WereCat Fever (7 page)

Read WereCat Fever Online

Authors: Eliza March

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance

BOOK: WereCat Fever
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Several of the town regulars played pool in the back, early arrivals were renewing old acquaintances, and O’Malley looked pleased as a proud poppa with the turn out. Tonight was a precursor to tomorrow’s more formal events at the country club. This evening, the old man was reaping the rewards of maintaining the local watering hole for over thirty years. Young and old remembered downing their first legal beer at this bar. After the jubilee parade and the town festivities, everyone would end up back here tomorrow night.

Lacey turned to Thomas, who was getting desperate for her attention and had started shouting her name above the music.

“Be right there,” she yelled back. Squeezing between the tables, she headed to the bar and her friends.

“Hey, great turn out,” she said when Thomas stood.

“Yup. Plenty of alumni to brain pick.” He winked and offered her the seat between Keiran and Donna before he walked up to a few guys she didn’t recognize and began talking.

“Thanks for saving me a seat. I don’t think my feet could hold up for five minutes more.”

“No problem.” Keiran handed her a mug and poured her a beer.

The four of them had spent every free minute for the past two months hashing out the jubilee details. Earlier, they finished the last of the plans and intended to wind down with a few beers and wings.

“Did you order?”

“Yeah. Thomas is drinking bottled. We ordered a pitcher and wings. They should be out soon. Figured you’d missed lunch as usual,” Donna said. “You’ve been too busy working on the jubilee to eat properly, girl.”

The idea of tomorrow sent a chill up Lacey’s spine and her stomach turned to lead. “I’m sure Keiran and Thomas filled you in on my medical issues. I haven’t had much of an appetite.”

Donna smiled. “No secrets between us. Hope Doc has an answer soon. You look good.”

Thomas returned. “She does look better… Mmmm, in fact, you look incredible.” He released a low hiss when he bent in to kiss her hello.

She brushed off the compliment. “Get serious, Thomas.”

He might be the hottest-looking cowboy around, but she knew his secret passion. He wasn’t playing solely for the home team. He made no secret anymore about swinging both ways. A nice cowgirl with a pretty cowboy accessory was his preference. A ménage was always more to his liking than vanilla sex with either. As far as Lacey was concerned, for those and so many other reasons, he was not her first choice for dating material.

He ignored her rebuff and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

“Donna, everything all set for the parade tomorrow?” Lacey asked.

“Yup, everything’s set to go off as planned thanks to you. Now, if only I can just find something…or someone…interesting to do tonight.” Donna Barton owned the spa, the bookstore, and the bridal shop. At thirty, she was single, sexy, and too smart for her own good. Lacey watched her roll her eyes to her left. The brawny-looking cowboy, in jeans and a shirt wrapped so tightly across his chest Lacey worried he’d pop his snaps, did a quick turn in Donna’s direction. He whipped around to the flashy redhead, looked her Barbie doll body up and down, and gave her a slow smile and an interested grin.

So much for Donna’s company for the rest of the evening, Lacey thought and turned to her other team member. “Keiran? How’s the country club?”

“Ready! Luv ya, Lace, but I’m done, and more than ready to put my feet up.” Keiran blushed. Putting her feet up was their euphemism for getting it on. From the number of times Lacey heard Keiran mention she was putting her feet up lately, she and Jack must be fucking like bunnies.

“I’m only hanging with you guys until Jack gets off work.” She looked at her phone when it vibrated with the text message. “The tests say tonight is right,” she whispered. “Oh, that’s him now. He’s coming by to pick me up.”

“I guess that leaves you with me.” Thomas smiled at Lacey and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at her.

“Yeah, so what’s new?”

His gaze dropped to her breasts when she reached for the pitcher next to him. “That dress for starters.”

She followed his stare, shook her head, and glared at him while she poured beer in her mug. “What the hell’s the matter with you?”

“What? I like that dress.”

He let out a low moan when she took a deep breath.

“Since when did you suddenly become a breast man?”

