Wet Ride (Toys-4-Us) (2 page)

Read Wet Ride (Toys-4-Us) Online

Authors: Samantha Cayto

Tags: #Erotic Romance, #toys4us, #contemprary, #samantha cayto

BOOK: Wet Ride (Toys-4-Us)
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Christ, he was getting fanciful. It wasn’t like him. He was a straight-forward, take-charge, kind of guy. He liked his women to be open and honest. He also wanted them submissive and trusting in bed. His right hand opened and closed on an imaginary flogger because this woman inspired the Dom in him. He had been in the lifestyle since his early twenties and had gained a lot of experience as a top. He enjoyed it as did the lovely women who submitted to him. But lately things had gone stale for him. He wanted more, although he hadn’t realized what that more was until now. The woman standing in front of him was clearly strong and competent. Hell, no one got to be a big time executive without being determined and commanding. And that was the appeal. What would it be like to control such power, to have a strong woman submit to his will?


He was dying to find out. His cock had already swelled at the idea and he was glad his tool belt hid his obvious condition. It was too soon to tell if his interest would be reciprocated but he didn’t want to make Emily feel uncomfortable around him. He was well aware of how vulnerable she would be if he turned out to be a creep. No sense in giving her that impression when the very last thing he wanted was to impose himself on any woman. The Dom/sub relationship was all about consent. He’d be damn lucky if she turned out to be the type of powerful woman that wanted to be dominated in bed.


He realized he’d been staring too long. “Ah, nice to meet you, ma’am. If you give me a minute, I’ll pack up and get out of your hair. I’m sure you’d like to kick back given it’s going on eight o’clock already.”


“It has been a long day,” she agreed with such obvious fatigue that he wanted to sweep her into his arms, lay her down and soothe the stress in her eyes away.


“I bet. Sue said you’re a VP at Intrepid Industries. That’s a big outfit. Your job must be tough.”


“It can be. I’m good at it though, and it pays well, so what more can a person ask for?”


Hot, mind-blowing sex came to mind. He didn’t say it, though. Squatting to put some things away, he said, “Sue told me to get here early and leave late because you want this project done quickly. You still okay with that?” He glanced up at her and waited, hoping for a yes. He wanted back into this house and her orbit as soon as possible.


“It’s fine,” she replied with a shrug. “I typically leave early and come home late. You won’t disrupt me at all.”


Oh, but how he wanted to. He wanted to disrupt her days and nights so much she forgot her own name. His pulse did a quick two-step as he briefly contemplated the possibilities. He had no trouble at all picturing her naked and at his mercy, a flogger reddening her ass, her beautiful face wearing an expression of both pain and pleasure. Perfect. She looked away as if she were shy. Yet there was interest, too, flickering in those eyes before they shifted. Maybe it was wishful thinking on his part, but he didn’t think so. He stood up and slung his backpack over his shoulders.


“Okay, then, Ms. Driscoll. I’ll see you tomorrow around seven.”


“We’ll probably pass each other at the front door, and please call me Emily.”


“Kevin,” he confirmed, a big grin popping out. He couldn’t help it. This was going to be a hell of a job.

Chapter Two


Kevin had left and yet a sense of excitement lingered. Had that been desire she had seen flash in his eyes? Maybe. She glanced in her bedroom mirror and saw what she always saw, a pretty woman who was about as exciting as her lawyer had recently observed, someone’s maiden aunt. Reaching up, she let her hair out of the confines of its tight French braid. Shaking her head, she struck a sultry pose and laughed out loud. Yeah, right. Sexy was not her forte. She wanted it to be, though. In her secret fantasy life, she had screaming hot monkey sex under the command of a sexy, totally jacked, dominating man.


She slipped off her shoes and padded over to her nightstand. Tucked in the bottom drawer was a pink silk bag that contained all the naughty toys she had purchased at her friend, Petra’s birthday bash. All the women who had attended the party were great friends, most from the San Antonio area and the reason the decision to move down here hadn’t been so scary. They called themselves the
Sassy Seven
and they had proven the appellation accurate that night. She had known going in what kind of party it would be and while she thought it would be a lark, she hadn’t intended to buy anything. Two glasses of choco-wine later and she was circling items in the catalogue. She still hadn’t acknowledged she was going to buy anything until it was her turn to meet privately with Gianna, who was selling the scandalous items. Bless the woman, she hadn’t even blinked an eye when Emily had divulged her yearnings.


She opened the bag and slid out the hidden treasures, silk handcuffs, a suede flogger and a lotion to make one’s nipples and clit tingle. The lotion she knew worked because she had already tried it. The mild burning sensation had upped her pleasure as she worked herself to orgasm. How much better would it be if a man rubbed it on and massaged her to climax? She sighed. She might never know. Her ex-boyfriend, Vaughn, hadn’t spent two seconds considering relocating down to Texas with her and a part of her was relieved. Even if they were still together, she couldn’t imagine him ever doing such a thing. He thought oral sex was the height of naughtiness!


The other things, the cuffs and the flogger were probably a completely wasted purchase. She could hardly tie herself up and flogging her own ass was too silly to contemplate. What she needed was a strong man and a gentle one, a man who could be trusted with her body. A man like Kevin, except he was a stranger for all that he physically fit her fantasy man perfectly. Maybe, just maybe, he could be trusted. They would be ships passing in the night and the morning, however. How the hell would she ever have the chance to know him better?


It was stupid to even think about. They were too different to ever really click. Best to leave alone any notion of trying out her toys with him. She slipped the items back into their bag and hid it away once more in its drawer.




