Wet Ride (Toys-4-Us) (5 page)

Read Wet Ride (Toys-4-Us) Online

Authors: Samantha Cayto

Tags: #Erotic Romance, #toys4us, #contemprary, #samantha cayto

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“The lifestyle?”


“BDSM,” he clarified and watched her mind work out the initialism. She raised her eyebrows at him. “Exactly,” he answered. “I’m a Dom. I obviously chose a less powerful career, but I’m my own boss by choice. I like to be in charge, especially in the bedroom.”


“You’re very good at it,” she offered with a sly smile.


He returned the look and this time, licked the inside of her wrist. “Thank you, darlin’.” He watched her chest rise and fall on a hard breath. He’d bet he was making her panties wet. “The thing is, there are a lot of powerful men who get off on being subs. Like you, they want some time in their lives when someone else calls the shots. They find it soothing.”


She closed her eyes and hummed. “Yes, that’s exactly what it was.” An expression of ecstasy played across her face. Desire slammed into him and he resisted the urge to grab her and take her right there on the dining counter.


“You want more, though, don’t you?” He asked in a low tone. When she opened her eyes and stared at him, he only said. “The flogger.”


“Oh!” She put her hand over her mouth in embarrassment. “I forgot I had you look in the bag. Were you shocked?”


“Absolutely. In a good way,” he quickly added when her cheeks pinked in further mortification. “Emily, I’m a Dom. I don’t stop at tying up, I use floggers like yours all the time. I have a whole collection of crops and paddles, too.”


“You like to inflict pain?” Her voice was quiet, a little scared.


“Only as much as my woman wants,” he was even more quick to reassure her on this point. “There’s nothing wrong with the S and M part of BDSM. There’s nothing wrong with you desiring punishment as well as control from a man. For those alpha male subs I mentioned, pain is a big reliever of stress.”


Emily lowered her gaze, her head hung down. “I keep worrying there’s something wrong with me.”


Unease rose in him. He knew it was critical for her and him that he answer her the right way. Tipping her chin up to look her in the eyes, he said, “There is absofuckinglutely nothing wrong with you.” He paused. “Pardon my language.”


She laughed as he hoped she would. “I suppose you need to head off to a job soon,” she said after a few minutes spent digesting his words.


He shook his head. “I have nowhere I need to be all weekend.”


“Oh.” Her face brightened. “In that case, would you mind showing me what it’s like to be a submissive? Would you maybe use the flogger on me?”


Gathering her into his arms, he gave a reassuring hug. “I thought you’d never ask.

Chapter Four


“Mmm.” The moan poured out of Emily’s mouth. She was mindless with pleasure, her body a spreading puddle of relaxation.


“Like that do you?” Kevin’s tone was mildly teasing. His body straddled hers as he worked the muscles of her back. “You keep all your stress in your shoulders. It’s like set concrete.”


The roughness of his jeans prickled her bare ass. As soon as he had led her back into her bedroom, he had stripped her naked and flipped her face down on the bed. He, however, still had his pants on. It hardly seemed fair. “Shouldn’t you be naked, too?” she asked in a voice made soft from his efforts.


His fingers stopped moving. His body shifted and a stinging smack landed on a butt cheek. Emily gasped and then cooed when the slap was followed by a kiss in the very same place. The kiss turned into a long lap that continued up her spine and ended with a sharp nibble of her ear. Her body jerked, the soothing effect of the massage overridden by a growing arousal. Already her pussy was wet and the flesh around it plump. Kevin’s voice whispered in her ear.


“You’re thinking, sweetheart. Remember it’s my job now to decide what needs doing. You have no obligations, no power other than the ultimate power to tell me to stop. Do you want me to stop?”


Stop this delicious feeling infusing her body? “No,” she replied emphatically.


“No, sir,” he corrected before restarting his gentle assault.


Hmm. She wasn’t sure whether she liked calling him sir, but in for a dime, in for a dollar. “Yes, sir,” she mumbled, once more basking in the pleasure of his touch.


