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Authors: Nyrae Dawn

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance

What a Boy Needs (10 page)

BOOK: What a Boy Needs
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My head drops back and I groan.
This is all me
okay? It
s just something I gotta do.

He shakes his head
but then he pushes to his feet.
Whatever. Then let
s make a pact
right here. Let go of all that other shit on this trip
ou and Pris
and let
s make this the most
ass road trip in history. Just like graduation
re not getting out of here without doing it in style.

I hold out my fist and he hits it with his.
re going to own this trip.


m leaning against Sebastian
s Explorer while he says goodbye to his mom. Courtney
s sobbing all over the place just like Aspen
s parents are doing with her.

You have the itinerary?
Courtney asks Sebastian.


And you know where you
re staying every night


And you know you
re supposed to call at least twice
Once in the morning and once in the evening.

Sebastian doesn
t answer
but pulls her into a hug. They
re like that for an eternity before he pulls away and looks at Roger.
Take care of her
man. Remember
m only a phone call away. You hurt her

re a good son
Sebastian. I promise
ll be good to her
Roger tells him before they shake hands.

The next thing I know
Courtney is standing in front of me.
I can
t believe you boys are leaving me.

I try
smile at her
but I
m not sure I pull it off.

ve known you since you were five years-old
Jaden. I want you to know
be a son to me.

I can
t help but compare her words to my mom
s when she asked me to leave. I look toward the ground
about to try
say something stupid
but she grabs my face
so I
m looking at her.
m serious
okay? You ever need
you get on that phone and call me. There is nothing I wouldn
t do for you.

Her tight hug nearly takes the wind right out of me
. I lean into it because
I might sound like a pussy
feels good.

I love
,” she
whispers in my ear.

I swallow the golf ball in my throat.
I love you too.


The car is silent as we pull away. Aspen will see her parents in a few weeks when they come out
but I
m not sure about the rest of them. Pris
s parents are always going somewhere so I
m sure she
ll see them a lot
but you can tell
s still a big deal.

Sebastian is driving and Aspen
s up
with him. Priscilla is stiff
sitting as far away from me as she can. She
s got on a pair of shorts. Her legs are killer.
Always have been.
All curvy and creamy brown.
I shift in my seat. Yeah
this is definitely going to be a long trip.

You okay?
I ask her. Her only reply is a nod.

The quiet thing is going to make things even worse.

After about forty-five minutes into our drive through Southern Oregon
Sebastian pipes up.
this drive is way too low key. We
re free. Do you guys realize how cool that is?

m sure you
ll inform us
and that
s all it takes for the two of them to get going.

I look over at Pris to
make commentary
about them
but it
s like she
s on the other side of the continent or something. Yeah
this is my fault and I get it
but I hate it
too. I want to tell her something
find a way to pull her back to me so we can be like we always have been—the four of us
but is that an asshole thing to do since things aren
t the way they used to be? I don
t know.

s do something. Who wants to play I Spy?
Sebastian asks.

I thump him in the back of the head.
Are you five?

I don
t see you throwing out any suggestions so stop trying to ruin my fun.

Okay then
what about the fact that once you see something
re past it
How are the rest of us every supposed to guess?

He has a point there
. This is where Pris would usually have something to say
too. She
s good at those smart comments
but she still hasn
t said a word.

re supposed to have my side!
Bastian tells her.

Aspen laughs.
Only when you
re right.

I nudge Pris
s leg.
What do you think we should do?

I don
t know.
Pris pulls out her iPod and puts the buds in her ears.
Guess she really doesn
t want to talk to me.

to music while Sebastian
and I keep talking. We go through a few CDs
this and that
and she
s still being all quiet and I swear it makes me feel like I
m going to explode. I can
t stop myself from playing with the piece of paper in my pocket. I
ve had it with me ever since Mom gave it to me at the graduation. I
ve looked at it a million times
done anything about it. What a surprise

We stop for lunch. Afterward
Bastian and I decide to switch up so I can drive a bit. Pris and Aspen are over by the diner and I can tell Pris is pissed. Whatever
s going on she
s about to blow her lid
and finally she stomps back over to the SUV
jumps into the front seat and slams the door.

I groan
and Sebastian shrugs as if to say he doesn
t know what her problem is. I do. It
s me. Yeah
I don
t even have to say that doesn
t feel good.

About fifteen minutes into me driving
Sebastian and Aspen pass out in the back seat. They
re all cuddled up together and this is where I
d usually blurt out something stupid to make
fun of him. I kind of want to
but it doesn
t feel right anymore either because where he
s sitting is definitely better than where I am.

You wanna listen to anything specific?
I ask
flipping through the CD case while I drive. The GPS on the dash is telling me where to go.


My eyes dart to hers
which makes me sort of run off the road a little.
Nothing major.

Watch where you
re going!
She rolls her eyes at me.

Take a deep breath. Chill out.
m trying to remind myself she
s not usually like this. That she
s still pissed at me because of way too many things to count
but this isn
t what I wanted. This isn
t the way this trip is supposed to go.

Instead of saying anything
I just keep driving. Eventually she falls asleep and everyone in the dumb car is
out cold
except for me.

s not even anything
to look at. The road trip idea is cool and all
there isn't much to look at along this route we chose.
We have some stuff planned for Salt Lake and Chicago
but that
s about it.

A soft snore comes out of Pris and I can
t stop myself from laughing. I
ll definitely have to give her crap about that one. But then I remember I can
t. The old Pris and Jaden could have done that. How did things get so screwed up? Oh yeah. Me.

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