What a Woman Wants (A Manley Maids Novel)

BOOK: What a Woman Wants (A Manley Maids Novel)
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“The opening . . . is one of the best hooks I’ve read. I don’t know who could set it down after the first few pages . . . an excellent choice.”

—Joey W. Hill. national bestselling author

“One of the most exciting and fun reads I have ever encountered.”

Fresh Fiction

“Phenomenally written novel . . . One of the best stories I have read this year, and I highly recommend it to anyone who loves a happy ending!”

Sizzling Hot Books

“Will keep the reader enraptured.”

Publishers Weekly
(starred review)

“I had a smile on my face and a sigh of contentment . . . lighthearted but full of emotion. The story stirred in me feelings of falling in love all over again. It was just downright enjoyable to read!”

That’s What I’m Talking About

“A light and breezy read for all . . . [will] amuse the reader to the very last page. Well done, Judi Fennell!”

Night Owl Reviews

“Rip-roaring fun from the very first page . . . This book is one for the keeper shelf.”

—Kate Douglas, bestselling author

“A tale that shimmers, shines, sparkles, and sizzles.”

Long and Short Reviews

“Full of vivid imagination.”

Seriously Reviewed

“Sizzling sexual tension, plenty of humor, and a soupçon of suspense.”


“Ms. Fennell has captured a new fan.”

Romancing the Book

“Chock-full of surprises . . . with a beautiful twist of romance.”

Book Loons

“Judi Fennell is a bright star on the horizon of romance.”

—Judi McCoy

“[Fennell] is proving herself to be a solid storyteller.”

RT Reviews


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A Berkley Sensation Book / published by arrangement with the author

Copyright © 2014 by Judi Fennell.

Excerpt from
What a Woman Needs
by Judi Fennell copyright © 2014 by Judi Fennell.

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ISBN: 978-0-425-26829-2

eBook ISBN: 978-1-101-62547-7


Berkley Sensation mass-market edition / March 2014

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Praise for Judi Fennell

Title Page



Guys’ Night . . . Plus One

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-one

Chapter Twenty-two

Chapter Twenty-three

Chapter Twenty-four

Chapter Twenty-five

Chapter Twenty-six

Chapter Twenty-seven

Chapter Twenty-eight

Chapter Twenty-nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-one

Chapter Thirty-two

Chapter Thirty-three

Chapter Thirty-four

Chapter Thirty-five

Chapter Thirty-six

Chapter Thirty-seven

Chapter Thirty-eight

Chapter Thirty-nine

Chapter Forty

Chapter Forty-one

Chapter Forty-two

Guys’ Night . . . Plus Three

Sneak Peak at
What a Woman Needs

Guys’ Night . . . Plus One

Chapter One

It’s said that it takes a village. Here’s to

Mom, Dad, Jill, Chris, Joe, Janice, Lisa R., Michelle, Jenny, Sheila, Marci, Lisa T., Joanne,
Pat, Dale, Lisa F., Jamie, Beth,
Steph, Jenny, Lori, Dakota, April, Tracey, Ann, Daria, Roberta, Leis,
and, as always, T, S, A.

Love and huge, huge thanks to all of you.

Guys’ Night . . . Plus One

Patrick Manley stared at the straight flush, nine high, in his hand. He really hated that he was going to win this game. Oh, he didn’t mind taking his brothers to the cleaners, but taking his hardworking sister’s money wasn’t anything to gloat about. Still . . . she
asked . . .

“All in.” He kept his poker face steady and slid the balance of his chips to the center of the table.

Bryan and Liam raised their eyebrows, but Sean didn’t say a word. Mary-Alice Catherine had wanted to play “like one of the boys” and this was how they played: cutthroat. No slack because she was a poker novice—or their younger sister.

Bryan glanced at his cards, flicking the edges as usual. Distracting habit, which was obviously why Bryan had affected it. “I’m in.” He stacked his remaining chips alongside Sean’s pile.

Sean hid his smile. He didn’t mind taking Bryan’s money.

Liam leaned back in his chair and tapped the back of his cards with his index finger, unreadable as ever. “Mary-Alice, are you sure—”

“Don’t, Liam,” Mac said, bristling as usual at the use of her given name. “Play the hand as you normally would.”

Liam tapped his cards. “Fine.” His stack joined the pile.

Sean eyed it, then his brother. He could never tell with Liam.

