Warborg - Star Panther (26 page)

BOOK: Warborg - Star Panther
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Chelle looked up innocently. “Oh, did he say something?”

Briton offered up a grateful smile. “Thank you, Sirs.”

“Chelle out.” He rolled his eyes tapping in his password and a quick sequence. Briton disappeared and the displays returned to normal. He looked Smyth in the eye and both shook heir heads in mute disbelief.

. . .

Martin scrolled through Prowler’s attack on the Koth Killer one more time. He stopped several times at the point when Prowler was in normal space next to the Koth ship and studied it. There was no question, it was the first killer ship Brian and he encountered. A sad smile formed on his face.
Rest in peace old friend, we got him.
He finished going through the attack. He patted his leg and Prowler jumped into his lap. He hugged the purring cat close and rubbed his cheek on top of its head. He complimented his AI with a famous line whose origin was lost in obscurity. “You have learned well, Grasshopper.”

40: Turning of the Tide


“Martin!” Alysis called out excitedly as she appeared in the yacht bridge, complete with the Wonder Woman outfit.

He wandered out of the Captain’s cabin fresh from the shower and rolled his eyes when he saw her. “Hi turkey.” He greeted and smiled, still not comfortable with anything gender specific. He looked at her glowing face. “Ok, spill it.” He laughed.

“I did it! I just waxed me a killer ship.” She beamed. “Never knew what hit him. Just wham, slam, thank you ma’am. And I was gone.”

“It wouldn’t have happened to be our old buddy would it?” Martin asked.

Her grin grew even bigger. “Yep, I think maybe so.” Alysis giggled. “Looked like it was still glowing in the dark a little bit around the edges.”

Someone signaled to board the yacht. “Yo, come on in.” Martin laughed.

Reese appeared with Commander Briton in tow. “I figured we’d find you here.” Reese smiled at Alysis and her outfit.

“Ahh, the two warborgs of the hour.” Briton stated in dry humor, eyeing Martin’s wooly robe and her outfit.

“Hey,” Reese rumbled with a laugh, “these two just might make us socially respectable.” He studied Martin and Alysis. “Ahhh hell, strike that last comment.” He added sadly with an exaggerated sigh and despairing shake of his head.

“Ya know, Martin. I think we’ve just been insulted.” Alysis grated.

“Several times at last count.” Martin added. “Maybe they don’t like our outfits.”

“Well, I could change.” Alysis offered.

Reese gave a nasty lopsided grin. “The g-string and pasties get-up you came up with after the burlesque show was . . . interesting.”

Briton stared at the ceiling. “Mister Reese, please don’t encourage her.”

“Hmmm, good point Commander.” Martin goaded. “She might be able to come up with something . . . worse?”

“Ohhh, you bet’cha.” Alysis’ eyes had an evil glint.

“Alysis, don’t you dare,” Maria hissed as she came from the Captain’s cabin with Prowler in her arms.

“Dang, almost busted again.” Reese laughed.

Briton shook his head with a pained expression over Reese’s double entendre.

Maria set Prowler down. “Go bite her, fella.” Then she sighed as Prowler gave her a questioning look, jumped on a lounge chair and started grooming. “I forgot, he’s another guy.” She fumed and looked at Commander Briton. “You know Tim, I started fraternizing with the warborgs hoping to meet a better class of people. Instead I wound up with this lot.” She folded into Martin’s arms. “Thank God.” She finished with a contented sigh.

“I know the feeling,” Briton sighed. “Sometimes I feel more like a Ringmaster than a commander.”

Alysis reformed into her uniform with a smile. As Maria stepped away from Martin and he did likewise.

Briton eased himself into one of the lounge chairs. “I just wanted to stop by and informally congratulate you two on a job well done.” He smiled. “You made us look good, and that’s important to the cyborg community.”

“Not to mention saving the whole danged planet,” Reese chuckled. He eyed Alysis. “That was one fine shot, young lady.”

Alysis smiled at the compliment. “I only had one shot, so I figured I better make it count.”

“That you did.” Briton nodded and turned to Martin. “Killer ship center line, from the aft end. Aft third of the ship was gone and the center third totally inoperable. While she was recharging a missile cruiser came it and finished the job, but the killer was already destroyed for all practical purposes.”

“I’d say it been a rough couple days for the Koth.” Maria observed. “Weren’t there a bunch of other fights in our area?”

