Warrior (26 page)

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Authors: Joanne Wadsworth

BOOK: Warrior
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I dressed and brushed my hair. What a mess. I detangled the nightly knots and pulled my hair into a ponytail.

After slipping back to Silas, I knelt on the floor beside him. His cheek was pressed to his pillow and he breathed ever so quietly. I gazed at his closed eyelids, at the long sweep of golden eyelashes touched with a hint of red. The stubble on his jaw was the same light color, but looked incredibly sharp. I smiled at the memory of shaving him. So much had happened since that time. I’d found Elizara Sol and my water skill had come in. Now I had my sister, and I would never let her go. I kissed his cheek then nibbled to the corner of his mouth. My soul was bound to his, an unbreakable tie no one could pull apart.

Hope, Davio’s asleep. Do you want to sneak out? I’ve found that’s best. You ready?

Silas is usually my ride home.
” My gaze wandered over his face. Every moment I had with him was precious.

Now you have me too. Whenever you call, I’ll come. Within an instant. I know where his rooms are and I’ll wait outside. Nice and quiet now.

On my way.

I let out a slow breath as I eased back and stood. If I dallied, it would slow my day. And taking me home wasn’t Silas’s favorite thing to do. He generally grumbled and would no doubt raise the issue of Maslin again.

Having snuck to the door, I turned the knob, and then slid through the small gap. Faith was there wearing navy three-quarter Nike pants and a blue sports top with white stripes down the sides. Like me, her hair was drawn into a ponytail.

She held a finger to her lips. “Should I use the image of the stables you’ve already given me?”

“Yes, Goldie’s usually there at daybreak. That’d be perfect.” My mind-merge slipped from Silas’s as we tiptoed further away. I rubbed my head.

Faith’s brow shot upward. “Forewarning. He’s about to wake.” She ’ported us.

As we flashed in at the station, the sunshine near blinded me. Another scorcher of a day awaited.

“Whoa, it’s hot.” Faith darted a look about. “Where’s the grass?”

“We don’t have much here, but the lower fields along the river where we graze the cattle are green. Let me give you the image.” I pulled it up.

“Oh.” Her violet eyes brightened. “That’s so much better.” Turning to face the homestead on the hill, she lifted a hand to her brow. “Nice digs. Which room is yours?”

I gave her the visual, and then one of the room next to mine. “If you want to stay, this one is yours. It leads onto the same balcony as mine.” It was almost a mirror image.

“Fabulous. I love the New Zealand rimu by the way. It’ll feel like home away from home. Except that I’m collecting a few of those. I have a room in Dralion, one near school, and now there’s Davio’s. Sometimes I don’t know where I’m sleeping.”

“Well, if you don’t know what you’re wearing either then just raid my wardrobe or Goldie’s. We’re the same size.”

“Thanks.” She nudged my shoulder with hers. “If you’re here, then I’ll stay. I want to know my sister. We have eighteen years to catch up on.”

I couldn’t hold back from giving her a hug. She smelt like fresh air and violets, and she squeezed me in return.

Hell, where are you, Hope? I wake up and you’re gone.

Good morning, Mr. Sleepyhead. I’m with Faith. We’re bonding, so stay away.

I’d rather you bond with me.

I know you would. Go to work.

You’ll return tonight, right?


A loud mental sigh. “
If you don’t, you’re in trouble.

I closed the link and smiled. He was so predictable.

I took Faith’s hand and pulled her toward the stables, my favorite place in the world. “Do you like horses?”

One grating cough came from Faith. “I’ve never ridden a horse in my life.”

“What? You’re missing out on so much.”

“I’m not a horsey person, but Mum is. Don’t forget I can zip-zap here and there, which means I’m going with teleportation over a sore butt in the saddle any day.”

“Hope, is that you?” Goldie’s voice traveled from the interior of the stables. “Maslin’s looking for you.”

I skipped through the wide open doors. Goldie was halfway up the stack of hay bales on one side. It was a small supply, just for the stalls, but quite high. She reached for the top bale, grabbed it by the ties and tossed it. It rolled and bounced to the ground, kicking up a plume of dust as it came to a stop in the center of the room.

“Goldie.” I coughed and wet my lips as a surge of thirst hit me. “I brought Faith with me. My sister.”

“You brought–” She pivoted, clapping a hand to her mouth, her gaze riveted on Faith. “Oh my. You brought–” She dropped to her butt, and then bumped from one baled platform to the next and landed with a jolt and “oomph” on the last level. On her feet, she engulfed Faith in her arms. “Welcome to the family.”

The blood-bond would surge between them, and the familial Wincrest ties would bind strongly.

Faith held onto Goldie, her shoulders shaking. “I don’t know what to say. I have an aunt.”

Goldie hugged her hard then pulled back. “If you’re feeling overwhelmed, so am I.”

“Who’s–” Maslin halted in the doorway, his gaze darting from Faith to me. “Wow.” He removed his Stetson and thumped it against his legs. “Well, I never…so alike.”

“Maslin, come meet my sister.” I waved him forward then rubbed at my throat. I was parched.

He extended his hand to Faith and she shook it. “Nice to meet the mysterious Faith Wincrest.”

“Mysterious no more.” She smiled. “Nice meeting you.”

Maslin glanced at me. “You’ve been waiting for this. How are you feeling?”

