What She Wants (4 page)

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Authors: Jenna Byrnes

BOOK: What She Wants
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An urgent need to pee woke her. Lisa disengaged herself from Rod
’s clutches to use the bathroom. On the way back, she glanced at the bedside clock and discovered the time was nearly eleven a.m. “Oh, shit!” She grabbed her clothes and dressed quickly.

Where you going?” Rod mumbled, one arm thrown over his eyes to block the daylight.

Tabby’s supposed to be home at noon. I need to get there and take a shower.” Every inch of her reeked of sex. Stickiness loomed in places she hadn’t known existed. Lisa was sure she looked as totally well-fucked as she felt. “I’ve got to go.”

Do we need to talk?” Rod raised his arm and squinted at her.

No. We’re fine. Um, thanks. See you.” She hurried from the room and closed the door behind her.

To her surprise and horror, Brian and Kathy were sitting in the kitchen, totally naturally, as if they had breakfast together every morning. He wore the same clothes, but he
’d obviously showered. They were eating something that looked and smelled like a Western Omelet. Most days, Lisa liked breakfast. Today, her stomach rebelled at the thought of food. “Hey.” She clutched her waist and headed straight for the back door.

Good morning,” Brian said congenially. “How’d you sleep?
you sleep?”

She gave him a small, half-smile.
“Tabby will be home soon. I’ve got to go get cleaned up before she gets there.”

I made breakfast,” Kathy offered. “Stay and have a cup of coffee at least.”

Lisa paused.
“Look, I know we need to talk, but I need some time to get my bearings. I’m going home now and I’ll see you all later.” She walked out before they could object.

She fumbled with the keys at the back door. Once inside, she didn
’t bother to lock it because Brian would be home soon. He’d want details, and want to share details with her. She needed to get her head straight before she could handle talking.

Lisa stood under the shower spray and let the water pelt her face. She tried to tell herself next-day guilt was normal after a night like she
’d just spent.
A marathon fuck session with a man who isn’t my husband.

She and Rod weren
’t the only ones who’d engaged in late-night festivities. They’d heard Brian and Kathy’s moans and cries well into the night. Brian used to be good for several rounds, but lately they were rushed and tired and usually stopped after one.

She soaped her body three times, rinsing in between, but still felt Rod
’s hands on her. Not a bad feeling, but strangely wrong in the light of day.

But lordy
his cock
. The delightful cock had satisfied her several times last night. She must have spent a good hour practicing how to get the thing into her mouth. It had been great fun at the time. Now, she just felt like a tramp.

The water began to cool and she shut it off. She stepped out and reached for a towel.

“Hey.” Brian leaned against the vanity, arms folded. “You okay?”

I don’t know,” she admitted, drying off without making eye contact.

Did you have fun? Was the night what you’d hoped it would be?”

I don’t know!” she insisted, and brushed past him to get to the other room.

Lisa, talk to me.” He followed her and grabbed an arm.

Their eyes met and she couldn
’t keep hers from tearing up. “I’m sorry!”

Brian pulled her into a gentle embrace.
“Sorry for what, honey? What happened?”

I feel like such a slut,” she sobbed into his chest.

He chuckled.
“Why? Because you enjoyed it? Isn’t that what you wanted? What we both wanted?”

Oh, Brian.” Her arms went around his neck and she hugged him tight. “I love you. I never thought I’d feel this way.”

What way, Lisa? Tell me how you feel.” He pulled back to look into her eyes.

She blinked back tears then snapped at him with the truth.
“Yes, I enjoyed it! I loved every minute. And I’d like to do it again.”

Brian searched her face, then sighed and rolled his eyes.
“You could have at least told me it was just ‘okay’.” His expression changed to one of seriousness, and he demanded, “Get on the bed.”

What?” She scrambled backward and obliged. He’d never talked to her in such a way before. Of course, it had been a night of firsts.

He walked toward her, unbuckling his belt and reaching inside his jeans.

“What are you doing?” She batted her eyes nervously, while a tingle of excitement stirred in her.

Reclaiming what’s mine.” Brian whipped out his cock and stroked it to full erection. “Spread your legs and finger your pussy. Tell me you want me to fuck you.
. Not Hot Rod. Right now, and only me.”

