Warrior Queens: Boadicea's Chariot (65 page)

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Authors: Antonia Fraser

Tags: #History, #General, #Social History, #World

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Arthur, King of Britain,
Ref 1
Arthur, Prince of England,
Ref 1
Arundel, Henry Fitzalan,
Ref 1
th Earl of,
Ref 2
Asander, King of Bosphorus,
Ref 1
Aske, James:
Elizabetha Triumphans
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Ref 1
Asquith, Herbert Henry, 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Astarte (Ishtar; goddess),
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Atrebates (tribe),
Ref 1
Augusta, Dowager Princess,
Ref 1
Augustine, St,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Augustus (Gaius Octavius),
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Aulus Plautius,
Ref 1
Aurelian, Roman Emperor: war against Zenobia,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
; Triumph,
Ref 4
; quells later Palmyrene rebellion,
Ref 5
Austerlitz, Battle of, 1805,
Ref 1
Austrian Succession, War of,
Ref 1
Avaricum (Bourges),
Ref 1
Aylmer, John:
An Harborowe for Faithfull and Trewe Subjectes against the late blown Blast
Ref 1
Ref 2
Bachofen, J. S.,
Ref 1
Bacon, Francis,
Ref 1
Badbh (Celtic figure),
Ref 1
Bagrat Bagrationi, King of Georgia,
Ref 1
Bagrationi dynasty,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Banda Nera, Giovanni della,
Ref 1
Bandaraneike, Sirimavo,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Bandaraneike, Solomon W. R. D.,
Ref 1
Barnett, Anthony:
Iron Britannia
Ref 1
Basiani, Battle of, 1205,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Baza (Spain),
Ref 1
Bazán Alvaro,
Ref 1
Ref 1
Beatrice, Margravine, Duchess of Lorraine,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Ref 4
Beaumont, Francis and Fletcher, John:
Ref 1
Beauvoir, Simone de,
Ref 1
Becket, Thomas à, Archbishop of Canterbury,
Ref 1
Bede, Venerable,
Ref 1
Behn, Aphra,
Ref 1
Belgic peoples,
Ref 1
Bellona (goddess),
Ref 1
Beltrán de la Cueva, Don,
Ref 1
Ben-Gurion, David,
Ref 1
Bennigsen, General Levin August Gottlieb, Baron,
Ref 1
Berenice IV, Princess of Egypt,
Ref 1
Berg, Caroline von,
Ref 1
Bernáldez, Andrés,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Bernard of Clairvaux, Abbé,
Ref 1
Bernard, Archbishop of Toledo,
Ref 1
Bernard of Vallombrosa,
Ref 1
Bernardi, Giovambattista,
Ref 1
Berthier, Marshal Louis Alexandre,
Ref 1
Bertrand, Marshal Henri Gratien,
Ref 1
‘Better-Man’ Syndrome,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Ref 4
Ref 5
Bhopal, Hazrat Mahal, Begum of,
Ref 1
Bhutto, Benazir,
Ref 1
Blanche, Queen of France,
Ref 1
Boadbil (son of Mulay Hassan),
Ref 1
Boadicea (legendary figure): image and reputation,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Ref 4
Ref 5
Ref 6
Ref 7
Ref 8
Ref 9
Ref 10
Ref 11
Ref 12
; name,
Ref 13
Ref 14
Ref 15
n; as representative Warrior Queen,
Ref 16
Ref 17
; battle speech,
Ref 18
Ref 19
; burial,
Ref 20
Ref 21
; name vanishes from records,
Ref 22
; and Elizabeth I,
Ref 23
Ref 24
Ref 25
; represented in later literature,
Ref 26
Ref 27
Ref 28
Ref 29
Ref 30
Ref 31
; character of daughters,
Ref 32
; pictured,
Ref 33
; London statue,
Ref 34
Ref 35
Ref 36
; Rani of Jhansi compared with,
Ref 37
; and Women’s Movement,
Ref 38
Ref 39
; and etymology of term ‘bulldike’,
Ref 40
; and modern female political leaders,
Ref 41
Ref 42
Ref 43
Ref 44
for historical figure see
Boccaccio, Giovanni,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Boëce, Hector,
Ref 1
Bolton, Edmund,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Boadicea; Boudica
Boniface II, Margrave,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Borgia, Cesare,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Ref 4
Bosphorus, kingdom of,
Ref 1
Botticelli, Sandro,
Ref 1
Boudica (historical figure): name,
Ref 1
; date of rebellion,
Ref 2
Ref 3
; and Celtic mother-goddesses,
Ref 4
Ref 5
Ref 6
Ref 7
Ref 8
; on victory or death,
Ref 9
