Warrior (29 page)

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Authors: Joanne Wadsworth

BOOK: Warrior
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You know I understand, but it’s late. That means bedtime. My bed.

I was parched and swam to the side of the pool to grab my water flask. I guzzled half the bottle down.

You’re not answering me.

Just drinking. I’ve missed you too, but I can’t be everywhere.
” I dunked my head under the water and came up again. “
Oooh. My hair is dripping down my back and it feels so good.

Do I need to buy a water bed to entice you home?

I laughed, and then promptly stopped. “
Oh my. Is that even possible? I’m definitely coming if it is.

I should be able to pick one up from somewhere on Earth. How are your energy levels?

Last time I’d checked in with him, I’d told him they were increasing. “
Everyone says they’ve noticed the upward spike.

I want to see you before your rising, and it sounds as if you’re close.
” He knew I would stay here for it. That was already decided. One needed family, those closest to them to aid in expending the excess energy until the closing moment when the accumulation of skills peaked and one completely collapsed. That draining was intense and took hours to recover from. One was limbless.

Come see me now.
” His tone held longing. “
I’ll take you swimming.

I’m already swimming.

Not with me, you’re not.

You are incredibly observant.

I swear, Faith’s snarky attitude is rubbing off on you.
” The loudest sigh came from him. “
I’m exhausted, and I can’t sleep without you.

My mother picked up my empty water flask. “I’ll fill this up. If you have to go to your mate as Faith does, I understand.”

“Out of there.” Faith tossed me a towel. “I’ve just checked with my forethought, and Davio and Silas appear a pitiful mess. Let’s give them a break.”

“But I need to swim.”

“No problem. I’ll take you to Papamoa beach. The boys can come.” She hugged Mum. “Tell Dad we’ll see him tomorrow.”

I eased out of the pool and wrapped the towel around my waist. Peeking back at the water, I dipped my toe in it.

“No, you don’t.” Faith grabbed me and between one second and the next, we were gone, flashing through the dome room.

We arrived in the warmth of Loveria’s rec room, and ten feet away, Silas and he lay crashed out on two of the white leather couches. Both wore their training leathers and light colored shirts soaked through with sweat. Their swords hung from their limp hands, the pointy tips brushing the thick carpet.

“Did you two kill each other?” Faith stepped toward them.

“You’re back.” Loveria launched to his feet and swung Faith in a circle. “Hey, Silas, you have a visitor.”

“I do?” Silas’s sword clattered to the ground as he rolled off the couch and stared at me. Then he was no longer there. He ’ported the ten feet then wrapped his arms around me like bands of steel. “Are you real?”

Cupping his face in my hands, I grinned. “Kiss me and find out.”

Pushing me against the wall at my back, he did, or devoured was more like it.

I couldn’t think straight, and in that instant I didn’t care. I wanted him and only him.

Oh sweet heaven. More.

“We need privacy.” I clutched his shirtfront, my world spinning. “Bedroom. Now.”

“Whoa.” Faith was there, shoving us apart. “I heard that. Don’t forget your rising is close. That means hormone levels are raging just as strength levels do.” She glared at Silas, and then at me. “You two can’t be allowed this up close and personal. I remember that from my own rising.”

I tried to push her away. “Let go of me. I want him.” The need was strong now he was within my sight.

She tilted her head toward Loveria and he was there. He grabbed Silas from behind and yanked him away.

Silas jerked one arm free. “Davio, she’s been gone for days.”

“I have to keep you two separated. If you give into Hope physically now, it’ll be all the more difficult for her when her rising takes firm hold. You can see she’s close. Distance. You’ve got to have distance.”

I hissed, curling my fingers into my palms and wanting to snag Silas back, but Faith was solidly in front.

“Look at me.” She gripped my shoulders. “I know what you’re feeling. The physical pull toward one’s mate is excruciating if there’s been some time apart, and trust me, you’ve just had that.”

“Right now, I don’t care. What kind of sister are you?”

“One who loves you.”

I froze. “You do?”

“I’ve always wanted a sister. And family. Now, I have all I’ve ever dreamed of.” She wrenched me into her arms. “I’ll even put up with Silas...for you.”

Loveria coughed. “Now, that’s some love.”

“Faith, I didn’t know you were missing from my life until you came into it. I love you too.”

“Good, then believe me when I say I need to get you out of here. Papamoa beach, okay?”


She glanced at Loveria. “Get changed and we’ll meet you at my favorite spot.” Everything darkened as she ’ported us.

Moonlight glazed over the ocean’s slick, dark surface and my feet sank into the softest white sand. The air was still, the ocean peaceful, like the calm before the storm. The skies above were clear, an inky-black spread with a million twinkling stars.

I walked forward. Oh boy. Water. Lots of water.

“They’re here. Hey, wait up.”

Faith’s words came from afar, and then the pounding of footsteps, but the ocean called to me. Silky smooth, the water rose to my knees, then my waist.

Deeper. I had to go deeper.

“She’s not listening, Silas. Hurry.”

Faith stood in front of me, her hands on my chest as she skidded backward.

