Werewolf Upstairs (10 page)

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Authors: Ashlyn Chase

BOOK: Werewolf Upstairs
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He pushed his cock against her sex. The head of his erection filled her passageway.

“Such a sweet little pussy. So warm and wet.”

She squirmed, trying to take more of him inside. She was so close, and if he weren’t buried balls deep and pounding into her within a couple of seconds, she was going to slug him.

He growled as if he’d heard her. Maybe he had. A light thrust.

“More,” she cried.

Another thrust, deeper this time.

“More, more!”

At last, he thrust deep. Again and again. His cock buried itself in her body and filled her. Finding his rhythm, he pounded against her clit.

Her teeth clenched.
That feels so good.

You’re mine. Do you hear me? Mine.

I hear you. I want you. You’re mine too.

His body slammed into hers again and again. “Come for me.”

Ripples of bliss radiated through her core and spread everywhere. Her breathing became shallow and rapid as she built to her peak. At last the contractions began, and she spasmed with glorious release. She let out a choked cry, and he swallowed it, covering her mouth with his.

Still he pumped into her…hard, deep thrusts that rocked her body, and then she felt him shudder. His pelvis jerked and heat flooded her center. He rode her a little longer before he finally stilled and panted.

Roz panted too. She felt completely limp, yet held on with her arms around his neck and her ankles locked around his hips. They stayed that way, with his cock still buried inside her, until their breathing returned to normal.

He carried her easily to the bedroom and lowered her to the mattress. His lashes barely shaded shining blue eyes so expressive she didn’t need telepathy. Wordlessly they lay beside each other and slipped into a warm embrace.

“Next time, I’ll seduce you, with lots of foreplay. I’ll make you beg me to fuck you.”

“When?” She giggled.

“As soon as you can take it, honey.”

“I’ll recover as fast as I can.”

Chapter 6

Roz and Konrad sat at her writing desk, needing a brief respite from sex. Her vagina felt well used. She’d never experienced soreness from fucking too much before, but she was pleased to have done so at least once.

She scrawled a heading at the top of a legal pad.

“Shouldn’t it be ‘hot dates?’” Konrad asked, twirling her hair around his finger.

Roz grinned at him. “I’m sure some of them are bound to be. Now concentrate. We’re supposed to be thinking of how we can have fun and discover new ways to make a living at the same time.”

“How practical do these ideas have to be?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. Go nuts, I guess. We can always cross things off the list if they’re too ridiculous.”

“That’s true.” He leaned over and blew in her ear.

“Cut that out.” She couldn’t help the grin that contradicted her words. “What’s impractical that you were thinking of?”

He shifted and cleared his throat. If she wasn’t mistaken, she’d think he was embarrassed.

“Come on, you. Out with it.”

“I was thinking…how about dance instructors? You see those shows with celebrities learning to dance in a matter of weeks. Think how good we might get in six months, and it looks like all kinds of fun.”

Roz squealed and clapped her hands. “Fantastic idea. I’ve always wanted to dance like that.”

“Okay, then.” He smiled, showing lots of teeth. “Let’s start the list with that.”

“This is a great idea. I think all kids should do this before high school. Maybe more would discover their bliss.”

“Yeah, we could call it the Bliss List.”

Roz laughed. “One can always hope it leads to finding our bliss…outside the bedroom, that is.”

He playfully nipped her ear and growled.

“Don’t start, buddy. We need to concentrate on this.”

“Okay.” He sighed. “How about you? Is there anything else you’ve been dying to try but never pursued?”

“Like skydiving?”

“Skydiving! You mean you’d jump out of a perfectly good airplane that wasn’t going down in flames?”

She chuckled. “I take it you’re not into that idea.”

“Talk about
to try something.”

“I’m sure it’s not that dangerous, or we’d hear more about it on the news.” She lifted one eyebrow. “You’re not scared, are you?”

“Of course not. I was just teasing. Actually it never occurred to me, but I’ll try it. I hear some people get really addicted to it.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard that too. Some even compare it to bliss.”

“But how would that translate into a job?”

