Welcome To My World (Hell Yeah!) (14 page)

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“Feels so good,” she whimpered, reaching down to touch his dick.

“Uh-uh, let me concentrate, my time will come later.”

She let out a frustrated little groan. “Spoilsport,” she grumbled.

“Just pay attention to what I’m doing here.” He fussed playfully as he kissed her neck, then licked a circle around her nipples. “I’m gonna stretch you, baby. You tell me if I hurt you, if I do, I’ll stop.”

Cassie just immersed herself in the pleasure. Bowie was sucking at her breast and pushing two big fingers deep inside of her. He moved them in and out, slowly, then picked up the speed, adding another finger, going deeper and deeper until he touched a place that had her gasping.

“Hurt?” He lifted his head.

“No! Feels so good. If you stop, I’ll hit you.” Her words were husky and she wrapped her fingers in his hair and tugged.

Bowie smiled around her nipple. He was doing something right. Pumping the three fingers in and out, reaching in as far as he could, he kept his thumb on her clit, rubbing circles around and around until she stiffened and cried out, “Bowie, yes!”

God, he was hard. She was so wet. Maybe, if he was careful. Levering himself over her, he opened her legs ever so gently and put the head of his cock at the gate of her vagina. “I can’t help it, I need you.” He pushed in, not far, but it was enough for him to feel the amazing squeeze of her tight little pussy.

“We’re doing it!” She held his gaze, wonder on his face.

“Yea, baby.” He pushed in just a little farther, shut his eyes and just reveled in how it felt to be inside of Cassie.

Emotions pulsed through Cassie as the orgasm faded and the thrill of watching Bowie satisfy himself inside of her body took hold. This was what she wanted—this connection, this knowledge that she could enjoy and be enjoyed. It was absolutely thrilling. Raising her head, she kissed his chest, running her hands up and down the arms that held him above her. How she wished she could bear his weight upon her, feel him pressing her into the mattress.

Bowie fought so hard for control, it was heaven being with Cassie. “You’ve ruined me,” he whispered as he surrendered, finding his release.

Cassie hadn’t cum again, but she didn’t really care. Bowie rose and went to find a wash cloth to clean her up. Then he gently pulled her to the edge of the bed, lowering his head between her thighs.

“What are you doing?”

“Kissing it and making it better.”

Cassie wouldn’t have thought it possible, but her second orgasm was better than the first.

*  *  *

“Are you sure you know what you’re doing, Bowie?” Uncle Michael was concerned. “Aren’t you setting yourself up for a mountain of heartache?”

Bowie steered Sheba up next to Jasmine so she could nurse. He had given the mother camel and her calf a vaccination. “Maybe, but I’d rather do that than walk away from her.”

“You were a little boy, you can’t sacrifice your life because of one mistake.”

A banging drew his attention. Cassie had come outside to play with the animals. Her laughter carried across the yard. The sight of her made him smile. “Look at her and you tell me if she’s worth any sacrifice or not.”

Michael stroked the small dromedaries back. “But what about—”

“What about what?” Bowie asked as he wiped his hands before going to meet Cassie.

“You, know, a physical relationship.”

The two men shared a lot, but this wasn’t one of the things they usually talked about. “That’s private and my worry.” He didn’t like to be rude to his uncle, so he mellowed it with more information. “Look, we’re going out of town for a while and I have a favor or two to ask you.”

“Of course, sure. What can I do?”

Bowie kept an eye on Cassie as she let the dogs jump up on her. The makeshift ramp he had installed was one of the first things that had to go. “Help George, if you can and get ahold of an architect, a designer, contractors or whatever. This is what I want.” He reached into his back pocket and took out a list and handed it to his uncle. It included new cabinets, a revamped bathroom, ramps, exercise room, hot tub—everything Cassie would need to be comfortable in his home.

Michael stared at what Bowie had written. “You’re rebuilding your whole damn house.”

Bowie nodded his head. “I am, I’m doing what it takes to make her welcome in my world.”

“Are you sure about this?” His uncle just couldn’t seem to let it go.

But Bowie was sure. “More than anything.”

“What about when she finds out the truth, and she will, some way or another.”

Bowie looked off into the distance, dreading the day. “I haven’t seen absolute proof yet, but when I do…well, I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.”

Michael sighed and took off his cap, rubbing the top of his balding head. “Lord, talk about a bridge over troubled waters…”

Bowie slapped a hand on the older man’s shoulder. “I want to be that for her, Uncle, don’t you understand? I want to be whatever she needs.”

“Okay, Bowie. You can count on me.”

