Welcome Back to Apple Grove (29 page)

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About the Author

C.H. Admirand is an award-winning, multipublished author with novels in mass-market paperback, hardcover, trade paperback, magazine, and ebook.

Fate, destiny, and love at first sight will always play a large part in C.H.’s stories because they played a major role in her life. When she saw her husband for the first time, she knew he was the man she was going to spend the rest of her life with. Each and every hero C.H. writes about has a few of Dave’s best qualities: his honesty, his integrity, his compassion for those in need, and his killer broad shoulders. She lives with her husband and two of their three grown children in the wilds of northern New Jersey and recently welcomed their first grandbaby into the family.

C.H. always uses family names in her books, but this time something truly karmic occurred while she was writing the first book in this series; while tracing her Irish ancestors, she uncovered something wonderful—her great-grandfather was already listed on Ancestry.com with the same picture that sits on her mantelpiece. She had discovered a link to the Mulcahy side of the family; her grandfather’s younger sister married a Mulcahy. After sending an email, she was delighted when she received a reply, and even more so when she learned that her connection and her sisters were delighted to be heroines in C.H.’s new series.

She loves to hear from readers! Stop by her website at
to catch up on the latest news, excerpts, reviews, blog posts, and links to Facebook and Twitter.

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