She did as instructed, amazed her swollen clit had any feeling left at all.
“I do want you, Brian. I’ve always wanted you. Oh God, fuck me!”

He glanced at the clock and her gaze followed his.
Eleven twenty-five
. They had time.

With no fanfare, Brian knelt between her knees and forced his cock into her. He thrust until fully seated then froze. His eyes were shining when he told her,
“I enjoyed last night, too. Kathy already asked when Tabby might be gone again, so we can have a repeat performance. And when Rod joined us for breakfast, he was happier than a pig in shit. So it wasn’t just you.”

A wave of relief took hold.
“Oh, God! I’m so happy! I was afraid you wouldn’t feel the same way I did.”

He thrust in and out a few times then paused.
“I just needed this to remind me of what’s real. Kathy’s great, but she’s not you. I love you.”

Yes.” Lisa agreed, gyrating her hips to get him going again.

Look at me,” Brian urged.

She did.

“I need to remind you, too. I’m your husband. I always will be.”

Lisa smiled.
“I never need reminding. I love you, baby. Sex with Rod was fun, but it’s not like making love with you—not like fucking you. We have a connection. We’re going to keep it that way.”

Yes.” An expression of relief crossed his face.

And get this,” Lisa said giddily. “When we heard you groaning last night, the sounds made me come right away. Rod said maybe some time we should all do it in the same room. I thought, maybe some time, we could take things a step further. Like maybe, all be in the same heap of bodies.”

He pulled up and looked at her, wide-eyed.
“Are you kidding me?”

She laughed.
“Can you see the look on Rod’s face when both of us kneel down to give him a blow job? Maybe even three of us.”

Brian cackled with her.
“Oh my God! You
a slut! I’m so glad I finally found this out. We’re gonna have such a great time.” He pounded her until they both shouted out their release, tears mingling with uproarious laughter.

He lay on top of her, panting for breath.
“We’ve got to get dressed.”

Yes we do. Go.” She nudged his shoulder.

Brian climbed off and tucked his dick back into briefs and jeans.

Lisa scrambled for clean clothes, and had just made herself presentable when a car pulled into the driveway.

Hand in hand, she and Brian walked to the front door and opened it.

Tabby greeted them with a big smile and hugs. “Guess what? Sharon’s mom wants to know if I can spend another night!”

Another night?” Lisa frowned. “Why on earth?”

Carole Johnson approached the front steps with her daughter, Sharon, in tow.
“I know it’s being rather selfish, imposing on your weekend and all. But my husband has clients from work he has to meet with tonight, and Sharon is going to be so bored. I thought if you didn’t mind, the girls could hang out one more night. I promise I won’t give them too much junk food, or let them stay up too late. They did that last night.”

Well, gee. I don’t know.” Lisa could see how excited the girls were, but she worried about not spending enough time with her daughter.

Brian stepped up just behind her shoulder.
“I think Tabby would love it. If she’s home tomorrow morning, it won’t cut into family time. We’ll have the whole day.”

Yay!” Tabby and Sharon jumped up and down.

Lisa glanced at Brian, who waggled his eyebrows seductively.

She smiled and turned back to the children. “All right. Come on, girls. We’ll go pack Tabby a few more things for another night.”

The kids ran past her and Mrs. Johnson thanked her profusely.

“No problem.
Thank you
. Come in and have a seat; this will just take a minute.” She ushered the woman in then glanced at Brian. “Offer Carole a soft drink or something?”

She walked down the hall, listening to their conversation.
“Sure. Can I get you anything to drink?”

Oh, I’m fine, but thank you.” Carole replied.

Lisa entered Tabby
’s room and helped her throw some clean clothes into a bag. When they returned to the front room, her daughter hugged her tight and grinned. “Thanks Mom!”

Have fun, sweetie.”

The energetic child thrust herself at Brian and they hugged.
“Have fun. Be good.”

Oh, Daddy!” She giggled, and walked out the door with the Johnsons.

See you tomorrow,” Lisa called, and with Brian at her side, they watched the car drive away. “Hope she gets some sleep.”

She’ll be fine. You’re the one who’s going to need sleep.” He extended a hand and she clasped it.

