Warrior (21 page)

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Authors: Joanne Wadsworth

BOOK: Warrior
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I’m so proud of you.
” Deep satisfaction laced his tone. “
It’s an incredible skill to have.

Are you sure I don’t have time for a swim?

Maslin swam with fast strokes, and I wanted in.

Yes. I was with Donaldo when my forewarning activated. I shared the news of your water skill with him. He’s asked for your return, for you to meet him in his quarters. Have Goldie bring you. I’ll keep your mother busy while you’re here. I can’t risk a chance meeting.

” I closed the link and jumped about. I was going home, for the first time in weeks. “Donaldo wants to see what I can do. His quarters, though.”

“Of course he would. Now block your nose. I know how much you hate the stink of the dome room.” Goldie grasped my hand.

She always warned me. The dungeon-like room was located deep within the lower bowels of the palace.

“Maslin,” she called to him. “Donaldo’s asked to see Hope. We’ll catch you later.”

“Later.” He sent a returning wave.

Goldie flashed us away, and I braced for the smell and pinched my nose tighter as we arrived in the dome room. No doors here, just four gloomy walls of gray-black bricks with slabs of floor-stones in a dull gray-green. I skidded on the slimy floor, as always covered in moist layers of sticky mildewed moss. It was a wretched place, but then that was necessary, because our enemy would never guess this would be the image needed to successfully ’port through to reach us.

Taking care with my step, I headed to the central well. This well led to the energy source Guy’s grandfather, Gilles Moyer, had first linked his enchantment to forty years ago. This was the spot where he had brought the energy field to life.

My chest tightened as I thought of Guy’s father and our other captured warriors. They never left my mind for long.

Goldie tugged me away. “Donaldo will be waiting.”

I held onto her tight as she ’ported us, focusing only on what was ahead. We reappeared in the foyer leading to Donaldo’s study. Here the ceiling was twelve feet high, with ornate plaster work surrounding a magnificent chandelier dripping in crystal. A dozen high-backed chairs covered in black silk lined the walls. I’d scrambled over those chairs many times as a child. I was home.

A maid stepped forward and bobbed her head. “Miladies, you have perfect timing. Donaldo awaits.” She turned and opened one of the two oak paneled doors.

“Goldwyn. Hope.” Donaldo’s booming voice traveled to us, and we hurried. “I haven’t seen my daughter or granddaughter in too long.”

“Father.” Goldie sped up as Donaldo stood.

He tossed the papers he held onto his solid desk then came around and embraced her in a firm forearm hold. Gold insignia rings on his thumbs glinted in the sunshine beaming through the large square windows to the side. Through the panes of glass was the most glorious sight. Black granite cliffs, an impenetrable structure never more obvious than from this high vantage point on the fourth floor, stood like a sentinel. Beyond was the deep blue of The Great Orbiting Ocean. Throughout my childhood, I’d been fascinated by the natural wonder, and to this day still was.

“Hope.” My grandfather embraced me.

“Granddad, you look good.” He wore an impeccably pressed blue-collared shirt with silver chains looped from his shoulder to his top pocket. His long legs were encased in tough black leather pants.

Swiping a hand over his full, dark beard, he eyed me. “As do you. Tell me of this rare Sol ability you have with water. I understand what Maslin can do, but Alexo tells me yours is at full strength. Showing me would be even better.”

It was Donaldo’s way to get straight to business. He ran a nation, and did it with precision.

I glanced at the long glass vase atop his side cabinet holding one white lily. Lifting my hand, I focused my mind on it. “I can manipulate water as Dad said.” Swirling the water within, the vase moved with a gentle rattle, rocking on the polished wooden surface.

With more strength behind my thoughts, I increased the water’s momentum until the vase jiggled and tipped.

As it fell, I swept the water upward but still within the vase. I used the liquid to lift the glass from within and hold it upright. It required pressure to keep it there, but with a single thought it was done.

Goldie clapped as I levitated the water within the upside-down vase. “The law of physics no longer comes into play around you.”

“Incredible. I mean it.” Donaldo grinned as he stepped around the floating vessel. His violet eyes glinted. “And what of Alexo saying you moved a massive quantity of water from the river and dumped it into one of the watering holes, filling it to capacity?”

“I did. I wish you could have seen it.”

“Then show me now.” He caught Goldie and me by the arm. “We have an ocean of water right on hand. Let’s go.”

Donaldo ’ported us to within thirty feet of the ledge. No. The vase of water I’d left behind would have fallen to smash on his study room floor. “Ah–”

“No.” He took my shoulders and gave me a nudge toward the ledge.

I should have guessed he’d do this.

I paused a few steps from the edge, lowered myself to the ground and crawled toward it. Such a steep drop, of two-hundred feet to the base. Jeez, I never got this close, not when my fascination was well sated from further away.

“If there’s any danger, I’ll ’port and catch you. Other than that, you can do as you wish,” Donaldo called out.

“Great. Thanks for that!” I yelled back.

Oh boy, this was crazy.

There was a fortress behind me, yet I sat on the edge of a cliff.

Come on. You can do this. You’re a Wincrest.