*  *  *

“I’ve got to cut across Texas and deliver a piece of machinery for Malone Earthworks.” Bowie explained. “George is going to be working on a rig north of Beaumont and then we’ll head down, it will be a circuitous route, but we’ll make it fun.” He pulled out of Kerrville and headed toward Austin.

“I’ve never seen that part of Texas, I look forward to it.” Cassie smiled. Actually, she just looked forward to spending time with Bowie. “We can get to know one another better.”

“Deal. What do you want to do?” He just enjoyed looking at her. She wore a sweater dress that hugged her curves. In fact, he’d had a good time helping her dress this morning. Doing little things for her made him happy.

“How about we play a game?” She suggested with a satisfied, expectant face. “It could be fun.”

“Okay, I’m up for it.”

His phrasing made her giggle. “Yea, you were up for it this morning.” She had enjoyed their lovemaking this morning most of all. He had straddled her waist and came between her tits, holding her breasts together and rubbing the nipples while he thrust between the soft flesh. It had been the most erotic thing Cassie had ever dreamed. “Let’s ask each other questions, but it has to be a question we’re willing to answer ourselves. Okay?”

“Sounds good to me,” he agreed, wondering if he was about to get himself in trouble. “Shoot.” As soon as Bowie said the word, he wished he could take it back. It seemed like a bad omen.

Cassie didn’t even flinch, she looked too happy. “All right, me first. What would you do if you won a million dollars?”

“Hmmm, if I came into that much money, I’d get a new dozer, buy the Lecter place next to mine and open a game preserve for big game that zoos can’t handle.”

“Would you allow hunting on it?” He saw she was very attentive to his answer.

Bowie shook his head. “Hell, no. I don’t hunt.”

“You do have a soft heart, don’t you?”

He was watching the road, heading east through Round Rock. “Especially toward the likes of you. So, what would you do with all that dough?”

“I’d build a big assisted living facility and not charge the residents to live there.”

“Now who has the good heart?”

She let that pass and asked another question. “What’s your biggest fear?”

Watching the hate bloom in your eyes when you find out it was me who hurt you.
Bowie bit his tongue to keep the truth at bay. “It was my turn, by the way. But to answer your question, I do lots of things that people consider dangerous. I climb, I travel into wilderness areas, I dive. But the thing that makes me pause is going into underwater caves. I got lost in one once, lost my light. My oxygen almost ran out before I was rescued.”

Cassie shuddered just considering Bowie almost dying. “I’m so glad you made it out. How often do you have to cave dive?”

“Only when someone gets in trouble and I’m called to help.” He shook his head and smiled. “It doesn’t happen that often, maybe never again. Joseph McCoy used to do it as a sport. Crazy fool.”

“Being in the dark, deep underwater must be terrifying.” She hugged herself. “I fear being by myself and my wheelchair getting stuck on something and I can’t get loose and I can’t walk, maybe crossing a street and I’m in traffic.” She giggled nervously. “I know it doesn’t make sense, but the idea of being trapped scares me.”

Bowie placed his hand over hers. “I understand completely. Okay, my turn. Let’s lighten this up. What’s your favorite comic book superhero?”

“Oh, that’s easy. Catwoman.” She made her small hand into claws and snarled at him.

“Stunning rich socialite who nabs pretty baubles?” He raised an eyebrow at her. “Is that the attraction?”

“No.” Cassie laughed. “It’s the black leather and the whip.”

Bowie chuckled. “You surprise me all the time. So, does this mean I can tie you up and have my way with you?”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “Well, I was sorta thinking of tying you up.”

“I have a rope in the back of my truck.”

She blushed at the thought and went right on to the next question. “What’s the one secret you’ve been too embarrassed to tell me?”

Again Bowie thought of what he was hiding. They had just pulled into Centerville. It wouldn’t be long before they entered East Texas. Talking to Cassie was fun, he was learning so much about her and the more he learned, the more he liked. But some of the questions were hitting a little too close to home. “Embarrassed, let me see. Well, I cry at movies sometimes.”

“You what?” Cassie giggled. When he gave her a sideways glance, she grabbed his hand and kissed it. “I think that’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard. Tell me a couple that have made you cry.”

Bowie groaned, but answered, “The Blind Side, the end of Spiderman 2 when the little boy stood up to the villain and when Superman’s father got killed by the tornado in the Man of Steel.”

She smiled at him. “I’m embarrassed to get in and out of my van because the wheel chair lift makes a horrible noise and everybody watches me.”

Bowie added that to his list of things that needed to be remedied. Off the top of his head, he asked, “What’s the one thing you’d want to change about me?”