* * * * *


Friday morning came before she knew it. It always did, busy people didn’t have time to notice the time. This week had been different, though. While work was the inevitable grind, the last several days had included something completely out of the norm. They had included Kevin. He was there at her door before she finished her breakfast and there at night to great her when she dragged her tired ass back home. He was never without his easy smile and smoldering good looks. His strong body was encased in casual work clothes that were always clean but always revealing too, all of his beautiful and impressive muscles on display. In the heat of San Antonio, she was the weird one in the house with her tailored suits and stiff shirts.


They would have made an odd looking couple if anyone had seen them. Of course, no one had. They were always indoors, working around each other in a strange sort of domestic tranquility. Sometimes she stood inside the bathroom and chatted with him for few minutes while he showed her what he had accomplished that day. The renovations were coming along at a quick pace. It would be finished in another few days. Kevin did fast work, but it was well-crafted and beautiful. She couldn’t be more pleased with it, although his speed meant she would soon be alone again.


She had decided sometime around Wednesday night that she wasn’t going to fight her growing attraction to the man. She stood mesmerized every night watching his strength and grace and enjoying the low, smooth timber of his Texas twang. No amount of air conditioning could cool her body. When he left in the evening she would strip down, lie in her bed, slip two fingers between the folds of her labia and imagine it was him and his fingers wringing the quick climax out of her. She had even taken her toys out, applied liberal amounts of the cream and stared at the cuffs and flogger, pretending they were in use. It wasn’t much, but it was all she had.


Except it wasn’t enough. As she let herself into her home, she lugged a couple of bags of groceries, including a six-pack of a local brew the clerk at the store had recommended. Although beer was not her drink, she bet it was Kevin’s. Her purchases included steak and potatoes, which she assumed he’d like as well. She certainly had nothing against good, red meat, and if her plan went awry, then she’d gorge herself on the food and the beer and cry into her pillow.


She had decided to take a chance on a one-night stand with Kevin Brandt. Perhaps it was only projection on her part, but she thought he perused her with a certain amount of interest when they spoke. He had not only taken the time to talk to her, he had also stopped what he was doing and looked her in the eye. A spark of appreciation had shown through his gaze, she was sure of it. His slow, easy smile held invitation, too. Either that or she had become so pathetically lonely she was seeing things. It was time to find out. If she was wrong, he would be done the following week and out of her life. No big deal, nothing awkward.


Her heart beat furiously in her chest as she took off her jacket and let loose a couple more buttons on her blouse. Grabbing a couple of beers, she wrenched off their tops and headed for the bathroom.




* * * * *


Kevin tried to concentrate on putting his tools away and not on the sounds coming from the other room. Emily was home. His pulse had sped up as soon as he heard the front door open. It had been the same every day that week. Every morning he looked forward to her greeting him at the door and every night he listened for her coming home. He had without even realizing it at first slowed down his work in the late afternoons so that he would still be there when she returned. Even when he was in his own home, he had thought of her, dreamed of her, pumped cum out of his cock with her face in his mind’s eye. The northern gal had wormed her way into his head with that single meeting on Monday. He hadn’t even bothered to go to his favorite club all week. Playing with another woman held no appeal. He wanted Emily, plain and simple.


He stood and stretched the kinks out of his back and looked around. It was almost finished. The plumbers and electricians were done. The project had progressed faster than he had wanted. Each day, however, when Emily saw what had been accomplished, her face lit up with joy, and that was worth the price of admission. Making this woman happy stirred him emotionally and physically. Anticipating her reaction to the vanity he had added today made his cock swell. It wanted to play with the luscious Emily in the worst way. If he didn’t act quickly, as in tonight, he might miss his chance.


Light footsteps caused him to turn towards the doorway, and there she was. Her hair was down, swinging below her shoulders in shiny waves. She had taken her jacket off and he could see her breasts clearly. Her tailored shirt molded them so their round fullness was on full display. With the top few buttons undone, he could also see the gentle swell of tantalizing flesh. In her hand dangled two cold bottles of beer. In her eyes he saw both invitation and uncertainty. He reveled in the first and wanted to quell the second. This night was going to end exactly as he had hoped.


“Please tell me one of those is for me,” he said gesturing towards the beer.


Emily smiled shyly making his heart do a slow roll in his chest. “Yes, I thought given how it’s Friday and hot, you could use one.” She offered a bottle, her slender, manicured fingers gripped the sweaty glass.


“Yes, ma’am,” he replied. His fingers touched hers briefly as he took the bottle from her. “It’s a fine idea, thank you.” He took a healthy slug, appreciated that she had gone high end, and welcomed the coldness sliding down his suddenly dry throat. The coolness of the brew did nothing to quell the fire building in his belly.


They stood in companionable silence for a few seconds before her gaze lit on the vanity. “Oh!” she exclaimed and her delighted smile hit him low in his gut. His cock and balls tightened as if she were showering them with such attention. “It’s beautiful.” She stepped over to the counter and ran her hands over the smooth rose-colored granite. “I love it.”


Kevin took another long pull of his beer, draining the bottle. He wanted her stroking him with such appreciation. If he played his cards right, she would. Instinct told him to take it slow. A sophisticated woman like her was hardly looking for a man to press her against the counter, slip off her pants and fill her pussy with hot cock. At least not without a meal and a bit of conversation first, maybe not even after. If he spooked her, he was toast. With as much a casual tone as he could muster, he moved next to her.


“I’m glad you like it.”


She turned to him, looking a bit startled by his proximity, but she didn’t move away, which spoke volumes. “I love it. I love everything you’ve done,” she added with a sweep of her arm. “Looks like you’re almost finished.”


“Yes, ma’am. I have a few things left with the shower, and then we’re done.”


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