With my heart racing, I curled my hands around the ragged granite that would spell my doom if I toppled over it. Whoa. My vision swam and I dragged in a deep gulp of air. This was a whole lot scary. Silas would certainly freak if he saw me right now. Luckily though, he didn’t know what I was about to do, and it was just as well I hadn’t had enough time to contemplate it either.


Uh-oh, stupid heart alignment. “
I’m fine.

It doesn’t feel it. Where are you? I’ll come.
” His tone was urgent, but then again so was the pounding of my heart.

I’m in Dralion. You can’t.

What the hell are you doing there? My heart’s about to jackknife out of my chest.

I held tighter to the granite. The waves far below slapped hard and sprayed high in an impressive display of nature versus life. I loved the water, but not like this.

Once I’d scampered away from the edge on my bottom, my heartbeat slowed a fraction. “
Is that better?

His voice was a deep growl, which rumbled around in my head. “
Not nearly enough.

Right. Not for me either.

Silas, you’re not helping me focus. I’ll get back to you. Real soon.
” I closed our link and blocked any reconnection.

Returning my attention to the waves meant I returned to the ledge. Make this fast. I raised my hand and swept it in a wide arc, drawing as much of the swelling seawater from below as I could. It roared and churned, fighting capture, but I rolled it and created a funnel then lifted it with all my mental might.

A geyser jetted, spraying a fountain of sea spray over us.

Ah, not quite what I had been after.

I tried again, this time maintaining more control over the funnel and capping it as the water levitated free of the sea.

Lifting it high was a magical moment. I grinned as the swirling waters, a quantity that could fill a large pool, rose over our heads.

I scurried to my feet and rejoined Donaldo and Goldie. Above, the pool of water floated.

“I’m never going to tire of seeing you do this,” Goldie whispered. “It has to be thirty feet in height and half as wide.”

Shucking off my boots, I eyed my grandfather. “I’ve set my hands into the water before and teleported with it. I don’t see why I can’t fully hop inside and swim. It should hold me, provided I keep kicking.”

Donaldo gripped my shoulder. “You want to go for a swim? In that?”

“Elizara Sol has this skill. She can breathe underwater for several minutes and she told me how to do it. I want to try. It’s just a pool of water.”

“A floating one.” He stared at it.

“Did you hear about Elizara?”

“Yes, Alexo kept me updated once he caught sight of you in the Sol compound.”

I glanced at the palace, to the slender towers, which rose to double the height of the gray-black stone walls near Dad’s wing. “Is he–”

A brisk wind swirled and Dad wavered into view. He drew me into a hug and dropped a kiss on the top of my head. “I saw you from the window. I hope you realize this display of yours out here is rather obvious. At the moment, I have Jilly keeping your mother busy and far away from this side of the palace. You need to make this quick.”

“Will do.” I gave him a wobbly smile.

“If you’re going for a swim, get to it.”

“You haven’t had forewarning, right? I’m not about to drown?”

“No unexpected activation of forewarning. You’re safe to go.”

Donaldo cleared his throat. “I look forward to seeing what you can do.”

I approached the water. My nervousness hadn’t left and now it banged away with even more force.

No hesitation. A Wincrest didn’t falter.

I stopped in front and pressed one fist into the water. It suctioned around my arm, all tingly and cold. While pushing another fist in, the same strange sensation swept over me. Come on. Get in. I jumped and was swallowed by the chilly seawater.

Yee-ha. Holding my breath, I kicked swiftly to the center.

Wow. Such freedom in my movement. This was no different than being in a pool, only it was ocean water with seaweed and flotsam floating around. Oh, funny, and a jellyfish.

Holding my position, I thought only of the water and the breath I would soon run out of. That couldn’t happen, and with a flick of my fingers in front of my face, I separated the hydrogen and pushed it outward, away from the oxygen until it formed a protective bubble around the precious air I needed to breathe. With no time left, I pressed my nose into the air pocket and drew in a deep breath. Only, the air bubble rose. Drat. I kicked swiftly upward with it, dragging in the oxygen I needed. Oh, that worked.

With enough air, I dived, returning to swim lower. Silas. I had to tell him. I unblocked our telepathic link and threw it open. “
Guess what?

Tell me.
” A dark edge to his tone said I’d better speak fast.

I can breathe underwater. That’s what I’m doing right now.

Come and show me and don’t block me again.
” A darker sense of urgency.

I’m with my family. I told you I was in Dralion.

I want you back.

Hey, you knew this would happen. I spend half my time here.

What are you saying?
” His voice was too loud, almost ringing in my ears. “
How long do you expect to be there?

My father won’t permit me to stay long. Hold on, I need to take a breath.
” I focused on forming another bubble of oxygen by pushing the hydrogen atoms away. With my nose in, I inhaled and swam upward with its natural rising. “
” I did a little spin in the water and dived down.

What was that yes for?

The air I’m breathing. I can form pockets of air, only they rise naturally. It means I have to chase them, but it’s pretty cool.
” I rubbed my arms and a shiny gel smeared over my fingertips. “
Oh. I should feel cold since this is ocean water, and I did at the start, but now it’s…

What? What?

Don’t be anxious. It’s all good. There’s a clear coating on my skin. It’s keeping me warm.

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