What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two (111 page)

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Authors: Ella Jade Michelle Hughes Christa Cervone Ranae Rose Red Phoenix Nina Pierce Malia Mallory Kate Dawes Adriana Hunter Vi Keeland,Summer Daniels

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotica, #Box Set, #Anthology

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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Mary stopped and took a long drink. She seemed about to speak, but then she took another long sip. Brie felt for her and sincerely wished Mary didn’t have to reveal her painful past.

“So… By the time I was ten, my dad was heavily into drugs and drank all the time. But the only time it affected me was when he drank his rum and Coke and smoked crack.” She stopped again and drank over half of her cocktail. It surprised Brie that Mary would prefer rum and Coke when it’d had such a negative impact on her life.

Mary continued, “The combination did something to his brain and he changed.” She barked angrily, “He never touched me sexually, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

Nobody said a word, so she went on, “My dad would make me lean against a kitchen chair and then he’d rant about how he wasn’t ever going to let me leave. That’s when the beatings would start. He knew exactly where to hit so that it caused the greatest amount of pain without leaving a mark. I think he got off on hearing me scream.” Mary picked up her glass and downed the rest of the drink. She got up and made herself a new one.

When she sat down again, she said off-handedly, “A guy would have to think about that, wouldn’t he? Where to hit a little girl so it didn’t leave a permanent mark? Even though he was drunk and high, I always suspected he was coherent on some level. He just fucking hid behind the drugs and alcohol as an excuse to hurt me.”

Brie took a sip of her wine, finding it hard not to turn and give Mary a hug.

“Can you imagine beating up a ten-year-old kid? I fucking hate him! Hell, I hate my mother just as much. He probably got his jollies beating on her too, but what kind of mother leaves her little girl behind with such an animal? I blame her every bit as much as my dad.” She mumbled into her drink, “They can both go to hell.”

She stopped talking and slowly downed the rest of the drink. Lea asked softly, “What happened last week?”

“Oh, that? Well, Tono has this weird way of tying people up. I liked it at first, but I don’t know… It was creepy. I think that’s what started it. The two of us were having a good time together. I mean he is a hot piece of ass and God, he can make a girl come. But after being tied up for so long, I started to hyperventilate. He asked if I was okay, but I didn’t want to stop so I claimed it was turning me on. He made a fine interrogator and we were just ramping up to the good stuff.”

She sighed heavily. “Tono threatened to hurt me unless I divulged more information. I told him where to go and he slapped my face like in my fantasy. Normally, I like that kind of thing but I just flipped out and started screaming hysterically. I don’t even remember what happened after that.” No one spoke when she’d finished.

Mary was a mystery to Brie.
Drinking the same drink as her abusive father and seeking out situations similar to the abuse she suffered as a child?
It was almost as if Mary were a moth, drawn to the flame that would eventually burn her.

The more Brie reflected on it, the more she believed it was good that Mary had come to the Training Center. With the help of her counselor and the guidance of the trainers, maybe she would find a Dom who could help her to overcome the demons of her past in a constructive way.

Master Coen came soon after to collect them. Instead of heading to the auditorium, they walked back to the same classroom. When she entered, she saw her hot, Italian Dom waiting for her. She smiled, remembering how smooth and tasty his cock was.

Marquis Gray stood up to address the girls. “To be well-rounded submissives, you should be able to take a good face-fucking. Many Doms enjoy it. For your second practicum, we will observe how well you become vessels for your Doms.”

Brie froze. It was one thing to take a man’s cock on her own terms and have control of the action, but it was completely different to let him have free rein over her resistant throat.

“Kneel down before your Doms,” Marquis Gray ordered.

Brie did so slowly, with a growing feeling of dread.

Her dark-haired Italian commanded, “Undress me, slave.”

She undid his pants and pulled them off. His beautiful cock stood before her. She realized it was the exact same size as the dildo. It gave her a little more confidence. She looked down the line and noticed all three men were the same size.
How thoughtful of the trainers to pick normal-sized cocks for our first face-fucking session

Brie took her Dom’s cock in her hand and began kissing and licking his shaft. He grabbed the back of her head and pushed her mouth farther down on his dick. She adjusted and sucked harder, trying to build up the extra saliva needed to make it easier on her throat. After an ample amount of time, he pushed his cock against the back of her throat.

She gagged and instinctually braced her hands against his thighs, pulling away with tears stinging her eyes.

“Open,” he commanded.

She mentally prepared herself for the onslaught and opened her mouth to him. Again, he grabbed the back of her head and forced the length of his shaft down her throat. It wasn’t even a choice for her; she pushed against him and broke contact. It hurt.

She turned her head and watched Mary calmly taking the thrusting of her Dom, her face a picture of peaceful acceptance. It was almost beautiful to watch as his dick disappeared into her mouth, again and again in rapid thrusts.

Brie was determined to please her Dom that way. She put her hands behind her back and opened her mouth wide. After two of his forceful thrusts, her hands snaked around of their own accord and tried to push him away.

“Hands,” he warned.

She dropped them down to her sides, but the next deep thrust had her pushing against him desperately.


Her arms hung in midair as she used all the willpower she possessed not to disengage. The tears fell and sobs escaped each time he thrust in and out of her. She could have used the safe word, but she refused, not wanting to fail in this.

She closed her eyes and endured. It was ugly. There was nothing sensual about how she took his shaft down her throat. Her nose was running and she couldn’t stop crying. He took pity on her and pulled away. She could only curl up over her knees and attempt to quiet her whimpers.

“Miss Bennett, please follow me,” Sir said, standing beside her.

She looked up, all snot-nosed and teary. She tried unsuccessfully to stifle the sob that erupted from her lips. He held out his hand and she took it.

