Wednesday (Timeless Series #3) (8 page)

BOOK: Wednesday (Timeless Series #3)
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It was a little easier to walk back since the wind was moving with us. The snow was thick in the air, not the cute snowflake kind. The weather was so intense even a polar bear wouldn’t last.

There were no muggers this time, and we returned to his apartment without any complications. The second we entered the building, the warmth greeted us. I removed my gloves and pulled down my hood before we even entered his apartment.

Once we were inside, he threw off his gloves and jacket, unable to wear them for a moment longer.

It was nice to be home after the long day I had. It was still fairly busy despite the insane weather. Customers had nothing else to do but sit around and drink coffee.

Hawke stared me down like a bomb about to explode.


“What?” His eyes narrowed to slits. “Are you serious right now?”

“We got there and back just fine. Chill.”

“Chill? Don’t fucking tell me to chill.”

Here we go. “Don’t cuss at me.”

“Don’t piss me off.”

“Look, I had to work today. You didn’t have to walk me.”

“If I didn’t walk you, that mugger would have had you.”

“Had me? In case you don’t remember, I punched him in the nose. I can handle myself.”

“It could have gone much differently.”

“But it didn’t.” It was always the worst case scenario with him.

“I admire you for being so strong and brave all the time. I really do. But sometimes your courage is borderline stupid. You can’t defeat everything, especially Mother Nature.”

“It was two blocks. Two.” I held up two fingers.

“I don’t care if it was next door. You aren’t immortal, Frankie.”

“Stop calling me that.” I hated it when he referred to me that way. It was insulting.

“It’s your name, right?”

“You know that’s not my name.” He only called me muffin, nothing else.

“Well, you aren’t my girl right now so I don’t know what else to call you.”

I threw my glove at him. “Don’t talk like that.”

“Then don’t act like that.” His eyes burned with fire.

“You know what?” I picked up the glove from the ground and put it on. “I’m going home.”

He released a loud laugh. It sounded terrifying. “You’re funny, Frankie.”

“I’m serious.”

“I’m not letting you walk out that door. You can wait until the storm passes. After that, do whatever the hell you want. I don’t give a damn.”

“You don’t tell me what to do.”

“Actually, I do.” He placed his body in between the door and me. “Last time I checked, you were mine. Instead of seeing my requests as commands, see them for what they really are. I’m a man madly in love with this girl, and all I want to do is protect her, not control her. I’ve never told you what to wear, what to do, or who you can hang out with. The only time I ask for anything, it’s for your safety. You need to learn to respect me and knock off his childish behavior. Despite your stubbornness, I love you. I love you so damn much. What do I have to do to make that clear?” He stepped closer to me, forcing me to back up. His arms hung at his sides but his stance was still threatening. “Grow. Up. Frankie.” He walked around me, his shoulder sliding past mine, and entered the bathroom. A moment later, the shower started to run.

I breathed a deep sigh before I removed my coat and sweater. I was so determined to keep my independence that I forgot I already committed to sharing my life with someone else. I couldn’t have both—all the time. I didn’t have to do what he said, but I should be more sensitive to the things he asked for. He was right when he said he didn’t ask for much. If I wore a skimpy dress when I went out with Marie, he never made a comment about it. If he saw me talking to a handsome guy at the bakery, he never got jealous. He never looked through my phone when I was in another room. He was the perfect man—nearly all the time.

I removed my clothes before I walked into the bathroom. He was washing his hair as he stood under the warm water. Even through the distorted glass, I could see the details of his perfect physique.

I got into the shower then closed the door behind me.

He kept his back to me, ignoring me.

I came behind him then rested my forehead against his back. “I’m sorry.”

He rinsed the shampoo from his hair then stood still. “For what?”


He turned around and faced me, the aggression absent from his eyes. “I’m sorry I called you Frankie.”

“It’s okay.” I gave him a small smile, silently asking if we were okay. “I know you mean well. I shouldn’t get so worked up over it.”

