Wench With Wings (9 page)

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Authors: Rose D. Cassidy

BOOK: Wench With Wings
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“Your right I have seen one look that excited me,” she pulled back to see his eyes and said, “Your defeated look
me enough to make you leave. Bye.” There was a flash of his defeat in his eyes but to her surprise he smiled a devious smile and she huffed before moving him out of her way so she could join the ladies.

She had a five second pep talk with her-self-control before Jocelyn grabbed her and pulled her to the floor but not without asking, “You good?” She only shot her a glare and started to dance when Jocelyn’s eyes went a bit wider with a hesitant smile. Trey figured it was a guy she was interested in but to her surprise again, hands latched onto her hips and started to rock with her. She knew she couldn’t have a quick motion or it would show that his touch, his closeness got to her. So after a few moves she turned acting like she was gonna face him to make him let go and she danced her way away from him and to the other side of Jos. Hoping that she would barricade her from him. But go figure it was a no go. Jocelyn turned to face her, “I’m going to grab a drink,” with a wink and Trey could have killed her.

He wouldn’t grab her again; he didn’t want to be out with a third strike of her getting away from him tonight, but if he danced close enough to her, it might just do what he wanted. He wanted her to have him on her mind. She turned her back to him but he knew she would be thinking about if he was still behind her. ‘Perfect,’ he thought as a girl crossed in front of him to dance. He let her wrap her arms around his neck and grabbed a hip with one hand and laid the other on the small of her back close to her ass. ‘When Trey turns around she won’t be able to handle it.’ Than she did and she

She shot her hand up to cover her unexpected response. ‘Of course he would give up and go to the easy type.’ Another unexpected happened he dropped his hands and stalked off with defeat screaming from his eyes. She lost the laugh with an idea and danced while watching him walk away to the bar to take a seat. She just had to rub it in, just a little. She walked over to the bar up behind him and motioned for a beer then leaned in. “She was more your type; easy that is.” She leaned over him to grab her beer off the bar and pushed against him so he couldn’t turn to face her, while she did. The timing was perfect. By the time he turned around her back was to him walking away. She was the victor again. ‘Win,’ she thought as she clinked her beer up against Gwen’s and started to dance just a bit wilder than before.

He couldn’t believe it, she completely got him again. He stared after her in thought of how he could turn the tables when Dane came up and sat next to him. “I was right! You
have the hots for her and your fucken with each other so that means she’s got the hots for you too.”

really Dane? What are we ten again?”

“When it comes to this, hell yeah, we skipped over this phase.”

“Okay fine, I’ll play your stupid game. What do I do to get under her skin? I already tried my touch and dancing with her even after she walked away the first time than she managed to get away from me again than I even tried making her jealous dancing with another girl, that by the way she thought was funny, so now what?”

“Well obviously it gets under her skin when you touch her or she would not run so try dancing with her again, just give it some time first, make her think you’ve forgotten all about her than she’ll relax and you can go in for the kill.”

“That actually sounds good.”

As she danced she found herself searching for him. She found him in the same spot she left him. ‘He hasn’t moved, huh.’ She was for sure that her comment would make him leave or at least he’d get up but nothing. After a few times of seeing that he was not going to move she began to relax and stopped looking. He would not ruin her fun. She was here to celebrate, ‘ah…on the control with him.’ She wasn’t doing so well but she did beat him at his game so she did relax again and have fun. Almost an hour past and he was completely rid from her mind.

Right up until a slow song came on and he stepped in front of her on her way off the dance floor and pulled her hands to his chest then dropped his to her hips. He caught her off guard and she would have to stay and dance with him so that she wouldn’t show how much it bothered her. “Your cornered, now what? I know your confidence won't let you walk away.”

“Cornered or just pitying?” She tilted her head and showed a pity face. Bottom lip out slightly and all. He wanted to nip it.

“Pity, really? For what?”

