We're Working On It (4 page)

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Authors: Richard Norway

Tags: #Gay Themed Y/A Novel

BOOK: We're Working On It
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“Cory?” asked Richard, seeing a state of panic envelop him.

Cory didn’t respond.

“Cory!” Richard yelled.

Hearing his name, Cory returned to this world, and then he just glared at Richard, saying nothing.

“Cory, I didn’t expect the reaction that I got from your father. Like I said, it didn’t go well.”

“So how did it go?” Cory asked defiantly.

Richard was unsure of how to say what he knew he had to say next. He knew what he had to say, but he didn’t know how Cory was going to react. Just tell him the truth was all he could come up with.

“Cory, your father doesn’t want you back there.” Richard bit his lip.

Cory was silent for a moment, showing no emotion. This surprised Richard.

“I know. He’s never wanted me.”

Richard heard those words and he had to remember back to the words Cory had used in the car last night. He knew that he should have listened to him, no, should have understood what Cory was saying to him.

“I’m sorry, Cory. I really am. I should have heard what you were trying to tell me last night.”

Cory shook his head, slowly from side to side. He knew he was on his own now. His dad had said it to Richard that he didn’t want him. He had nowhere to go now. His one night with a roof over his head was over.

He looked at Richard, directly into Richard’s eye, and what he saw startled him. He saw a sparkle. What he saw was hope. Maybe hope for him, he thought. Maybe Richard really did want to help him. Cory knew that he needed help. He had no money, nowhere to go. He knew he couldn’t even get a job because he was only 15.

“Richard? What’s going to happen to me?” Cory finally asked.

“What’s going to happen to you is that we’re going to find a better place for you to live.”

Cory continued to stare at Richard.

“But where? Who’s going to take me in?”

“Don’t worry about that yet. We’re going to find you a place, okay? Just keep believing in that.”

“But who?”

“I don’t know yet. But we’ll find somebody.”

Cory wanted to trust Richard, he really did. He wanted to believe that he might help him find a home. ‘Did Richard really care enough about me?’ he kept asking himself. If he did, Cory sure didn’t know why.

“Why are you doing this? Why are you willing to help some dumb kid that you don’t even know?” Cory asked.

“Look Cory, I want you to be safe. That’s all. Well, maybe there’s a little more to it than that. You see, there comes a time in everyone’s life when he knows that he can do something worthwhile, something that is right. Cory, I’m going to take a chance with you. Right now you need some help, and I’ve made a commitment to try to get you the help that you need.”

Richard waited for a response from Cory, but Cory silently stared at him, so he continued.

“We need to find you a place to live. You can stay here for a while until we can do that.”

“I can stay here?” Cory’s eyes opened wide.

“For the time being, yes.”

“But you don’t know anything about me. And, uh, I don’t really know you.”

“Right now Cory, I don’t think you have a choice.”

Cory thought for a moment watching Richard, his smile missing.

“I guess I have to take a chance, too, don’t I? I have nowhere else to go,” Cory finally said.

“Cory, I’m just trying to help you. You’re going to be fine. But we have a lot of work to do to find you a home.”

Richard shifted his head sideways slightly to look at Cory’s cheek.

“How’s that bruise coming?”

Cory touched his cheek, but wrenched away at his own touch.

“Let me look for a second.” Richard said as he walked to Cory and put his finger on his cheek just under the bruise. A thought startled him as he touched his skin. He had touched Cory once before, but it was through the robe. This was the first time that he had touched his skin. Cory wasn’t imaginary to Richard anymore. This game Richard was playing wasn’t a dream or fantasy. This was a real boy in front of him now. This was real. He had made a commitment, but feeling his skin, realizing this wasn’t a game, he understood how real this was. This frightened Richard.

Richard pressed ever so slightly.

Cory reacted to the pressure and threw his head back.

“That hurts, doesn’t it?” Richard asked.

“Yeah, a lot!” Cory almost yelled while throwing up his hand, holding his cheek.

“Okay. You’re going to the doctor.”

As Cory headed to the laundry room to get his clothes, Richard picked up the phone.

