What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two (107 page)

Read What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two Online

Authors: Ella Jade Michelle Hughes Christa Cervone Ranae Rose Red Phoenix Nina Pierce Malia Mallory Kate Dawes Adriana Hunter Vi Keeland,Summer Daniels

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotica, #Box Set, #Anthology

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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She opened her beloved little book, loving it even more now that Rytsar had made its contents come to life. She glanced up and noticed each of the trainers appeared to have a copy of her entry. They had their pens poised and ready, making her wonder what they planned to jot down. It made her nervous.

Brie perused her fantasy before speaking. “Well, like I stated before, he did not look the part of an Indian warrior, but he certainly played the part well. He started the chase as soon as I exited the car, and threatened to cane me if I didn’t run.” Her nipples hardened as she recalled how fearful she’d been during the chase. “After he caught me, he tied me up and carried me to his ‘tepee’, where there was a raiding party waiting inside. I remember there was one man in particular who gave me the creeps and kept wanting to touch me. He must have been playing the rival warrior in my fantasy.”
Pure genius
, she thought. “My Dom left me alone for hours to hear their celebration. When Rytsar finally claimed me, he took me both vaginally and anally. He forced me to surrender to his desire, but he did it with tenderness like the warrior in my daydreams.” She felt the heat building between her legs just talking about it. She glanced up and noticed all three trainers writing furiously.

Brie decided not to mention the interruption by the police. “Since my fantasy pretty much stopped there, he added his own flair by making me come in front of his guests and then commanding me to give him fellatio. But the icing on the cake was when he tied me back up and took me on a horseback ride in the dark where I serviced him again next to a warm fire.” She sighed in contentment. “I don’t think it gets any better than that. Every part of my fantasy was played out…and then some.”

When Master Coen finished with his notes, he stated, “Normally, this is something you would do with your Dom afterwards, especially if it is the first time playing out a scene. It is important to go over the events together so you can let your Dominant know what you found stimulating, and if there was an important element missing or one that should be eliminated altogether.”

Brie nodded her head. She knew exactly what she would say to Rytsar if she could.
Please, Rytsar, do it

Sir came back with Lea. He looked over at Brie and nodded before heading back to his office. She stood up, trying to calm her rapidly beating heart. She wanted to look cool and detached for the panel, not like the helplessly devoted sub she was. She followed Sir, listening to his confident stride. It wouldn’t take much for her to forget what mattered and give in to her desire for him. Surely, he could feel it.

He gestured her inside, but left the door open this time. She was grateful—and disappointed. She started to kneel, but he stopped her.

“No, Miss Bennett. Sit in the chair.”

She moved to the chair, her hands trembling slightly when she grabbed the armrests. She shoved both hands into her lap as soon as she was seated. Brie kept her eyes downcast, afraid her face would express her deep need for him.

“Since I missed out on the discussion, the first thing I want to ask is how your encounter went today.”

She wondered how he would take her honest answer. “It was exceptional, Sir.”

“Good. I expected no less. When I mentioned to Durov that I had a unique sub training with us, he offered to evaluate you.”

Brie almost glanced up out of shock.
Sir invited Rytsar to bid for me?

“I had two reasons, really,” he continued. “One, I was curious to see if he would agree with my assessment and two, I knew he would provide you with a complete experience.” Brie felt the blood rush to her cheeks. “I shall find out tomorrow exactly what he thought, but I am curious as to what you think he will say.”

“I’m unsure, Sir.”

“It is an easy question, Miss Bennett. Did you serve him well, or not?”

“I did my best, Sir.” She thought back to her hesitancy in the bathroom and her freak-out when he’d first tried to take her anally. “However, I remained true to myself.”

Sir chuckled with that low, masculine rumble she adored. “I’m glad to hear it. Now, on to the real reason I called you into the room. I want to discuss what happened to Miss Wilson and I need you to look me in the eye.”

Brie held her breath and stared into Sir’s eyes, becoming completely lost in them the instant she made eye contact.

“Miss Bennett, know that Miss Wilson is getting the best care. I fully expect that she will remain in the program. She was in the hands of a capable Dom who recognized what was taking place.”

Brie would have expected no less from Tono.

Sir picked up a pen and started to roll it between his fingers and thumb. She couldn’t help it—she imagined those fingers were playing with her nipple in the same manner and felt a gush of wetness between her legs.

“Naturally, seeing one of their comrades in such a state would be disconcerting for anyone. Do you have any questions or concerns?”

Brie swallowed, trying to concentrate on his words rather than his fingers. Her gaze traveled from his hand up to his face, lingering on those firm and commanding lips. She knew their taste and had felt their magic touch on her flesh…

“Miss Bennett.”

She quickly stared at her lap again, forcing herself to get a grip. “Naturally, I couldn’t help but wonder if it could happen to me, Sir.”

“But after talking to the panel?”

“I feel more confident that it won’t.” She braved another look at him. “Because I’m not one who can hide things.”

The intensity of his gaze consumed her. It took everything Brie had not to bow at his feet.

Sir put the pen down slowly and then laced his fingers together. He said in his low, chocolaty voice, “I would agree. Your openness is an asset that will serve you well.”

Breathe, girl, breathe.
She was imagining his light touch on her skin. Could he read her willingness in her eyes?

“Are you worried about Miss Wilson?” he asked.

She shivered a little, because there was something that was bothering her. “Sir, will Mary really be forced to tell us what happened? Shouldn’t something that painful be kept private?”

“The three of you must learn from each other. It is part of the strength of this program. Yes, she will share the details from her past that caused her to react so violently tonight, but she will be instructed on how much needs to be revealed. You are a collective now; it is imperative you learn as a unit. Consider it a submissive sisterhood of sorts.”