“Well, for wining
game, of course.”

“I wasn’t playing a game, I just wanted to dance with you and here we are, so who won if it was a game?”

“You had a game face on from the second I looked at you, who knows how long before that. And I wouldn’t call this a win, you might be dancing with me at the moment but as soon as this song is over, I
be walking away and not going home with you. That is the prize for the win; you getting to take me home, is it not?”

“Nope, I don’t want to take you home
you're too stubborn of a girl, I just wanted to dance and get a chance to ask you on a date. So will you, say seven tomorrow, dinner, I’ll even pick you up at your place and make it official?”

“Mm… let me think… Ah…NO!” He smiled. ‘Why did he freaking smile?’

“Okay,” he shrugged and kissed her on the cheek, “Thank you for the dance!” Then he walked away. She stood stunned for a second than stalked off to meet up with Gwen. “Seriously, I
do not
like that guy.”

“Ready to go home?”

“Yup.” They let everyone know that they were headed out, Jocelyn giving Trey the sad, I’m sorry look which only pissed her off more. ‘What the hell is up with this guy? He sure knows how to confuse.’ Half way to the walk home she asked Gwen, “Why so quiet, say something.”


“Really? I mean I know you don’t care to talk much but you could give me something, I’m drunk! And don't be a smart ass, Something.”

Then you talk.”

“I have nothing to say.”

“Neither do I, not yet anyway.”

“Oh you will not give me that. I don’t need a thesis about the jerk because it’s nothing that will be all said and done.”


“Okay.” They finished the walk to Trey's place, when they got to the door she asked, “You’re staying, right? It’s too late for you to walk home alone.”

“Yeah, I’ll stay.” They went in and went to bed, but Trey couldn’t fall asleep. ‘Why did he walk away? And with a friggen okay.’ She hoped that it was him giving up but she had a feeling he just wanted to get to her, make her think because that was what she was doing. ‘Maybe he did win.’

‘Oh, I won. She was bent and went home.’ He couldn’t help the smile even when Dane asked him, “Why did she leave?”

“Because she couldn’t handle not being close to me and still being in the same room.”

“Wait, what? Don’t you want her to be close to you?”

“No, I want her to not be able to get me out of her head. I want her to completely break.”

“You’re fucking twisted! You’re messing with a bad ass that could possible kick your ass, literally.”

“Isn’t that the point?”

“You only want to fight her? Dane said confused than it hit him. “Fuck, you
twisted, you
only want a fight and you found out who she was so that you could be on the list and you’re fucking with her to have a chance at the best, quicker! Fuck, I knew you couldn’t do the dating thing. That was your plan all along. Huh?” Ayden only smiled than whispered in a girl’s ear that stood close and walked out with her a second later.







Chapter Six

Her Anger R
idden Epiphany


“Oh my goddess, that’s it; he just wants to fuck with my control.” She jumped out of bed and went to the living room to wake up Gwen. “That’s it Gwen, I figured it out, that stupid cocky jerk just wants to tear down my control so that I will fight him and he’ll be able to avoid the freaking list, beat the best and take my shit over. Can you fucking believe the nerve of that asshole?”


“Just come out with it, I know you have an opinion, your snarky comment yesterday and last night confirms it.”

“I have not come to a conclusion yet so it is not worth me saying anything about it.”

“Yes, it is worth it. I just told you what he wants as a conclusion all you have to do is tell me what you think I should do.”

“In that case, I think you should wait it out, I think your jumping to a conclusion and you don’t have all the facts.”

“Oh, I have the fact he is trying to break my damn control.”

“Control of the fights or your control not to want to be with any guy?”

“Ah, it has to be the fights, he’s a fighter and there is a different look in his eyes,” she dropped her voice and her head, “They are kind of more like mine.” She pipes up, “See that’s it, he wants the control of my operation ‘cause it’s what I want too, that’s the same look.”