His fingers worked a steady progress down her back, to her hips and onto her ass. He stayed there, kneading her bottom with light pressure. It felt wonderful but it was no longer a task to easy her tight muscles. It had changed, morphed into a teasing and arousing touch. She gave into the feeling, concentrated on it, let it stir her up. Her legs moved restlessly against the sheet as need built within her.


A slap on her ass made her jump. Another made her yelp. More blows rained down on both sides of her ass. And yet the stinging pain did nothing to blunt her pleasure. It increased it. Despite her body’s instinct to wiggle in a vain effort to dodge the smacks, it also welcomed the discomfort. The wetness seeping out of her cunt increased, as did the throbbing ache of desire within its folds. Her clit cried out for attention. As the intensity of the need increased, so did her writhing. She had her hands on either side of her head as ordered, but they were moving across the sheet, her fingers clenched the fabric.


Kevin’s hands stopped their smacks and landed on top of her restless ones. “I told you to keep them still, darlin’. Looks like I’m going to have to make them stay put.”


Knowing what was coming, her thighs squeezed tight against her clit. Pleasure shot up her core. She lay passive as he took her hands in his and constrained them within the silk cuffs. Instinct once more made her test her confinement. She couldn’t free them, and the very fact that she lacked control allowed her to relax even more and to not struggle.


Kevin ran fingers through her hair, brushing the strands to one side and exposing her face. The backs of his fingers caressed her cheek while his thumb rubbed against her lips. “That’s better. Now for the really fun stuff. Are you ready, sweetheart?”


She nodded with her eyes shut tight. Her heartbeat increased with part dread, part excitement. He was going to use the flogger on her, she just knew it. Could she take it? The fantasy had been growing in her mind for years, and yet she knew fantasy and reality were seldom the same. She almost didn’t want to find out. She didn’t want to disappoint Kevin, either. He was obviously enjoying himself. She hated to be the one to put a stop to it.


As if sensing her doubt, he pressed a palm to her cheek. “If you don’t like this, tell me to stop. I promised I would and I meant it. If you’re not having fun, then neither am I. Do you understand?”


She nodded again and couldn’t help but brace for the first blow. He surprised her, though, by merely sliding the soft strands of the flogger across her ass. Her skin was already sensitive given the earlier spanking, so even this gentle punishment made her squirm. Nevertheless, the movement became hypnotic. The strands slid across one side of her ass and then the other. They slipped between her legs, teasing her pussy and lapping at her clit. The sexual tension within her grew and then receded. The gentle assault lulled her into a conflicting yet marvelous state of calmed arousal. It made the first serious strike against her flesh startling and even more painful. She gasped and arched her back. There was a pause, heavy in its unstated purpose. Through the slight haze of discomfort, she knew Kevin waited to see if she would tell him to stop.


Never! Pride alone would have urged her on, but that wasn’t the reason she held her tongue. It was the pleasure working through the pain that made her lie still for the next blow. It came and was followed by another and another until she writhed and howled. Her aroused nipples rasped against the cotton sheet, pushing her closer to climax. Her clit begged to do the same, but when she tried to bend her knees for purchase, Kevin ruthlessly pushed them back down, commanded her to stay still.


It was agony to comply with that order. She did it, though. Now it was pride forcing her to show him she could. When her cries became whimpers, he stopped. Her ass cheeks burned from the flogging. Her pussy and clit throbbed in unfulfilled arousal. She panted like a dog.


Kevin brushed the hair once more away from her face. “You did great, baby. I’m proud of you. I know you’re hurting in more ways than one. Truth be told, so am I. My cock is a hard, hungering beast demanding to be let out. I’m releasing it now.” The sound of zipper came close to her ear. “But I’m not going to let it play just yet. First, you deserve a reward for all the punishment you took.”




