Read What the Heart Wants Online

Authors: Kelli McCracken

What the Heart Wants (17 page)

BOOK: What the Heart Wants
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Heaven shuddered at the thought.

Poor, Chels. If her despair had overtaken her all those years ago…what a horrible thought. Thank God, she had survived the heartache. Funny how secrets hurt the people they were put in place to protect.

Chelsea had her own secret. One Heaven would take to the grave, if needed, but she couldn’t help but wonder if Kyle knew.

On to better thoughts, like this lavish estate.

Glancing at the place cards on each table, Heaven finally found hers at the table next to Kyle and Chelsea’s. Why had her best friend seated her and Faith at the same table?

At least she wouldn’t have to sit right beside Faith. Layne would be there, instead. And to her left…

Just seeing his name made the butterflies dance. Their blazing wings scorched her belly.

Exactly when had her common sense gone missing? Somewhere between he-has-no chance-in-hell to God-he’s-flipping gorgeous.

Short of a few long gazes and saving her butt from a paparazzi nightmare, what made her think he was actually interested in her? Because Chelsea had said so? The woman who had just married the man of her dreams? She was high on life. Even a nuclear meltdown wouldn’t have fazed Chelsea.

Sure, Hope and Emma backed Chelsea’s assumptions, but it wasn’t enough.

“Are the plates that interesting, or are you practicing telekinesis?”

Speaking of tall, dark, and sexy.

Heaven struggled to find her voice. This man had her mind so twisted, she didn’t know if she would speak or sputter.

She had to play it cool.

“Um, practicing telekinesis,” she answered.

Dylan started to walk around her, but paused to lean in closer. His voice was feather soft as it brushed her cheek. “Good to hear. I would have worried if the plates interested you that much.”

He continued around her, pulling out the chair in front of her placeholder. Heaven’s eyes dropped to the seat.

Yep. He was a gentleman. Score one point for team Dylan. But would he make enough points to win her heart?

“Please tell me there’s an open bar. I
need a drink.” Faith said as she flopped down in her seat.

Layne came up behind her. His fingers wrapped around the back of her chair as he leaned in beside her ear. “Tell me what you want. I’d be happy to get it.”

“I’m in the mood for something different. What do you recommend?”

“An orgasm…the drink, of course.”

Faith looked like the proverbial cat with the feather sticking out of its mouth. “Oh.…darn. I guess that will work.”

“Maybe we can work on the other later.” Layne tried to whisper it. At least Heaven thought he did.

What the hell was wrong with people? First, Zeke’s eerie stare. Now Layne was a few seconds from taking Faith right on the table. Did weddings cause a surge in hormones?

Thankfully, Hope hadn’t heard the comment. She and Scott were taking their time getting to the table. But even they looked cozy. The way she batted her lashes and touched his shoulder. Was Heaven the only one who hadn’t lost her mind yet?


She turned to look at Dylan, but his eyes were looking across the room. Heaven followed his gaze to the table where Emma and Sebastian sat. Why was he looking at—oh. He wasn’t looking at his friends. He was staring at the green-eyed devil whose gaze was fixed on her.




* * *



What the hell was Zeke’s problem? The thirty-minute staring session was getting old. Zeke hadn’t even bothered watching the cake cutting. But when Heaven gave her maid-of-honor speech, Dylan fought against the urge to go over and pummel him.

She wasn’t some trophy Zeke could add to his collection. Did Zeke think he had a chance with her?

Not as long as Dylan was alive. Unless Heaven was actually interested in Zeke.

He gave her a sideways glance.

Okay, she was looking at Zeke. But the way she kept looking down at the table or the way her brows caught above her cute little nose…nope, she wasn’t interested.

Good thing Zeke gave up and focused on his date.

Dylan flinched when a violin hummed to life. How had he not noticed the stage or the instruments when he had first arrived? Was he that engrossed in Heaven? When mellow chords of the piano joined in, he gazed out to the open floor.

Guess it was time for the couple’s first dance as husband and wife.

He stole another glance in Heaven’s direction. Would she go out there with him if he asked? He opened his lips. But before he could get the words out, Emma and Brooke walked over.

