Warrior (30 page)

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Authors: Joanne Wadsworth

BOOK: Warrior
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“In the arena, with the sword. I think I’ll come in.”

“My hormones are raging and I’d be all over you in a second. You have to keep your distance for now, plus I’m not cold, even out this deep. Maslin and Elizara can swim with me.”

“I want you to keep a distance from Sol.”

“He’s a warrior and my friend. We work together.”

“You chose him when I released you.”

I huffed, wanting to kiss him and smack him all at once. “Barely, and so long ago, my mate, it doesn’t count.”

“Hope.” My name was a growl from between his lips, and as Faith reappeared with Maslin, his fists clenched.

She raised her shoulders in a shrug. “Sorry, I can’t spot Elizara. She must have snuck into the gray area. As soon as I see her, I’ll get her.”

“I’m here, Hope.” Maslin shucked off his jeans and stripped down to a pair of shorts. “I can produce the gel, but you’ll need to help me breathe underwater if we go too deep. I can’t form the bubbles.”

Silas glared at Maslin. “Touch her, and I’ll remove your head from your shoulders.”

“You don’t frighten me, Carver. She’s my princess. I’ll protect her as I see fit, even from her own mate.”

“No fighting, you two.” This I didn’t need.

Maslin dove in, came in underneath and grabbed my legs. The water slid over my head as I went down.

Ten feet under, and Maslin came face to face with me, his gaze locked on mine in the murky depths. “
Do you hear me?

” The telepathic link of trust was strong.

Create a bubble of air for me, larger than what you make for yourself.

I did, and he leaned in then chased it up a foot as he drew in a breath.

Returning to me, he grinned. “
You are my perfect woman.

You are going to get yourself into trouble with that kind of talk. I’m mated.

He shrugged, his copper hair floating about his face. “
Do I look like I care?
” No, he didn’t. He grasped my hand, and even with our slippery gel, kicked us upward.

We hit the surface and I swam for the boat. Silas was swearing, rather full on.

I grabbed hold of the looped side rope then dispersed the gel from my hands for a better grip. “My redhead has a temper. Come here.”

His gaze speared into Maslin just a few feet behind me. “I’m trying to see the bigger picture, but right now, there isn’t one.”

“Uh-huh. Right, so I have to go for a swim, but I’ll stay in a straight line from this point, keeping parallel to the beach.”

He maintained his glower at Maslin.

“Silas, I truly need you–” His gaze jolted to mine. “–to remain sane.”

“Usually I am. That’s currently impossible.”

I drew in closer. “Kiss me. We’ll both feel better.”

Faith clambered in between us. “Okay. Here I am. I think we’ve covered this whole kissing thing already. Silas is out of bounds for you during your rising. And a lot longer, if I had my way.”

“Having you around is frustrating.” I frowned.

Silas crossed his arms with a slap. “You don’t know the half of it.”

Faith held out a bottle of water toward me. “You want a drink?”

“Oooh, but I still love you, sis. Yes.” I unscrewed the lid and gulped. A surge of energy raced through me. “Whoa. That’s got a power-punch to it. I have to dash.” I touched my necklace and held up the gift Silas had given me. “You’ll always be with me.”

“Not the way I intended to.”

Best to go. So I did.

I swam to Maslin, who lifted his chin while he treaded water. “Don’t forget you’ll be running at triple the strength for your rising. I’ll try and keep up, but double-back to me if you need.”

My blood fired. “Will do.” I dove then swam underwater where I had to work harder. I surfaced every sixty feet so the others knew where I was. But nothing could have prepared me for what happened. The sudden clarity between mind and body and the massive wave of energy which rode me.

It was the most magical experience, even with the roar of the boat’s motor close.

This is the perfect night for a swim.
” Maslin spoke directly to me, and as the hours passed, I did as he instructed, making sure he was never too far away.

So many hours, I lost count.

At times, we dove deep, finding schools of fish. I created air pockets as we needed them. Other times, we swam along the surface, the moonlight rippling over its midnight beauty.

“Do you need some water, Hope?” Silas called out.

“I’d love some.”

He signaled to Loveria at the rear of the inflatable to guide the boat closer to me then leaned over the side with a bottle. “It’s been six hours.”

“That long already?” I guzzled down the precious liquid and tossed him the empty.

Faith nudged in beside Silas. “How are you feeling?”

“Fantastic.” I did a tumble-turn in the water, knocking into Maslin, who plucked me upright.

His eyes were bright, his enjoyment as great as mine. “This is our playground, but you must be getting near the end. Stay close.”

“Yeah, but not too close,” Silas grumbled as he jerked on the long sleeves of his wetsuit. “I’m coming in for a bit. I’ve had enough of sitting like a duck.”

I held up a hand. “It’s all right. I know at the end I’ll lose all strength. I’ll take care.” I faced Maslin. “Ready for another swim?”

He leaned in and kissed the tip of my nose. “Always.”

I gasped. Oh no, he hadn’t just done that. Not in front of Silas.