“You’re independent and I get that. It’s hard to let someone else take care of you.”

At least he understood it. “We’re okay?”

“No matter how pissed I am, we’re always okay.” His arms moved around my body and brought me close to his chest. Soap dripped from his body to mine. One hand rested on the small of my back, spanning the entire area with just his palm. “You’re my world. You’ll always be my world.”

“Thanks for putting up with me. I know I’m a lot to handle.”

“You’re a lot of woman.” He pressed his forehead to mine. “And I’m man enough to handle it.”



On Christmas day, Francesca introduced me as Hawke. She didn’t specify what I was to Joe, what our relationship was, or what we meant to each other. It didn’t bother me because I understood. Boyfriend wasn’t the right word to describe me at all. I was a lot more than that. Just saying my name was better than a meaningless label.

And that’s when everything changed.

I didn’t want to be her boyfriend anymore. What we had was light-years beyond amateur love. The gifts we exchanged were evidence enough. I didn’t need more time to figure out how I felt. My bachelor days were long gone, and I never wanted to revisit them.

I wanted to marry her.


“Dude, why are we here?” Axel tightened Marie’s jacket around her body to keep her warm from the cold. When he didn’t think it was enough, he wrapped her in his own jacket.

“Babe, I’m fine.” She pushed it off her shoulders.

“No. I don’t want you to get sick.” He wrapped her up and placed his arms around her.

I would never get over how attentive Axel was. When he was a bachelor, he didn’t give a damn about anyone but himself and his cock. “I want you guys to help me with something.”

“What?” Marie asked.

I turned to the jewelry store we stood in front of. “Help me pick out a ring.”

Marie’s jaw dropped and she let out a scream that made the other pedestrians swerve out of her way.

Axel was just as surprised. “Holy mother fucking shit.”

Marie jumped up and down. “She’s going to be so happy. Oh my god.”

“Wow.” Axel forgot about the cold and rubbed his temple. “This is huge.”

“I should have done it a long time ago.” Like, on our first date.

“You want us to help?” Axel asked.

“I think I know what I want to get her. I just want you to be there.” I pictured the ring Francesca would wear every day for the rest of her life. I didn’t know much about rings because I never put any thought into it before.

“Then let’s do it!” Marie headed into the jewelry shop first.

Axel chuckled. “Déjà vu.”


“This one is gorgeous!” Marie pointed into the glass box. A large diamond sat on a platinum ring.

“That’s flashy,” Axel said. “What about this one?” He pointed to a princess cut with diamonds in the band.

I didn’t see her wearing either one of those. “I think I’m going to custom design it.”

“That’s perfect!” Marie clapped her hands in excitement.

Axel looked threatened. “I didn’t customize your ring but it’s still nice.”

“It’s very nice, Axel.” She kissed his cheek to stroke his ego.

He relaxed slightly.

I met with the designer and we took a seat in her office.

“So, what did you have in mind?” She placed an iPad in front of me and held a stylus in her fingertips. “We can literally do anything you want.”

“Well, I want it to be different than anything she’s ever seen.” It had to be unique. That was a criteria of mine.

“Of course. Why don’t you swipe through some of the examples to get an idea?” She handed over the stylus.

I slowly began to piece together everything I wanted, picking the platinum metal and designing the band. I created three segmented bands that stretched across the top and molded together so it had an earthly feel to it. I placed the engraving inside the band them admired my handiwork.

It was the ring.

I pushed the iPad back to her. “This is it. Size five.”

Axel stared at it with a confused expression. “Are you on a budget or something?”

“Why?” I narrowed my eyes, unsure why he asked that.

“Well…there are no diamonds.” He pointed at the picture. “Unless you just forgot.”

“I’m not putting diamonds on it.” I didn’t see Francesca wearing that. She’d want to wear her ring to work but if it contained an enormous rock, she wouldn’t feel comfortable. What was the point of having a ring if she couldn’t wear it every day?

