Authors: Tehya Titan
“I know, mate.
I will ease
the fire inside you.”
His tongue stroked over the bite he’d made on the side
of her neck, making her shiver. A sob tore from her, and tears leaked from her
eyes as another wave of intense need hit her.
tried to evade him, but he held her head in place as he kissed away her tears.
His hips pistoned against her ass as his cock roughly drove into her over and
over again. He kept pumping into her, both of them desperate to complete their
mating. He thrust once, twice more, then he threw his head back and roared.
Jordan screamed as she came again when she
felt the first hard jets of his hot cum filling her. Her pussy seemed to
greedily soak up the fluid, and her body shuddered when she felt the head of
his cock swelling, locking him inside her. His enlarged cock head pushed
against the tight muscles of her pussy, causing a twinge of discomfort as it
nudged against her cervix.
He kept coming, shooting his seed deep
inside her in hard spurts every few seconds for another long minute. Each burst
of fluid seemed to cool the burning need inside her a little more, giving her
relief from the pain that had rocked her.
Drained of energy, Jordan collapsed on the
bed, allowing Kadan to hold her in place since they were still connected. When
he stopped coming, he used his enormous strength to lift them both up so they
were fully sprawled on the bed. Even though he was careful, she let out a yelp
when his swollen cock tugged at her sensitive pussy.
Her mind slowly cleared a little, but it
was still difficult to think. She felt him press his lips to the top of her
head as he gently stroked her hair. They were both covered with sweat that was
now cooling on their skin, but it felt good to her.
“Rest now, mate. You will need your
strength for the next round.”
Good God, there was going to be a next
round of this insanity?
Jordan didn’t even bother trying to form a
response as he curled his huge body around hers. The fire inside her was still
there, just embers now, making the pain tolerable.
But it was there…just waiting to build
into another wild inferno.
When she was strong enough, she was going
to kick his ass for infecting her with whatever the hell made her into a raging
nympho, but for now, she simply let herself drift off to sleep listening to the
comforting sound of his deep purr.
Kadan had never felt panic before…until
It was five days into Jordan’s heat
cycle, and it didn’t seem to be abating as it should.
A Vor females’
heat usually lasted three days, with the second day being the worst of cycle,
then easing back to normal by the end of the third. The heat cycles were the
way of ensuring that the mated couple had the best chance possible to conceive.
More than that, it was a time of bonding for the couple. Of joining bodies and sharing
thoughts with one another without any interruptions.
In the past, his
friends had slyly commented about how much they looked forward to their mate
going into heat, and how they wished it happened more than four times a year. Kadan
had always thought that his warriors had exaggerated the feelings a male had
for his mate, but now that Jordan was his, he knew the truth.
Nothing could
have prepared him for the depth of his feelings for his mate.
He would kill
for her
He would die for
And he would
love her until he took his very last breath.
Falling in love
was never something Kadan had ever really thought about. The truth was, he’d
never thought he would ever find his mate. His life was filled with the duties
of running the kingdom, and he’d told himself he was content with that.
But since he
found Jordan, everything had changed.
He now knew why
his father had followed his mother into the afterlife so soon after she had
passed on. He’d thought he had understood before, but it hadn’t been possible.
How could anyone truly understand without experiencing the powerful force of the
mating bond for themselves?
It was a bond
that would never be broken, and one that grew stronger with every minute he
spent with Jordan.
That first day,
Kadan had been blindsided by lust. Jordan’s heat had come on strong, and his
own hunger had risen to match her urgent need. The scent of her desire was all
that was needed to make his cock turn hard as stone. The Vor in mating heat
were wild, untamed and voracious. Kadan had taken her over and over again,
filling her with his seed to calm the firestorm raging inside of her as many
times as she needed it.
Her body was
beautiful, and his hands ached to feel it tremble beneath his palms whenever he
wasn’t touching her. The flame color of her hair was dazzling, and he was
haunted by her bright green eyes, even in his sleep.
They had rested
in between bouts of making love, falling into the deep, dark well of exhaustion
before the heat would no longer be ignored. Over the last few days, Kadan had
woken several times to the exquisite feeling of his mate’s mouth on his cock,
sucking and stroking him until he thought he would burst. It was something new
to him. The female Vor never took a warrior’s cock with their mouths, and he
was a lucky bastard to be given such a pleasure by his mate. He’d made sure he
hadn’t come in her mouth, knowing that he needed to fill her tight pussy with
his seed in order to give her the relief she needed.