“Yep,” Reese rumbled, nodding. “They hit Admiral Chinn’s group pretty hard.”

“Is she ok?” Martin looked up in concern.

“Oh, they’re all just fine.” Reese smiled.

“Right after she saw what you did with the drones, she reconfigured a few of her own . . . just in case.” Briton raised an eyebrow with a sly smile.

“I suspect it plumb ruined the Koth’s party when she jumped her entire fleet out of the battle area just long enough to set a couple of’em off.” Reese had a nasty smirk. “Got downright ugly when they jumped back in.”

“I bet.” Martin laughed. He’d seen that little oriental lady when she had her dander up and felt a pang of sorrow for the Koth fleet.

“The Koth have taken quite a beating as of late. Over twenty five hundred ships destroyed or damaged is our best estimate.” Briton commented. “That has to effect their operations against us.”

“I reckon you’re right.” Reese nodded. “Except for Alysis’ killer ship they haven’t done much of anything for the past couple days. And the scout group it attacked scattered in a hurry so they only lost a handful of ships, still bad, but nothing like the disasters of the past.”

“That’s all good and fine,” Martin sighed. “But we’re still completely in a defensive posture . . . just waiting to see what they do next.” The group was quiet for a few moments. He looked at Briton. “I think it’s time for me to go deeper into Koth space, Commander.”

Commander Briton gave Maria a sad look, feeling her apprehension. “I agree, but not just yet, Major.” He forced a slight smile. “The R and D troops want to do some modifications to the Star Panther, and after reviewing them I’d like to see them completed before you leave.”

Alysis smiled into Maria’s sad eyes. “C’mon sweetie, I think these boys need to talk about some things not meant for our ears.” She winked. “Besides, I heard about a shop that specializes in visual form cosmetic touch up, they’re supposed to be fantastic.”

Martin gave Maria a slight nod, then a quick hug and a peck on the forehead. “Oh go on, enjoy yourself. I’m not going anywhere for a while.” He laughed. “Just don’t let Alysis talk you into anything too weird.”

Maria gave him a pinched nod and with a glance at her companion they were gone.

“I think I have to go re-primer the jeep or sump’thin,” Reese chuckled, paraphrasing the old line. He vanished with a wink.

Briton gave a slight smile and shook his head. “Good people, all of them.” He waved Martin to a lounge chair. A display they both could see lit up with the proposed modifications. “Most of these are just normal upgrades, but a couple are significant and unique to your ship.”

Martin perused the short list, hesitating on an item here and there. “Looks pretty straight forward except for a few things. I really think I’m going to like the computer system upgrades, I know Prowler will.” He smiled. “But what the heck is this binary chemical pulse cannon?”

Briton smiled, knowing Martin was going to ask. “It replaces your type three missile system. It’s an old technology that’s pretty much been deemed obsolete, except in your case. Basically, you’ll have eight shots with each one equivalent to about two thirds a heavy ion cannon pulse. Here’s the good part, it only requires a half second recycle between shots.”

Martin whistled. “Wow, the Star Panther will be edging into the gunfighter ranks. I’m not too keen on the eight shot capacity, but it beats the hell out of my single type three.” He pointed to the FTL system modification. “I’m not too sure about that one, we’ve got the current one pretty finely tuned.”

Briton nodded. “I agree, it was a late addition. Martin, this may be the most important one of all. The original base upgrade only would have given you a marginal increase in FTL velocity, not worth the time. But after reviewing what you and Prowler were doing they improved their concept significantly. First, it has a built in dampening system they’re really proud of. You can very quietly shift your FTL field without having to restart it.” Briton laughed. “The R and D FTL troops were very excited when they saw how you and Prowler were shifting your signature, they’d never considered this type of camouflage before.”

Martin grinned. “Until now I don’t think we ever needed it.”

“It gets better.” Briton continued. “They want to reconfigure and reposition the FTL radiators. When they’re finished your FTL system will run a half a dozen Koth signatures native.”

“Native?” Martin’s head rolled back as he roared with laughter. “Oh this is too much. I’ll be able to switch Koth FTL signatures on the fly without having to drop into normal space . . . or lose any velocity. Damn, the Panther’s going to be a master of disguise. Unbelievable.” He smiled at Briton. “So when do we start?”

