Warning Track (27 page)

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Authors: Meghan Quinn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Sports, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Military

BOOK: Warning Track
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“This isn’t Ricky,” Molly spat back, referring to Albert’s soul mate who he lost to AIDS about seven years ago. A loss that he never truly recovered from.

“Don’t!” Albert screamed. “Don’t you dare bring up Ricky, he has nothing to do with this.”

“Doesn’t he? It seems like you’re comparing the two. Ricky was the one who was sick, he was the one who was dying. Luke isn’t dying, he’s just giving up. He doesn’t care to try, if he fucking cared then he would be better by now.”

A maniacal laugh escaped from Albert’s mouth as he stood right in front of Molly and said, “Do some fucking research, your man is sick. PTSD is not something to scoff at. You have no fucking clue what the man went through while he was held captive and you will never understand because you live in a land where a drink is a step away to wash away your pain and a pill is within arm’s length to numb the world you live in. Luke doesn’t have those luxuries because hiding away from the world doesn’t help him hide away from the demons he faces every goddamn day. He’s different because the man is fearful, he fears slipping back into the terror of what his life was. Try living in a world where a slight noise or smell could bring you back to the worst time of your life in a full Technicolor picture. He’s suffering and you’re giving up on him. What you need to do is grow a pair of tits and be there for him. I don’t care if you are scared because I would bet you my fucking giant, gay nut sac that he is more terrified than you are. Think about that the next time you look him in the eyes. Think about how terrified he is, to be in the real world again, to wonder if he will ever be captured again, to be fearful of the men coming back to get him. What he needs is you, he needs you to be strong, no matter what happens, no matter what shitty things he might say to you; you need to be strong and show him that, no matter what, love will prevail.” Albert wiped a stray tear from his eye as he turned to head out the door.

Before he left, he turned back toward them and said, “If I had a chance, I would do anything in my power to make sure Ricky was still alive. Consider Luke’s soul dying right now, are you going to go pick out his casket or are you going to fight to save him until there is no more fight left in the world?” Albert turned toward Jane and said, “The white will look gorg on you. You are going to look beautiful tonight, knock that hunk of a man’s dick off.” He winked and took off, leaving Molly with a confused, heavy heart.

She hadn’t given up on Luke…yet, but she didn’t know if she had any fight left in her. She was exhausted and it seemed like there was no end in sight. She left Jane’s house feeling more confused than ever. It was one of the first times where her friends’ opinions differed so much. The question was, who was she going to listen to?


“Mo, we’re going to be late if you don’t hurry up.”

Parker stood in his high-rise apartment that looked over the Atlanta skyline, waiting for Margo to remove herself from the bedroom. She’d spent all afternoon primping herself. Parker had to get ready in the living room because she didn’t want him seeing her. Even though getting ready in the living room was a bit of a nuisance, he couldn’t help but give Margo what she wanted, especially when she was so cute about it. The girl owned him, balls and all.

They’d arrived in Atlanta two days ago. They arrived late the first day, so they just went straight to bed, but yesterday they spent the whole day hitting up every touristy thing they could think of. Parker had never had so much fun in his life, especially in the city he had lived in for a while. They took pictures and reveled in each other’s company. Parker walked around with a hat and sunglasses on, trying to be incognito, which worked for the most part…only a few dedicated fans were able to spot him. They asked for autographs and, of course, Parker kindly obliged, not wanting to get a reputation as a prick.

“Are you ready?” Margo called out as she cracked the door to the bedroom open.

“I’ve never been more ready in my life. Let’s see ya, Mo.” Parker rubbed his hands together and braced himself for Margo.

She stepped out from the bedroom and all the air in his lungs escaped him as he took in the beauty that stood before him.

Wearing a blush, strapless, chiffon dress, Margo walked toward Parker with the brightest smile on her face. Her hair was left down in long bouncy curls and her lips were coated with a light pink lipstick that made her lips look devastating. Her bright green eyes stood out against her bronze skin and her smile was mesmerizing. There was no doubt about it, at that moment, Parker knew she was it. She was the girl for him.

Swallowing hard, Parker reached out to her and said, “I…I don’t even know, fuck, Mo. You look so damn beautiful.”

She smiled even brighter as she said, “Thank you. I was hoping you were going to like this dress. Thank you for letting me go shopping by myself this morning and for lending me your credit card,” Margo added shyly.

“Any time, especially if you buy things like this.” Parker spun her around and took in every angle of her body. “Yeah, I’m going to have a hard time keeping my eager cock down the whole night because I’m not going to lie, my dick wants a playdate with you.”

Margo raised an eyebrow up at him and said, “You can be so damn corny sometimes, do you know that?”

“You love it.” Parker pulled her in close and kissed her on the nose, trying not to disturb the makeup she’d just finished putting on.

She pulled away and looked at him. He was wearing a black tailored suit with a black shirt and black tie. “You look so mysterious and handsome.” She pulled on his tie and brought him closer to lightly kiss him on the lips. “Mmm,” she murmured as she pulled away. “I’ll be taking advantage of those lips of yours later.”

“You fucking better because I’m going to need to bury myself so deep inside you, my dick will be coming out of your nose.”

Margo laughed and said, “Nice try, Kirbs, but the alpha male talk doesn’t suit you.”

“What? I thought that was pretty hot.”

“Really? Because you just pretty much stated that your dick is small enough to come out of my nose. Doesn’t seem very hot to me.”

Parker thought about it for a second and then shook his head. “Damn, I need to think these things through.”

As they walked toward the door to leave, Margo said, “Maybe next time you can say I’m going to bury myself so deep in your pussy that you’ll be sucking on my cock as I fuck you in that sweet cunt of yours.”