Kevin watched Emily shiver in anticipation. He had worked her hard and she had taken it all. A fine sheen of sweat coated her aroused body as well as his own. He knew how difficult it was for her to lie still as he had commanded. Her manacled hands were fisted with the effort it took her to comply. She was entitled to a reward and so was he. He knew the perfect thing for both of them.


He pulled his pants off carefully, his raging cock was desperate to be free but only so long as it took for it to be covered and then encased by Emily’s pussy. Not yet, though. There were other delights to be had. He rolled a condom down his rod to be ready when the time came. Grasping Emily’s legs, he bent them as she had tried to do earlier. He positioned his naked body between them and gazed at the plump, wet cunt exposed to his view. God, she was so ready for him. It would take nothing at all to make her come. He grabbed a pillow to put under her stomach. Now her red ass was raised high enough for him to slip his tongue between her juicy folds.


As soon as he touched her, she jerked up. With his hands firm against her ass, he held her in place. He teased the enflamed flesh of her buttocks with his fingers while he taunted her clit with his tongue. She tasted wonderful, better than any cinnamon bun, although thoughts of coating her with icing filled his mind. Some other time, perhaps. He couldn’t wait any more. He wanted to send her careening over the edge, to witness her first orgasm as a masochist.


He worked her clit harder, lapping, sucking, nipping the engorged nub until her cries rang in his ears and her body bucked furiously against his hold. The folds of her pussy pulsed against his face and beckoned him to join the party. Rearing up, he positioned his cock at the entrance to her cunt and slammed it in. The hot, moist walls welcomed him with a squeeze. When he slid back, they gripped him hard. He didn’t go far. He thrust back in with a short stroke and almost came from even that small amount of friction. Fighting for control, he began a rhythm of thrusts coupled with fingers pressed against Emily’s clit.


Her cries had started to die down but increased again with renewed vigor. He would make her come again. He focused on the feel of his body sliding in and out of hers and rapidly worked her clit to bring her up and over quickly. Her pussy clenched him more tightly and her head dropped back. The headboard rattled as she yanked it with her manacled hands. He felt her release and let his own rip through him and out of his cock. He pumped furiously into her body, claiming it in the immortal, primitive fashion. His body remained tethered to hers until he had wrung the last drop of cum from both of them. He collapsed on top of her and molded his spent body around hers in a tight embrace that screamed




Emily sipped her morning coffee while she contemplated her backyard. Kevin was right, a barbeque pit would fit out there just fine. Of course, then it would need someone to use it, and she was not that person. Kevin was, of course. He was masterful with his hands. Her body ached sweetly with the aftermath of his working her body over the weekend. When had she had a better time with a man? She couldn’t say. The last two days had certainly been the most sexually satisfying and more relaxing than she could have imagined. Other than deciding on what to cook, she hadn’t had to worry about a thing. Kevin had taken care of everything. He had taken care of her.


She sighed and turned away. The weekend was over. It was Monday morning and time to return to reality and the grind it brought. Already her stress level was climbing. She wasn’t looking forward to the Yellow Rose meeting. She knew the outcome and while from a business perspective it was a fair deal. She still felt bad. It was her job, however, and she was used to such conflict. The harder issue was still getting dressed in her bedroom.


It had been easy throughout the weekend to pretend the rest of the world didn’t exist, to simply enjoy the company of a charming, sexy and hot man. When she thought in terms of the rest of the week, the month, years down the road, things got murkier. They were different people with different friends and interests. The time they had managed to talk instead of fuck had told her as much. Still, she liked him as well as desired him. Perhaps they had a future together. It was worth exploring, wasn’t it?


Kevin interrupted her thoughts by coming down the hall. His sexy swagger and broad grin told her he was remembering the quick fuck they had enjoyed in the shower. Nothing kinky, but still satisfying as hell. He was ready for work, having made a short trip home the day before to get clean clothes. His worn jeans cupped his cock and balls very nicely. Now that she knew what he looked like under all that denim, her body heated at the mere sight of it.

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