“Why not?” Axel asked. “If it doesn’t have a diamond, she’s not going to like it.”

“No,” Marie said. “It’s perfect for her. I can see her wearing this.”

“Oh…” Axel gave up and fell quiet.

“I want her to have something no one else has ever seen,” I said. “And this suits her.”

The designer gave me a smile. “The ring will take six weeks to be created. And you’ll have to pay up front—no refunds.”

“That’s fine.” I pulled out my card and handed it over.

“This is so exciting,” Marie said. “In six weeks, Francesca is going to be your fiancée.”

Six weeks was a long time. I’d have to be patient. “I can’t wait.”

“Then she won’t be my problem anymore,” Axel said. “She’ll be all yours.”

“She was never your problem.” Francesca took care of herself from the very beginning. She didn’t need anyone else—and that included me.

“How are you going to propose?” Marie asked.

I knew a long time ago. “On our first Christmas together, she gave me her journal. It was something really personal and beautiful. I started my own journal years ago, so I was going to give that to her—with the ring inside.”

Winter Wonderland


The blizzard moved on and the snow started to melt. People returned to their busy lives, waiting for spring to arrive. I went back to work and met a few more clients. Six week was a long time to wait, but it wasn’t that long in the span of our lifetime. I could be patient.

When I came home from work, Francesca was already there. She let herself in and made herself at home.

I loved coming home to her. “Hey, Muffin. How was work?”

“Good. I hired a few more employees. Maybe that will speed up customer service.”

I grabbed a beer from the fridge. “Maybe you should get a bigger place.” It was the first thing I thought when I walked into the crowd at lunchtime.

“Too much work.”

“Or open a second location.”

“Definitely too much work.”

I sat on the couch beside her and gave her a kiss. “Too bad there’s not two of you.”

She grinned. “You would love that, wouldn’t you?”

“I don’t know… I can hardly handle one of you as it is.”

“Have you ever had a threesome before?”

I tried not to flinch at the question. She didn’t usually ask me about my prior sex life. When we got back together, she was haunted by the women I’d slept with. If she asked me about it now, she must be fine with it. “Yes.”

She grabbed my beer and took a drink.

“Why do you ask?”

“Just curious.”

I took the beer back and took a long drink. “What do you want to do tonight?”

She leaned back into the couch and put her feet up on the coffee table. “Would you judge me if I said I wanted to stay home and do nothing?”


“Because that’s all I ever want to do now. I never want to go out.”

“I feel the same way.”

She leaned into my side. “We’re an old married couple.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“We’re boring.”

“If people saw us in action, they wouldn’t think we’re boring.” I kissed the top of her head.

“I used to make fun of Marie when she and Axel got serious. Now I’m doing the same thing.”

“I like staying home with you every night. Honestly, there’s no one else I’d rather be with.”

She hugged and squeezed me like a stuffed animal. “Me too.”


She pushed me on the bed then pulled my boxers to my ankles.

I propped myself on my elbows and watched her kneel on the floor. She was just in her bra and panties, and I knew what was coming next.

She grabbed a cup of ice water and took a drink, playing with an ice cube in her mouth.

My dick automatically hardened because it knew what was about to happen. I loved being buried deep inside her, but being inside her mouth was just as good. She gave awesome head, the best I ever had. I wanted to come just thinking about it.

She kept the ice cube in one cheek and set the glass on the ground beside her.

An ice cube blowjob. She’s never given me one of those before.

She started at my balls and licked the sensitive skin. The coldness of her tongue immediately made my cock twitch. It gave me a rush of arousal that was practically blinding.

She slowly made her way up my shaft until she reached my tip. When she was there, she rubbed the ice cube across the tender skin. The ice cube was smaller than it was a few minutes ago but it still felt good. Then she took me all the way into her mouth, the ice cube sliding by as she moved her tongue around.

It was awesome.