“Maybe we could join some of those fancy dive teams, or we could get certified as instructors after a few hours.”

“How few?”

“I don’t know, but I’ll look into it later. Let’s not stop brainstorming while the ideas are flowing.”

Konrad paced with his hands in his pockets. “Okay. Let’s think of a few more ideas.” Suddenly he halted. “I know, cooking school! We could take a couple of cooking classes, and if preparing food is something we feel passionate about, we could go to culinary school and open a restaurant.”

“Yeah, the cooking part sounds like fun. I might like to become head chef, but I’ll let someone else own and run the place. That sounds like more headaches than bliss.”

“Good idea. Let’s see if the cooking really turns us on, first. Then if we really like the idea of owning our own place and think the headaches would be worth it, we can follow up after that.”

“There’s the practical side. I knew you had one.”

Konrad raised an eyebrow. “Hey, you were the one who said to dream big. ‘Go big or go home,’ I believe you said. So should I go home?”

“No. Don’t you dare! Here, I’m putting it all on the list.” Roz wrote “cooking classes, culinary school, chefs, maybe own restaurant.”

Konrad gazed over her shoulder. “Good. All in the right order, too. See how easily a plan springs from a goal?”

“Yup. I see quite well. Now, what else? Do you have any musical talent?”

“Music appreciation is about all I can offer. I don’t think that’s an occupation.”

“Okay, it would probably take too long to learn to play anything but the kazoo, and I’m not willing to practice for years and hope the symphony has an opening someday. What else ya got?”

“I like photography, and I’ve even fantasized about being a filmmaker from time to time.”

Roz narrowed her eyes. “What kind of filmmaker?”

“The legitimate kind. Besides, the only porno I want to make is with you, babe.”

She chuckled. “Ugh, no. I’m on board with anything else you want to film. Should I write photography or filmmaker or both?”

“Why not put them both down. We can try one and then the other. If one type doesn’t speak to us, the other one might.”

“True. Hey, maybe we could try acting or directing.”

“Acting is out,” Konrad said.


“Look, you’d make a beautiful leading lady, but if you think I’m going to let some other dude play a love scene with you—”

There’s that jealous streak again. I can’t decide if I love it or hate it.
Come to think of it—
“I never thought about that. Yeah, I wouldn’t like to see you smooching the collagen off some Hollywood starlet, either.”

“Good. Maybe we’re getting a little unpractical. Let’s think of something less lofty.”

Roz tapped the paper. “How about bartending? I’ve heard bartending school is only a two-week course.”

“Really? That could work. Tips on a busy weekend night can be tremendous, and if we’re working together, who needs to worry about going out to a club or bar on a Saturday night? We’re already there.”

“And eventually we could own a place where everybody knows our names.”

Konrad laughed. “Sounds like our apartment building.”

“Yeah, that might be nice, except there are still some residents I haven’t met.”

“That’s right. I’ve been completely selfish and monopolized all your free time. I should take you around and introduce you.”

“Would you? That would be great. I haven’t even met my neighbor across the hall yet.”

He groaned.


“Oh, nothing. Nathan can be a good guy, but he’s an acquired taste.”

“Well, then, I should start getting used to him, right?”

He nodded, albeit reluctantly. “Okay. Let’s do this.”


Roz put her hand on Konrad’s arm and stopped him before he knocked on Nathan’s door. “Why did Dottie call him ‘Nasty Nathan?’”

“I have no idea. Probably something she imagined.”

“Dottie sounds like a piece of work. I wonder what she’s going to tell people about me.”

“She’ll probably like you, as long as I don’t make you howl too loud. You live right beneath her, and I live across the hall. She had a problem with the girls on the third floor making sex noises. We’ll have to try it in the laundry room.” He winked.

“Maybe she isn’t getting any.”

“That’s entirely possible. She’s way too uptight. Now, are you ready to meet Nathan?”

Roz took a deep breath. “Sure.”

Konrad rapped on the door. They waited a minute and heard several locks clicking on the other side of the door.

Wow, Nathan seems serious about safety.

He’s a little eccentric. Weird sense of humor, but don’t let him get to you. He does it for shock value.