She nodded, not breaking eye contact with him.

His eyes traveled to her collar and she felt a warm burn around her neck. “Anything else you would like to discuss, Miss Bennett?”

Her voice trembled. “Sir, I—”

He put his hand up to stop her. “We must keep to our roles. I am your trainer and you are my student. Your future depends on remembering that.”

She blurted it anyway, despite his warning. “I am glad you were my first, Sir.”

He looked down at his folded hands and said nothing. Each ticking second that went by broke her confidence. Maybe she had misread his intentions.

“If that is all, you are dismissed. Tell the panel I will join them after I finish the paperwork.”

Brie stood up and turned, a single tear falling down her cheek as she walked away. Had she just been a conquest for him?
I’m such a fool.
As she headed towards the door, she straightened her back and lifted her head a little higher.

“Brie.” Her name on his lips was like honey.

She turned, discreetly wiping the tear away. “Sir?”

“I am grateful, as well.”

“I’m thrilled to hear that, Sir,” she whispered.

He nodded, and then picked up the pen on his desk and began to write. She walked down the hallway, trying to contain the utter joy she felt. She concentrated on her walk to calm herself down. The damn heels were starting to feel like a part of her, and she just loved the way they clicked on the tiled floor.

When she returned to the commons, she saw that Mary had rejoined the group. She had a peaceful expression on her face and looked more relaxed than Brie had ever seen her. It was a pleasant look for Mary.

After Brie had delivered Sir’s message, she sat down between the two girls. Mary tensed and growled under her breath, in typical Blonde Nemesis fashion.

Marquis Gray stood up. “We have kept you longer than we’d intended due to tonight’s unusual circumstances. You have a full day of rest tomorrow. We expect you to take time to reflect on this past week. We will read over your Doms’ evaluations and base this coming week’s curriculum around what we discover.”

He looked at each of the girls, but focused specifically on Brie. Once again, she found his dark eyes penetrating her soul. Was he trying to gauge the extent of her interaction with Sir? She hoped her calm exterior gave nothing away.

His eyes narrowed as if he suspected something, but he didn’t comment on it. “We will see you Monday, then. Come prepared for a thorough critique. You are dismissed—except for you, Miss Wilson. We would like to speak with you privately.”

Lea and Brie stood up and smiled at each other. Brie was planning to ask Lea to join her at her apartment for a little nightcap. Maybe Lea would even agree to be filmed and they could both share their individual fantasies for her documentary. One thing was certain, it was going to be a late night, full of girly fun and plenty of giggles.

She looked back at Mary and actually felt a pang of sympathy. That poor woman had suffered through a difficult experience, and now she was being forced to stay after hours to discuss it. It surprised Brie to realize that she cared about the bitch.
Who would have guessed?

Just as the elevator doors closed, Brie saw Sir sit down with the panel. She held her breath, hoping he would look in her direction, but he didn’t. She understood that he couldn’t.

Damn, graduation day seemed a lifetime away. She forced herself to concentrate on the week that lay ahead, a week that promised new lessons and a ton of sexy adventures.

(Week 2)

Brie Practices Her Oral Skills

Anatomy of the Mighty Shaft

ea had not left Brie’s apartment until four in the morning. They’d been having way too much fun discussing their training experiences to call it a night until it was close to dawn. It had left Brie so exhausted that she’d slept until noon the next day. Her time spent with Rytsar had been an extraordinary gift that still permeated her being the moment she woke. The Russian Dom’s take on her warrior fantasy had been something she would cherish forever. It was hard to believe that just a week ago she’d been bemoaning her boring life, but now…life couldn’t be more thrilling or challenging.

She got out of bed and immediately bent over in pain.
Oh, crap!
She ran to her calendar and counted out the weeks. Shit, her body was like clockwork. Now what was she going to do? Missing five days of training would be totally unacceptable.

She grabbed her laptop and emailed the Submissive Training Center. Thankfully, Rachael answered her an hour later.

Dear Miss Bennett,

Thank you for emailing me about your concern. Rest assured we are quite aware of our students’ cycles. If you recall, it was one of the questions on your application. Keep in mind we have been doing this for twenty-five years and have it down to a science. This week’s curriculum will not require vaginal penetration.

Your classmates happen to be in sync with each other and are a week later than you, so that week has been planned out as well. (Now you have a better understanding of why we keep the classes quite small.)

You will not miss any training, so I humbly suggest you enjoy your day off and not let it concern you further.

If you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to email or call.


Rachael Dunningham

Brie felt a surge of relief, but she couldn’t help wondering what the week’s curriculum would involve if there wasn’t going to be any pussy action.

She spent the day pampering herself with the movie
9 ½ Weeks
, a pedicure and Chinese takeout. In the evening, she recorded an addition to her latest training session for the documentary she was making. She specifically addressed her reluctance to obey Rytsar over a simple command, because Marquis Gray had insisted it was important.

Brie looked directly into the lens. “Why was I hesitant? Well…it’s so private. I don’t know. It felt weird having him stand in the bathroom. I realize it’s not
a big deal, but I balked. It wasn’t until my Dom looked cross with me that I pulled down my panties. I can’t tell you how thankful I was when he left the room so my shy bladder could release.” She sighed and shrugged. “I guess I just won’t think about how exposed I feel if it happens again. Seriously, if my Dom wants to use it as a power play then, just like Ms. Clark said, it’s a harmless enough request.” Brie snickered at the camera. “Although imagining mean ol’ Ms. Clark peeing for Rytsar cracks me up!” She giggled as she turned off the camera.

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