“Incredible. Like my heart wants to soar from my chest.” I pressed my closed hand to it, my gaze returning to Faith’s. “Maslin knows all about us and the protectors. He’s also distantly related to you and me through the Sol family line.”

“You mean through Elizara?”

“Yes.” I wet my lips, my thirst having increased. “They’re all part of the same tribe.”

Maslin nodded his head toward Faith. “Elizara will want to meet you. She won’t wish to wait.”

She lifted onto her toes and jiggled about. “Neither do I. Could we go now?”

“Whenever you’d like.” He looked to Goldie. “Does now suit you?”

“Absolutely.” Her cheeks puffed out as she bubbled with excitement.

Faith snagged my hands and twirled me around. Goldie laughed and joined us. Maslin linked in and grinned. “Ladies, Elizara’s it is,” he said.

I held my breath. I couldn’t be any happier. My sister and Goldie had met, and now we were going to see Elizara.

Travelling through the dark took no time at all, and then we were there and my feet sank into the orange desert sands of No-Man’s Land. Next to us, the bright yellow of Elizara’s canvas awning rippled in the breeze.

Faith rubbed her chest, looking about in all directions. “My heart’s beating so fast.”

“Me too.”

Maslin lifted the flap and called out to Elizara. “I’ve brought visitors. Both your nieces.”

A squeal sounded from inside. There’d be no more waiting. In the past twenty-four hours, my life had taken on new meaning. This was all too much. My mouth dried completely out.

“My nieces.” Elizara erupted from the tent in a blur of white, almost knocking us all to the ground. “Look at you.” She cupped my face, and then Faith’s. “Both of you. Welcome.” A beaming smile for Goldie and Maslin. “We have so much to speak about. Come inside.”

Maslin lifted the flap higher as Elizara yanked Faith in and Goldie laughed as she followed. I stood, grinning as sheer pleasure coursed through me.

“You need to go in, Hope.” Maslin still held the flap.

“I feel too happy.” I tapped my dry throat. “I’ve never imagined such bliss.” I coughed and thumped my chest and wheezed. Oh, so thirsty.

“When was the last time you drank?”

“Yesterday afternoon, no, morning. I’ve got to drink. It feels like all the moisture is draining right out of the air.”

“Those with the water skill can’t go without it for any long length of time. It’s worse for us than any other. You must drink constantly throughout the day.”

My sight dimmed to one singular pinprick of light, and I swayed.

“I’ve got you.” His arms came around me.

” Silas’s muffled voice resounded in my head. “
I can feel your accelerated heartbeat. What’s going on? Where are you?

So much heat.

It blazed through me, like fire, singing my throat.

“Water,” I croaked to Maslin as my entire world spun. Then nothing. Darkness enveloped me.

* * * *

“I didn’t have forewarning. She has to be all right.” Faith’s voice echoed inside my head.

“Those with the water skill must drink water continuously.” Liquid dribbled into my mouth and down my throat. “Nice and slow, Hope.”

I dragged my eyelids open. Maslin held a cup to my lips and my head to his shoulder.

Elizara stroked my arm. “Maslin will take you to the oasis. You’ll need skin-to-skin replenishment for full recharging.”

I gulped the water, desperate to get more.

“You had me so worried.” Goldie squeezed my hand.

Faith had the other. “You have to drink. All the time. Elizara and Maslin said so.”

“I’ll take her now. We won’t be long.” Maslin set the cup down.

“Go quickly,” Elizara urged.

Dark replaced the brightness of her tent as he ’ported us. At the edge of the oasis, he removed my boots then carried me in until the blessed water rose over my hips and to my chest. I swam free and dunked to my shoulders.

I shuddered with need, pushing my hands through the water and spreading my fingers out. The water swirled like liquid silk, a lavish sensation I wanted to curl into and be absorbed by. I kicked away, diving and tumbling below the surface, desperate for more.

As I came up, I slicked my hair back and treaded water. “This is perfect.”

“Water is your lifeline.” Maslin swam beside me.

Where are you? I’ve searched your bedroom and you’re not there.

Silas’s voice pounded down our link.

I’m swimming. I’m fine.

He sighed, almighty loud. “
What aren’t you telling me? I couldn’t get through to you and you weren’t blocking. It’s like you blacked out.

I did. Apparently, I can’t go without drinking water.

You lost consciousness because you didn’t drink?
” His tone was incredulous.

Swirling his hands through the water as he treaded, Maslin said, “Carver?”

“Uh-huh.” “
I’m fine now, Silas, and you shouldn’t worry. I have to return to Faith and Goldie.

No more blacking out or I’ll chain you to my bed so you can never sneak away again.

I’d like to see you try. Later.
” I laughed.

Maslin eyed me. “He cares for you, but that doesn’t mean your soul-bound match is a good one. I’m here if you need me. I have sworn my allegiance to the Wincrest family, and to the people of Dralion, and I swear it personally to you. Whatever you need, I will give.”

His words were a deep promise, one that touched my heart.

I blinked, barely holding back tears. “You’re my friend.”

“That’s a good start.” He dove with a grin, his feet coming up into the air before he disappeared below the water’s surface.

Palm tree fronds rustled in the breeze. Maslin tugged on my leg, and yanked me under.




Chapter 11

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