Sleep? Who needs sleep?”

He chuckled.
“Shall we go talk with the neighbors? They were freaked when you rushed out this morning.”

I was freaked
,” she admitted.

You better now?”

Lisa kissed him on the cheek.
“You always know how to make me feel better.”

Brian led her to the back door then muttered playfully,
“So does Rod, apparently.”

Jerk.” She swatted his arm and they walked out.

He grinned at her.
“But I’m
jerk, right?”

Absolutely.” She squeezed his hand and they climbed the stairs on the Stevens’ deck.

Rod and Kathy were sitting in the kitchen. They both looked through the glass door at the same time, tentative expressions on their face.

Lisa swallowed nervously and glanced at Brian. He winked at her. Together, they smiled at the neighbors.

When Kathy and Rod broke into huge, relieved grins, Lisa
’s heart soared. She grabbed Brian’s arm excitedly. He opened the door, and they walked inside together.

Sorry about rushing out this morning.” Lisa looked from Kathy to Rod.

You okay?” Kathy asked.

I’m great. Brian helped me figure things out. If you two are up for it, we’d like to talk.”

Let’s do it,” Rod agreed.

Kathy nodded.

Lisa glanced at Brian, and smiled.



No Regrets


Denise Crawford
’s breath caught as she entered the ballroom of the Realms Hotel. Streamers and balloons in the Grover Cleveland High School colors of green and gold decorated the room, but the place looked stylish, not garish or gaudy. Someone had shelled out big bucks for this reunion.

Collages of pictures graced walls everywhere. Upon closer inspection, Denise saw some of the photos were recent, and some were from their school days, twenty years ago.

Twenty years.
Had it really been that long since she’d walked the halls of GCHS? She glanced down and smoothed her straight, black skirt. Of course it had. She and Michael had started dating when they were juniors. They’d gone to the same college and gotten married the year before graduation. Four years of college were followed by two years as a legal assistant with the firm of Smith and Barney. She quit working when their first child arrived, and spent twelve years as a stay-at-home-mom. Denise loved every minute of those days. Raising Conner and Renee proved to be the most fulfilling part of her life. In fact, she often felt she had a fairytale existence, before Michael pulled the rug out from under her feet. When he announced he’d “found himself” and came out of the closet as gay, she felt more shocked and hurt than she’d ever imagined.

The last two years, precipitated by stages of anger and denial, progressed into something much easier to live with. Denise went back to university and now worked as a paralegal, on her way to becoming a lawyer. Her kids were thriving in school and had adjusted well to their father
’s new lifestyle. They saw him twice a week and every other weekend, without fail. Once Denise got used to the fact Lucas was now Michael’s significant other, the three of them got along just fine.

She glanced around the crowded room, wondering if Michael and Lucas were there yet. She knew they were coming; they
’d discussed the arrangements and decided to leave Conner and Renee with grandparents for the weekend. Lucas had been kind enough to offer not to come if his being there would upset Denise. She wasn’t exactly looking forward to the questions and looks they were sure to receive, but the reactions weren’t her problem. Her therapist assured her she was a smart, attractive, and appealing woman. If the only man she’d ever been with turned out to be gay, it should be no reflection on her.

With two teenagers, a job, and school, she hadn
’t found much time for dating. Meeting people was the hardest part. When she received the reunion invitation, she thought about some of the people she’d already met. One in particular came to mind: Jerrod Stone. Handsome in high school, according to Denise’s friend, Belinda, Jerrod looked even hotter now. He worked as a TV newscaster in New York, but planned to come back to Chicago for the reunion. And the best part? He was single. Exactly what she had in mind. She might not forge a lasting relationship over the weekend, but even a fling would be better than the dry spell she’d been suffering. She smiled and stepped up to the registration table.

Denise Crawford,” she told the matronly-looking woman behind the table. “Er, Lipton. I used to be Denise Lipton.”

Denise Lipton!” The woman squealed—literally, squealed. “How great to see you. I’m Connie Turner née Roberts.”