Knowing Dr. Stone personally, he was able to get an appointment for 60 minutes from the time he placed the call. Not only was Dr. Stone a golfing partner, he had been a friend for years.


The Doctor

As they walked into the waiting room, the receptionist called out before they had a chance to approach the window.

“Mr. Mathews?”


“Dr. Stone is expecting you. Please come with me. Oh, and here,” handing him a clipboard, “you can fill out this form while you wait for him.”

She led Cory and Richard down a hall to an examining room. As she closed the door behind them, she looked over at Cory. She had a look that could kill when she saw the bruises on his cheeks. Richard glared at her, upset that she seemed to think that he was responsible.

Cory was quiet while they waited, although he kept pacing the room looking at the posters on the walls telling him not to smoke or showing him what a liver looks like.

Within ten minutes Dr. Henry Stone walked in. His portly frame in his white coat and graying hair gave him an aura of trustworthiness and competence. He reached out toward Richard and shook his hand.

“Good to see you, Richard. How’s business been?”

“It’s actually been pretty good the last two years, but it’s been a little boring. My retirement looks pretty good, too.”

“Sounds great. Now, I guess this is the face that I’ve got to look at. You must be Cory,” Dr. Stone said as he turned to face the boy.

“Cory, meet Dr. Stone. Dr. Stone, this is Cory Anderson.”

“Nice to meet you Cory.”

“Same here, Mr. Stone, uh, Dr. Stone.”

Chuckling, Dr. Stone said, “Have a seat on the table here and let’s have a look.” Richard had known Dr. Henry Stone for almost twenty years and he had been his physician for the last ten years. Dr. Stone liked practicing family medicine as opposed to specializing. He was a strong believer in the healing power of families.

After a few minutes, the doctor looked up at Cory.

“Cory, I think I’d like to get an x-ray of your cheek bone and jaw. I don’t think you have a fracture, but I just want to make sure.”

He led Cory out of the room and as he went through the door he turned to Richard and said,

“Please wait. I need to talk to you a little bit more, alone.”

Richard knew. He waited for Dr. Stone to return knowing exactly what he was going to say. Ten minutes later, the doctor walked back into the room without Cory, closing the door rather slowly. He looked serious.

“Who did this?” the doctor demanded. “That boy has been beaten by someone, and I don’t think it was another teenager. God, I hope it wasn’t you.”

“No, it wasn’t me. For God’s sake, Henry, you know me better than that! I think his father did it, but I only have Cory’s side of the story.”

“Did you see his back?”

”No, why?”

“I was concerned about his cheek and jaw, but I wanted to check him over for any other bruises. When he took his shirt off, I saw his back.”

“What about it? What’s wrong with his back?”

“That boy’s been abused Richard. He has welts on both sides of his back. There’s also scarring that tells me that this has been going on for some time. If his father did this, he drew blood.”

“I only saw his face. I didn’t know about anything else. How bad is it, Henry?”

“Oh, Cory will heal. He’ll get better and probably with no permanent physical damage if he keeps away from whatever or whoever caused this. I’m not too sure about any emotional damage.”

After a short pause, Henry softly said, “You know I have to report this.” It was a statement, not a question.

“I know. But, how long can you hold off?”

“I can’t Richard. That boy needs to get away from whoever did this.”

Dr. Stone paused for a moment, eyes directed at Richard.

“Where is Cory staying now? Is he going back to his father?” he then asked.

“He stayed with me last night, but I’m not too sure what to do with him now. I need some time to think, and maybe talk to Mark. You know I need his legal help on this one.”

“What are you thinking, Richard?” questioned the doctor.

“I want to find out about getting Cory away from his father. But I want to do it right so it doesn’t backfire on me. From what I know about him, I think he’s a good kid. But right now that kid needs help, Henry, our help.”

“Well if he’s staying with you, than I guess I can be sure that this won’t happen at your place. But eventually, Cory has to go back to his father unless that man’s put away for the crimes I believe he’s already committed or if Child Services steps in. You keep me informed of what’s happening to Cory. If there’s a chance that he’s going back to that man, I will step in. However, I’ll give you a day or so to work something out with Mark. I’ll file my report then. You’ve got two days, Richard. I can’t hold off any longer.”