“Don’t they look great together,” Emma asked as everyone turned to watch the newlyweds.

“It makes you believe in fairytales. Maybe there is someone for everyone,” Brooke added.

Dylan had never seen Brooke cry, but it sure looked like her tear ducts were filling to the brim. One blink and her face would be flooded.

Women and their fairytales. He couldn’t count how many times his mother had talked about soulmates. According to her, everyone had a special someone meant just for them.

But what if his mom was right?

Could Heaven be his soulmate?

Was it safe to consider such a crazy idea? She hadn’t given any indication that she was interested in him. She had barely looked at him at the rehearsal yesterday. And earlier, when she walked down the aisle, she couldn’t hold his gaze.

Maybe she was upset about the newspaper article.

Damned Sid Baker…

Dylan knew he’d have to make the first move. He’d never have answers to any of his questions if he did nothing. If he couldn’t get Heaven off his mind before they had met, how would he be able to now? He had to do something.

He sucked at talking to women. Never felt the need to before now. Heaven had changed that. He had many needs when it came to her. The need to be near her. The need to touch her. The need to taste her lips…

Dylan didn’t realize how lost in thought he was until the song switched over. One by one, everyone else began to enter the dance floor. Emma and Sebastian. Brooke and Jerry. Even Scott held his hand out to Hope.

This was his chance to ask Heaven.

If only he could find the nerve. And stop his palms from sweating.



* * *



Heaven watched Faith toss back her fifth shot. Great. Not a good sign on how this day was going to end. Looks like she and Hope would be babysitting Faith.


“This place is enormous,” Faith said as she glanced over at the curtain wall. “The coast looks gorgeous from here.”

“There is an overlook, out on the grounds,” Layne told her.

“I wouldn’t mind seeing that.”

Faith’s intentions were obvious…to Heaven. How many times had she watched her sister get three sheets to the wind and start flirting with the closest guy? Not that Faith needed liquor to flirt. She was doing a great job at the rehearsal yesterday, sober.

The way Faith’s eyes raked over Layne’s body made Heaven want to blush. Layne didn’t seem to mind.

“I can show you around. I’ve been here before,” Layne said, his smile just as devious as the one curving the corner of Faith’s mouth.

“Sounds like fun.” Faith cast her eyes at Heaven. “You wanna tag along?”

Politeness didn’t really work for Faith. There was nothing genuine about the way she had asked the question. At least Heaven didn’t think so. But it was easy to see through Faith’s façade.

Faith wanted alone time with Layne. She couldn’t care less about any scenic view of the ocean. It was easier to keep a fox out of the hen house than it was to keep Faith out of trouble.

“Thanks for the invite, but I have to pass.” Heaven answered, glancing down at the flute of champagne sitting in front of her. Her finger circled the rim before she grabbed the glass and took a drink.

“Ah, come on,” Layne protested. His eyes darted to Dylan when Heaven shook her head. “Come check out the place. Dylan will join us.”

Heaven’s cheeks tingled. She stole a glance at Dylan, wondering why his brows were so tight. He probably didn’t want to risk the paparazzi finding them, again. One day of being front page news was bad enough.

When Dylan’s eyes met with hers, she shifted them to Layne. “Thank you, but I don’t feel up to the walk; especially in these heels. You guys go have fun.”

Faith would love that answer.

Layne should have, too, but why did his smile wane? Heaven was giving them the privacy they needed to go do whatever people like them did.

Did he want an audience?

No, thanks. Heaven wasn’t into that freaky stuff.

“Oh, well,” Layne said, drawing his shoulders upward. “We’ll catch up with you later.”

Hopefully, Faith remembered to wipe the dirt off her knees before she came back. Or make sure her panties weren’t in her hand.

Heaven grabbed her glass, hoping to wash away the thought.



* * *



Dylan tapped his fingers on the table as he watched Faith and Layne disappear into the crowd. Shocking that Layne had waited this long to make his move on Faith. At least Layne wasn’t pulling the wool over the eyes of some naïve girl. Faith could probably teach Layne a few things.

He didn’t realize he was laughing until Heaven looked at him.