Briton gave Martin a crafty look. “As soon as you can get back to Earth. Admirals Smyth and Chelle have given special disposition for the Panther to land at EDC Central.”

“On Earth!” Martin shook his head in amazement. “I can be there in a six hours.” He gave Briton a sheepish look. “Do you think they’d mind if I went to see my family during the modifications?”

Briton gave him a serious look. “Right now you can do just about whatever you want. Everyone knows who you are and what you did. Even the hard case borgaphobes don’t dare say a word.” He stood up. “I have to run, Major. Contact me after the modifications are complete, or if anything comes up.”

Martin stood. “Yes, Sir.” He gave Briton a salute.

Commander Briton returned the salute and faded with a nod.

Martin looked down at Prowler. “Things are getting more interesting, aren’t they fella?”

. . .

Angel let herself in the front door. “Hey, Dad. Anybody here?”

“Just me.” Martin answered.

She did a double take, dropped her packages and purse on the couch then knelt down in front of Martin’s canister. She hesitated, then with a pinched up face and teary eyes, put her arms around him. “I was so scared Martin, for you, for us . . . for everyone.”

He patted her on the back. “It’s ok now, sis . . . it’s ok.”

She let go and leaned back wiping here eyes on her shoulder. She saw the damaged appendage. With tentative hands she gingerly inspected his ‘hand’. “Oh Martin, what happened?”

“I’m all right Angel, just had a disagreement with a Koth ship.” He waved his other appendage at her. “See, I’ve still got another one,” he coaxed with a laugh.

Her tears faded and her eyes started to light up with laughter. “Do you
take anything serious?”

“Naw, life’s too short.” He laughed. “Although debauchery comes close.”

“I’m your sister, you’re not supposed to tell me about that stuff,” she gruffed, slapping the top of his container.

“Here, let me tie into the holoscreen.” Martin laughed. A second later he appeared sprawled out in a lounge chair with Prowler dozing on the pillowed arm rest.

“How long have you been here?” Angel asked settling down on the floor in front of the display.

“Oh, a half hour or so. I let myself in the side door.”

After a while Martin’s father walked in and did a double take. “Martin! By God, it’s good to see you. Welcome home.” He put his hands on his hips and stared down at Martin’s container. “People just say they’re going to save the world, son. They don’t actually go out and do it.” He winked at Angel with a huge smile. “Let me finish unloading the groceries and I’ll join you.”

“Need some help?” Angel offered.

“Naw, just a couple bags. I got’em.” He laughed and wandered out.

. . .

“So how long you in town for sailor.” Cecil teased.

“A couple weeks. They’re working on my ship.” Martin read the concern in their faces. “Nothing serious, just my fifty thousand light year check up. You know, rotating the hover skirts, checking the fluids . . .”

“Polishing the muffler bearing,” Will continued lightly then grated, “Re-calibrating the ion cannon fire control system”. He looked innocently around. “You know, just the normal stuff we all do,” he added airily rolling his eyes, mocking his brother.

Martin grew serious. “No seriously, there’s no damage, they want to do some upgrades before I head out.” He paused. “I just wanted to spend some time with you guys, I may be out of touch for quite a while.” A vidphone buzzed in the background.

Martin held up a hand to his family. “Major Morgan . . . Oh Hi Doc.” They could only hear Martin. “Sure, no problem . . . I think the original design works fine . . .a couple weeks . . . that should work . . . yeah, the right one . . . no, just from the wrist out.” He glanced at his family. “Hang on a second Doc, I want you to meet some people.”

The small window appeared in the holoscreen with a man’s face in it. “Doctor Swain, I’d like you to meet my family . . .”

. . .

“Major Morgan reporting, Sir.” Martin saluted Commander Briton.

“Major.” Briton replied looking up from a report on his desk and answered Martin’s salute with a smile. “As you were.” He watched Martin relax. “What can I do for you?”

“The Star Panther is ready to head out, Sir” Martin stated with no emotion.

Briton leaned back and smiled. “How did the modifications go?”

Martin smiled. “Very well, the improvements to the FTL system are remarkable to say the least.” The smile turned into a toothy grin. “And that binary pulse cannon is really a nasty piece of hardware. I can’t believe something that compact hit’s so hard. Oh, and they tweaked the reload mechanism so I can get three shots off in a second.”

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