Parker stopped in his tracks and gawked at his girl, who was now sporting a shit-eating grin. “Jesus, where the hell did you get such a dirty mouth?”

“The lacrosse house,” Margo replied, referring back to her outlandish college days.

Parker groaned and said, “Don’t remind me. I want to bash every one of those asshole’s heads into a brick wall for even looking at you.”

They took a cab to the stadium where the party was held. The Braves had their Christmas party every year at the stadium on the right field patio. The space could accommodate up to five hundred guests and they used every inch of it, at least according to the other players. Brady’s wife was in charge of planning this year’s event and Parker had heard nothing but good things about the upcoming party. Parker couldn’t be more excited, especially since Margo was in his arms, accompanying him.

As they arrived at the stadium, they were escorted up to the right field patio where big bubbled string lights were hanging everywhere, lighting up the dark stadium, white drapes hung all around the area, blocking out the vending kiosks and baseball motifs that didn’t necessarily go with the black tie affair. There were trees that were frosted over, giving off a wintery wonderland type feel in the middle of Atlanta. It was spectacular. Open fire pits and tall heaters flanked the area, giving off a cozy feeling and keeping the chilly night air at a reasonable temperature.

“It’s so pretty,” Margo whispered, as she took everything in.

Parker smiled at the way Margo ooed and ahhed about the decorations, the other guests’ party attire, and the way the lights glistened against the dark night sky.

“Thank you for coming with me, it means a lot,” Parker said, as he whispered into Margo’s ear as they approached the bar.

Margo turned and placed her hands on Parker’s chest. She looked up at him as if he was the only man within a ten-mile radius; he would never get tired of the way she looked at him.

“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I’m so glad you asked me to come with you. This is like a dream. It’s not every day a girl gets to go to a Christmas party at a major league stadium.”

Parker was about to answer when he was pushed to the side, followed by some laughter.

“You might want to hit up the weight room, Kirby, if you’re going to float around like a damn feather when I just tap you.” Brady stood with his pregnant wife right next to him, grinning like a fool.

“Don’t listen to him, Parker,” Jane said, “You’re still a baby, you have time to make your way up the ladder in weight lifting. It’s okay that you only lift the bar still.”

Margo snorted next to Parker at Jane’s comment. Since Margo played division one softball in college, she went through a vigorous strength training program and could bench two bars weight at the same time, she was that good. So, for Jane to pull Parker’s leg, made him look like a real wuss.

“What kind of lies are you feeding this woman?” Parker asked, while wrapping his arm around Margo and pulling her in.

“The only thing I’ve been feeding her lately is my dick, isn’t that right…” Brady wasn’t able to finish because Jane whacked him in the stomach.

“Don’t be that guy,” she said while scolding him. “You want our daughter’s husband talking to her like that one day?”

Brady straightened up and said, “Our daughter is going to be a nun, so I won’t have to worry about that.”

“If she’s your daughter, she’ll be anything but a nun,” Parker commented.

Brady flashed a grin and then nodded toward Margo. “How much is this sorry excuse for a man paying you to act like his girlfriend? You could do so much better.”

“Brady Matthews! No more drinks for you,” Jane once again scolded. “I’m sorry for my husband’s rude behavior. Apparently, he can’t let go of the fact that Parker is a rookie for one night. I’m Jane and this is Brady.” Jane held out her hand as Margo took it in hers.

“I’m Margo and I completely understand that temptation to rag on him. I bust his balls every day about his girly ways and barely-there muscles. The man gets a lot of comments on his ballet dancer-type figure.”

Brady’s head flew back as he bellowed with laughter. “I like this girl, Kirby. She seems like a keeper.”

Parker bent down and whispered in Margo’s ear, “Barely-there muscles? Ballet dancer? Your mouth is going to get washed out with my dick later for those comments.”

Margo smiled up at him and whispered back, “Now that’s some dirty talk.”

“They’re so cute together,” Jane cooed as she pressed her hand against her bulging stomach.

Brady rolled his eyes and said, “Alright, let’s not get all sappy. Parker has a girl, good for him. Let’s move on before you start cradling him and stroking his hair.”

Motioning to Jane’s belly, Parker asked, “Before you guys take off, how is the little one?”

“Wonderful,” Brady beamed. “Kicking around like a maniac and raising hell.”

Jane rubbed her belly and said, “Well, she’s been a bit quiet today, not much kicking, she must be tired. But usually she treats my bladder like her own personal kicking bag.”

“When are you due?” Margo asked.

“March. Right in the middle of spring training.”

“Jane will be coming with me to spring training, because hell if we’re going to be away from each other while my baby girl is being born. And Deek can suck his own cock if he thinks I’m not going to have my cell phone with me at all times,” Brady said, referring to their manager.

“Good luck with that,” Parker laughed.

“Come on,” Jane said, while pulling on Brady’s arm. “Let’s hit up the food buffet, I’m starving.”

“Oh Jane,” Margo called out. “The place looks amazing, so pretty.”

Jane smiled and said, “Thank you. We worked very hard.” Then she turned away and took off toward the buffet of mouth-watering food that Parker was going to definitely dabble in.

“I like them, especially Brady. He’s yummy.”

Parker’s head snapped down to look her in the eyes, making her laugh. “You better not be checking him out.”

Continuing to laugh, Margo said, “I could never, not when I have the sexiest man looking down at me.”

Parker’s brow smoothed out as he pulled Margo in closer. “You think I’m sexy?”

“You know I do,” Margo said, while rubbing his tie. “You’ve always been the sexiest man to me. You’re my madre’s tamales.”

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