Jordan had also
introduced new positions of lovemaking to him. The Vor always fucked with the
male behind a female, where they would have access to the small ridges on a female’s
back, right between her shoulder blades. It was where their wings came out, and
was an erogenous zone highly sensitive during sex.
Kadan had been
surprised the first time Jordan had climbed on him before he’d fully come
awake, and the feeling of her tight, hot pussy sinking down on his cock had
made him shout out with pleasure. He’d liked facing her while he moved inside
her. Enjoyed watching her expressive face as she came, over and over again.
He’d flipped
them, needing to pound into her, harder, faster. Her long legs had wrapped
around his waist, holding onto him, and small hands had stroked over his back,
heightening his own pleasure. Kadan discovered that if he rubbed the little nub
above her pussy, she went wild in his arms, bucking and crying out. The female
human body was a glorious wonder, and he never thought he’d get enough of
But something
was wrong…Kadan could feel it.
Since that first
day, the heat seemed to hit Jordan full force, and hadn’t eased since. After
the first time he’d taken her, they had rested, but her need had woken her
again a few hours later. He’d reveled in her untamed desire for him, but as
time passed, he realized that what she was going through was nothing like what
his friends had described to him. Their bedchamber had become her entire world.
The heat ruled her body, and her power of speech seemed to be narrowed to a few
choice words.
Between bouts of
sex, Jordan slept. He’d cleaned her body, wanting her to be as comfortable as
possible. Kadan had been grateful when food had been sent up from the kitchens,
knowing that no one would bother them while his mate was in heat, but it had
been a struggle to get Jordan to eat anything. When she was awake, she wanted
to fuck. Afterward, all she wanted to do was close her eyes and rest, but she
couldn’t even seem to do that well without him wrapped around her.
Kadan had forced
her to eat, knowing she needed sustenance to keep up her strength. She’d fought
him until he ended up holding her on his lap while he fed her small bites of
food while he purred for her. The deep, rumbling sound was something the males
of his kind only made after they had mated. It felt odd to him at first, but
seeing her reaction to it made him want to do it all the damn time.
Yesterday, she’d
been able to communicate a little more, but the heat still hit her hard every
few hours. He’d held his poor little mate, stroking her with gentle hands as
she’d cried. He knew she didn’t understand what was happening to her, and he tried
his best to ease her fears. Guilt had eaten at him that he’d done this to her,
but he couldn’t make himself be sorry for claiming her. Not when she was
exactly where he needed her to be…in his arms.
Still, seeing
her in pain wasn’t easy for him. Kadan had found himself doing something he’d
never done since he became king of his people. He’d apologized. During their
time together, he talked more than he ever had before. Wanting to give her as
much information as possible, he told her about life of the Vor, and the problems
that plagued their planet.
Initially, she
had been furious when he explained his reasons for having her brought to his
planet, kicking and screaming at him like some feral beast. She’d calmed after
he told her that his race was dying, and that mating with humans was the only
chance they had at survival.
Looking back toward
the bed, he noticed that Jordan slept peacefully, but she wouldn’t stay like
that for long.
She never did.
While she was
resting, he put a pair of pants on, then strode toward the door. Kadan opened it,
ready to call for his warriors. He paused when he saw Braec and Taitt with
their shoulders propped against the wall in the corridor. They straightened and
smiled in greeting. Kadan growled viciously at them as they tried to peak
around him to see into the room. The sound caused the men to stiffen and spin
around so their backs were facing the door.
“We didn’t see
anything, but even if we did, your mate is completely covered,” Braec added
quickly. Taitt shoved him when Kadan snarled again and pulled the door closed so
they couldn’t see inside. After a moment, Kadan decided to leave it open
slightly so he could still hear Jordan call out to him if she woke and needed
“We were
wondering when you would finally surface,” Braec said, then bellowed an order for
food to be brought to their king. He turned back to Kadan. “Or would you rather
eat below?”
“No, bring the
food up here.”
“I was the same
way after I claimed Denaria. I’d have kept her locked in our chambers for a
year if I could have,” Taitt said with a chuckle. “The chieftains have sent
messengers to us asking when we will be bringing the humans to the other clans
to see if they are mates to any of their warriors. Word has spread that you
have found your mate, and that the convoy will have to wait until you give
permission for them to leave.”
“Hold back on
that,” Kadan ordered.
Braec’s grin
faded as he got a good look at Kadan’s face. “My liege? You don’t have to feel
bad about taking a few more days alone with your mate.”