What was she doing there? I pushed her away.

Glorious water swirled over my shoulders, skimmed my chin. Ahh, perfect.

“Wait up.”

Someone lifted me off my feet, and I blinked. Oooh, Silas wrapped his arms around me.

Oh yeah, he had no shirt on.

I licked my lips and stared at his muscled chest. “You took too long.”

“It was bare seconds. I had to change for a swim.”

Seawater glistened on his skin, the most gorgeous sight. I tickled my fingers across his flesh, only, my vision wavered.

Water all around... I needed him. No, I needed it.

“Hope?” He clicked his fingers in front of my face. “Her eyes are glazed, like she’s in a trance.” Silas spoke to someone over my shoulder, only, the gentle slapping of the water against my back seduced me. Like an invisible hand which caressed, water swept around my legs, tugging at me as if to come, to play.

“I want to go, Silas.” I focused on my skin, on the essence I needed to coat it to prepare for the cold.

The gel gathered and I slid free of him.

I was away.

Power thrummed through my limbs, a strength three-times greater than ever before as I kicked and moved beneath the water’s surface. Like a seal, I glided out into the depths.


I slowed and held my position, thinking only of what I needed, and with a flick of my fingers in front of my face, separated the hydrogen and pushed it outward, away from the oxygen. I pressed my nose into the protected bubble of air and breathed, moving with it as it rose. Purrr-fect.

Where are you? Are you breathing underwater?

Silas’s demanding questions echoed inside my head.

Damn it. You’re freaking me out. The water’s pitch black and I can’t see you.

I moved through the dark, a few feet below the surface as I continued out to sea. Deeper. Ever deeper.

Answer me.

I stopped, but only to draw in more air. I couldn’t have him halt me.

Away again. Further still.

I need to hear your voice.
” His abrupt tone sizzled along my senses as a slick-skinned dolphin drew beside me.

With a smile, I smoothed its silvery-blue flesh with a hand.

Hope, it’s Faith. Silas is going crazy here, and ordinarily that wouldn’t upset me, except his worry is over you. I can’t see you with my forethought.

Hmm. No, she wouldn’t. I was under the surface, in the dark. “
I’m fine.

No, you need those closest to you. Your rising has begun.

I know. I like it, and I’m not telling you where I am unless you promise not to take me from the water. I gotta stay.

Of course you do. Give me some direction. We’re organizing a boat. There’s a Surf Club and Davio’s borrowing one of the inflatables. Well, stealing it really, but let’s not get into technicalities. We’ll head out and motor beside you in the water.

The dolphin circled me as I came to the surface and treaded water. “
I’m west of the Surf Club. I’ll be the one swimming with the dolphin.

Slick nose butting my arm, the dolphin pressed me to play. I laughed and curled my hand around his fin.

Oh, this was wonderful. The ocean was alive, and the water was mine.

We’ll bring the boat to you. Stay still.

Not a chance.

Holding onto the dolphin, I clicked my tongue. “Take me for a ride.”

With a flick of his tail, he obeyed, skimming the glassy surface and making a high-pitched squeal. I giggled as water flew into my face. Such a rush. It was a moment I wished would never end. Only, the inflatable was close, its engine roaring as it sped toward me. Seated at the rear, Loveria worked the motor control, and Silas and Faith were at the front searching ahead.

The dolphin dived and I let go and waved out to them.

Loveria slowed the craft and brought it in beside me. “Heck, you can swim fast.”

“It’s my rising.”

“Rising or not, you shouldn’t have run,” Silas growled as he leaned over the side.

“Officially I swam. I can’t believe you stole a boat, and what’s with the wetsuits?” They all wore the Surf Club’s black and red gear with the lifesaving logo emblazoned across the front.

“We didn’t have a choice. You’re in the deep and we don’t produce the gel.”

“Unbelievably deep.” Faith scrambled across Silas to reach me.

I grinned at her. “I can’t believe my rising is finally here.”

“It is, and we’re here for you. I can come in. Do you want me to get Dad first? Or Goldie?” This was a time to celebrate, to have my closest near. Except, with Silas on the scene, not to mention Loveria, having Dad or Goldie in the inflatable begged trouble.

“No, you better not get either. I’ll have to do this without them.”

Her gaze flickered with understanding. “What about Elizara? Or Maslin? They have the water skill and I know they’d come.”

“Oh, that’ll work. Yes, get them.” The ocean rocked me in its watery arms and I longed to slip below the surface. “I’ll be back in a–”

“No. You’re not going anywhere.” Silas grabbed my arm, only, I was a little too slick.

I bobbed away with a smile. “The boss man isn’t going to get his way on this.”

“We can’t have the warrior here.”

“You can’t, but she can.” Faith pinched his cheek. “Just deal with it. It’s only for one night.” She crawled to Loveria and kissed him. “I’ll return in a few minutes, and I’d appreciate you not moving the boat, or I’ll end up in the drink when I return.”

She flashed away and I came in closer to Silas. “How did you expel your excess energy from your rising?”

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