What She Wants

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Authors: Jenna Byrnes

BOOK: What She Wants
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What She Wants




Jenna Byrnes


ISBN:  978-1-77145-142-0




Published By:


Books We Love Ltd.

, Alberta 



Copyright 2013 by Jenna Byrnes


Cover art by Michelle Lee Copyright 2013


All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher of this book.






Contains the stories:


A Cup of Sugar

No Regrets

Change of Plans

Good Outcome

Fight or Flight


A Cup of Sugar

Chapter One


Lisa Porter scanned the pantry shelves and shook the empty sugar canister. “Damn it!” She glanced at her ten-year-old daughter, who stood at the counter cracking eggs into a mixing bowl, and smiled apologetically. “Sorry, Tabby. Hmm, I thought we had everything to make cupcakes. Looks like we’re missing a key ingredient.”

Tabitha rolled her blue eyes.
“NBD about the cussing, Mom. But I’ve already added the eggs. What are we gonna do?”

Lisa smiled. There were times when the pretty girl who
’d inherited her perfectly straight, blond hair seemed much too mature for her age. Her playful blue eyes looked so much like her father’s it made Lisa shiver. Then Tabby would sprinkle an acronym into her speech
(‘NBD—no big deal, Mom!’)
and Lisa would remember the budding beauty was a pre-pubescent teen who routinely spoke in computer-ese and texted faster than Lisa ever could, even with practice.

From the doorway to the kitchen Lisa raised her voice and called,
“Brian! We need some sugar. Can you run to the store?”

What?” he mumbled back.

Lisa waited. After twelve years, she knew her man inside and out. He
’d heard her, but his first response always implied he hadn’t.

Sugar?” Brian repeated. “Why do we need sugar?”

Tab needs to take cupcakes to school tomorrow. Can you please run to the store real quick?”


She recognized the whine, and knew what was coming.

“I’m watching Thursday Night Football, babe. It wouldn’t matter so much, if the playoffs weren’t coming up.”

Lisa rolled her eyes. They paid the cable company big bucks each month for some gadget that allowed Brian to record several shows at a time. He could tape the game if he really wanted to.

“Couldn’t you borrow some from Kathy?” he countered. A
tone in his voice amused her.

Letting him off the hook would earn her some points later.
Not a bad idea
. Borrowing from her next door neighbor was a good plan, too. It’d be faster than going to the store, and Kathy was home. “I suppose so, this time,” she told him teasingly. “I’ll use the back door so I don’t interrupt Rod. I’m sure he’s watching the same silly game.”

It’s not silly,” Brian’s playful response came back. “It’s almost the playoffs.”

Yeah, yeah.” Lisa went to the cabinet and found a glass measuring cup. She smiled at Tabby. “He says ‘it’s almost the playoffs’ from about September on, doesn’t he?”

Totally.” Tabby grinned at her mom.

I’ll be right back.” A thought occurred to her and she raised her eyebrows. “I hope Kathy
sugar. She never bakes.” Lisa exchanged one more smile with her daughter before going out the back door.

Kathy and Rod Stevens had been their best friends since high school. From junior year forward, the couples had gone on double-dates with each other, and the foursome became
inseparable. Brian and Rod were stars on the football team. She and Kathy rooted them on from the sidelines in their tight cheerleading uniforms.

In some ways they were polar opposites, but their friendship seemed to work nonetheless. Dark-haired, muscular Rod came across macho and gruff, while fair-haired Brian, although strong and masculine, was the quiet, sensitive type. Kathy talked loud and acted flamboyant. Lisa tended to be reserved and shy.

When Lisa got pregnant their senior year, she’d assumed their lives would change dramatically. With the support of friends and the best boyfriend she could have hoped for, everything turned out well. They kept their secret under wraps and graduated. She and her handsome, blond-haired hunk had a lovely, small wedding. Kathy and Rod stood up with them. Tabitha was born six months later, and their friends continued to be there, every step of the way.

