War Torn Love (11 page)

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Authors: Jay M. Londo

BOOK: War Torn Love
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Awkwardly Abram attempted to take the lead. I could tell how nervous he was, attempting to dance, he looked down at his feet. I think he was counting softly his steps 1234-1234. Almost immediately, he accidently stepped upon my tender unprotected poor little toes a couple times. I did not mind at all, I pretended he had not.
Because I was simply on cloud nine, I did not want to make him feel bad. Sissy and I had been secretly practicing on how to dance for weeks, so I could understand that Abram was making a few mistakes. For some strange reason, we were both afraid to look into each other’s eyes as we danced. Now that it was out in the open, on how we both felt about one another. So, we looked every other which way but into each other’s eyes. 
the song was over. We stopped dancing, and everyone else began to cheer for us.


Then quickly several other couples were heading out to join us on the dance floor, and then Poppa and Momma joined us on the floor. Taking charge, Poppa once again asked, “Band please play!”


I looked over at my Momma, she was smiling at me - now she too had tears in her eyes, I guess we were all quite emotional, I guess I know where I got it from. And then I spotted a curious sister and her husband dance once or twice by us, trying to see if I was ok.
Even Abram’s
parents had their attention on us. I guess we were the talk of the room that night. There was no way we would be leaving the dance floor anytime soon. Not if any of them had a say. An hour or so of dancing with Abram and I stopped to have a bite to eat. I really was not hungry - I was just too happy to eat, but I couldn’t dance any more either. I didn’t want to let him go.


We stopped for punch to quench our thirst. But once we started dancing, I really didn’t want
stopping. If I had it my way, I would never let the evening draw to a close. The two of us slowly began to relax, get into a groove of the
music, and being around one another enjoying what was happening, and by the end of the night, I’m happy to say we were staring to loosen up. We were even looking into each other’s eyes. Seeing things in each other’s eyes things neither of us had ever taken the time to notice before. I thought you know if you have to fall in love, then falling in love with your best friend is the best choice. I had become so relaxed in his arms, as the two of us danced - I rested my head against his chest.


Turns out the worst part of this whole evening was
when it
came to a conclusion. It snuck up on us so quickly – as the time had dragged leading up to it. It was as if time was an elastic band, and it had snapped around us, for the time that had slowed to a crawl in anticipation. I could not believe how fast it had flown-by.


As my father came over to the two of us, he said, “Come on sweetie it’s time we better get home.” It was past midnight - my parents had never let me stay out this late before. I had no idea it had gotten so late.


“Ok Poppa!”


Both families walked home together, Poppa and Abram’s father both were smoking cigars. I guess
since Sissy married into their family, we were one big happy family now.


As I gazed up at the stars, I secretly hopped I too would be marrying into the family, especially after how this evening had turned out.
then an amazing thing happened. I saw a sparkling trail, across the sky – it was my
first shooting star, I made my wish. The wish was crystal clear – myself and Abram, old together on a rocking chair, holding hands, watching our families around our feet, a glorious farm spread out beyond our view. It was so perfect the picture. That one split – second, there was my world. Something though, niggled. I pushed it away. 


It was such a nice warm pleasant evening, the sky was clear. The moon was nearly full. And the star’s painted an incredible
– a relief in light across the entire night sky. 


Abram and I walked up ahead of the rest and I think that they all held back just a smidge. We knew that they were all talking about us. I think that the only people surprised that Abram and I ended up together tonight, was Abram and I. The two of us talked all the way back home; we also held each other’s hand. It was about a half-mile walk back home. It was such a nice evening. He was such a gentlemen towards me, I loved that side of him - he walked me up to the front porch. My parents were kind enough to give us some space, as we both said our goodnights to one another. I was really
hoping he’d
just kiss me. I panicked near the end – and then I believed I was not going to get it. Abram nervously learned in, eyes closed, and kissed me on my cheek. I returned the kiss, slightly boldly. His eyes lit with the stars in the sky behind him – a supernova of joy sparkling into them. I smiled back, my own galaxy of joy on display for him, and then Abram began walking off, almost


“Abram I really had a good time with you tonight, and thanks again for my locket, I really do love it!” I called,
as he got to the path, and I headed on inside the house. I was so happy I was not even sure if my feet were even touching the ground on my way up stairs to my room. I got undress, changed into my nightgown, and got in bed. All kinds of thoughts racing through my head. A few minutes later Poppa came to tuck me in, as he does every night. He kissed me on the forehead.  I’ll never forget that look - he seemed so happy, yet sad at the same time. I trailed up to bed,
I swear my feet barely touched the wooden risers on the stairs. 


