Weekends Required (24 page)

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Authors: Sydney Landon

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Women, #General

BOOK: Weekends Required
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Claire could feel her mouth opening and closing with no sounds coming out. “My God, Louise, I’d no idea! Why would she have the house put in my name with Chrissie still alive?”

“Honey we both know your sister wasn’t very strong. Now your mama had no idea what would happen to her; she just took steps to protect you girls. She wanted you to be able to sell the house and have the money to take care of you and your sister. She held on there so many years to give that to you.”

Tears were rolling down her face as she gripped Louise’s hand tightly. “I never knew. I thought she was completely in denial over what was going on. I can’t believe you two did all of this on your own and managed to hide it from him; that took a lot of guts.”

Louise smiled at her and laughed. “Honey, us old ladies still got a trick or two up our sleeves. Now you find someone to list that house with and set your mama free. She needs a new life and so do you. It’s time all those ghosts were laid to rest. Someone else can come in and make a life there, give that place some happy memories.”



Claire talked to her mother that afternoon about everything Louise had told her. She saw a sparkle in her eyes that had never been there before and it looked strangely like pride. It was a strain for her mother to talk, but she managed to confirm her wishes for the house to be sold.

She spent the afternoon arranging for a real estate agent to meet her there the next day. She also called an employment agency and lined up some interviews at the end of the week. If she could find an office job during the day, she could possibly work a weekend job as well when her mother was settled into the rehabilitation center.

Claire took a few moments to check the messages on her cell phone which she’d been ignoring. Julie had left several messages wanting to know why she wasn’t working for Partiez Plus any longer. Suzy had also been ringing her phone off the hook so as soon as she was settled at home, she returned her call.

“Girlfriend, you got some explaining to do,” said Suzy. “I call and call and you never answer. Are we seeing other friends now or something?”

With a laugh, Claire said, “Nope, you know you’re my one and only. It’s been crazy here; I’ve almost lived at the hospital. Thank you for the flowers that you brought to mom, she really loved them. She’s the envy of everyone on the floor now.”

“I’m glad she liked them. I’m sorry I missed you when I dropped by, I thought I could grill you; um, I mean to feed you.”

“Grill me huh? About what?”

With a long, dramatic sigh, Suzy said, “Don’t act dumb babe, it’s so not you. I know that your love life has hit the skids for some reason. From the looks of Jason, I don’t think it’s his idea. The man looks like he has been run over by a truck. Candace who has been filling in for you says he never leaves the office. He’s there when she gets there and there when she leaves. She suspects he has been sleeping there. I’m even starting to question his bathing habits, ugh. So what gives with you two? And before you even say it, I know I’m nosey as hell but hey, it’s part of my charm, right? You seemed so happy with him, what happened?”

“Oh Suz, I wanted him to be something he wasn’t,” said Claire sadly.

“And what was that?” asked Suzy.

“I wanted him to be the man of my dreams, not the man of my nightmares.”

“Babe, I don’t get it, was he into freaky stuff or something? He sure doesn’t look like the type, although he does look yummy.”

“Um Suz, earth to Suz, come back now. What I mean is he’s just like my father.” Suzy was quiet for so long, Claire wondered if she was still there. Over a bottle of wine one evening, she’d told Suzy all about her years of abuse at the hands of her father.

“Claire, why would you think that?” asked Suzy.

“Remember when I told you Jason tried to loan me money and the fight we had over it? You explained to me that he had helped several people you knew.”

“Yeah, so you’re still mad about that?”

“No, other things have happened Suz, things I can’t get over.”

She went on to tell her about the papers she’d found in his briefcase while they were in Charleston, about the incident at the hospital and then finally what Billy had told her.

When she was finished Suzy for once was actually speechless. “Wow, he has been a busy boy hasn’t he? He’s like a fairy godmother or something isn’t he?”

“You see don’t you Suz? He’s everything I’ve been running from my whole life. I had to get away, make the break before it was too late.”

