Read What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two Online

Authors: Ella Jade Michelle Hughes Christa Cervone Ranae Rose Red Phoenix Nina Pierce Malia Mallory Kate Dawes Adriana Hunter Vi Keeland,Summer Daniels

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotica, #Box Set, #Anthology

What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two (153 page)

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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When Brie opened the door to him, he was taken aback. Rachael had outdone herself in picking the outfit. The girl looked stunning. He entered her small apartment and introduced himself as Khan before commanding her to turn around.

She turned slowly for him, showing off the tight embrace of her dress. He did not miss the gold zipper down the front. It had been a requirement for the night’s events, however, the slit in the back of the outfit was far too modest. He pulled at the seams and ripped it until the slit almost reached the curve of her ass. He grabbed onto her buttocks and caressed them hungrily, remembering the feel of being buried deep within her.

Thane removed the lace panties she was wearing, irritated by the barrier. But in doing so, he caught a whiff of her scent and wavered in his resolve. “Face the wall,” he commanded.

Brie did so without hesitation. He tied her wrists behind her back and contemplated bending her over and fucking her, but caressed her shoulders with the fur instead, leaning down to whisper, “My elegant property.” She trembled under his touch, and he felt a surge of excitement.

Thane led her to the waiting limousine outside. Her subtle movements and rapid breaths announced her desire to be taken. How little she understood his respect for the scene she’d laid out. He would not stray from it. The King did not fuck the girl in her fantasy…

They pulled up to the warehouse where the fight was taking place. It was enjoyable to see Brie’s look of disbelief when she was confronted with the rundown building. Surprising her held a unique thrill—it was unsettling as much as it was intoxicating.

Thane took her inside, noting that Adams was already in place, selling tickets by the door as he had been instructed. They walked to the caged ring in the center of the huge warehouse where Maccio was already pummeling his rival.

Brie turned away in disgust.

“Watch your victor, girl,’ he commanded.

She obeyed without question and observed a quick end to the fight. Maccio left the ring and came towards them after Thane’s driver intercepted his path and directed him.

Thane felt Brie stiffen beside him as the victorious fighter approached with a lusty grin on his face. Maccio looked at him. “My prize?”

“Yes,” Thane answered, untying her wrists and commanding Brie to give the man the pleasure of her mouth. He saw the understanding in her eyes and the approval of his choice of male.

Brie sank to her knees and took Maccio’s cock as an innocent would. However, the fighter was hyped up on adrenaline after the bout and handled her roughly. Brie took it with grace, moaning passionately for her victor. The sound of her pleasure sent Maccio over the edge and he pulled out, pushing Brie to the ground to fuck her.

Thane was incensed by Maccio’s aggressive handling—but to assume he could take her enraged Thane beyond reason. “No!” he shouted as he shoved the fighter off Brie. He helped her up and brushed off her knees, taking the time to straighten her dress before turning to Maccio in disgust. “
take more than you are offered.”

He left in order not to spoil Brie’s evening, but there would be an exchange later. Maccio would be held accountable for his disregard of the set parameters the two had agreed upon.

Thane was certain Adams would follow his lead without question. Not deviating from his plan, he informed Brie that she still needed to prove herself to her Khan and then nodded to the boy. Adams instantly put down his tickets to follow the couple.

He could tell by the way her eyes lit up that Brie appreciated the look of the blond with boyish features that he had chosen. It was going to prove an interesting night with the three of them playing out her scene together.

Thane felt Brie quiver, and he had to hold back his smile. She was like putty in his hands. Beautiful, sensuous, receptive…perfect.

Once inside the limo he directed Adams to the back, for he had plans of his own which had nothing to do with Brie’s fantasy.

This was

Playing the part of Khan, Thane ordered her to lie down on the bench seat so he could ‘examine’ her and determine if she was to his liking or not. With drawn out pleasure, he unzipped her dress and exposed Brie’s full breasts. Her nipples were hard and begged for his attention, but it was her pussy he truly hungered for.

He pet her mound lightly and watched her struggle, trying not to respond with desire. He liked that she was keeping to her character; it would make the night easier to control.