“They’re obvious, aren’t they?” she asked.

At least she had a sense of humor about the whole thing instead of wanting to kill Layne.


Every time those eyes met his, he stopped breathing. His stomach felt weird. Not like he would throw up. More like something pulling him forward, toward Heaven. His chest tightened. If his heart beat against his chest any harder, it would bruise.

And there was the breathing part. His brain was begging for air. Funny how he got so wrapped up in her that he forgot to breathe. Or maybe she took his breath away.

He inhaled deeply, taking in sweet sandalwood. The scent refreshed his lungs, rejuvenating his soul. He wanted to feel her arms around his neck, feel the warmth of her body pressed to his.

How could you want a person this much after knowing her for a day? Granted, he knew of her for longer, but did dreams really count?

He managed to flash a smile, but inside a war of logic versus desire raged on. Logic kept him planted in his chair, debating his next move. Desire begged him to touch her. To scratch the itch of his wanting fingers.

Victory slipped further from logic and in the end, desire won.

He offered her his hand. “Would you dance with me?”

Her eyes hesitated on his, dropped to his lips, then down to his hand. If she refused…

“I’d love to.” She pushed her chair back from the table and stood. Her silky skin touched his, making his heart soar.

When they made it to the dance floor, another song was beginning. The tempo hinted at another slow song.


He would have the perfect opportunity to be close to her…and all the reason in the world to touch her.




* * * * *







Dylan let Heaven set the boundaries before they started dancing. He didn’t know if she wanted to be close or at a respectful distance.

If it were up to him, they would be close. So close, he wouldn’t know where his body stopped and her body began.

But it wasn’t about him. It would never be just about him, anymore.

When Heaven’s hands came to a rest on his shoulders, his pulse boomed in his ears.


He wanted her so much.

Not a lustful craving. His soul wanted to intertwine with hers. Each beat of his heart increased. He did his best to focus on playing it cool, but every fiber in his body fought against the limitations his mind was setting.

Satin soothed his palms as he placed his hands at her lower back. A few sways later, they were dancing.

Heaven’s eyes flipped between his and the couples dancing around them. But Dylan couldn’t take his eyes off her. His chest squeezed when her lips rose at the corners.

When he finally got his emotions in check, he brandished a smile.

Time for conversation.

“Why didn’t you want to tour the grounds with your sister and Layne?”

He already knew the answer, but what else was he supposed to say? Hi. I’ve been dreaming of you for months. Possibly longer. Will you be my girl?

Yeah, right.

“I didn’t go because I know my sister. She wants to be alone with your friend.”

“Oh,” he chuckled. “I see.”

“There was a message inside her invitation. She wants me to keep Hope from hunting them down.”

He jabbed a brow toward the ceiling. “Do you think Layne will be safe with her?”

Yeah, he sucked at teasing, but he’d do anything to get those lips to curve.

The sweet melody of laughter filled his ears. “Not a chance,” she told him. “Layne’s a goner. Just write him off.”

“Layne who?”

Curls bounced about her shoulders as she shook her head, her body jiggling with a chuckle.

Seriously. Who was Layne?

possessed his thoughts.

The magnetic force pulled at him. Keeping his distance was tough.

“So,” he began, wishing his voice didn’t sound shaky. He cleared his throat and continued, “Did you happen to see the paper today?”

Damn, he loved that color in her cheeks, yet guilt spread like ice in his veins. He’d embarrassed her.

The tile floor seemed to interest her.

“Yeah, I saw that. I’m sorry.”

She was apologizing to him?

“You’re sorry?”

“Yes. I’m the reason you were on the front page this morning. They are trying to connect me to you, and I know that’s probably frustrating to you.”

His stomach clenched. Did she think he was ashamed to be seen with her? Is that why she was acting so strangely?

“Heaven, don’t worry about that article,” he whispered, waiting for her to look at him, again.

She didn’t.

Dylan placed a finger under her chin, forcing it up until she raised her eyes to meet his. “That article doesn’t bother me. If anything, I’m proud. Being seen with a knockout like you. It’s like staring at Beauty and the Beast.”

BOOK: What the Heart Wants
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