She massaged my balls with her fingers and continued to move my dick in and out of her mouth. She made slow strokes, somehow heightening the experience through her restraint. The ice cube continued to melt but her mouth was as cold as a freezer.

I dug one hand into her hair then thrust from underneath, feeling my balls ache with the urge to release. She looked so beautiful when my dick was in her mouth. The view made me want to come just as much as the feeling. I wanted to last longer but I couldn’t. Her mouth felt too incredible.

I gripped the back of her neck then released with a groan, filling her throat with my seed. It was a long orgasm, the kind that made me high for a few minutes.

Francesca sucked everything off before she pulled her mouth away. Then she licked her lips.

Fuck, she was sexy.

She took another drink of the water before she stood up.

I was satisfied but I wanted to keep going. With her, foreplay was just as good as the sex. I grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her to the bed. “Now it’s my turn.” I took a drink and got an ice cube in my mouth. Then I went down on her, giving her the same pleasure she just gave me.


Francesca went out with Marie that night so I stayed home. There was a fashion show for the magazine Marie worked at, and Axel wasn’t interested in sitting through that—not that I blamed him.

The apartment was unusually quiet. It hadn’t been like this in a long time. Francesca was usually there, filling the air with the smell of her baked goods. Sometimes, she was singing in the shower. And other times, she was doing a load of laundry. She pretty much lived there without her stuff.

I loved this apartment but knew we needed an upgrade. It was perfect for the two of us, but there would be additions to our family eventually. We needed a backyard, something with scenery. I’d probably have to commute to work from the suburbs.

Never thought I’d live in the suburbs.

I sat on the couch and drank a beer while I watched the game. Knowing Marie and Francesca, they would be out until three in the morning. Those two hit the town hard. When I saw them together at Marie’s bachelorette party, things were pretty crazy.

My phone rang with a number I didn’t recognize, but the area code was from South Carolina. It was ten o’ clock at night so I had no idea who would need to get ahold of me at this hour. I answered anyway. “Hawke Taylor.”

The voice on the line spoke professionally. “Mr. Taylor? Mr. Theodore Taylor?”

I hated my first name. Absolutely loathed it. My cheerful nature deflated like a popped balloon. If anything could set me on edge, it was that. “Speaking.”

“This is Dr. Tiberius, from South Carolina Medical Center.”

The TV faded into the background, and I couldn’t hear a word of it. The images blurred together, and I wasn’t even sure what I was looking at. All sense of time and gravity left me. I started to drift. “Please tell me she’s okay.” I’ve gotten this phone call before. I knew the drill.

“I’m sorry, sir. We did everything we could, but we lost her.”


Lost her?

I released the bottle in my hand and felt it roll across the couch. The beer spilled everywhere, forming a puddle on the floor. The smell of beer came into my nose and burned my nostrils. “I don’t understand…”

“She lost a lot of blood and went into cardiac arrest. We tried to stabilize her, but there was nothing we could do. I’m sorry for your loss, Mr. Taylor.”

I slowly rose to my feet, feeling weak. “She’s dead?”

My mom is dead?

“I’m sorry, Mr. Taylor.” Dr. Tiberius repeated himself because he didn’t know what else to say. “I know this is hard.”

I gripped the phone and felt my hands shake. Anger washed over me like it never had before. Bloodlust blurred my vision. All I could think about was snapping his neck then stripping his limbs for sport. I wanted to roll his body into a ditch and feed the crows.

“The EMTs said she fell down the stairs and collided with a cabinet. It toppled on top of her and—”

“No. Her husband beat her to death.”

Dr. Tiberius fell silent.

“She was murdered.”

“I’m sorry, sir. That’s what the EMTs told me.”

I gripped the phone so tightly it almost shattered. “I’ll be right there.”


I burst through the door and searched for her room. “I’m looking for Carol Taylor. What room is she in?”

A doctor standing behind the counter with his chart looked up at me. He gave me a sad look before he set his chart down. “Mr. Taylor?”