“Claire, I know you haven’t had an easy life, hell, it’s pretty much raised its leg and peed right on you. Jason has for sure lost control there a bit, no doubt. Actually, a little bat shit crazy on the giving money away for free but I already thought that. Sweetie, I don’t think he’s anything like your father. I know he’s scaring you by trying to take care of all of your needs before you even know you have them, but I’m telling you, the man has a good heart. Can you honestly say there was an instance when you felt like your father had a good heart? Did you ever feel like he was trying to protect and care for you?”

“No, but Suz, you don’t know how my father started off. Abusive people usually escalate over time; they probably don’t just go off the deep end immediately. We’d only been together for a short time and really not even in a relationship and look at how he had taken over my life. What would it be like in a month or a year? Would I even recognize myself then?” Claire felt a sob escape from her throat and fought for calm.

Suzy as if sensing how close she was to losing it, took a quieter tone, all joking gone from her voice. “Sweetie, do you know what I think you need to do? I think you need to talk to the one person who can tell you how things started off with your father, your mother. You’re still hurting and traumatized from everything you and your family suffered. It would probably do your mother some good to get it out as well.”

“Suz, I can’t; she isn’t up to talking about this, and I can’t risk upsetting her.”

“Sweetie did you ever stop to think that your mother needs it as much as you do? You have spent these last few years since your father and sister died trying to pretend that nothing bad happened. It’s so bottled up inside you that you’re ready to explode. Give your mother a chance to be your mom, to be strong for you for once. Go talk to her before you throw away your chance with Jason.”

“I… I’ll think about it Suz; I will,” promised Claire.

“Good because I don’t have many more inspirational talks left in me; I’m practically breaking out in hives right now.” Despite herself, she laughed long and hard. Claire loved that Suzy always knew when she needed it. “Ok girl, I gotta run, love you and all that stuff.” With a click, she was gone. That was Suzy, in like a tornado, out like a tornado.


  Chapter Twenty Six  



Claire tossed and turned all night, going over and over what Suzy had said. Could she be right about Jason? Was there a good man under the take-charge exterior? Suzy was right; there was only one person who could set her mind at ease. She desperately wanted to talk to her mother but maybe Louise was a good starting point. Louise’s sister usually dropped her off for the day around nine, so she rushed to catch her for a cup of coffee before she talked to her mother.

She arrived a little earlier than usual and checked with Glenda at the nurse’s station. Her mother rested well and was on her way to morning therapy. Glenda also said that Louise hadn’t arrived yet. Claire thanked her and walked to the front entrance to wait for her. In a few moments, she saw a long blue Cadillac pulling in front of the circular drive and Louise getting out of the passenger side. Claire shuddered as the Cadillac took off at a fast clip. She could easily imagine Louise hanging on for dear life as her sister sped through the city.

Louise looked surprised but pleased to see her standing inside the doorway. Louise said, “It’s good to see you smiling this morning honey; you have been so quiet this week.”

“I know Louise, there’s been a lot to take in lately, and I’m just now catching my breath. Mom just went down for her physical therapy, so I thought we could have a cup of coffee if you like?"

There was a small coffee shop located in the hospital that served coffee and cappuccinos as well as various pastries. Claire and Louise both chose a regular coffee and fresh hot cinnamon rolls. They settled into a table at the back of the room with their purchases. The shop was a revolving door of doctors and nurses getting their morning fill of caffeine to start their day.

“Louise, I know we haven’t talked about it but what’re your plans if we sell the house? You’re more than welcome to stay with me. My apartment is on the small side, but I would be happy to have you there,” offered Claire.

“You’re a sweet child to worry about this old woman but don’t. My sister Janet and I’ve talked, and I plan to move in with her. Her husband has been gone for a long time now. She stays busy with her senior group and bingo, but she’s lonely in the house by herself. She’s already agreed to bring me to visit Evelyn as often as I want, and we get along well. I want you to promise to come see me though honey. I never had children, I didn’t need them. You and Chrissie were always my babies.”