“Or does he just want you and he knows that he will have to break your control to get you.”

“No, because I want the fights! I don’t want the guys! He has to be the same, it’s that, I know it is, that is the same look in his eyes as mine.”

“Just give it some time, Trey, let it play out a little to get more facts.”

“Fine, but I will play his game. I will break him just like he wants to do to me. I won’t sit back and let him try to steal my control, I’ll just have to steal his.”

Gwen just shook her head, “Fine, now I’m going back to sleep for a couple hours, it’s Sunday.” Trey just shook her head back and stalked off. She would have to come up with a
damn good plan to beat this jerk at his own game.

He had to keep playing the game with Dane last night. He didn’t want his friend to know how bad this girl was fucking with him, so instead he shrugged not denying his claim, but not admitting to it either and took a different girl home to improve his chance at his friend not noticing. He had to, to show him that he was still an ass toward women. Even though he really wasn’t but Dane never needed to know that. How could he tell anyone that he was completely wonderful to these girls so that he could see love for him in their eyes than leave them before they threw him away. ‘I’m a fucking prostitute. I don’t take money but I sure do take their love, wow. What is wrong with me? No, I give them my love in exchange for theirs for the night, so it's not that bad right? I show them how a man should treat a lady. I really am not
bad. Though, I do hope I ruin them for the next guy that comes along, they should not expect anything less from a guy.’ Than Trey crossed his mind at the same thought, ‘Could she have the same reason? Did she need or give love because of something?’ He hoped it was need ‘cause he would give.

Numerous ways to play his game went through her head but she kept going back to, ‘Why even give him the satisfaction of playing it?’ She hated games, she hated drama bull shit games and this was exactly that; drama ‘cause it was messing with her social status. It was screwing with her operation and people noticed. But how could she not play his game? There was no avoiding him or getting him out of her life completely, he was there and a part of it now. She couldn’t simply kick him out; it would make her look bad and he still would be at the school. So, not playing his game was out of the question even though that is simply what she wanted and it angered her even more. She didn’t have that option. She knew she got to him to, so she would play the cards she was dealt; her beauty, wit, and fight. She would just have to use it to keep her control in check.

Jocelyn showed up with Pay and they all hung out for the day lounging around the shop. They did some tats and Pay filled them in with some gossip that Trey was not happy about. She liked it when people talked about how good she was, she certainly didn’t like it when they speculated. Pay set in motion that she was doing it for the freshmen, but still. She also heard about the ass boy she didn’t want to hear about just because his name pissed her off now and what was said irked her in a way she was unsure about. Sunday went by slow yet to quick, they all have been working hard with the new semester and the new bloods. They needed more of a Sunday.

He couldn’t stand to be in his own skin, he felt almost dirty. He wanted Trey yet he was still in need of these other girls just so he could give his love away. He wanted to give it to Trey but she didn’t want it, ‘not yet anyway.’ But in the meantime why couldn’t he hold out and wait to give it to her? Why couldn’t he tell Dane, his one best friend since childhood, what he really did with these women, what he really wanted Trey for; to keep him. ‘Fuck it,’ he thought and headed out to find Dane. “Do you think she would throw me away?” He spit out.

“Who? What?” Dane asked still not awake.

“Nothing it’s stupid, never mind, I’m taking off.” He stalked off thinking, ‘what a dumb idea that was. He’d never get it.’

He wanted to relax but he just couldn’t seem to do so. He ran down the street at a full sprint by the time he noticed what he was doing it was too late. His stupid feet brought him right to Treys and he cursed them. He knew he couldn’t go in even though his feet started to slow and step towards the door. He cursed again and went to spin, quarter of the way around he caught Gwen’s eyes bugging out of her head. That wasn’t good, so he kept the spin and ran. ‘Yup, I just ran away after being spotted, how freaking pathetic.’ He kept up his run working himself harder for being dumb. He wound up in front of the gym and worked himself more. He ran home and threw open the door, “Hey man, what’s going on?” Dane spoke and Ayden ignored, heading into his room slamming the door. Yup, like a teenager going to pout and a parent concerned. He slammed down on his bed then jumped up with in a second. He had to, the second he closed his eyes he saw Trey. He stalked off to the shower, let the water run cold, dressed and walked out. He just had to go see Trey, there was no other option for him.