“I don’t think
that’s it. Is something wrong, Kadan?” Taitt asked. Even though Kadan was their
king, the three of them were close friends. They had grown up together, and now
Taitt and Braec were two of his top advisors.
Kadan sighed as
he ran a hand through his hair. “My mate is still in heat.”
Taitt and Braec
both gasped.
“How is that
“We thought you
were taking some extra time to help your mate acclimate to our world. The
mating heat should be gone by now,” Taitt said, worry clear in his voice.
“It seems as
though the mating heat lasts longer in humans. It began almost instantly after
I gave her the bite, and hasn’t let up yet. My mate is small, and this is hard
on her.” Kadan paused for a moment before saying, “It worries me. Anyone who
mates with a human will have to be informed of this. They need to be made aware
of how to care for their human mate properly.”
straightened to his full height. “We’ll send word to the chieftains that you
would like to speak to them before the humans are taken to their clans. I think
this information needs to come from you in order for them to know what to
“That’s probably
Braec nodded. “Don’t
worry about anything but helping your mate. We’ll watch over the kingdom for
you until this is settled.”
“Do you need
anything?” Taitt asked. “I can ask Denaria and a few of the females to come
bathe your mate or—”
Offended, Kadan
let out an angry growl. “It is my honor and my duty to care for my mate. I
alone will see to her needs.”
Braec smirked.
“You must be really tired after five days of…taking care of your mates needs.
If you need any help—”
His words were
cut off as Kadan’s hand wrapped around his throat.
Taitt clasped
Kadan on the shoulder. “You know he’s joking, Kadan.”
“Never joke
about that. No one touches Jordan but me.” Kadan spoke in a low, dangerous tone
that immediately made both males bow their heads in deference.
“Forgive me, my
liege,” Braec said seriously after Kadan released him. “I should not have
spoken about the queen like that. I’m glad you’ve found your mate, Kadan. You
deserve to be happy.”
“She is my
light. Just being with her makes me happy, but it is now my job to ensure that
she can be content living here on Vor. She has given up a life on her home
planet, and I plan to see that she never regrets being with me.” Kadan flushed
as he realized how besotted he sounded. Then again, he didn’t really give a
shit since it was all true. Another warrior came down the corridor holding a
large tray of food, and Kadan took it from him. “We will remain in my quarters
until Jordan’s heat is done. See that we aren’t disturbed.”
The warriors
bowed as Kadan walked back into the bedchamber. He closed the door with his
foot, then looked over at the bed to see Jordan watching him as she sat up. “I
heard voices.”
“Sorry we woke
you. Are you hungry?” Kadan set the tray on a table beside the bed when she
shook her head. Reaching out, he trailed a finger down her soft cheek, then he
smiled as she nuzzled against his hand. Her bright red hair was mussed from
sleep, and her green eyes were soft and slumberous. Just looking at her made
his cock harden and his heart pound painfully in his chest.
“Yes, mate?”
“I woke up while
you were talking to your friends.” Jordan paused before continuing. “Did you
mean what you said out there? That you want me to be happy here?”
Kadan nodded
slowly. “Of course. I don’t want you to have any regrets, Jordan.”
“So, I’m not
just some sort of love slave to you?”
flashed through him. “Love slave? That does have an interesting ring to it, but
sadly, no. I’d say I’m more your love slave at the moment. You are my mate, Jordan
Krell, Queen of Vor. You will rule Vor at my side.”
“Even though I’m
“You are my
mate,” he repeated, then watched the slow smile spread across her lips. He
could see her eyes darkening as the heat began to build inside her again.
“You know, I’m
probably going to want to change some things here if this is going to be my
home now.”
He frowned. “What
do you mean?”
“Oh, just things
like making sure that any humans you bring here don’t wake up chained and
terrified out of their minds. And maybe warning them about this mating stuff,
and try to get them to understand that if their mate shifts and changes into a
demon that he’s not trying to eat her.”
Laughing, he
leaned in to kiss her. “Is that what you thought?”
“Yes, I did.”
Jordan rolled
her eyes when he kept laughing and poked at him with her foot. He grabbed it
and pulled her closer so she was sprawled across his lap. “I do love eating
you, mate.”
Her body heated
at his words and her pussy went slick as she remembered how it felt when he’d
shoved his tongue into her tight, hot hole. Over the last few days, she had
gotten used to being naked around him. Hell, after everything they’d done
together, she felt closer to him than she’d ever felt to anyone in her entire
life. He’d fed her, bathed her, and even helped her each time she had used the
bathroom when she didn’t have the strength to walk.
Talk about a
whirlwind courtship of epic proportions.