Ref 10
; treatment by Romans,
Ref 11
; life and career,
Ref 12
Ref 13
Ref 14
; status as woman,
Ref 15
Ref 16
; regency,
Ref 17
Ref 18
; historical sources for life,
Ref 19
; leads rebellion,
Ref 20
Ref 21
Ref 22
Ref 23
Ref 24
Ref 25
; daughters,
Ref 26
; described,
Ref 27
Ref 28
Ref 29
Ref 30
; voice,
Ref 31
Ref 32
; flogged and daughters raped,
Ref 33
Ref 34
; addresses tribes,
Ref 35
Ref 36
; releases hare,
Ref 37
Ref 38
; and sack of Camulodunum,
Ref 39
Ref 40
Ref 41
; vengeance and atrocities by,
Ref 42
; destroys Verulamium,
Ref 43
; size of army,
Ref 44
; final battle and defeat,
Ref 45
; site of final battle,
Ref 46
; death,
Ref 47
Ref 48
Ref 49
; burial place,
Ref 50
Ref 51
Ref 52
Ref 53
; effect on Rome,
Ref 54
; compared to Zenobia,
Ref 55
for legendary figure see
Boadicea Bowker, Lieutenant,
Ref 1
Bowra, Sir Maurice:
Inspiration and Poetry
Ref 1
Boxer, C. R.,
Ref 1
Boxer Rebellion (China),
Ref 1
Bradstreet, Anne,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Breisach, Ernst,
Ref 1
Brigantes (tribes),
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Brown Bull of Ulster (Donn Cuailnge),
Ref 1
Brown, George (
Lord George-Brown),
Ref 1
Brownmiller, Susan,
Ref 1
Bructeri (tribe),
Ref 1
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Bruno, Leonardi,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Brunswick, Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand, Duke of,
Ref 1
Buchanan, George:
History of Scotland
Ref 1
Ref 2
Buckingham, George Villiers, 1st Duke of,
Ref 1
Burke, Edmund,
Ref 1
Bush, George,
Ref 1
Butser Ancient Farm Project, Petersfield, Hampshire,
Ref 1
Ref 1
Caesar, Julius: and Cleopatra,
Ref 1
; on Iceni,
Ref 2
; on Celts,
Ref 3
Ref 4
; on Druids,
Ref 5
; on hare,
Ref 6
; does not mention Londinium,
Ref 7
; defeated by Vercingetorix,
Ref 8
; executes Vercingetorix,
Ref 9
Caesarion (Cleopatra’s son),
Ref 1
Ref 1
Ref 2
Callinicus Sutorius,
Ref 1
Calvin, John,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Cambetch, Battle of, 1196,
Ref 1
Cambridge, George, 2nd Duke of,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Camden, William:
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Camels, Battle of the, 656,
Ref 1
Camilla of the Volscians,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Camulodunum (Colchester): and Trinovantes,
Ref 1
; as Roman
and site of temple,
Ref 2
Ref 3
; sacked by Iceni,
Ref 4
Ref 5
Ref 6
Ref 7
Ref 8
Canidius Crassus,
Ref 1
Canning, Charles John, Earl,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Canning, Charlotte, Countess,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
; represented in later literature,
Ref 4
Carlyle, Jane Welsh,
Ref 1
Carlyle, Thomas,
Ref 1
Cartimandua, Queen of Brigantes,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Ref 4
Ref 5
Ref 6
Ref 1
Castile: succession question,
Ref 1
Ref 2
; civil war in,
Ref 3
see also
Isabella, Queen
Castle, Barbara,
Ref 1
Catherine of Aragon, Queen of Henry VIII,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Catherine de Foix,
Ref 1
Catherine de’ Medici, Queen of France,
Ref 1
Catherine II (the Great), Tsarina of Russia: Voltaire and,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
; love of peace,
Ref 4
Ref 5
; rule,
Ref 6
Ref 7
; licentiousness,
Ref 8
Ref 9
; character and style,
Ref 10
Ref 11
; as honorary male,
Ref 12
; expansionist policy,
Ref 13
; reputation,
Ref 14
; in
Pageant of Great Women
Ref 15
; patriotism,
Ref 16
Catuvellauni (tribe),
Ref 1
Cato the Elder,
Ref 1
Catus Decianus,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Ref 4
Ref 5
Ref 6
Ref 1
Cecil, William, 1st Baron Burghley,
Ref 1
Celts: goddesses and Great Mothers,
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Ref 4
; culture and customs,
Ref 5
Ref 6
Ref 7
; physique and appearance,
Ref 8
Ref 9
; migrations,
Ref 10
; women,
Ref 11
Ref 12
; religion,
Ref 13
Ref 14
; weapons,
Ref 15
; and Georgians,
Ref 16
see also

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