Warning Track (28 page)

Read Warning Track Online

Authors: Meghan Quinn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Sports, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Military

BOOK: Warning Track
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Cocking an eyebrow at his girl, Parker said, “That’s sweet and all, Mo, in a weird foody kind of way, but what the hell does that mean?”

Margo laughed and said while stroking his chest, “You see, my madre makes the best tamales in the whole world, like you might die they’re so amazing kind of good. No matter how many times you try different types of tamales, nothing ever compares. You’re like my madre’s tamales, no matter how many men approach me or talk to me, they don’t even compare to you, not even close.”

She then stood on her tippy toes and placed a gentle kiss on his lips…nothing that would make him turn her against the wall and bang the shit out of her, but a real kiss. A kiss that only comes from the person you are meant to spend the rest of your life with.

“Tamale, huh?” Parker said, while wiggling his eyebrows once they pulled away from each other.

Margo rolled her eyes and walked toward the food, giving Parker a great view of one of her best assets.


She could feel it, she could feel the seething creeper she was being, but she couldn’t help it and she couldn’t stop either. Ever since Austin had shown up to the Christmas party fashionably late, Sloan had made it her mission to show off every part of her body possible and then drape her glitter-lotioned skin all over Austin’s black tux. It was revolting, actually, to see a female act like such a slut. Lucy thought about that for a second as she looked down at her belly. She didn’t have much room to talk; she’d slept with two men a couple of days apart, got pregnant, and didn’t know who the father was.

Still, why did Sloan have to be all over Austin? The moment Lucy met Sloan, she knew she didn’t like her. She was too full of herself, Lucy had no idea what Jane and Patty saw in her. Well, that was a lie, the girl worked hard and made this party amazing, which Lucy hated because she wanted Sloan to do a terrible job, but apparently she was only a slut bag once the job was done.

“You’re so tense tonight, love. Is everything okay?” Connor asked as he walked up behind Lucy and handed her a water.

Sloan practically giving out her fun sacks for free was why she was so tense, plus being able to only drink water was another reason, but she wasn’t about to say that to Connor. She was glad he was here because he was a good distraction from Sloan hanging all over the willing Austin. Usually, the girls didn’t bring dates to their events, but since both Patty and Jane were either married or practically married to a member of the Braves organization, she was able to bring Connor.

“Not tense, just anxious that something might go wrong with the event,” Lucy lied.

“Everything’s going great, love. You don’t need to worry anymore. You can just relax, enjoy the cool night air and being with your guy.” Connor winked at her and pulled her into his chest.

Almost reluctantly, Lucy caved into Connor’s embrace, not because she didn’t want to, but because when she was wrapped in Connor’s arms, she couldn’t spy on Sloan and Austin.

“Whoa!” Connor jumped back from Lucy and looked down at her belly. “That baby just kicked the hell out of you.” Connor’s face was beaming as he pressed his big hand against her small protruding belly.

“Did I just hear that my baby is kicking?” Austin sauntered up with Sloan…holding hands!

Lucy felt her blood pressure start to rise as she looked at bitch-face with the barely-there dress and perfect hair. Dumb bitch.

“Your baby?” Sloan cut in with a stupid crinkle to her nose that normally would be charming, but to Lucy it looked like the girl had just sniffed rotten meat that was spread across a festering animal carcass.

“Yup,” Austin said proudly as he came from behind Lucy and wrapped his arms around her and placed his hands on her belly. She stiffened quickly as she looked up at Connor, who was now spewing rage from every orifice of his body.

Lucy shook off Austin and grabbed Connor’s hand, trying to relax him.

“Oh,” Sloan said as she looked back and forth between Austin and Lucy. “I had no clue you two were involved.”

“They’re not!” Connor practically snapped.

Austin laughed and said, “I’m pretty sure if she’s carrying my baby, we’re involved in some way.” He turned to Sloan and clasped her chin in his hand. “But no need to worry, sweetheart, I can fuck whoever I want, since Lucy likes to be stuffed by needle dick over there.”

Lucy felt Connor start to move forward, but she pulled him back and begged him with her eyes not to start anything. This was still an event and Lucy had to be professional if she didn’t want to get fired. Starting a fight with one of the Braves’ starters wasn’t a very good idea.

Sloan, the bitch-face, smiled up at Austin and said, “Who says I want to fuck you?” She played with his suit jacket as her damn right leg lifted in the air. Lucy was way past the point of dry heaving.

“Oh, I know you want to fuck me by the way your nipples have been poking through that come-fuck-me-dress whenever I’m near. Let’s get out of here.” Sloan gave Austin her best slut smile and grabbed his hand. “See you at the next ultrasound, dickhead,” Austin called out to Connor as he walked away.

Lucy’s breath was ragged as she tried to rein in her anger. Sloan looked over her shoulder and smiled and waved at Lucy, as if they were best friends and Lucy had just given her a damn lollipop for good work today.

“Wrap it up, Tex,” one of the other players called out to Austin, using his nickname while giving him a high five.

“Learned my lesson with Lucy,” Austin called out as he nodded toward Lucy, making her blush immediately and Connor tense up even more. Sloan just giggled as she allowed Austin to pinch her ass and chase her out of the stadium.

“I can’t believe her, she is such a slut. What does Austin even see in her?” Lucy seethed as Austin and Sloan retreated.

Connor stepped away from Lucy and looked her in the eyes. “Why do you care?”

“I don’t care,” Lucy said a little too quickly. “I mean, it’s just…she’s a slut. You saw the looks she was giving him and the way she’s been throwing her body at him all night. It’s a crime against all women to act like such a dirty skank.”