…who says that?
Denise studied the silver-haired, double-chinned woman for a moment before her gaze found the nametag hanging from Connie’s gold-sequined blouse. She scanned the identification, searching for proof that the lady who appeared to be about fifty was indeed the same age as her. Yup. Gulp. “Hello, Connie.”

How are you?” The woman scanned the table full of nametags and snagging one, handed it to Denise. Lowering her voice, she added in a conspiratorial tone, “We were all so sorry to hear about Michael.”

Denise blinked, surprised.
“What? He didn’t die. In fact, he should be on your list. He’ll be here tonight.”

Oh, I know. Michael Crawford plus one. Everyone is anxious to see if he’ll really show up here with a man.”

From her tone, the hostess might as well have said
“alien” instead of “man.” Denise frowned. “Of course he will, and why shouldn’t he? Lots of people in our class were gay.”

Lots might have been an exaggeration, but in a class of five hundred, Denise figured some of them would swing in that direction. Names escaped her, but she finally came up with one.
“Will anyone think it’s odd when John Marcus shows up with a man? I doubt it.”

Of course not.” Connie backtracked. “It’s just, after all that time, we were surprised to find out about Michael. The revelation must have been really shocking to you.” Her eyes sparkled as she relished in the gossip. “I mean, I’m sure you regret the way things worked out.”

Denise was surprised. Of all the emotions she
’d experienced, regret had never been one of them. Her marriage to Michael had given her Conner and Renee, and even knowing how the relationship turned out, she never regretted marrying him. “No regrets,” she told Connie with stone-cold seriousness. She bit her tongue to hold back another comment. Several thoughts flitted through her mind, but she was saved from herself when another classmate approached the table to check in.

She slipped away as Connie turned her attention to the newcomer. Denise looked at her nametag and saw her senior picture along with the name
“Denise Crawford née Lipton.” She winced, but clipped the thing to her silky black and gold blouse anyway. The pictures were a good idea. She hadn’t looked that closely at Connie’s. She’d have to try harder to read the nametags without squinting.

Will I recognize anybody?
She glanced around, fervently wishing Belinda hadn’t chosen a business trip to Brazil over the reunion. They’d been friends since third grade, and Denise relied on the thrice-divorced woman more than ever since she’d joined the “first wives club.” But she’d chosen to attend this event, knowing full well she’d be on her own. She never imagined her first conversation would have her defending Michael’s sexuality, but she felt glad she had. It’d been the right thing to do.

The next right thing to do?
Finding Jerrod Stone
. Damn,
I hope I recognize him
. She strolled through the ballroom, scanning faces for anyone familiar. At the refreshment table, she picked up a glass of bright red punch and downed it out of nervousness.

Her thirst quenched, she continued to travel amidst the guests.

“Finally, a friendly face.” A woman spoke from behind her.

Denise turned around and smiled when she recognized her old chemistry lab partner, Shelly Garth.
“Shelly!” She hugged the pretty, trim blonde. “It’s nice to see someone I don’t need a nametag to place.”

They pulled apart and she glanced at Shelly
’s tag surreptitiously. If she didn’t want people commenting on her marital status, she shouldn’t remark on theirs. But she did wonder if her old friend had ever married.

Shelly must have noticed the peek.
“Yes, it’s still Garth. You probably heard I got married.” She smiled. “I did. Twice. The first guy turned out to be such a jerk; I took my maiden name back. The second guy’s name was Rosenpheffer. You might remember, my given name is Rochelle. Not going there. I kept my name. Good thing. It didn’t last, anyway.”

Denise laughed.
“I’m sorry, Shelly. It’s not funny. I’m just picturing the signature, Rochelle Rosenpheffer.”

The blonde rolled her clear green eyes.
“He wanted a whole gaggle of kids, too. I couldn’t imagine saddling anyone with that name, but mainly, with him as a father. He was nutty.”

I’m sorry.” Denise quelled her last chuckle. “At least you have a better defined list of what you want when it comes to picking number three.”

I’m in no hurry to get married again. I’m taking life easy, having fun. I date a little, and I love my job. I’m a booking agent with Sunshine and Blue Skies Travel Agency. How about you?”

Denise filled Shelly in on her career, pleased the woman either didn
’t know about Michael or was tactful enough not to mention him. She’d just finished speaking when a tall man, at least six-three, stepped behind Shelly with two glasses of the fruity red punch.