I knew who he was. “Where is she?”

“The coroner is about to take her to the morgue.”

“I want to see her.” There was nothing I could do for her. I was too late. I left her all alone and didn’t protect her like I should have. I should be in her place right now, lying on a metal table with a sheet draped over my body.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“She’s my mother.” I wanted to hurt this man even though he hadn’t done anything wrong. I wanted to hurt everyone.

“I’m sorry. You can see her after they process her in the morgue. It’s the protocol.”

I stepped back so I wouldn’t grab him by the neck. “I need to speak to the police.”

“They were here a few minutes ago. You might be able to catch them. Room 113.”

Without saying thank you, I headed to her room, the place where she died. Blood pounded in my ears and my body screamed in mortal agony. This was a day I feared would come to pass. It was here and I couldn’t turn back time. I couldn’t change what happened. I couldn’t bring her back to life.

Two police officers were still there, finishing their report.

“I’m Hawke Taylor, Carol’s son.” I didn’t want to bother with the introductions but it wouldn’t get me anywhere if I didn’t.

“We’re so sorry for your loss, son.” Officer Bradley shook my hand. “We’re just finishing up.”

“She didn’t fall. Her husband beat her to death.” There was no way two police officers didn’t see the signs. They should have taken one look at her and knew what happened.

The other officer stared at me blankly. “That’s a strong accusation.”

“My father is a violent drunk. He used to beat the shit out of me when I was young. He’s done the same thing to my mother. I’m telling you, it wasn’t an accident. You need to arrest him.”

Officer Cunningham flipped through his chart. “According to our records, she’s had a lot of falls in the past.”


“We can certainly look into it,” Officer Bradley said. “But we were on the scene when the EMTs arrived. It was pretty clear it was an accident. Your father was in tears.”

Because he was a fucking psychopath. “I’m telling you, that’s what happened.”

“Were you there?” Officer Bradley asked.

“No…but I know that’s what happened.”

“If this happened in the past, why wasn’t it ever reported?” Officer Cunningham asked.

I knew right then I would never get any help from the police. All they cared about was sticking to the protocol, not listening to the actual facts. It made their lives easier just to file their reports and move on, not opening up the case again. “Because my mom was scared. I tried convincing her to leave but she never would. Now she’s dead.” I felt my heart drop as I said the words out loud. “Dead.”


I stood in front of the counter then pointed to a pistol in the case. “That one.”

The guy pulled it out and handed it over. “She’s a beauty. Not ideal for hunting, but it’s always good to have a backup.”

I would be hunting—but not for animals. “I’ll take it.”

“Great. I’ll put it on hold for you.” He returned the gun to the case then opened a drawer.

Put it on hold for me?

He placed a piece of paper in front of me. “Complete this background check and it’s all yours.”

Background check? “How long will this take?”

“Five business days.”

I didn’t have that kind of time. “Come on, guy. I’m a normal dude.”

“I’m sorry, son. It’s the law.”

I forked out extra money. “This is yours if you just look the other way.”

He stared at it like he was intrigued. But then he grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a name down. “Private sellers don’t have to do background checks. Give this guy a call.” He shoved the paper toward me and left the cash on the table.


I paid for the pistol and shoved it into the back of my jeans. I was going to blow my father’s brains out, and I had absolutely no reservations about doing it. He deserved to die a painful death. Actually, a quick blow to the head was too good for him.

I headed to the house and noticed his truck wasn’t outside. The house was dark and quiet. No lights were on. I stopped at the house to investigate anyway, wondering if he was hiding out.

I used the loose window from the back to get inside. Once I was there, I saw the house looked exactly the same as it always had. Except, there were pieces of furniture missing. The coffee table was gone and one of the dining chairs was missing.

I knew what happened to them.

I explored the house and found the dresser that supposedly fell on my mother. When I got to it, I stopped, knowing this was the location where her life began to ebb away. I stared at the hardwood floor and felt my jaw clench in rage.

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