Trey had her back turned to the door when someone walked in, “We’re closed the lights are off.”

“Well I guess that’s good, how about, out for a coffee instead of giving me a tat then?” Trey bugged her eyes at the sound of his voice looking at Gwen.

She quickly controlled herself jumping up while saying, “How about a spot of tea and crumpets to go then we can take a stroll through the park to feed the ducks. It would be oh so grand sir, please?” She looped her arm in his that was over her heart as she talked and hurried along ecstatically. Okay, sarcastically. She was completely dying inside, she didn’t even want to be close to him but wh
at other choice could she find?

“That does sound grand, m’ lady. That is if there was a pond with ducks,” He drawled in England old time tone than changed his voice, “Can you
even get crumpets now a days?”

She shrugged, “I think so, but who knows. As for a pond there is one close but I’ve never seen ducks.”

“Where to for tea then?”

“Oh honny, we are not really going for tea. You must know my reputation by now, it would ruin me for a husband.” She kept up the antics than switched, “I do not date and I already told you I would not go on one with you.”

“Where are we going than?”

“For a stroll; that I was not kidding about.” She slid her hand up his arm that was still looped in his and started to massage the front of his shoulder as they walked. He wasn’t sure what to think about it or this sudden change in the way she acted towards him but he liked it and still had to ask, “So what is this; that we are doing?”

“Were going for a walk.”


“Well… I figured it was too long of a fight to keep my feeling with you tied up and I just decided to untie them.” She shrugged, “They were starting to starve, in another week they would have been dead and I don’t like to make things die, that’s all, I guess.” She said it sincerely like all of it just made complete since. He would have to stay on his toes with her words. What he got out of it was that she wasn't gonna starve her feeling for him, she was gonna feed them and let them grow.

He really couldn’t believe his ears though, she was giving into her want for him and doing it happily; jokingly. He defiantly didn’t expect that but he did very much like it. He has never been touched by another that has made him feel the way he was at that moment. The way her hand caressed his shoulder made him want to sigh with want. “Tell me about you

“Can this walk just be quietly tonight, I want to feel the likes of walking by your side? Tomorrow we can talk.”

“Sounds fine.” It really did sound good to him. Yes, he wanted to know more about her but for some reason this was entirely fitting. They walked around a couple blocks and too quickly back to her shop. He covered her hand that was still on his shoulder with his opposite hand and turned to face her. “Tomorrow we’ll talk.” He leaned in with his eyes locked on hers as long as he could then kissed her lightly on the cheek at the last second he could wait to turn. ‘She stayed thinking I might kiss her lips,’ he thought and liked it. “Will we also be on a walk?”

“The likes of walking by your side was not all that it was cracked up to be.” She whispered in his ear. He gripped her hand tighter. “Then where will we be talking tomorrow?”

“Nowhere silly, I didn’t like the feel of walking next to you so therefore I will not be talking to you tomorrow. Sorry you missed the unspoken but implied part!” ‘Yup, it pretty much was implied.’ He cursed himself for not catching it.

She pulled away and turned her back towards him heading inside. “Funny, Trey! You apparently won again. Nice! I will see you tomorrow for a tat at the same time as usual if you don’t want to talk that’s up to you. Dream about me! Goodnight.” She slammed the door shut. She was pissed. He was not going to give up. Not even knowing she just completely fucked with him was he going to give up. She knew it wasn’t going to be easy but still she at least thought that would piss him off enough to leave her be for a bit. ‘Well, I’ll just have to work harder, next time I’ll really have to fuck with him and piss him off more.’ She wants to piss him off but she can’t talk to him. That might be hard.