“I’m not. I’m an ass man. I like your ass, too. What’s wrong with appreciating it all?” He whispered, “Besides, I seldom get to play with tits as pretty as yours.”

“Humph. Men. You are so easily distracted with sex.”

“There’s something to be said for sex. You should try it sometime. Now, really, what are these for?” He reached out with the side of his fingers and lightly touched the tassels holding the bodice of her dress together.

“Oh. Uhh, I guess decoration.”

He shook his head once, tilted the bottle in his hand to her breasts, and raised his brows. “Those don’t need any decoratin’, hon.” He took a long swig from the beer, never taking his eyes off her. “They’re puurrfect.”

His unabashed interest in her cleavage almost made her laugh. “Really, Thomas, I don’t know how to respond.”

“If I tug on these, what happens to this dress?” His fingers teased at the tassels.

“Don’t even think about it.” Lacey narrowed her eyes at him and grinned. “Are you comin’ on to me?”

“What if I am?”

Tonight the pain made her think about drowning in sex and putting everything else out of her mind. Thomas would be up to the challenge. He shouldn’t tempt her like this. “Don’t.”

“Why not?” he asked.

“I’d say, you better be careful. Watch out if you’re not serious. Tonight, I just might take you up on the offer and try to lure you away from your usual fare.”

“You wouldn’t have to try to lure me. I’ve been waiting forever for you to succumb to my charms. Besides, I don’t have a usual fare. You know me. I have no preference as long as the fare’s hot and sassy.”

“I’m serious—”

“I’m never serious. So what? But I’m serious where you’re concerned, my friend.”

“Hate to interrupt your rotten attempt at seduction, Tommy…” Keiran rolled her eyes at Thomas and handed Lacy her beer. “Here, you might need this if you even consider his offer. Jack is here. I’m heading home.”

“Why do you insist on calling me by my elementary school nickname?” Thomas huffed. “It’s so childish.”

“Sorry, Tom—Thomas. Old habits and all… I’ll leave you two to your own vices.”

“Thanks, I’ll have you know I have no vices.” Lacey laughed. “I’ve spent years cleaning up my act.”

“Gotta go.” Keiran wriggled her fingers in a good-bye wave. “Good night, kiddies. You, too, Donna. See ya tomorrow.”

Donna waved over her shoulder but kept her attention focused on the cowboy.

“Well, back to vices. I have enough for both of us,” Thomas announced.

“Well, now everyone knows that.”

He really was handsome and sexy. Cupping her chin with his cool hands, he turned her face and tilted it so she had to look up to stare him in the eyes. He was close enough that she could feel his breath on her lips.

“You’re playin’ with fire,” she reminded him.

“Hmm, fire? Jalapeño hot?” He pecked her on the lips playfully and fanned his lips. “Mmm. Hot!”

She chuckled. There was no way to stay annoyed with him. “Yes. Extra spicy jalapeno.”

“You know I prefer my fare extra spicy and would never turn away from a little variety, hon. Especially, if you’re on the menu.”

“You are flirty tonight.” She pecked him back on the lips and laughed.

“Hey, I have a few friends who’d like some hot ménage action.” He shifted his eyes in the direction of the men he’d spoken to earlier. “We could both get lucky.” His laugh was low and naughty.

Lacey choked on the beer from the mug she’d put to her lips. Her face flushed while she tried to catch her breath.

When she did, she spit out a sound of disgust. Then, suddenly, the picture of two men making love to her set her insides all aflutter. Not that she would ever consider doing anything like that, let alone with her best friend. She looked at him and memories of them hunting grasshoppers washed through her mind.

She giggled.
No. Never Thomas.
She loved him…but not like that. “Eww!”

“I think it’s exactly what you need, and I’d be honored to introduce you to the steamier side of erotic lovemaking, especially if I get a crack at the dark haired guy, too.”

“Oh, how my heart is all aflutter with your generous offer. But darlin’, I’m not ready to be your wingman.” She glared at him and punched his arm playfully. “You’re my friend, Thomas. Sex with you would be…just…gross.”