“Thanks, Henry. I’ll let you know what Mark has to say.”

Cory returned and Dr. Stone left them to wait for the x-rays to be developed.

“What’d you talk about while I was gone?” Cory asked Richard as soon as Dr. Stone had closed the door.

“We talked about where you got your bruises. He also told me that this has been going on for a while. Last night was not the first time that this happened to you, is it?”

Cory didn’t answer, just standing in front of Richard, looking at him.

Minutes later, the door swung open, and Dr. Stone walked in with an x-ray in his hand. He showed it to Richard and Cory, explaining that there were no fractures and that Cory could go after he wrote a prescription for pain killers in case Cory had trouble moving his jaw while eating or talking and an antibiotic cream for the cuts on his back.

Dr. Stone and Richard shook hands and made another date for golf for the following week.

As they left the back office area and returned to the waiting room, the receptionist asked for the form back. Richard handed it to her and turned to leave.

She looked at the form, but her attention went quickly back to Richard. She called out after him.

“What’s the name of the patient? You didn’t put it down here.” Richard shot a look back to her.

“Cory...Cory Mathews.”

Cory’s body jolted as he heard this. He wondered what in the world Richard had meant when he used his own last name with Cory’s. Cory knew that Richard wasn’t his father. Having a father again was a dream he knew was never to come true for him.

When Cory and Richard got back in the car, Richard was agitated. He started the engine, looked directly at Cory for a moment and instead of driving away, picked up his cell phone and entered a number. Richard was calling his attorney, Mark Lingstrom. After a moment of waiting for the phone to be answered, he spoke.

“Hello. Is Mark there?”


“This is Richard Mathews.”


“Hello Mark. Listen. Can I see you today? It’s very important, Mark.”


“I know, Mark. I know, but this is really important.”


“Okay. I’ll see you then.”

Richard flipped the cell phone closed and turned toward Cory.

“Listen, Cory. I’m going over to see my attorney. I want you to stay at home until I get back, okay?”

“What’s this about? Are you still trying to get me back to my dad?”

“No! If I have anything to say about it, you’ll never have to go back there. You just relax while I try to figure out what to do.”

“Cool,” was all that Cory said but he gazed at Richard for a while. He didn’t know what this adult was up to. He sure didn’t trust him totally yet.

Richard dropped Cory off back at his house, made sure he knew how to work the TV remote, knew where the soda was, and then he headed out the door. Richard was on a mission.


The New Home

Cory was glued to the TV when Richard returned from Mark’s office.

“How about some lunch?” Richard asked interrupting Cory’s TV world. “Let’s go out and stuff ourselves, and then I think we need to go shopping for some clothes for you. I don’t think you should go back to your dad’s to pick up anything right now. If you have anything that you really need back there, we can work on it. But for now, let’s make a clean break from your past and look forward to your new future.”

“OK, but what about my dad?” Cory asked. This was more important than having lunch right now.

“Okay. I guess I’m getting ahead of myself.” Richard had to get his words in order, because he knew that what he was about to say and ask was going to rock Cory’s world.

“All right, turn off the TV. There’s a few things I need to tell you, and some things I need to ask you.”

Cory knew that something big was about to happen, something he knew he wasn’t prepared for. He was not prepared to go back to his father and dreaded this conversation. He told himself that he was going to have to be prepared to run again.

Richard took a chair across from Cory, watching him for a moment.

“Cory, would you like a home, one that you can feel safe in?” That took Cory by complete surprise. He had been prepared for Richard to tell him that he had to go back. But then the thought of a real home, one that he felt safe in, one that he might even be loved again in, shook his sensibilities. He’d thought that was never going to happen, because no one wanted a teenager. If Richard had found him a home...Cory couldn’t finish the thought.

“Yeah, more than anything, I guess. Have you found someone who I can live with? This is awfully quick.”

“Yeah, I think I have.”

Richard had to watch Cory’s reaction, because he knew that this would be crucial.

“How would you like it if you could stay here?”

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