Wet and Wilde (17 page)

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Authors: Tawny Taylor

BOOK: Wet and Wilde
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She raised herself up and slammed back down again, watching Josh’s scorching expression as he watched her body work. His gaze strayed from her face to her tits then down to their joining before winding back up to her face.

“This is what making love is all about.” He held out his palms. “Hold my hands.”

She took his hands in hers, and felt the electric charge zap through her body again, kick-starting her heart, stealing her breath, and rocketing to her pussy where it ignited an explosion so powerful she practically fell over. She dropped forward against Josh’s chest, and more electricity surged through her body until every muscle was convulsing. Josh rolled her onto her back and rammed that cock deep and hard, over and over.

“Oh God!” Those mind-melting contractions wouldn’t end. They just kept going, and going, and going.

Then Josh sucked in a deep breath, blasted out a cry and stiffened, sending his cum deep inside.

As she struggled to catch her breath, snuggled safe and warm against Josh’s chest, she uttered three words, “I love you.”

Would she really have to leave this place and return to her life? Or could she just stay there forever?

* * * * *

The next day—Monday, ugh!—was so normal, Jane almost went crazy with boredom, at least until lunch. Then, true to form, Diana got in Jane’s face and things got ugly.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Diana slammed her fist on the table. “You aren’t marrying him so soon! I love you, but are you insane?”

“I’m not kidding.”

Diana reached out and knocked on Jane’s skull. “Hello? Is anyone home?”

“My mental capacity is firmly in place.” Jane dumped a blob of ketchup on her plate and tried to act like her friend’s sarcasm wasn’t hurting.

“Damn. I was hoping this change was temporary. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you’ve lost it, sweetie.”

“Maybe you’re just jealous.” Jane’s stomach was tied in knots she hated confrontation so much, but she tried to eat. She popped a French fry into her mouth and washed it down with a swig of soda.

“Jealous? Me? Not a chance.”

“You said yourself he wouldn’t give you the time of day. Remember? You know, I understand if you’re jealous. I think I would be if things were reversed.”

“If it had bothered me, I’d never have introduced you to him. I wouldn’t have told him all about you, either. I practically gave him your social security number. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to tell you who you can and cannot date, but I’m worried about you. You’ve changed. I thought you might date for a while, take things safe and slow like the Jane I used to know and love.”

“Well, maybe that Jane is gone.”

“I don’t know if I like this Jane. She’s pretty damn crazy. Then again, crazy isn’t all bad.”

“And you’re not?” Jane smiled, trying to ease the tension. She took a sip of cola and tried to sort out the thoughts racing through her mind. “Please, try to understand. I didn’t expect you to jump with joy—not that I wouldn’t have appreciated that—but I was hoping for quiet acceptance. I’m happier than I’ve ever been. I can’t stop thinking about him. I want to be with him. All the time.”

Diana resumed eating, taking a dainty bite of her burger. That was a good sign. At least she’d chilled out enough to eat. “I can understand that. What if he’s not what you think, though?”

“I don’t believe he’s anything but what I’ve seen.”

“Not all people are honest, you know.”

“I know that. I’m not a baby.”

“Well, you’re not exactly acting like a responsible adult right now—”

Jane shoved the rest of her lunch into the bag and shook her head. “You’re being mean, and I don’t need to sit here and take that. I can get that back at the office from asshole.” She stood and reached for her glass.

Diana caught her wrist. “Sorry. Please, stay. I’m just worried about you. Can’t a friend worry?”

Jane sat. “Yes. But do you have to be such a ball buster all the time? Try to understand where I’m coming from.”

“I think I understand more than you do. That’s why I’m having such a problem with this. I’m not trying to be mean. Your divorce was final only weeks ago, and now you’re jumping into another marriage.”

When put that way, it did sound alarming.

Diana continued. “I think you’re grieving and lonely and jumping at the first opportunity to regain what you think you’ve lost.”

That makes sense, but it’s not true. How can I make her see that?
“I might be lonely, but I think I’m way past the grief part.”

“What’s wrong with just slowing things down a little? Maybe a lengthy engagement?”

“Listen.” Jane leveled her gaze at Diana’s worried face. “I’m fine. I’m over what’s-his-name. Way over. I’ve found the most amazing man I’ve ever met. We fit together in every way. I never felt that way about Greg, even when things were good. I just know this is right. Try to be happy for me. Please.”

“I can’t. Not yet. Marrying him this early will be a mistake.”

Jane stood and shook her head. “I’m sorry then. I was hoping you’d be more supportive, maybe even agree to be my maid of honor. I guess I’ll ask Carmen instead.”

“She won’t either.”

“Let her tell me that for herself then, and quit being such a pushy, manipulative bitch.” Jane shoved the door open and charged out to the parking lot.

Diana followed her, catching her arm. Her eyes wet with tears. Her lips trembled. “Please. I’m sorry. I’m doing it because I love you.” She cried, her sniffles and quiet sobs soothing Jane’s anger. “Someday, when you’re left pregnant and penniless and big restaurateur—or whatever the hell he is—Josh has dumped you for a younger bimbo, you’ll see that. Just like you did last time.”

“I appreciate your worry, but that was different. Greg was an ass right from the start. Josh would never do what Greg did.”

“Don’t ever say never.”

“Josh didn’t go for you, did he?”

Diana’s eyes widened and she released Jane’s arms. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I know Greg was hot on your ass from day one.”

“He was not!”

“Whatever.” Jane opened her car door and sat. “Come on, or we’ll be late.”

“I can’t believe you just inferred I was after Greg. You know what I think of that rat.”

“I was not inferring anything. I was just pointing out that he likes your type. I have no idea why that man married me. Then, compare Greg to Josh. Josh isn’t attracted to you, not that I can understand it since every man I know thinks you’re hot. But I appreciate it because that means he won’t stray. Get my logic?”