With a wicked smile, he pulled out the velvet box from inside his jacket and held up the strand of pearls for her to see. “A test.”

Thane pressed his hand against her thigh, forcing her legs to open more. Brie’s eyes grew wide as he separated her pussy lips and placed the pearls on either side of her clit. He pulled the necklace taut. He watched her squirm as he dragged them down slowly, her clit dancing to the caress of the multiple beads. It was so beautiful that when he reached the end, he repositioned the necklace to do it again.

He glanced up when he heard Brie moan under her breath. The wanton lust in her eyes called to him. She was in need of him, but as headmaster it was imperative that he resist his student.

He lifted the pearls from her clit and admired how wet she’d made them. He twisted the necklace once and placed it over her head, laying the pearls carefully between her breasts. Truly, there was nothing more beautiful than Brie in that moment. He would remember it, a snapshot in his mind to savor in the future.

Satisfied with his little indulgence, he returned to her fantasy. “Girl, it’s time to expose the truth.” He caressed her mound before slipping his finger inside her velvety depths. Her whimper was exhilarating, but it was her slight movement inviting his fingers to explore further that nearly did him in.

“For an innocent, you are exceedingly wet,” he reprimanded.

She whispered, “You have that effect on me, Sir.”

Blood rushed to his cock as he continued to stroke her from the inside. He was immediately taken back to their first time together…Brie crying out his name as he fucked her virginal ass. It was not a memory he needed if he planned to keep control. “Khan,” he corrected forcefully.

She blushed, realizing her error. Thane knew Brie took her submissive role seriously and was confident she would not make the mistake again. He reached further in to caress her G-spot.

Brie shook her head, trying to control the fiery sensations he knew he was creating. “No, no…” she whimpered, keeping in line with her virginal character.

But Thane would have none of it. He wanted her orgasm. “Do not deny me.”

She looked up into his eyes when she came around his finger. His cock twitched in response, longing to join Brie in her release as her pussy milked his middle finger.

His body
entrance into her dripping paradise.

He mastered the desire before pulling his finger from her wet cunt. He brought it to his lips and licked her essence—pure ambrosia, that salt-honey taste of her. He looked Brie in the eye, denying the lust raging inside him. “Sweet as an innocent should be.”

Thane instructed her to dress, needing to separate himself from her. He tied her hands behind her back again, noting the shiver that ran through her when they touched. When the limo pulled up to the opera house, he placed the fur over her shoulders and helped Brie out of the car, commanding that Adams follow.

There was something divinely wicked having his sub bound in public amongst the unsuspecting populace. A feeling of power he found quite addicting.

He walked her to their boxed seats and ordered her to sit in the chair closest to the stage. Although they were not there to watch the performance, he was curious to see what her reaction would be. A lover of the art, he secretly hoped she would be as enamored by it as well.

He slid the fur from her shoulders, untying her wrists afterwards. “Have you been to an opera before?”

“Khan, may I be brutally honest?”

“Yes,” he answered with a smirk, curious what she would say.

“I have avoided them. I’m not into foreign singing.”

It pleased him that she was an opera virgin. “You have done yourself a grave disservice, girl. Have you heard the story of Madame Butterfly?”

“I only know it ends sadly.”

He nodded his head, pushing back the images of his father. “Indeed. Unrequited love that ends in tragedy…”

Thankfully, the lights went down and the opera began, distracting him from the unwanted thoughts. His eyes were trained on her as she watched. Her slight smile, the way she shifted in the chair, and the tears in her eyes spoke to an understanding of the art.

It surprised him that he felt only anger at the discovery—a deep resentment that this girl could never be his.

“Girl,” he commanded.

Brie was so wrapped up in the opera that she’d forgotten her place and did not hear him.

“Girl!” he barked.

She turned to him and looked mortified, realizing her oversight. “Yes, Khan?”

He suddenly had a change of plans and ordered, “Over my knee, now.”

As Brie lay herself over his thighs, his cock hardened in response. He pushed up the skirt of her dress to expose her naked ass. He lightly caressed her buttocks. Although she deserved punishment, he humored himself by playing with her fine ass instead.