She was glad that all the girls left, she really did not want them to see how messed up she was at the moment. She didn’t win shit really, she probably only managed to make him more determined and she knew it. She just wished that she could give him the same spiel she did with all the other guys to get him to leave her alone, but she certainly would not give him what he wanted. She would make him wait out the list than she would massacre him and send him on his marry friggen way. She would just have to endure the antics with the wait until, that’s
he moved up in the fights.

Yup, she had him and had him believing good. How he fell for it he really had no freaking idea. Apparently he was gullible but he never thought himself to be before. It had to be because all his other senses where turned off ‘cause of her touch. What was it with this women that got to him so badly? ‘The only thing she won was more determination from me.’ He huffed. He loved the way she felt touching him and he had to have more. There was simply no stopping his need anymore; he needed her, all of her.

She was beat, she pretty much rested all day but to be near him drained her completely. She tried to stay calm, she tried to endure his closeness, ‘Okay, not endure, I friggen liked it in a way and it drove me insane.’ It had to be because he was different, kind of like her in a way, but she couldn’t stand who he was, how he presented himself. It was like he was too much strength, too much confidence, or was it because she just wasn’t used to seeing or meeting people like that, like her in a good way. Was it a good way? She threw all those stupid thoughts out, 'he's just a test, he wants my control, screw him.' she passed out with that last thought circling in her head.

He fell asleep in sweet surrender and woke
damn determined. He thought about going to her to bring her tea than he chucked that idea even though it would have been sarcastically. He would not show her any kind of good side until she was his. ‘Can I handle that? I have to, I won’t give in. She won’t know my good side till she’s mine. I’ll have to keep surprising her to keep her and that will be a good surprise.’ He headed out to classes, went by the tree he hoped she’d be by, but wasn’t. He did school work, trained, went home to shower and to begin his newly adjusted plan. ‘It’s a good one,’ he breathed.

She went through the routine of her regular Monday a bit scrambled, but still in control. She wouldn’t say she was nervous but she couldn’t get the delay of his return to her shop tonight out of her mind. She wasn’t sure if it was the interest for the need to beat him at his own game or the unpredictable way he sometimes was. The few things that have thrown her off are the ones she wanted to see, yet those where the ones that made her lose her control. His sincerity when he stuck up for her, the truth in his eyes at certain times he looked into hers, the way he just needed the pain more than her touch; his satisfaction with pain. Certain things just through her off her game. The fact that he could walk in silence next to her, yup that got her. All of it got her; except his mouth and his obvious control and it all angered her, ‘he just wants to fight me and take my control, I will not give him what he wants, I am mine.’ Anticipation, aggravation; which one she didn’t know but it was there all the way home and she wasn’t going to be alone. She made sure that one of the girls would be with her.

“Hey honny! I’m here. Did you miss me?” She couldn’t believe her ears. She didn’t bother to look up from the work she was on, it was an older guy that had many but he respected so she concentrated or at least pretended for Ayden’s sake. “Seriously? Could you possibly be anymore pathetic?”

“Come on you called me honny. I just wanted to follow along. It was cute, right?”

“Not at all, it was pathetic, like I already said.”

“Yup, it was, I agree.” Jos said laughing. Trey shot her a look that he thought was funny but kept it to himself. Trey didn’t want Jos to think that he was amusing and he knew that was the reason for the look because if it was because she thought it was pathetic Trey wouldn’t have shot the look.

“I’d have to say, I’m a bit disappointed, I’m a regular customer that comes at the same time every night and here you are already working on another tat with someone else. I even confirmed my appointment last night.”

“I just started so it will be a while, you mine as well just comeback another time, or

“Kicking me out so soon, but I thought you wanted to
the line with me, you said so last night on our stroll to feed the ducks.”

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