Brie meekly followed him out of the classroom and they walked to his office in silence. He guided her to the chair and then sat down at his desk. He handed her several tissues and waited until she had control over herself.

“Why didn’t you use the safe word?” he asked quietly.

“I won’t give up. I can’t fail.”

“But you did just now.” The truth of his words crushed her. “I have always told you to be true to yourself. This was a prime example of what I was talking about. By stubbornly enduring it, you have harmed yourself and lessened the chance of becoming successful at this skill.”

She looked at him sadly and then broke into a fresh set of tears. “I’m sorry, Sir. I can’t stand failing.”

“In this case, you failed miserably. We didn’t stop you, because we all wanted to see you take control of the situation. Imagine doing something similar, or worse, on your own and then being permanently scarred by it. There is a reason we give you a safe word. What you failed to do is similar to the mistake Miss Wilson made. Do
let your stubbornness or pride keep you from ending a scene that is traumatizing you—ever.”

Her tears had stopped by then. Now she only felt shame. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

“Marquis Gray is correct; most Doms will expect to take you in that manner. It is important you overcome your fear of it.”

She nodded despondently.

“Brie.” Her stomach fluttered when she heard hearing Sir say her first name. “What if I tell you that I want you that way?”

She looked up at him, and her heart nearly stopped beating.

“I want to feel the tight constriction of your throat around my shaft. I want to see you look up at me with adoration as I pump my cock into your mouth.”

Suddenly the act did not seem as frightening. If it was something Sir wanted, she would willingly give it to him, or at least try.

“Tomorrow, you and I will practice on stage. It is important to succeed in this, but if it becomes too much, say the safe word and you can attempt it again another time.” He looked at her kindly. “This does not have to be conquered in one session.”

“I want to try, Sir,” she said breathlessly. “I want to please you.”

“It’s only natural. You’re a sub.”

“No, it’s more than that…”

“Stop, Miss Bennett.” Her heart ached when he called her by her last name. “Let’s not mistake this for anything more than a practice session.”

She looked at her lap and answered quietly, “Yes, Sir.”

Regardless of his warning, she coveted the chance to please him, to show him how she truly felt. If he knew the extent of her feelings, how could he ever let her go? Sir would never find anyone else as devoted. He was her everything.

She left the Center after their talk and headed straight home. As Brie lay in bed that night, she thought of Sir.
He’s probably wondering how I’m doing, or maybe he is imagining my lips wrapped around his perfect cock.
Despite Brie’s failure during the second practicum, she longed for this session with Sir. He hadn’t really touched her since their encounter together, and she
Sir’s touch.

Pleasing Sir

he next morning at the tobacco shop, Mr. Reynolds noted the extra spring in her step. “Wow, what’s got you glowing like a candle?”

Brie blushed and smiled, but said nothing.

“Ah, must be young love. That would explain your lack of focus this past week. Is he the one who gave you that quirky necklace?”

Brie caressed her thin, black collar and said proudly, “Yes.”

“So, who is he?” Mr. Reynolds pressed.

She grinned. “Nobody you would know.”

He grabbed the inventory sheet and called back to her as he walked away, “You should bring him over to the shop sometime. I’d like to meet the young man who has captured your heart.”

She giggled to herself. She could only imagine the look on Mr. Reynolds’ face if she came walking into the shop dressed in her sexy school uniform, arm in arm with Sir. The poor man might have a heart attack.

She laughed her way through the day, surprised at how fast work went when Sir was on her mind. Before she knew it, she was heading to the Training Center and her practice session with the headmaster.

Brie was disheartened to see Blue Eyes—Todd—waiting for her at the front doors again. She hated to be rude to the boy, but it was a necessary evil. He needed to understand that she wasn’t interested in him.

“Good evening, Miss Bennett.” He swung the door open for her and let Brie pass without trying to engage her in conversation.

Well, that went easier than expected.
She snuck a peek to see if he was watching her, but he was talking with another student. She figured he must have gotten the hint the first time around.
Huh, he’s smarter than I gave him credit for.

Brie struggled to pay attention in Mr. Gallant’s class, but her mind was intent on pleasing Sir. Her instructor noticed and called her on it. “Miss Bennett, what are the five suggested techniques to enhance fellatio for the male?”

She did a quick replay in her mind. Although she hadn’t been paying attention, luckily her mind had taken note and she was able to rattle them off. She held up five fingers and folded each one down as she named the techniques. “One, remain partially dressed. Two, position yourself so that your Dom can see your lips on his cock at all times. Three, continually make sensual sounds. Four, intensify the act physically…”

“Examples?” he asked.

“Um…” Brie was scrambling, but it quickly came to her. “Examples are like having him put his hand on the back of your head or using your hair during fellatio.”

“Fine. Go on.”

“Five…” She put the last finger down and smiled. “Saliva is your friend.”

“That is correct.” He looked at her knowingly. “I suggest you employ those techniques tonight.”

Was he aware of her upcoming practice session with Sir?

“I will, Mr. Gallant. Thank you.”

“Ladies, tonight you will proceed to the auditorium first so that refreshments can be served afterwards.”

Her heart rate shot up. She was going to encounter Sir sooner than she’d thought! It was hard not to run to the auditorium. Instead, she walked alongside Lea, who seemed in no hurry whatsoever. Brie almost squealed when she saw that not only were the trainers already there, but Sir was on stage.

“Proceed to the stage, Miss Bennett,” Sir commanded with his velvet voice.

She floated to him. It was just Sir and her—there was no other reality.

“Are you ready, Miss Bennett?”

Keeping her eyes on the floor, she responded, “I am, Sir.” She paused and added, “Mr. Gallant suggested I use the techniques I learned today.”

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