Thane lifted his hand and felt her tense. He hesitated, wanting to draw out the anticipation of the first swat. It landed solidly, and her buttocks reverberated with the contact. He was slow and controlled, wanting to simply arouse, but damn…he desired to possess her body and soul.

He grabbed a fistful of hair and pulled her head back, kissing Brie with all the passion he had been fighting. She responded, melting into his kiss, inviting him to consume her.

Thane pulled away abruptly, unwilling to give in.


He went back into his trainer mode, moving the chairs to the side and commanding her to lie on the floor. He lay beside Brie and unzipped her dress. Doing this in the theater added an element of risk and exposure he knew she would enjoy.

Thane watched her chest rise and fall rapidly as he unclasped the front of her bra and freed her exquisite breasts. He caressed them lightly, confident his touch was driving her mad.

He nodded to Adams and the boy knelt down between her legs, unbuckling his belt. Thane noticed her look of hesitation and understood the reason. Her need for him was tarnishing the scene.

He bent down to suck on her nipples, fingering one tight bud while he suckled the other. Her whole body stiffened when Adams readied to take her. Thane stopped what he was doing and instructed huskily, “Let him touch you.”

Her body relaxed immediately. He appreciated her obedience and leaned over to nibble her breasts, but felt her tense again. Thane glanced down and saw Adams tasting her. He shut down the unwanted emotion boiling up inside him. He would not allow anything to interfere with her fantasy, not even his own unwarranted jealousy.

“Prove yourself worthy of your Khan’s attention,” he commanded.

Brie gazed longingly into his eyes. He kissed her and whispered, “Let him claim your innocence.” She opened herself to the boy and allowed herself to be taken. Thane ravished her then with fingers, mouth and tongue. If he could not possess her body, then he would possess her spirit while Adams enjoyed her.

When Brie moaned into his mouth, Thane lost himself. It was his cock diving into her forbidden depths. It was his thrusts pounding the message of his total possession of her. She was his, and his alone…

“I want you to come for him,” he growled as he locked lips with her again. He felt Brie’s body stiffen just before it shuddered in a powerful release. Chills coursed through his own body at the soul-level connection created by their exchange.

He pulled away, shocked by it. Thane quickly returned to his role of Master, shutting down the unfamiliar sensation. He helped her dress before the lights turned on for the intermission. Brie had caused a stirring in him that was utterly disconcerting, but it was also… intriguing.

Knowing that the final act would soon be starting, Thane informed her, “We are done here, unless you want to watch Butterfly commit
.” He chose to dismiss Adams, giving into his desire to explore their connection further—alone. Thane knew he was playing with fire, but when would he have the chance again?

Thane escorted Brie to the limousine, and had to adjust his cock in his pants before bending down to enter the vehicle. He had never experienced such unrestrained desire for a sub, and felt a check of caution.

He heeded the warning and directed his driver to head back to her apartment. Thane buckled her in and chose to sit opposite of Brie, far enough away to remain aloof.

It pleased him to see her covert glances, Brie’s desperate attempts to gauge his mood. It was enjoyable to keep her guessing. “What did you think of the opera, girl?”

“It was more beautiful than I expected…” she murmured, then Brie smiled seductively for emphasis, “and
more exciting, Khan.”

Her eyes were pools of desire… desire he no longer wanted to resist.

Thane instructed calmly, “After I untie you, remove your dress and bra. Brace your waist against the seat. I don’t plan to be gentle.”

Brie followed his instructions and laid her stomach against the seat with her legs spread wide for him. Her pink pussy, wet and inviting—begging for fulfillment.

He grabbed her mound possessively. “Mine!” He caressed her skin, appreciating the smoothness, committing the feel of her to memory. He took it a step further, grabbing her ass with one hand while he rubbed his shaft against her moist outer lips.

All reason left the moment he looked down and imagined his cock buried deep inside her. He’s denied himself the pleasure for too long… he’d come too close to the flames and now he must burn, no matter the consequence.

“You want this, girl?” he growled as he moved into position to thrust.

“Yes! Love me hard, Khan!”


BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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