With one almighty splash, a wave of water hit me in the face. When I opened my eyes, Maslin was gone and Silas was nowhere on the boat.

“Silas took him straight down!” Faith screamed and pointed, almost toppling her and Loveria out of the boat. “Go and get him. Silas is acting all kinds of crazy right now.”

Chills raced down my spine, and my legs went rubbery. “Gotcha.” I tried to dive, but numbness invaded my limbs.

Ah, that wasn’t good.

My lower body became a dead weight and dragged.

I went down, like an anchor thrown from the boat.

Yeah, more than not good.

The shadowy depths of the water swirled over me. No, I wasn’t ready for my rising to finish. Focus. You’re going down. Create some air. You’re going to have to grab it on the move.

Damn. My arms were floppy.

I tried twice to flick my fingers in front of my face and barely managed it. On the third attempt, I finally succeeded and poked my nose into a bubble as I sank past it.

I was descending fast. So deep.

My head swam. Silas.

Throwing open our connection, I called to him. “
You have to come get me. My rising is done and I’m sinking.

What? No! Where?

I’m already well below the surface and falling fast. Can you free-dive forty or fifty feet? I think that’s about where I am.

I’ll do whatever’s necessary. I can ’port in spurts.

And I needed oxygen. I created another bubble, getting the distance close as I sank past and managed a half breath before it floated away beyond my reach.

I’m coming in a direct line down.

Forming another bubble, I snatched what I could.

Make it fast. I’ll be the one sinking.

Not for long.
” His tone held a deadly bite. “
Where are you?
” Something brushed against my back but it wasn’t him.

I’m deep. I can’t slow my descent.

I struggled, fighting to move, but my limbs were useless. Focus. I had to make another bubble. I did, getting a pitiful amount of air.

I’m coming, love.

My lungs burned. “

Stay with me.
” His words echoed in my head.

I’m not making enough–
” I coughed, expelling the precious air I’d drawn in.

My vision swam, and I caught a flash of black and red, and then nothing.




Chapter 13


My head exploded with pain. My chest throbbed as if someone sat on it.

I was tossed around as voices echoed all around.

“Carver’s not getting her back.”

Was that Maslin?

A scream shattered the air and my heart lurched within my chest.

“Get off Silas, Maslin.” The boat rocked underneath me, or at least I’m sure it was the boat. “There’s so much blood, Davio. Is Silas breathing?”

Faith was yelling, and why would Silas not be breathing? And what blood?

“Silas is unconscious, and the wound is deep.” Loveria for sure. “I’ll take him to the healers. Look after your sister.”

“Carver came after me first.” Maslin again, puffing with sharp breaths. “I had to defend myself.”

I tried to move. Silas needed me, only, I couldn’t.

The voices drifted.

The dark embraced me.

* * * *

“Goldie, her lungs had to be near to bursting, but she’s healing. Davio said so is Silas. I can’t believe he and Maslin fought with their daggers on the boat.”

I tried to push my eyelids up as my sister’s voice washed over me.

“They’ll both be fine, Faith. Your forewarning would’ve activated otherwise, and let’s not forget Maslin had to defend himself. He is a warrior first and foremost.”

Striving for the surface, I moaned deep in my throat.

“That’s it. Open your eyes, sis.”

I blinked as the overhead light blazed. Faith and Goldie were perched beside me on the bed. The station. “Why am I not with Silas?” Not that I was happy with him right now. He’d fought, and at a time when I’d needed him most.

Goldie enveloped me in her arms, the scent of horse and hay coming with her. “I can’t have a protector here and this is where Faith brought you. You had me so worried. Boy, I don’t know whether to hug or growl at you.”

“You’re doing both already.”

Faith wiped her cheeks. “It’s my turn to hug and growl.” She wrapped me up tight. “You did it. You’ve gotten through your rising. Silas is still healing though, and I’m under strict orders from Dad to wait here until you wake. He wants to–”

With a swirl of air, he shimmered into the room, and I pushed myself upright. “Hey–”

me. Your mother is not happy with what I had to report.” He smothered me next. “She’ll be all over you when you come home. That was the warning I had to pass on.”

“I can’t wait,” I said, my voice muffled by his silk shirt.

He glanced at Faith. “Goldie and I have always kept a close eye on her. Although with your forethought, you’re now called to help. As you can see, it’s a never-ending job.”

“I’ll help, but there has to be hazardous pay involved. She’s a lot of hard work.”

“Ha, I’m not that bad.”

Faith swung to look at me. “Oh c’mon, yes you are.”

“No, I’m not.”

“Don’t argue with me.”

“Then take me to Silas so I can argue with him. He’d appreciate it, and I’ve got a lot of arguing to do. He’s truly okay, right?”

“Yes. I would have told you otherwise.” Still dressed in her wetsuit, she pulled me with her off the bed. “Let’s get changed. I’ll gladly take you to him.”

Dad cocked a brow. “I’ll head home and reassure your mother. I’ll see you both as soon as possible. In Dralion.” He shimmered and disappeared.

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