His handsome smile disappeared. “Oh, thanks for stomping all over my ego.”

“Don’t look at me like that. You know what I mean.”

“You’re one of the few women who’s ever really interested me.”

“Really? Liar. I’ve heard too many stories about your many conquests. All of them. I’m not flattered. Even if it was the truth, I know why you want me. I’m one of the few who can resist you. I’ve seen you in diapers.”

“And out of them. There’s more to me now.” He ran a hand around her waist and bent to kiss her neck. His hard cock pressed against her thigh when he kissed his way to her ear. “See. And I like your firm, round ass, hon. I’ve always dreamed about taking you there while some stud pounds into mine.”

“Oh, my God, Thomas. Too. Much. Information!” She inhaled and swallowed. The thought was so outrageous she couldn’t even think of a comment.

“Are you blushing, Lacey? I didn’t think there was anything I could say anymore that could make you blush. Uh, unless… Are you thinking about it?” He released a loud snort. “Tell me you are.”

“Hush!” Her cheeks were hot. “I am not thinking about it. Why are you doing this to me tonight?”

They’d been close all their lives. He’d always been there for her and for Bryan. Tonight Thomas’s behavior was way out of character.

“Why can’t we be BFWB?”


“Best friends with benefits! Everyone’s doing it.”

“Not us. I want to stay best friends.”

“Tomorrow is the reunion. You going with anyone?”

“N–no…” What was he getting at?

“He’ll be there… I saw his name on the list.” Thomas lifted his beer and turned away from her. “Are you going to be all right?”

“Is that what this is all about? Oh, please tell me you’re not offering me a pity fuck, Thomas.”

“Pity?” He had the audacity to laugh in her face. “Dance with me, Lacey.” He shook his head and pressed his finger to her lips when she started to object. “Humor me and shush.”

He pulled her off the barstool, took her glass out of her hand, and put it on the bar. “Keep your eye on our drinks, Donna.”

She nodded, still not turning her attention away from the cowboy with the tight shirt and biceps to die for. Before Lacey knew where she was heading, she and Thomas were moving through the tight-knit crowd toward the back of the dance floor.

He hauled her into his embrace and whispered, “Watch the guys who are hanging around back here, and then ask me that question again.” He cocked a brow in the direction of a few ranch hands she recognized. A couple of them had tried to get her attention when she came into town for supplies. Billy Trenton had even ridden out to the ranch, making an excuse to see her over some old tires he heard she was looking at for her tractor. Sure, she was aware several of the guys were interested, but they’d been easy enough to refuse.

Thomas put his hands on her hips and walked her out to the middle of the dance floor, leaned into her ear, and said, “There’s not a male breathing who would consider you a pity fuck. Trust me. I’m about to prove it to you.”

“You’re gay—”

“Correction. Bi. I know what I am and you should be flattered it’s never prevented my dick from getting hard around you.”

“I’m not flattered. You should be more discriminating.”

“I’d jump at the chance to bury myself inside your ass while some nice cowboy rides your pussy.” He pulled her tighter to him, and rubbed himself against her mound to prove it. “Or vice versa. I like to be fucked while I’m fucking. So sue me.”

“Slut,” she whispered as he swung her out of his embrace.

Thomas opened his mouth wide, threw his head back, and laughed. “So true, hon. So true.”

Then he enfolded her in his arms and two-stepped her around the dance floor to the music, swinging her out so hard her skirt flew high, wrapping around her hips. And she wondered how much ass cheek she’d flashed. Her T-backs wouldn’t hide much.

Before long, Lacey’s curiosity got the better of her and she did as he suggested. The men standing around had stopped what they were doing to watch. Some adjusted jeans. Some stuck a hand in a pocket—some stuck both hands in their pockets to make more room for the bulges. She noticed the narrowed eyes, an occasional pull on their drinks, and long, hard swallows. They kept their eyes glued to her until the music paused.

“Thanks,” she said when Thomas pulled her back against his large frame. “I feel better.”

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