She stayed home to care for the baby, and the men got diesel mechanic jobs at the same company. Kathy began selling real estate, and naturally, when two houses next door to each other in a great neighborhood became available, they jumped on them. They
’d lived side by side for nearly nine years, and time hadn’t weakened their bond of friendship.

Lisa descended the stairs from her deck and crossed the yard to Kathy
’s place. Up the Stevens’ steps, she traversed their large redwood deck and tapped lightly on the sliding glass door. The blinds were raised and she saw into the empty, dimly lit kitchen. During the day she’d walk right in, but after dark, she knew her friends kept their doors locked, the same as she and Brian.

Guess I
’ll have to go around to the front and ring the bell
. She turned to walk away when movement inside caught her attention. Lisa looked again and realized she had a straight line view of half of the Stevens’ dining area, and Kathy and Rod had just entered the room.

What are they doing?
Lisa squinted and raised her hand to knock again, then pulled it back quickly
.  Oh my God! Are they…?

They stood sideways to her, and she had the perfect view.
They are!

Rod tugged Kathy
’s jeans and panties down to her ankles and leaned her forward across the dining room table. He brushed her long, brown hair off her face.

Kathy pressed her cheek to wood and closed her eyes.

His own jeans were next. He shoved them down past his knees and gripped his fully erect cock in one hand.

’s pussy dampened. She’d never had any complaints about Brian. He’d been well-gifted and definitely knew how to use what he had. But Rod…
Holy guacamole!
His prick looked long as a ruler and thicker than any cock she’d ever seen, even in porno movies.

The tall, dark-haired man placed a hand on the small of Kathy
’s back and nudged his cockhead to her pussy. Lisa saw her girlfriend’s legs part to accommodate the beast.

’s mouth fell open but kept her eyes squeezed shut. She thrust her butt up and welcomed the large, obviously familiar, intruder.

Lisa bit her lip and squeezed her thighs together.
I should leave
. She knew the right thing to do, but couldn’t take her eyes off the monster cock about to fill her friend. Once Rod had penetrated Kathy, she’d sneak back down the stairs and pretend this had never happened.

But Rod seemed to be in no hurry. An inch forward, then he
’d pull out and rub the slick tip over the crack of her ass
. Surely he’s not going to butt-fuck her with that thing!
Lisa was into most things anal but couldn’t imagine anyone taking his beast up the ass. She really hoped Rod wouldn’t attempt it, because then she’d definitely have to stay and watch.

The well-endowed hunk guided his cock back to Kathy
’s pussy. He’d apparently decided enough was enough, time to fuck. Head inserted, he grasped her hips and clutched them tight as he drove forward.

Lisa heard Kathy
’s guttural, orgasmic groan all the way outside. Kathy writhed against the table, working her body in rhythm with her husband’s thrusts.

’s nipples tightened and her pussy moistened further. In her mind, she could feel the cool, smooth table underneath Kathy, and hear the slapping of flesh on flesh as two bodies met with intense pounding. In a lust-filled haze, she grabbed the side of the house for support and at the same time, knocked over a broom which had been left there.

The broom clattered its way along the wall then dropped to the wooden deck.

Lisa saw Kathy’s eyes pop open and for an instant their gazes connected. Lisa got her bearings and turned, skipping down the stairs in a mad rush. She didn’t slow down until she’d entered her kitchen and closed the door. She leaned up against it to catch her breath.

No sugar?” Tabby asked innocently.

Lisa glanced at the empty measuring cup in her hand.
“Nope, no sugar. Looks like I’ll be making a trip to the store. I’ll be right back. Need to go tell Dad.” She set the cup down and hurried into the other room.

Brian munched pretzels and stared at their large TV.

She stepped between him and the screen and made a motion with her hand. “Pause it.”

What?” He glanced up at her then hit the pause button on the remote. “What’s going on?”