Mac chewed on her bottom lip and fidgeted in her chair. Sean almost felt bad for her. Almost. But she’d bugged them enough to get in on their game. They’d tried to tell her that she couldn’t afford the stakes, but she wouldn’t listen. So, to shut her up once and for all, they’d let her in, figuring that once she lost the figurative shirt off her back, she’d stop bothering them. There were some things sisters just weren’t supposed to be a part of.

“Okay, so how do I raise you guys if I don’t have enough chips?”

“Mac, just put the rest of yours in. Don’t go upping the ante. You can’t afford to lose any more.” Sean smiled at her.

He was surprised when she tossed him a look of pure anger. Who knew she had it in her? She’d always cajoled them into doing her will as a child. The fact that she’d been treated like a princess all her life by them, her knights chivalric, probably had something to do with it, so this behavior was out of character for her.

“Just answer the question. What rules do you guys have for that?”

Bryan ruffled his cards again. “We throw something big in. Like Sean’s place for a week or my Maserati or Liam’s island getaway. Since you don’t have anything comparable, just call.”

Mac looked at her hand again, now nibbling on the opposite corner of her mouth. She swept a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’m raising all of you.”

Sean started to protest, but Bryan raised his hand. “What’s the wager, Mac?”

Mac placed her cards facedown on the green felt in front of her. “If I lose, winner gets four weeks of housekeeping for free.”

“And if you win?” Liam asked.

Mac folded her hands over her cards. “If I win, you each owe me four weeks’ work, free of charge, for Manley Maids.”

“What? Are you crazy? I’m not going to be someone’s maid for four
, let alone four weeks.” Bryan rammed back in his chair as if someone had electrified the poker table.

“Oh, well, if you don’t think you can beat me . . .” She looked at Liam.

Liam studied her through narrowed eyes. “Four weeks, huh?” He tapped his cards. “I’ll call. With the Kiawah place for the same time period.”

Sean studied Liam. A bluff? Nah. The rent for the vacation home wouldn’t break his brother, but Liam wouldn’t risk servitude. He had to have a winning hand. If it was better than his straight flush, Sean would only be out the cash and the hotel stay, not be in danger of putting on an apron. “Me, too. A week at the resort when it’s up and running.”
it got up and running, but he wasn’t planning on losing. Not with this hand. And not the resort, either.

Bryan looked at the three of them as if they’d lost their minds. “So, one of us is going to end up with two vacations, maid service, and the use of a Maserati for four weeks?”

“Unless I win,” Mac said, drumming her nails on the felt. Typical newbie response. She was too anxious.

“You calling?” Sean nudged Bryan with his elbow.

“Hell yeah.” Bryan threw a full house onto the table. “Come to Papa.” He reached for the pile of chips.

“Hold on, Bry.” Liam flicked his hand to the table. Four threes stared back at them. “Sorry about that, Mac.” Liam stood.

Sean wasn’t surprised about not getting an apology from Liam. The brothers each had had their turns winning. The money was immaterial; they enjoyed outplaying each other and getting together once a month. But Mac . . .

Still, he had to set Liam straight. “Good hand, Lee, but not good enough.” Sean flourished the straight flush.

“Shit.” Liam sat back down.

“Son of a bitch.” Bryan always insisted on having the last word.

Only Mac didn’t react. But at least there’d be no question of her joining them again.

Sean started stacking the chips, planning when he could take off long enough for the vacation he’d just won from his brother. Sooner rather than later, since there wasn’t much he could do on the Martinson project until the whole inheritance mess was finalized.

Silence descended on the table as he stacked the chips. Over three grand. Not bad.

His brothers were trying not to look at Mac. Sean, too, but he did catch the flicker of her lips. Probably trying not to cry. Yeah, a grand was a big deal to Mac, especially when she was pouring everything she had into her cleaning business. Maybe he’d slip it to her when Liam and Bry weren’t looking.

“Sorry, Mac, but that’s how the game’s played.”

“Yeah, Mac. We warned you,” Bryan added.

“I know.” She cleared her throat. “It’s just . . .”

“What, Mac?” Liam leaned an elbow on the table.

“It’s just that . . . doesn’t a jack beat a nine?”

“Jack?” Liam’s face turned green.

Sean’s stomach turned to ice. “Jack?”

Bryan’s mouth opened, but, for once, he was speechless.

“Yes. Jack.” Mac fanned her cards onto the table. Five hearts, in ascending order.

Jack high.

“I believe, dear brothers, you all need to be fitted for Manley Maids uniforms.”

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