“That is some of the most convoluted logic I’ve ever heard…outside of my own.” Diana sat in the passenger seat and closed the door. “So, when’s the wedding?”

“Does that mean you’ll be my maid of honor?”

“I guess.” Diana smiled. “I can’t let my best friend down, even if I think she’s making a big…huge…colossal… mistake.”

Jane ignored the jitters parading down her spine. “That’s left to be seen.” She drove back to the office, gave Diana a quick wave, and headed back to her cubicle, stacked high with work she simply hadn’t been able to concentrate on earlier.

And that wasn’t any easier now, either.

Although Jane’s mind was busy hopping back and forth between her work and Josh, time dragged by at a slug’s jogging pace. Finally, the five o’clock hour lumbered by, and she cleaned her desk and shut off her computer.


Chapter 14

Food and sex naturally fit together, like sand and surf or birthdays and chocolate cake.


Josh stood on her front porch, a giant cooler that could practically fit a dead cow sat at his feet. A naughty smile spread over his face.

Oh boy! She parked the car and half-ran, half-skipped up the walkway. “Hi.”

“Hi.” He gazed down at her with eyes that shone with hunger. “I brought dinner.”

“Oh.” No wonder she saw hunger. She unlocked the front door and held it open for him as he hefted the giant cooler into her living room.

Then, just as she was about to let it fall closed, he caught it. “I have a few more things outside.” He looked like a kid on Christmas, giddy and playful.

“Okay.” She alternately glanced at the cooler and back outside. What was he up to?

He carried in a duffel bag and dropped it next to the cooler. “Okay. Are you hungry?”


“Good! Strip.”

“Strip what?”

There was that wicked grin again. “Yourself.”

“I have to eat naked?”

He wrinkled his nose. “Eating off of clothing isn’t very pleasant.”


“You get lint in your food.”

“You’re making no sense.”

“Trust me and take off your clothes.”

“Okay.” She slowly shed her clothes, beginning with her jacket, and not for a single fraction of a moment was she unaware of his increasingly hot gaze on her. It was like a laser beam, heating her skin wherever it traveled, down her throat, over her breasts, down her stomach and between her legs.

Her knees were a little wobbly.

“You are absolutely stunning. Perfect.”

She felt her cheeks flame. “Your turn.”

His gaze riveted to her face, he shed his shirt, exposing those amazing abs and arms—yum! That sight alone was enough to stir her appetite. Then he slid off his shoes and socks and worked his pants down his legs. A pair of black athletic boxers hugged his balls and erection, and she felt her pussy practically drip with need.

Off came the shorts, and she was face to face with a fully nude Josh, a man who possessed the world’s most perfect body.

“Now, we eat.”

She could think of a million other things she’d like to do first. “Okay.”

He rummaged through the duffel bag and pulled out a big blue thing. Plastic? What? He moved the coffee table and side chairs, creating a large open area in the middle of the living room, then unfolded the large plastic tablecloth, nearly the size of a single bedspread, and laid it on the floor. “Don’t want to ruin your nice floor.”


Next he opened the cooler, and she listened to clinking and clunking. He pulled out a bottle of wine and sat, leaning casually against the couch base. With a pat on the floor, he welcomed her to sit next to him.

“Where are the glasses?”

“We don’t need them.”

How else was there to drink wine? Out of the bottle like a bum? Well, she wasn’t too good to do that, she supposed.

“Lie down.”

That wasn’t what she’d expected. Was he going to pour it down her throat? She’d choke for sure! “I’m not much into drinking games—”

“Trust me. Just lie down. I won’t hurt you.”

Her body tingled with anticipation as she lay down. What was he going to do?

On his knees, he scooted around to her side then held the bottle over her stomach and poured a small puddle onto her belly. He grinned, and she giggled, making the wine spill over her side and trickle down to the floor.

He pouted. “You spilled my wine.”

She bit her lip, trying not to laugh. “Sorry.”

He gave an exaggerated sigh and poured more. “Now hold still.” Then he leaned down and licked the wine off her skin.

Wow! What a feeling, his tongue laving her stomach, dipping suggestively into her belly button. She felt her nerves come alive, impulses jumping and charging through her body. She bent her legs and tipped her pelvis up as he worked his way down.

When he kissed her, the flavor of the wine, melded with the taste of her skin and him shot flaming cannonballs to her pussy. His kiss was slow, dipping and delving into every region of her mouth. His soft lips worked in unison with his tongue in a kiss that was quickly draining her lungs and brain.

She needed his touch. Between her legs.

He sat up, smiled, and held up the bottle. “Would you care for some? It’s rude to drink alone.”

She couldn’t imagine wine tasting better than off that man’s body. “Sure. I’m game!” She waited for him to lie down, then poured a small puddle onto his stomach. Unlike on her, it ran in streams between his developed stomach muscles, not that it mattered. Merely a taste was all she wanted.

What a taste she got! Who would have thought wine could taste so good. She felt a warm buzz spread through her body, carried away from her stomach in pleasant waves. “Yum.”

She straddled him, her pussy wet and ready and rubbed it up and down his erection. He caught her hips, holding them hostage and not allowing her to slide down that glorious cock.

“Not yet, love. We still have to eat.”

Eat? Like hell! She was ready to fuck.

He gently set her on the mat and sat up. “I’m glad you’re so receptive, but it’s more fun to make yourself wait.”

“Maybe for you. I’m impatient.”

He laughed and pulled out a small container of something. “Lie on your stomach.”

She did as he asked, resting her head on her crossed arms, and felt something warm and smooth dripping on her back and ass. In reflex, her lower back muscles tensed, arching her spine and thrusting her ass higher.

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