Cassie’s jaw dropped. Was he kidding? He was perfect. Ah, that was it. “Physically, mentally, socially, everyway, you’re too perfect—for me.” Then she hastened to add. “Not that I’d want anything to change specifically, but you make me realize how inadequate I am.”

Bowie didn’t say anything right away. They were coming out of Crockett and he just pulled over in front of a Whataburger. Turning to her, he leaned near until he could grasp her head and kiss her lips. Which he did, twice. “Cassie, you are so precious. The only thing I’d change about you would be to take away your pain. In all other things, you are without flaw. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Bowie.” She was stunned.

After a few moments, he pulled back on the road. He was on a schedule. George was waiting for him. Her small voice broke the silence. “There’s an operation that I could have but it’s risky.”

Bowie almost ran off the road. “What do you mean?”

“It could help me or hurt me.” She shook her head, clearly not wanting to talk about it anymore. Pushing a lock of hair behind one ear, she burst out with another question. “The average frequency of sex for couples is about eight times a month. How often would you like to have sex with me?”

“Boom!” Bowie laughed. “And it wasn’t your turn, turtledove.” She blushed, but he answered. “Every day.”

“Twice a day,” she countered.

“That’s my girl.” He felt himself grow hard just thinking about it. “Of all the things you could do to or for me sexually what do you think would turn me on the most?”

Gosh, she hadn’t really done anything to him, yet. He had done most everything. “I don’t know. A blow job?”

Just her saying the words was the cutest thing ever. “Actually, I love to watch you cum. It’s the most beautiful sight in the world to see your pleasure and know I made you feel that way.”

“The thing you do to me that turns me on the most is how you make me feel wanted, like you want to be with me more than anyone else in the world.”

“You realize that we’re gonna have to pull down one of these logging roads so I can ravish you, don’t you?” Bowie teased, but he wasn’t really teasing. Let’s get off sex long enough for my dick to go down. “What’s the most awkward moment you can remember?”

“Oh, my goodness.” Cassie tried to think. They were entering the piney woods part of East Texas. Bowie slowed down, watching for the turn off that would lead toward Beaumont. “It wasn’t one moment, it was a lot of them. All the same, when a man would notice me like in a bar and come over to talk to me, maybe ask me to dance and then realize I was in the wheelchair.” She let the words fall. Glancing at Bowie, she saw the look in his eyes, his sweet eyes. “But you were different. You didn’t find me wanting. You saw something in me no one else has ever seen.”

“Oh, baby.” He touched her face. “The rest of them were blind bastards and I’m grateful they were or I wouldn’t be here with you now.”

Embarrassed at revealing so much, Cassie forgot what Bowie had said about sex and jumped from the frying pan into the fire. “Tell me your best sexual fantasy?”

God help him. “You have no mercy, do you?”

“Yea, I do. Please, don’t make the fantasy something you could only do with me.”

Bowie wanted to curse. He wanted to just eat her up with his eyes, but he also needed to keep them between the ditches. “You are my fantasy.”

She pressed her plump pink lips into a tight line and glared at him. “Stop it. We’re having a conversation here.”

“You’re so cute.” Bowie couldn’t keep back the words if he’d been wearing a muffler. Good, he’d made her smile. “Okay, I’ll tell you one.” God, he hoped to high heaven they could do this someday. “I imagine you sitting in my lap, facing me. I’m deep inside of you and I kiss you and caress your breasts and you squeeze me so tight.” He didn’t say how she squeezed him, he was thinking of her pussy but if all it could be was her sweet arms, he wouldn’t complain. “And just being joined with you like that, feeling you close to me, enveloping me, makes me come so hard.”

Bowie was at a stoplight in Jasper, so for a moment, they just stared at one another.

“Whew!” Cassie started to fan herself which broke the sensual tension, making Bowie snort. He turned his head back to the road and she wondered what in the heck she was doing with this man. Surely he’d come to his senses soon and realize his folly.

“Spill, play fair.”

Her sexual fantasy? “You’ve met and surpassed any fantasy I ever had.” Good gracious, she needed a filter.

Bowie frowned at her. “Come on, I told. Give me something to work for.”

Cassie took a deep breath. “I always wanted to have sex in a pool or a hot tub.”

“Nice.” Bowie grinned. Okay, he had something to work toward. “My turn. Okay, Cassie-for-short, tell me what’s the one thing you’d do if you could, that you don’t think you’ll ever be able to do?” He knew he was pushing it, but if he was in the dream fulfilling business, he needed to know.

Cassie played with the bracelet on her wrist, the one she’d lost and Bowie found. “You’re taking me to Galveston. That’s a dream come true.”

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