Warrior Queens: Boadicea's Chariot (66 page)

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Authors: Antonia Fraser

Tags: #History, #General, #Social History, #World

BOOK: Warrior Queens: Boadicea's Chariot
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Cethern (Celtic warrior),
Ref 1
Charlemagne, Emperor,
Ref 1
Charles V, Habsburg Emperor,
Ref 1
Charles VI, Emperor of Austria,
Ref 1
Charles X (Charles Gustavus), King of Sweden,
Ref 1
Chaste Syndrome: in Warrior Queens,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
; Zenobia and,
Ref 4
; Matilda and,
Ref 5
Ref 6
; and Aethelflaed,
Ref 7
Chauhan, Subhadra Kumari,
Ref 1
Chicago, Judy,
Ref 1
Child, Mrs Lydia Maria:
An Appeal in Favor of that Class of Americans called Africans
Ref 1
Christina, Queen of Sweden,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Christine de Pisan,
Ref 1
Churchill, Sir Winston S.,
Ref 1
Ref 1
Cisneros, Francisco de
Ximenes, Cardinal
Claudius, Roman Emperor: in Britain,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Ref 4
Ref 5
; temple and statues at Camulodunum (Colchester),
Ref 6
Ref 7
; clemency towards Caratacus,
Ref 8
Clayton, Ellen C.,
Ref 1
Clement III, anti-Pope (Guibert of Ravenna),
Ref 1
Cleopatra V Tryphaena,
Ref 1
Cleopatra VI Tryphaena,
Ref 1
Cleopatra VII, Queen of Egypt: influence on Zenobia,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Ref 4
Ref 5
; and Isis,
Ref 6
Ref 7
; and Appendage Syndrome,
Ref 8
; treatment by Romans,
Ref 9
Ref 10
Ref 11
Ref 12
Ref 13
; life and career,
Ref 14
; in Spenser,
Ref 15
; prophecies,
Ref 16
; motherhood,
Ref 17
Cleopatra Selene,
Ref 1
Cleopatra Selene Cyrene,
Ref 1
Clerk, Sir John,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Cogidubnus, King of the Atrebates,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Ref 1
Columbus, Christopher,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Colville, Sir John,
Ref 1
Conrad II, Roman Emperor/German King,
Ref 1
Constantinople: falls (1453),
Ref 1
Ref 1
Cordelia, Queen (Lear’s daughter),
Ref 1
Ref 2
Coritani (tribe),
Ref 1
Cornovii (tribe),
Ref 1
Cosgrave, Patrick,
Ref 1
Cowper, William: ‘Boadicea’,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Ref 4
Ref 5
Ref 6
Craig, Edith,
Ref 1
Critchley, Julian,
Ref 1
Croesus the Lydian,
Ref 1
Cromwell, Oliver,
Ref 1
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Cúchulainn (the Hound of Ulster),
Ref 1
Ref 2
Cyrus the Great, King of the Medes and Persians,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 1
Dalhousie, James A. B. Ramsay, 1st Marquis of,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Damodar Rao,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Ref 4
Dante Alighieri:
De Monarchia
Ref 1
Ref 2
Darnley, Henry Stewart, Earl of,
Ref 1
Dashkova, Ekaterina Romanovna, Princess,
Ref 1
David II, the Restorer (or Builder), King of Georgia,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Ref 4
David III, King of Georgia,
Ref 1
David Sosland, Consort of Queen Tamara,
Ref 1
Davout, Marshal (Duc d’Auerstadt),
Ref 1
Dayan, Moshe,
Ref 1
Deborah (Biblical prophetess),
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Ref 4
Dekker, Thomas,
Ref 1
Demna, King of Georgia,
Ref 1
Derby, Charlotte, Countess of,
Ref 1
Deutsch, Helene:
The Psychology of Women
Ref 1
Didgori, Battle of, 1121,
Ref 1
Dimitri, King of Georgia,
Ref 1
Dinitz, Simcha,
Ref 1
Dinner Party, The
Ref 1
Dinnerstein, Dorothy,
Ref 1
Dio Cassius: compares Boudica to Semiramis,
Ref 1
; account of Boudica,
Ref 2
Ref 3
Ref 4
Ref 5
Ref 6
; on British rising,
Ref 7
Ref 8
Ref 9
Ref 10
; on Boudica’s speech,
Ref 11
; on sack of Camulodunum,
Ref 12
; on British atrocities,
Ref 13
Ref 14
; on sacking of cities,
Ref 15
; and Suetonius’ battle with rebels,
Ref 16
Ref 17
; and death of Boudica,
Ref 18
; on Roman vengeance,
Ref 19
; Polydore Vergil uses as source,
Ref 20
; and burial of Boudica,
Ref 21
Diodorus Siculus,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
