Darmik mused. “A lot has changed.” He felt a wall between them. He very much wanted to tear down that wall with his bare hands. “I’m worried about you.”

I’m fine,” she insisted. “It’s just a lot to take in. Not only am I responsible for the people of Greenwood Island—where we’re about to wage a war—but I’m now responsible for an entire empire. Do you have any idea just how large Emperion is? It’s a thousand times bigger than Greenwood Island.”

Darmik nodded.
He was about to say something when she continued, “I’m only seventeen. I have no idea what I’m doing. Most people in my position have spent their entire life preparing, and here I am, thrown into it. What if I fail?” She dropped her face to her hands, shaking her head.

He reached up, pulling her hands away from her face.
“Rema,” he said tenderly, “look at me.” Her glassy, sapphire eyes peered up at him. “You will fail,” he said.

Her eyes widened
, and she jerked back. “What?” she incredulously asked. “If you know I’m going to fail, then what are you doing here?” Her voice had a hard edge to it.

Shh,” he said. “You misunderstand me.” He put his hands on her shoulders, grounding her in place. “You will fail at some things. You can’t possibly be successful in all you do.”

She went to speak, but he held a finger to her lips, silencing her.
“Each time you fail, you will learn from your mistakes. And it will make you stronger. You will be the strongest and most powerful woman in the world.”

Rema sat perfectly still, as if she was processing all that he
’d said. “I’m scared,” she admitted. “To have that kind of power. To know how to use it.”

You have me and all of your friends. We are here to help you in any capacity you need.”

She leaned forward and gingerly kissed him on the lips.
“Thank you,” she said, smiling.



The events over the past twenty-four hours were
so overwhelming, that she wasn’t sure what to think or do. Her heart quickened and her breathing became labored just thinking about her almost execution. She thought she was going to die having failed her people and never seeing Uncle Kar, Aunt Maya, or Darmik again. Now, not only was she alive, but Darmik was there with her, and she was the empress of the largest known empire. Rema was now responsible for thousands and thousands of people, and she had an entire army at her disposal.

here was a tremendous amount of work to be done. While Trell and Nathenek stayed in Emperion to oversee the transition of power from Emperor Hamen to Rema, she was leading a platoon of soldiers to Greenwood Island to oust Barjon and Lennek. Once this war was over and won, she would return to Emperion and take her rightful place as empress. She planned to tour the entire kingdom to get to know and understand the people. Positive changes would be made to allow a more peaceful and fulfilling life. Without a doubt, the army had to be restructured. Children would no longer be required to enlist, and some of the cruelty Darmik spoke of would end.

Rema hoped Darmik would return to Emperion with her. She could use his knowledge and expertise to fix the army
, but she wasn’t sure what his intentions were. She couldn’t ask him to abandon his soldiers on Greenwood Island just to accompany her. When they briefly spoke earlier, he said he’d be by her side. Rema foolishly hoped that meant for the rest of their lives.

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