Wayward Temptation (Wayward Saints MC Book 6) (22 page)

BOOK: Wayward Temptation (Wayward Saints MC Book 6)
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A few of the guys snap to attention at the sound
and a few others try and look away. I watch one of the bastards look over at me
and then he turns his attention to Prez. “You know we wouldn’t have the fucking mess we have now
if Raef just kept it in his fucking pants.”

Pushing off the wall, I start to move towards him, but Dom grabs me from behind and growls, “Don’t let these fuckers get to you asshole. Calm the fuck down. They are just trying to rattle your cage.”

I try to shake him off of me, but he doesn’t let his grip on me loosen. Prez holds his hand up
and I stop fighting against my brother. “You sound like you know something
So, why don’t you share with the rest of us?” Prez barks out.

The asshole turns to look at Prez
and his eyes widen. “I don’t know why someone shot this place up. It can only have to do with that bitch and him
” he nods his head in my direction
and this time Butch stands up.

“Don’t fucking talk about her that way. She didn’t do shit to deserve what is happening to her. Get your head out of your ass. The longer it takes to deal with this, the longer they are here
” he eyes the fuckhead that keeps talking shit
and I can see Prez grinning. He likes when we stand up for ourselves
and I think Butch is finally getting the hint.

“Now who wants to tell me what they found out?” he asks
once they both take their seats again. Before anyone can say anything my phone starts to ring. Prez turns to look at me
and I pull it out of my pocket. We typically don’t bring phones in, but he made an exception for me in case someone called about the feelers we put out last night after church.

“Yeah?” I answer.

“I want the fucking girl. I don’t give a fuck how you make it happen, just do it.” Putting the phone on speaker, I try to calm the darkness that is starting to take over my body at the mention of Sailor.

“What do I get for bringing her to you?” I grunt out. Prez turns to face me
and I know he can read me like a fucking book. My hands are shaking
and the only thing I can think about is killing this fucker. He’s the one who bought my girl. There is no way in hell that I’ll ever hand her over to him. I would have to be dead and buried for that to happen.

“I’ll give you a hundred grand to bring her to me.” Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath before looking into my father’s eyes. He nods his head
and I tell the stupid bastard on the phone the words he wants to hear.

“Deal. Where do you want to meet?”

Chapter Twenty-Eight

A warm body presses up against mine
and I turn to look in Raef’s eyes. He looks pissed
and I know that whatever is going on right now is the cause of it. I’m the cause of it. Lifting my hand up to his face, I run my fingertips to his three-day-old beard
and stop at his lips. “What’s wrong?” my voice is no more than a whisper
and I already regret asking the question.

His eyes turn midnight blue
and he looks ready to commit murder. “I got a call from the bastard who bought you.” I feel like the wind got knocked out of me. My eyes burn into his
and his hands wrap around me so I can’t move.

” he breathes. He looks like he’s trying to calm himself down, but I don’t think it’s working too well. “The club wants to use you as bait to bring the fucker out, but I can’t do that. I won’t do that. I love you too much to put you in danger.”

My eyes widen
and I can’t swallow the lump in my throat. “What?” I whisper. He leans forward
and he presses his lips gently against mine. The kiss is whisper soft
and I can’t bring myself to close my eyes. “You love me?” His lips are still on mine
and the only thing I can think of is the four letter word. None of the other words mean a thing to me.

“Yeah, you heard what I said. I love you Sailor. I’m not letting you do it. I would rather take a bullet than let anything happen to you.” Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pull my body closer to his.

When we are pressed up against each other, I whisper against his lips, “I love you too.”
His eyes twinkle with a touch of mischief
and I can’t believe the words that are coming out of his mouth.

“I want to do it. I want this crap to be over with
and I want to be able to move on from my past. Let me help
” I plead. His eyes darken
and I can tell right away that he isn’t going to give into me like I was hoping. One thing I’ve learned about Raef is that when he sets his mind to something, you can’t get him to change it. He wants to keep me safe, but I know that I’m the reason for this
I don’t want anyone else to get hurt because of my stupid decisions.

” he barks out. His voice is harsh in the quiet room. Putting my hands on his cheeks, I force him to look at me.