Lisa whispered so Tabby wouldn
’t hear, but she couldn’t tone down the excitement in her voice. “I just saw Kathy and Rod
doing it
. Right there on the dining room table.”

He blinked then grinned.
“You’re kidding. Did you watch?”

No! Well, just for a second. Oh my God, Brian!” Thoughts of Rod’s huge dick filled her mind and her face reddened.

Oh, so what.” Her husband shrugged. “It’s not like we didn’t know they
did it
. They probably know we
do it
, too. We have a kid and all.”

. She’d never given their neighbor’s sex life much thought. But this…this was all she’d be able to think about for a while, no doubt about it. “Oh my God!” she repeated to him.

Mom.” Tabby stepped in the doorway. “Kathy’s here. She wants to know if you needed something. Should I ask her about the sugar?”

Lisa’s mind raced. She couldn’t face her friend yet. “Y-yes, please, honey. Ask if she has a cup of sugar we can borrow.”

A confused expression crossed Tabby
’s face. “I thought you said she didn’t have any sugar.”

Brian grinned.
“Kathy’s got sugar all right. Go ask her, sweetie.”

Okay.” Tabby returned to the kitchen.

Lisa swatted Brian
’s arm. “You’re horrible!”

He laughed.
“Forget about it. It’s a part of life. If Rod and Kathy want to diddle on a table, let ‘em go for it. They’re childless by choice, remember? No kids to walk in on them. Nosey neighbors, maybe.” He ducked as she swatted him again.

Rotten.” She glanced over her shoulder then turned to head back into the other room.

Brian chuckled.
“Least I’m not a pervert.” He turned his game back on.

Lisa found Tabby at the counter, stirring some ingredients in a big, white bowl.
“Is Kathy coming back?”

Yes. She said she had sugar.”

Good.” Lisa tried to compose herself.

The back door opened and a flushed Kathy walked in. Her hair was askew and she had a decidedly well-fucked look about her.
“Hey sweetie. Got the sugar. Making cupcakes, huh? Want some help?”

Lisa blinked and waved her off.
“I’m sure you’ve got better things to do.”

Nope.” Kathy smiled brightly. “All finished.” She turned to Tabby and set down the sugar. “So, where we at in this recipe?”


* * * *


Lisa locked the bedroom door, flipped off the lights and climbed into bed. Her feet were cold, so she snuggled next to Brian to warm up. “How was the game?”

He wrapped his arms around her.
“Good. Damn, your feet are like blocks of ice!”

She chuckled.
“Sorry. Hoped you could do something to warm me up.”

Oh, yeah?” He cupped her breast through her silky nightgown. “Mmm, tight little nipple. Did you get horny spying on our neighbors fucking?”

No!” She insisted then figured she probably couldn’t hide the truth. “Well, maybe. Damn, baby, did you know Rod’s hung like a horse?”

Um, yeah,” Brian said in a ‘well, duh’ tone. He nuzzled her neck and continued tweaking her nipple. “We used to change in the locker room together. No doubt about it, he’s gifted.”

Gifted, yeah,” she repeated, trying to keep the awe out of her voice. But there was no way she could keep the image of Rod’s huge dong out of her mind, so she decided to use it to her advantage. “I want you to fuck me, Brian.”

Mmm, now there’s an offer I can’t refuse.” He tossed the covers off and lifted her nightgown.

Lisa pulled away and climbed out of bed.
“Not there. Over here. Like this.” She shoved her jewelry box and two bottles of perfume to the side of her dresser. When it was clear, she leaned forward and rested her face on the smooth wooden surface.

He chuckled.
“You sure you don’t want to go downstairs to the dining room table?”

Shut up and do me,” she teased, gripping the edge of the dresser.

Yes ma’am.” He fingered her pussy from behind, and if he noticed she seemed abnormally wet, he didn’t mention it. He pressed the tip of his cockhead against her. “Just remember, it’s me back here, not Hot Rod.”

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