Claire felt tears gather in her eyes. For someone who never cried, she never seemed to stop now. “I promise I will and you know I think of you as a mother as well." When they’d both gotten themselves somewhat under control, Claire looked at Louise and said, “I wanted to talk to you about my father. I know you weren’t there in the beginning, but I want to know if you ever saw good in him?” Louise looked at her in surprise; sadness etched in the corners of her mouth.

“Honey, I wondered when or if you’d ever be strong enough to ask about him. I know we’ve mentioned him plenty but we never really talked about him. Your mama and I did though, quite a lot. I think it helped her to have an outlet for her anger. I asked your mama once almost the same question; was he good to her in the beginning and when did it change?

“They met in college, which you know. Your mama said she was quiet and shy back then, kind of a wallflower. Even though we both know from the pictures she was beautiful, still is, she was always more involved in her studies than dating. When your daddy started paying attention to her, she was flattered. All the girls in school were chasing him, and it made her feel special to have someone like him chasing her. She started going out with him, and even though she caught him talking to other girls a lot, he always had an excuse. By that time, she was so in love with him she believed every word he said. He would insult her in front of his friends to embarrass her and then beg her to forgive him later. He always found a way to make it her fault. She caught him quite literally with his pants down with the captain of the cheerleading squad after they’d been going out for a year. He told her it just happened because he didn’t think she loved him enough, and he was afraid she would leave him. He proposed right there on the spot, and the innocent that she was believed him.

“Your daddy used love to cover his trail of lies until after they were married. She would threaten to leave him, and he would tell her he couldn’t live without her; he would be good for a few weeks, and the cycle would repeat. After she had you girls, she was determined to shield you as much as she could. Your daddy told her if she ever left him, she would never see you and Chrissie again. He was a lawyer with a lot of powerful friends, and they’d never take the side of someone like her against him. She did try Claire; she wanted out. She was so afraid of what would happen if she left. Her greatest fear was that you and Chrissie would be left alone with him. She always tried to make sure he burned out the worst of his anger on her so that nothing was left to be directed at you girls. I honestly think she would have killed him if he ever raised a hand to you. He tried his best to break her, and he assumed that he had long ago; he never did though. She lived for the day you’d all be free and when that finally happened there was no joy in it because Chrissie had been taken. I think she always felt that by wishing for him to be gone, she was responsible for what happened to Chrissie as well. Honey, you both need to talk about it and then move past it. I know that young man of yours would very much like to build a life with you free of ghosts.”

Claire looked at her in surprise. “I might be an old woman, but I’m not senile. I saw the way that boy looked at you. I think you’d be surprised to hear what your mama has to say about him too. Why don’t you go on back and see if she’s in her room now? I’m going to have me another cup of coffee and rest for a minute.”

She stood and leaned down to give Louise a hug. “I love you so much; I don’t know what I would do without you.”

Always strong, Louise gave a suspicious sniff, and said, “I know, now you run along and see your mama; it’s long overdue.”



Glenda waved at her and told her that her mother was back in her room now. She was happy to see how much better she was looking each day. Her speech, although still difficult, had improved some. Claire knew that she got frustrated when trying to get the words she needed out, but she was adjusting. “Hey mom, you look pretty today. Did you have a good workout?” Her mother rolled her eyes and smiled. “Louise is here. She’s having a cup of coffee before she comes in for a visit. Her sister Janet looks pretty scary behind the wheel of that big car of hers,” laughed Claire. Her mother smiled again and reached over on her bedside table to get something. “Mom what’s that?”

Her mother tapped her fingers on the front of it, and suddenly a voice said, “A computer.” Still confused, Claire walked around to watch her.

Since her right hand and arm hadn’t been affected by the stroke, she could type on it. Claire looked at a big keyboard made on a screen that looked like a large tablet computer. “Mom, that’s amazing, where did you get it?”

With a hesitant look, her mother typed, “Jason.” Shocked, Claire could only stare at her mother.

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