The door opened partially, with one last chain remaining between them and the man inside.

“Can I help you?”

Konrad stepped into Nathan’s line of sight. “Hi, Nathan. Open up. I want to introduce you to our new neighbor.”

“Oh. Just a second.”

The door closed, and after some metal rasping against metal, Nathan opened it wide and stepped into the hallway. He wore a black, open-collared shirt and black jeans. Other than jet-black hair and alert black eyes, there was little to distinguish him.

“This is Roz Wells. She moved into Merry’s place across the hall.”

One side of his mouth turned up. “Roz Wells, huh?”

Roz extended her hand. “Yeah, I’m sure my parents weren’t cruel enough to do that to me intentionally.”

He took her hand and shook it. “Maybe they did. Easy to remember. Do you believe in aliens?”

That’s an odd opening question. Must be part of his eccentric charm.
“My experience is too limited for me to voice an opinion.”

“Too bad,” Nathan said.

Too bad?
She glanced at Konrad, and he lifted his shoulders.

“What do you do?” she asked.

“I work in a morgue.” He smiled and waited. Probably looking for a reaction, as Konrad had said.

She wouldn’t give it to him. “Oh, that must be interesting work.”

“Not really. Dead is dead is dead. Not much changes.”

“I suppose you’re right.”

“So what do you do?”

“I’m a lawyer.”

Konrad was quick to add, “But she doesn’t care for it and wants to find another line of work.”

Nathan cocked his head. “There’s an opening at the morgue. I don’t suppose you see dead people.”

“Uh, no. I’ve watched Morgaine channel a spirit, but that’s about it.”

“That’s good. You’d be perfect to work at a morgue then. You might even pick up some business for your other line of work.”

“Excuse me? What do you mean?”

“Ambulance chasing. Oh, but by that time it’s too late, isn’t it?”

A frown formed before she could stop it, and Nathan laughed.

Damn. He got me, didn’t he?

Seems like.

“Well, it’s awfully nice of you to tell me about the job opening, but I think I’ll stick to what I’m doing for now.”

Nathan smirked. “Suit yourself.”

Roz rested her hand against Konrad’s bicep. “We should get going. I don’t want to be late for my…thing.” She gestured in circles.

“Oh yeah, the…thing. I almost forgot.” Konrad put an arm around Roz. “Well, I just wanted to introduce you two. I guess my job is done.”

“I guess so,” Nathan said.

“Nice to meet you, Nathan. I’m sure I’ll see you around.”

“Maybe,” he said and retreated to his apartment. Several clicks indicated he was relocking his door—a lot.

“You were right. He’s an odd bird.”

Konrad snorted. “You have no idea. Okay, so you’ve met Nathan from your floor, Dottie and me from the second floor, and Morgaine and Chad. Are you up to meeting the rest of the third floor?”

“Um, I’m not sure. Should I?”

“Why not? Are you nervous?”

“Nervous doesn’t exactly cover it. Maybe it’s best to take the introductions in small doses.”

“Are we ‘weirding’ you out?”

“It might help to meet someone who’s a little more normal…and wears a color other than black. Is there such a person in this building?”

Konrad slapped a big hand over his mouth and looked like he was trying not to burst out laughing.


He shook his head. “Oh, sweetheart. If you’re looking for normal, you came to the wrong place. The only person like that would be Joe, the private detective, and he, knowingly, has a ghost as a roommate.”

“Oh. Ohhhkaaay. It looks like my train stopped at Freak Central Station.”

“Maybe we should go back to that list and sign up for some classes,” Konrad suggested.

“Probably a good idea. Who needs to know all their neighbors anyway?”

He chuckled, making her more nervous than she already was.


“I’m so glad we called when we did. One day later, and we’d have missed the deadline to register for these classes,” Roz said.

“Yeah, I’m looking forward to gliding around the dance floor with you.” Konrad placed a hand on Roz’s waist and she placed her hand on his shoulder the way the dance instructors had demonstrated.

“Yeah, and I’m not the most patient man in the world. How long would we have had to wait for the next session? Six weeks?”

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