‘disarmed lady’,
Ref 1
Disraeli, Benjamin, Earl of Beaconsfield,
Ref 1
Vita Comitissae Mathildis
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Doughty, Charles:
The Dawn in Britain
Ref 1
Drake, Sir Francis,
Ref 1
Drogheda: Cromwellian massacre,
Ref 1
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Ref 4
Dryden, John,
Ref 1
Dudley, Donald R. and Webster, Graham:
The Rebellion of Boudicca
Ref 1
Duleep Singh, Prince,
Ref 1
Dunbar, Agnes,
Ref 1
Duncan, Captain (of Life Guards),
Ref 1
Durga (Hindu goddess),
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Dynamis of Bosphorus,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Edward the Confessor, King of the English,
Ref 1
Edward VI, King of England,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Edward VII, King of Great Britain,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen of Louis VII of France, then of Henry II of England,
Ref 1
Elisabeth, Tsarina of Russia,
Ref 1
Elizabeth I, Queen of England: Ubaldini dedicates book to,
Ref 1
Ref 2
; and Golden Age,
Ref 3
; in historical comparisons,
Ref 4
Ref 5
; daughterhood,
Ref 6
Ref 7
Ref 8
Ref 9
Ref 10
; education and languages,
Ref 11
Ref 12
Ref 13
; and succession,
Ref 14
Ref 15
Ref 16
; attitude to war,
Ref 17
Ref 18
Ref 19
Ref 20
; dress,
Ref 21
Ref 22
Ref 23
; appearance,
Ref 24
; meets hostility to accession as woman,
Ref 25
Ref 26
; rivalry with Mary Queen of Scots,
Ref 27
; as honorary male,
Ref 28
; resists marriage,
Ref 29
Ref 30
; status as woman,
Ref 31
Ref 32
Ref 33
; finances,
Ref 34
; emphasises descent from Henry VIII,
Ref 35
; presence and speech at Tilbury,
Ref 36
Ref 37
Ref 38
Ref 39
Ref 40
Ref 41
; self-presentation and image,
Ref 42
Ref 43
Ref 44
; hunting,
Ref 45
; in Spenser’s
The Faerie Queene
Ref 46
; and feminism,
Ref 47
; authority,
Ref 48
Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Elizabeth of York, Queen of Henry VII,
Ref 1
Elliott, J. H.,
Ref 1
Ellis, Major (Political Agent, Jhansi),
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Emesa (now Homs), Battle of,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Encina, Juan del,
Ref 1
Enghien, Louis Antony Henry, Duc d’,
Ref 1
Erskine, Major W. C.,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Erzerum, Sultan of,
Ref 1
Eshkol, Levi,
Ref 1
Essex, Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Esther (biblical figure),
Ref 1
Euboea, Battle of, 487
Ref 1
Eustace (son of Stephen of Blois),
Ref 1
Fairthorne, W.,
Ref 1
Falklands War, 1982,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Ref 4
Ref 5
Ref 6
Fallaci, Oriana,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Fanti people,
Ref 1
Faydide of Toulouse,
Ref 1
Female Body in Western Culture, The
Ref 1
Feminist Review
Ref 1
feminists, feminism: on non-aggressive matriarchies,
Ref 1
; and Boadicea legend,
Ref 2
Ref 3
Ref 4
; exhibitions and pageants,
Ref 5
; Mrs Thatcher disdains,
Ref 6
; on war and peace,
Ref 7
Feo, Giacomo,
Ref 1
Ferdinand, King of Aragon: and Columbus,
Ref 1
; and Isabella,
Ref 2
Ref 3
Ref 4
; and throne of Castile,
Ref 5
; infidelities,
Ref 6
; and civil war in Castile,
Ref 7
; succeeds to throne of Aragon,
Ref 8
; and Reconquista,
Ref 9
Ref 10
; overseas ambitions and claims,
Ref 11
Ref 12
Ref 13
; and death of Isabella,
Ref 14
Fergus (Irish warrior),
Ref 1
Feria, Gomez de Figueroa, duque de,
Ref 1
Ferraro, Geraldine,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
My Story
Ref 4
Février, J. G.,
Ref 1
Finnbenach (bull),
Ref 1
Fionni, Simone,
Ref 1
Flavius Vopiscus,
Ref 1
Fletcher, John:
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Florence, Mary Sargent, Marshall, Catherine E. and Ogden, C. K.:
Militarism versus Feminism
Ref 1
Florine of Bourgogne,
Ref 1
Foix, Catherine de
Catherine de Foix
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Ref 4
Ref 5
Forrest, George W.:
A History of the Indian Mutiny
Ref 1

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