War (The True Reign Series) (36 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Anne Davis

BOOK: War (The True Reign Series)
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I’m so sorry,” she said.

So am I,” he whispered before turning and leaving through the arched doorway.

Rema hurried after him. The stone flooring of the hallway was covered with dried
, bloody footprints. Part of the ceiling down the hallway had collapsed in, allowing sunlight to filter through and vines to climb down into the castle.

This way,” Mako whispered. He led them along the corridor. At an intersection, he peered around the corner and waved them forward. Rema walked up steps covered with worn, red carpeting, clutching onto the wooden banister, feeling the presence of so many lost.

She climbed four flights of stairs and then Mako led them down a
n empty corridor. A tapestry hung on the wall, faded from time. Looking closer, she saw it depicted a castle shrouded in clouds on a mountaintop—just like the rebel fortress. She reached out and traced the lines of the castle with her fingertip.

Move it aside,” Mako whispered. She did as instructed and found a secret passageway. “I’ll go first.”

Rema followed him into the darkn
ess. A musty smell engulfed her. Whispering, Mako counted to thirty and turned left. He counted to fifty and stopped.

The royal wing is through this wooden door. My guess is that’s where Barjon and Lennek are. Ready yourselves. Ellie, I want you guarding this door so no one sneaks up behind us. No matter what happens, do not leave your position. The rest of you are inside with me. I’ll count to three, and then open the door.”

Rema unsheathed her daggers, clasping one in each hand. She was ready to face the man responsible for murdering her family.

“One, two, three.” Mako threw open the door and rushed inside. Rema squinted against the bright light and hurried after him. Darmik, Savenek, and Mako quickly spread throughout the room.

No one was there.
Rema glanced around at the three sofas and two chairs. A large, empty fireplace stood against one wall. Several portraits hung on the walls. It appeared someone had taken a knife and slashed them to pieces. Rema stepped forward while everyone else held their positions. This was the sitting room her parents had used. An overwhelming sense of grief engulfed her.

She crept to the nearest doorway,
peering inside the nursery.
Her nursery
. Tears filled her eyes, and she moved to the next archway. The door was closed. She leaned against it, listening for voices, not hearing anything. Mako shook his head and waved his hand, wanting her to come away from the door. She slowly turned and crept toward Darmik, who suddenly threw his hand up. Rema held still as the sound of voices floated out of the corridor to her right. She looked up and saw a few people walking directly toward her. All she could focus on was Lennek. Their eyes locked, and a cruel, vicious smile spread across his face.

It’s about time you showed up,” Lennek sneered as he stepped into the sitting room.



Darmik watched
his brother saunter into the room with his royal-blue cape billowing behind him and his circlet encased with sapphires upon his head. Barjon came in next, followed by the steward Arnek, and the captain of the Third Company. Darmik wondered if any other soldiers were nearby.

Lennek chuckled
smugly. “I told you, Father, they would try and save the children. Kindhearted fools that they are.” He folded his arms, standing before Rema. “I knew they would walk right into my trap.”

It’s a good thing the Third Company is nearby,” the king said, his eyes focused on Rema, hatred radiating from them.

Yes,” Rema said, squaring her shoulders and standing tall. “It is. I’m sure they’re very interested in learning the whereabouts of their children.”

Darmik smiled at Rema
’s ability to see things clearly. “Yes,” he added, “my men are escorting the children to their parents as we speak.”

’s cheek twitched, indicating he was nervous.

Rema said,
“So while you thought you’d lure us here to murder us, just like you did to my parents and brothers, we’d thought we’d expose you for the fraud you are. You’re under arrest.”

Barjon laughed.
“I’m under arrest? I beg to differ. You are the one under arrest, you churl.” His face turned an angry shade of red.

stepped forward. “I don’t think you’ve been introduced to Her Majesty, Empress Amer Rema of Greenwood Island

The c
olor drained from Barjon’s face, and his black, beady eyes narrowed.

That’s right,” Darmik added, “you probably haven’t heard yet. Our dear Rema is the true heir to not only
throne, but to Emperion’s as well. She was named empress a month ago. Hamen is dead.”

Brother.” Lennek turned his attention to Darmik. “You always have to take what’s mine.” He unsheathed his sword, the sound of steel ringing through the room.

I can’t take something from you when you never had it in the first place,” Darmik calmly said. He held the hilt of his sword, ready in case Lennek attacked.

I hate you,” Lennek said, seething with rage. “You think you’ll gain power by supporting this harlot? Well, you won’t.” He unclasped his cape and when it dropped to the ground, he kicked it away. “I’m going to kill you and then Rema.”

Your own brother?” Darmik asked. “You despise me so much, you’d kill me?”

With pleasure.” Lennek lifted his sword, holding it before him.

And you, Father,” Darmik said, turning to face Barjon, while still keeping an eye on his brother. “Why do you hate me? I’ve always done what you’ve asked.”

I hardly think supporting the girl who’s trying to overthrow me is doing as I’ve asked.” Barjon removed his sword from its scabbard.

Although he
’d always known it would come to this, it still hurt to see his family prepared to fight against him. Darmik hoped to arrest his father and brother, instead of killing them. He had hoped they’d learn from their errors while imprisoned for the rest of their lives. It seemed a just punishment for all they’d done.