Pardon the interruption.” He handed a glass to Shelly.

Hey, Tyler. Thanks.” Shelly accepted the glass and nodded at Denise. “This is my former chem lab partner, Denise. Denise, this is Tyler.”

Denise tried not to stare. Her old friend must indeed be having fun if her date tonight,
Tyler, was any indication. His dark eyes sparkled with an ornery gleam. Unkempt brown hair curled around his collar in little-boy fashion, but nothing else said “boy” about the man. Even through his stylish blue suit, Denise could spot muscles in all the right places. “Pleased to meet you.”

He smiled.
“You, too, Denise. Here, have some punch.”

Thanks.” Their fingers touched as she accepted the glass and a tiny shock sizzled through her.
Snap out of it!
Tyler was there with Shelly. Denise would not be one of
women. She’d find her own date. “I, uh”—she turned back to Shelly—”wonder if Jerrod Stone is here yet?”

From the corner of her eye, she saw
Tyler shift from one foot to the other, apparently irritated. What’s up with that? Did he think he could hit on her, right there in front of his date? Not going to happen.

, Jerrod Stone.” Shelly smiled. “I haven’t thought of him in ages. He was such a jock. Never gave a second glance to a nerd like me.”

I hear he works on TV now.” Denise gazed around the room, then remembered her manners. “You were not a nerd.”

Let’s put it this way, I liked chemistry. Jerrod Stone liked blondes with less in their heads and more in their sweaters.”

Denise realized Shelly was correct. Maybe Jerrod
wasn’t the perfect guy she’d twisted her memory into.
Oh, for fuck’s sake!
She wasn’t looking for husband number two, just a hot hook up for the weekend.

Didn’t think you were into jocks,” Tyler said to Shelly, then focused his gaze on Denise.

I’m not.” Shelly sipped her punch. “But Denise attracted a wider audience than me. I mean, look at her. Thick, gorgeous brown hair, spotless complexion, a killer smile, and that figure! Sheesh. Please tell me you don’t have kids.”

’s face grew hot and she smiled. “Two teenagers. Can you believe it?”

I can’t.” Tyler’s gaze roamed over her.

She shifted uncomfortably. Could Shelly see him ogling her? The woman was being so sweet. Denise wanted to move on before she unintentionally caused any trouble for the couple.
“Hey, it was really great seeing you. I’m going to wander around a bit.”

ran the back of one finger over her arm. “Save me a dance?”

Denise forced her jaw to remain closed.
“I don’t think so. I’m sure your date would love to dance with you.”

He started to speak, but she hurried off, amazed at his chutzpah.

She mingled and encountered a number of familiar faces, stopping each time to make small talk. The people she used to think of as normal all seemed so phony now. Everyone acted deliriously happy, with great jobs and wonderful families. When she ran into Michael, it was a relief.

Hey.” She smiled at him genuinely. He looked great in black slacks and a grey cashmere sweater. His neatly trimmed black hair had the slightest touch of silver at the temples. Despite what they’d been through, she still thought he looked wonderful.

Oh, hi.” He fidgeted, glancing around. “Look, just so you know, Lucas is getting some drinks. He’ll be back any minute.”

She waved a hand.
“I don’t care. God, Michael, have you talked to anybody? Who are these people?”

He chuckled.
“A group of really happy saps without problems, it would seem. I know people want to put their best face forward at events like this, but Christ! I just want to say, ‘Damn, my retirement account took a hit last year. How about you?’“

She nodded.
“You should. Oh, and just so you don’t feel alone, I’ll tell you my account tanked, too.”

He rolled his eyes.
“You think? Suppose that has anything to do with half of my account being your account?” He nudged her arm jovially.

Oh, maybe.” Denise felt comfortable for the first time that evening. She spotted Lucas approaching, and a twinge of jealousy struck her.

Hey.” The thin, handsome blond passed a clear drink to Michael. “Hello, Denise. Can I get you anything?”

She held up her glass, still half full.
“Thanks anyway. Hi, Lucas.” She gave him a resigned smile. He really was cute, and nice from what her children said. He and Michael made a handsome couple.

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