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Authors: Nyrae Dawn

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance

What a Boy Needs (11 page)

BOOK: What a Boy Needs
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Somehow I feel the weight of the paper in my pocket.
t stop myself from wondering if I
ll ever use it when I know I won

After driving for a few hours
I really have to go to the bathroom so I pull into a gas station
pulling up to the pumps

Wake up
pretty boy.
I throw an empty
balled-up bag of chips at Bastian.
I have to take a piss. I
ll pay to fill it up while we
re here.

He reaches for his wallet
still looking half asleep.
You don
t have to pay. I got it.

Instead of replying
I shake my head and get out of the car. Now I can
t even pay for gas?
You want anything
m standing by the driver side door
looking at her. It takes me a minute to realize what I called her. No one ever calls her that
but yeah
it fits her. Different and kind of exotic like her. I let it slip once in a while
but that
s it. That
s why it pissed me off so much when Craig used the name.

She shakes her head and then scrambles out of the passenger side. By then Aspen is climbing out and they do the typical girl
bathroom thing where they go together and do who knows what in there.

s her problem?

Bastian looks at me like I just asked the dumbest question in the world.

s the one who wanted me to come and she won
t even say a word to me.

Then he shakes his head like he
s disappointed in me
which really annoys me because I didn
t do anything. I
m just trying to live my life and do what I have to do.

Keep lying to yourself there

Come on. Let
s gas up.

I've gone in
done my business
paid for gas
and bought myself a Cherry Pepsi by the time everyone piles back into the car.
m wishing I
gotten a snack.
Next to me
Pris is
eating Cheetos
she knows I love
and she
s licking the cheese off her fingers
which I also love.

It might not sound hot
but it is. It might be because it
s her. I don
t know
but it
s hard not to offer her my help. How is it girls can make the smallest things sexy and not even know it? Her nails are painted this bright red that probably looks even brighter because her dark skin. Her tongue sneaks out of her mouth and—


Holy shit!
I jerk the steering wheel as the Explorer veers into the next lane and almost into another car.

Pris screams.

Watch my car!
Sebastian yells from the backseat.

What was that?
Aspen asks.

m pushing my hair out of my eyes like that was the problem when really it was Pris and her tongue.
No biggie.

This is the second time you
ve almost killed us!
Pris is using that pissed-off voice that she
s pretty much speaking with 24/7 now.

It was an accident. Nothing happened.

She crosses her arms
putting an end to the show that almost made me wreck.

Aspen reaches up and sort of massages her shoulder like Pris needs support or something. I glance in the rearview mirror and see Bastian shake his head like he
s getting frustrated.

That makes two of us

I can
t stop wondering if I shouldn
t have come at all.


About an hour and a half later
Aspen and Sebastian are sharing an iPod
one of the buds in her ear and the other in his. They were messing with the portable DVD player earlier
but something
s up with it
so I guess they resorted to this.

Pris hasn
t spoken a word to me since her
but I have no idea what to do about it. Why do girls have to be so confusing? I mean
if this was Bastian he
d open his mouth and tell me what
s up
d hash it out and be done with it. Usually that
s the way Pris would be too
but everything
s so different now.

I want thing
to go back to the way they were before.

Pre-Jaden running and pre-Pris thinking she liked me.

Without thinking
I reach over and stick my hand into the bag of Cheetos on her lap and grab a handful. Pris mumbles something under her breath
. I almost ignore her, but I’m tired of playing this game
. There
s no point in us being here if we
re going to fight the whole time.


m pretty sure you said something.
Unless I
m hearing things.
I don
t think I
m hearing things.

She jerks her head to the left to look at me.
I said
help yourself

Chill out. You
re like Godzilla on hormones lately.


The Spanish starts rolling off her tongue and I know she
s pissed
but so what.
is one of the only words I know and it means
s definitely not saying it the praising way.

m pissed to
though. I open my mouth to say something
but Sebastian beats me to it.
s it. Pull the hell over.

I ask.

Get off the freeway. There
s an off-ramp.

The more we stop
the longer it
s going to take to get to Salt Lake.
s twelve hours from home
but that
s where we wanted to make it the first day and then to spend some time there.

get off. I
m serious. We
re not going to Salt Lake.

I groan
but hit the ramp to get off the freeway.

s a Best Western over there. Pull in
re done. Seriously
you guys are giving me a headache.

Unlike me
Pris has Aspen
s support as she
s leaning toward Pris
with hand on her shoulder.

I pull up in front of the hotel
about ready to walk away from all of them.

can you get us a room?
Bastian asks her all sweet and sucking up.

Pris is already jumping out of the car and slamming the door.


Sure. Where are you guys going?
she asks him.

ll be back in a bit. Jay and I are going for a little ride.


Chapter Six

Scoot over
Sebastian tells me
and I climb into the passenger seat.

I salute him
but he ignores me and jumps behind the wheel before pulling away. He
s in one of his pissed off Bastian moods so I know we
re about to get into it.

He doesn
t say anything as he drives. I see a sign that says we
re in Elko
wherever that is. All I know is it
s not Salt Lake and that
s where we
re supposed to be spending our first night. Finally
after he keeps driving
obviously not knowing where we
re doing
I blurt
Just say it. I swear
sometimes you
re more of a drama queen than a six year-old girl.

This gets his attention quickly.
m a drama queen? What do you call whatever
s going on between you and Pris?
You guys are screwing with my mood. I feel like I need to call Daddy Peace for some lessons on meditation or some shit.

I could always knock you out if that would be easier. I know it would be for me.

He just looks at me and shakes his head.
Bastian makes a quick turn and parks.

We stopped four hours early and left the girls to play video games?

Sebastian jumps out of the car and I follow. I don
t know if he thinks I
m an idiot or what
but at least I
ll score a few games out of it.

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