“Funny, I hadn’t noticed because I thought I was attending this party with my girlfriend, not someone who seems to be gawking at her ex-friend/baby daddy, I don’t even know what to call him.” Connor ran his hands through his hair as he turned toward the railing that looked over the barely-lit ballpark. There were only a few lights on so they weren’t blinded by the stadium lighting, but also so you could see the magnificence of the field.

Realizing what she was saying, Lucy went up to Connor and placed her hands on his shoulders. “I wasn’t gawking, I was just…” What was she doing and why was she so mad about what actually happened? Why was she so mad that Sloan was going home with Austin? Did she really just hate Sloan or was it the thought of Sloan and Austin together that made her want to lash out irrationally and take down the bitch-face herself?

“That’s what I thought,” Connor said as he walked away.

Lucy was so lost in her thoughts that she forgot to finish her sentence, leaving Connor to believe that she might be interested in Austin.

“Connor, wait!” she called out as she chased after him in her heels. When she was a couple of feet away from him, she tripped and fell forward. She was a foot from slamming her belly into the cement when Connor caught her before she did any serious damage.

“Jesus! You have to be fucking careful,” Connor chastised, as he helped her up. Lucy looked up into his eyes and knew at that moment that he was angry and, no matter what she said, he was going to need time to cool off.

“Listen, I don’t care about who Austin dates or fucks, I was just annoyed that Sloan was making herself look like an idiot when we are trying to represent ourselves in a professional manner. Yes, we’re at a party, but we also have to work. Please don’t be mad,” Lucy rubbed his face with her hand, but he pulled away from her.

“I don’t buy it. I saw the way you were looking at them and it wasn’t the look of a disturbed co-worker, it was more of the look of a disturbed ex-lover.” Connor looked around the venue and then quickly looked back down at Lucy and said, “I don’t want to cause a scene, so I’m going to give you a kiss on the head and walk away. I need some time to think, so please just let me be for now.”

“But, Connor…”

“No, Lucy. I’m pretty sure I’ve been a stellar boyfriend up until now, dealing with all your bullshit baggage and, frankly, I’m tired. After tonight, I just need a break from all of it.”

Lucy felt like she got smacked in the chest, because all the air was knocked out of her lungs.

“Are you…breaking up with me?” she asked, as her voice started to break.

Connor grabbed her shoulders and looked her straight in the eyes. “Don’t be so goddamn dramatic. I just need some time to think, to be by myself and collect my thoughts. This pregnancy might be hard on you, but it’s hard on me too. I’m the third wheel, I’m the person who can easily be removed from this scenario, so please excuse me while I try to collect myself back together after seeing my girlfriend, who I love with every bone in my body, ogle another man right in front of me.”


He just shook his head and pulled away. “I’ll call you later. Don’t worry about a ride, I’ll ask Patty and Marc to take you back to your place.” He started to walk away, but turned around quickly and said, “For what it’s worth, you took my breath away tonight, Lucy. You look like absolute perfection.” With that, he walked away, leaving her pregnant, hormonal and regretting this damn night ever happened.

Chapter Thirteen


Panic swept over Jane’s body as she stood in the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror. It had been at least six hours since the last time she felt her baby girl kick, and what concerned her even more was that she was usually incredibly active at night and when Jane was eating. Jane had eaten almost too much food and it was pretty late, so she was expecting her little girl to be practicing her Rockette routine, but there was no movement…at all.

When Jane went to the bathroom, she found some light brown fluid in her panties and when she wiped, there was more. Now she stood before the mirror, looking at the woman in the reflection with worry and concern etching her face, who was on the verge of a near panic attack. Her breathing became ragged as she tried to figure out what to do. There was no way she was losing her baby…that was not possible. She was too far along to have a miscarriage, so that wasn’t a possibility.

The mere thought of losing her baby sent Jane into a breathing frenzy as she gripped the counter for balance. She shouldn’t have worn these shoes, she thought as she teetered back and forth. The heels were gorgeous, but not conducive to a pregnant woman.

Every possible wrong thought a person could conjure up about why their baby wasn’t active ran through Jane’s mind. She’d heard stories about women losing their babies, about having to deliver early and just praying that the NICU unit would be able to save the little breath of life. As she stood there, wobbling back and forth, she imagined herself in every scenario.

Before she knew it and before she could catch herself, she fell to the ground, on her side, as she clutched her stomach and talked to her baby.

“Stay with me, little girl, you can’t leave just yet. You’re still too little and we want you to grow big and strong. Just stay with me, little girl,” Jane started to sob as she gripped her stomach on the gross stadium bathroom floor.

As she lay on the floor, she pushed her fingers against her belly, hoping that she could possibly wake up her little girl from the long nap she must be taking.

“Wake up, baby girl. Wake up for Mommy and show her that you’re still in there waiting to meet us. I just want to make sure you’re okay in there, baby girl, please kick for Mommy. Please kick,” Jane sobbed as she held on tight.

“Pip-squeak, are you in here?” Brady called out, as he entered the ladies’ room. He saw her on the floor and immediately fell to her side. “Jane, what’s wrong?” he called out as he examined her on the floor and tried to lift her up.

“I can’t feel her kicking, Brady, she’s not kicking for me.”

“Okay, don’t panic. Let’s get you off this cold floor and go see the doctor. She might just be taking it easy on you tonight.”

Jane didn’t respond; she just cried into Brady’s shoulder as he lifted her up into his arms with ease and carried her out of the bathroom. One of her shoes fell to the ground, but Brady didn’t stop for it, instead he headed straight for the parking lot.

He called out to Marc as he walked. “I’m taking Jane to the hospital, I think her purse and shoe are still in the bathroom, please have Patty pick them up. I’ll call you from the hospital once we make sure everything is okay.”

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