There was a knock on my bedroom door,




“It’s Poppa!”


“Hi Poppa, I was just thinking about tonight.”


I looked up at him. Poppa ran his hand gently through my hair, and then he kissed me on my forehead, and then turned out the light.


“Poppa, I love you so much, thank you for tonight. I had such a fantastic time. Poppa do not be sad, I’ll always be your little girl. Poppa Abram and…”


Interrupting me, “I know my little bear cub! I always knew that you and Abram would be good together. I understand, it’s just hard to see you growing up so, it’s happening so fast.”








                 “KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR”




I was rapidly approaching my seventeen birthday, I had grown into a young woman - my thoughts were of love and the future. Some of the big changes that been going on, my grandmother moved in when I was sixteen.  And excitedly I only a month away from finally graduating from high school. Truthfully, I did not like school much, although I pulled
a good
grade. I just wanted school to
be over with
I never liked it.


I am happy to report, Abram who truly is my “knight in shining armor”, my “King
.” The two of us were madly in love with one another. I couldn’t think of going one whole day without being able to see him; to look into his eyes, kiss his warm, soft lips.


Why I declared him my
, it was all to do with some events in the last year. See he bravely came to my aid, after he defended my honor at a dance he and I were attending, put on by our Synagogue.


It started with a drunken man, a complete stranger to me, who was getting quite rudely getting fresh with me, and when I politely responded, “No thank you, I am here with my boyfriend.” He would not take no, for an answer.


“So if you’re here with your boyfriend, then where is he?” he slurred. His breath smelled horrible as he leaned in to ask.


“Oh I am meeting him here.” I responded, trying to keep the quiver out of my voice.


“Please, you don’t know what you’re missing, now come on lets go dance!”


“Listen, I said no thank you - now will you please go!”


I was
trembling by
now - this person was scaring me. I had been waiting for Abram to arrive; my girlfriend was standing right next to me, neither of us knew what to do. Luckily, this is why I knighted Abram.  I was so relieved when I spotted him out of the corner of my eye.


Abram was just arriving after getting off from work late.  He was able to witness and hear what was taking place. He was a hot head
he decided to take the diplomatic approach, in his dealing with this tall dark stranger.


“Excuse me sir, I believe you were told that, this young lady didn’t want to dance with you.”


“Who are you to be telling me this?”


“I am her boyfriend!”


“You’re just a boy!”


He started laughing, and then when this guy still wouldn’t leave me alone, even though I continued to reject him, Abram began to get annoyed. His fists clenched but still he held his cool, trying to pull me away.


Then, the drunk slurred the words out, “You think you’re better than me - you’re just a filthy Jew girl.”


No longer able to turn the other cheek, I could tell Abram had heard - he called once my honor called into question. More, he’d slurred me for our religion. Though he did not get angry often, I recognized that he had enough. Losing his temper, he swung. All it took is one single punch - breaking the man’s nose. His blood flowed everywhere.


As soon as the guy hit the ground, Abram turned to me, “Sweetie are you ok?  He didn’t hurt you, did he?”


“No he didn’t hurt me! I’m just a little shaken up. But now that you’re here, I’m feeling much better.” I put my arms around him, “Hey let’s not let this spoil our evening. I’ve been looking so forward to dancing with you, wrapped up in your arms all week, and look how handsome you look, now I look like a complete mess, hey I’ll tell you what, let me go to the bathroom and freshen up, I’ll be right back.”

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