“I trust you. I trust that you won’t let anything happen to me while you do what you have to in order to get this bastard. Let me help you.” My eyes are pleading with him
and I swear I can see his resolve start to crack. He looks over my shoulder at the door for a few minutes
before he looks back at me.

“I hate the idea of letting you do this Sailor. It’s fucking eating away at me right now. What if something happens to you out there?” he blows out a breath
and he runs his fingers down my neck and my collarbone.

“You’ll be there to protect me. Babe, I trust you. You won’t let him hurt me.” I press a kiss to his lips
and his hand on my ass tightens.

“The guys won’t be far behind. But you need to know the deal I made with him.” He sighs and cups my face. “He is offering me a hundred grand to bring you to him. The fucker already gave me the location
and told me if I bring anyone with me, I’m dead. I don’t know what his plan is
and this is why I don’t want to you to be there. I want you a fucking hundred miles away
and in my bed.” Our foreheads rest against each other
and I can’t help the tears that well in my eyes.

“I’m putting a bullet in that fuckers head for even trying to buy you. I need you to know that I will do everything in my power to make sure we both make it through this.” I nod
I press my face into his chest
and take a deep breath. A million different scenarios are flashing through my head
and I don’t know what to fucking think right now. Every single one is worse than the last, but I know in my heart
that he won’t let anything happen to me.

Putting my hand on his chest, I can feel his heart race. I’m sure he’s thinking the same exact thoughts that I am. He wraps his arms around my neck
and pulls me close. Cuddling into his body, I take a deep breath
and try to focus on the now. I want to remember all the good things
and how he makes me feel
before anything can happen.

I don’t know how much time I have with just him, but I am going to make the time worthwhile.

Getting out of the bed only made my nerves worse. Raef still hasn’t let go of my hand since we walked out of our little sanctuary. It has been the only place that I can call ours. It’s the only place that we have to show each other the real us.

Walking into the room of men, I freeze when I see the look on my brother’s face. It’s a cross between anger and disappointment. I’m not sure if he’s disappointed in the situation or me
and it’s killing me not to ask him. He’s always been proud of me
and now I have no idea.

“Good you’re here. Let’s get this shit on the road
” Raef’s father states gruffly. He motions for everyone to make their way outside
and my grip on Raef tightens.

“Whatever happens, just know I love you
and I will die protecting you.” He kisses right below my ear
and I try to swallow, but it’s no use. He wraps his arm around me
and leads me to his bike.

The ride to the meet takes forever
and part of me is glad because it means I get more time being with Raef. But the downside is that longer the ride is, the more time I have to think about what’s about to happen. We may not make it back from this ride. It can very well be our last moments together. Closing my eyes, I rest my cheek against his back
and just feel the wind as it envelops us both.

When we come to a stop
his hand goes to mine
and he gives it a squeeze. He looks over his shoulder at me
and I can see a sad smile on his face. Squeezing my arms around him tighter, I try to smile
but I’m sure it looks painful. We take off again
and this time when we stop, everyone else is gone. It’s just Raef and I now.

I start to panic, but I don’t have time to. Before we even come to a stop at the location, a man with a gun is standing there pointing it right at us. When Raef comes to a stop, he shuts off his engine
and slowly gets off the bike. “Don’t move
” he whispers
before turning towards the man and greeting him.

“Where’s the money?” Raef barks out. The man tries to look around Raef’s large body, but I try to keep out of sight. Getting a small glimpse of the man, I don’t understand why he would buy a woman. I mean, he’s not bad looking
and I can imagine that women would flock to him.

“It’s in the trunk. You bring her to the car
and I’ll hand you the cash.”

Raef scoffs at his response
and I see his muscles tense up. He goes to reach for the gun behind his back
and my eyes widen. What is going to happen now?

“Fuck no. I already know that once I turn my back, you’ll put a bullet in my head. I ain’t fucking stupid. I’ve lived and breathed the club since I was eighteen. Don’t try and insult me with your stupid as fuck idea. Bring me the cash
and I won’t put a bullet in her head
just for the trouble she’s caused.”

BOOK: Wayward Temptation (Wayward Saints MC Book 6)
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