Is it because Mother died in childbirth?” Darmik asked, finally voicing the question he had always wanted to, but was afraid to ask. “Is that why you can’t stand me?”

’s face reddened, and he leaned forward. “You’re not even my own flesh and blood,” he spat. “When you were born and Hamen showed up, I knew that you were his. Your mother didn’t die in childbirth—I killed her for being the whore that she was.”

felt as if he’d been thrown from a cliff and was falling through the air.

Lennek laughed, lunging forward while Darmik was momentarily distract
ed by what his father revealed. Darmik automatically swung his arm up and his sword clashed with Lennek’s. Barjon thrust his sword toward him, but Mako parried the blow. The captain of the Third Company rushed forward, and Savenek stopped him. Darmik went on the attack, and Lennek met him strike for strike.

Arnek sl
unk against the wall, attempting to leave the room. He couldn’t be allowed to go and get help. Darmik saw Rema step in front of Arnek, blocking the steward’s path.

Darmik sped up his moves,
maintaining his offensive position. Lennek still met every strike—he’d drastically improved. But Darmik had never lost to his brother, and he did not intend to lose now. He swiped his leg out, tripping Lennek, who went down on the ground. Darmik glanced over to Rema. She swung her daggers at Arnek, causing him to turn and run. She pulled her arm back, flicked her wrist, and released a knife. It embedded into Arnek’s back, the mousy man tumbling to the floor and onto his face.

Lennek stood and slashed his sword toward Darmik
’s chest. Darmik stepped closer to avoid the strike, lifted his elbow, and slammed it into his ribs. Lennek wrapped his arm around Darmik’s neck.

Mako and Barjon moved around the room, their swords clanging against one another
, sparks flying.

Darmik bent forward
, tossing Lennek over his head and throwing him onto his back.

Savenek lunged toward the
captain, swung the blade down, and delivered a killing blow.

Darmik turned to see Mako
’s sword tumble to the ground, his eyes widening in shock as Barjon smiled while lifting his sword and pointing it at Mako’s chest. Barjon pulled his arms back to gain momentum, about to plunge the sword into Mako. Mako whipped out the dagger with a silver sun on the hilt, flinging it into Barjon’s stomach. He stumbled as he tried to thrust his sword toward Mako, who moved aside. Barjon wavered before collapsing onto the ground, blood pooling around his body like water.

Darmik turned to face his brother. Lennek twisted around, grabbed Rema, and pulled her against his chest, a small dagger to her throat.

“Drop your swords,” Lennek demanded, “all of you.”

Darmik didn
’t trust his brother and knew Lennek planned to kill her. Seeing no other option at this point, he lowered his sword to the ground, near his feet. Savenek followed suit. Mako was already without a weapon, and Ellie remained hidden in the corridor.

Lennek laughed.
“You’re all idiots, the entire lot of you.” His arm tightened around Rema’s shoulders and he dug the tip of the dagger into her skin, drawing blood. “I’m going to walk out of here, and no one is going to lay a finger on me. Is that clear?” He started moving toward the door, still facing everyone, dragging Rema along with him. Rema slid one arm down her leg, slipping her hand into the slit of her pants, and ever so slowly pulling out her last knife. Darmik nodded at her—she couldn’t wait too long; otherwise, Lennek would see her weapon. She needed to do it now.

In a flash, Rema
leaned to the side and plunged the dagger into Lennek’s thigh. When he faltered, Rema bit his hand and ripped the knife from him. He screamed. Rema twisted out of his embrace and thrust the weapon into his side, near his stomach. He hunched over and Rema ran to Darmik as Lennek sunk to the ground.

Darmik wrapped his arms
around her, holding on tight. “It’s over,” he whispered in her ear. “You did it.” He’d never been so proud, or relived, in his life.

Lennek screamed
, pulling out the dagger from his side. With his hands covered in blood, he aimed the weapon at Rema’s back and threw it. Darmik shoved her, hoping to move her from the knife’s path, but it was too late. The dagger was aimed right at her.

leapt in front of Rema, and the knife embedded into his chest. He crashed to the ground. “No!” Mako screamed.

Rema r
ushed over to Savenek, kneeling next to his body and pulling his head onto her lap. With shaking hands, she removed the dagger. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth.

Darmik grabbed the dagger and stalked toward Lennek
, who retreated to the hallway.

’re still half-brothers,” Lennek wheezed.

“No, we
’re not.” Darmik ran at him. He wrapped his arm around Lennek, holding him in place. “Now you’ll never hurt anyone ever again.” Darmik drew the knife across Lennek’s throat, slicing it open, and killing him. He shoved Lennek away from him and he tumbled to the ground, lifeless.

quickly removed his tunic and ran over to Savenek, pushing the material against his wound, trying to stop the profuse bleeding.

You’re going to be all right,” Rema said to Savenek, her eyes filling his tears.

I…I’m dying,” he choked out, a gurgling sound coming from his mouth.

Mako leaned
down, kissing Savenek’s forehead. “I’m honored to have filled the role of your father. You turned out to be a man who I’m proud of in every way.” His shoulders shook as he hunched over, crying. “Thank you for being my family.”

Rema turned and hugged Mako, holding him tight.

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