Weight Loss for People Who Feel Too Much (33 page)

BOOK: Weight Loss for People Who Feel Too Much
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This book has many to thank for its birth.

To my genuine, creative, hilarious, always-faithful husband, Marc Lindeman, you will always have my forever love.

I offer my …

Deep abiding gratitude to Jennifer Rudolf Walsh for truly being my fairy godmother, believing in me, showing me I could be more in the world, bringing me to Crown, but most importantly for becoming the best kind of friend—honest, steadfast, and true. I love you so much.

Great thanks to my fabulous agent Andy McNichol. You are a smart, savvy, wondrous being and really great agent! I adore you.

Giant and most major thanks to Tina Constable, Julia Pastore, and everyone at Crown Archetype publishers, whose support and wonderful enthusiasm for my work were palpable when I walked in the door. Thank you for all your support and hard work to make this book fly.

My admiration and great gratitude to Nancy Peske, my developmental editor extraordinaire. This is our third project together, and it keeps getting better all the time.

A big, giant hug and major thanks to my team at the Master Intuitive Coach Institute: Michelle Morgan, Kim Johnson, Mark Johnson, Jay Appleby.

A giant HOORAY to all the certified Weight Release Energetix coaches and students who are helping others who feel too much recognize that there is a way out of the empathy overload and a way back into a decent size pair of pants!

To all my dear friends, thanx for your support as I struggled to write this while surrendering that the cookie jar will not help with my anxiety about how this book will be received. I love you all so so much. You know who you are. ;)

About the Author

Colette Baron-Reid is an internationally respected intuitive counselor, coach, and life strategist with a client base spanning twenty-nine countries. She is the author of numerous bestselling transformational wellness and mind/body spirit products, audio programs, and books including
The Map: Finding the Magic and Meaning in the Story of Your Life
. She has been a popular featured guest on radio and TV, appearing on
Dr. Phil,
Oprah and Friends with Dr. Mehmet Oz and Lisa Oz,
Coast to Coast AM,
and others. She is the host of two popular weekly call-in radio shows on the CBS-owned New Sky Radio.

She lives happily and gratefully between the U.S. and Canada with her husband and two tiny fur-covered children dressed up in Pomeranian suits. Visit her at her website, www.colettebaronreid.com.

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